2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY .. .,4::. .. J. % . _.! Pubiehed DUaily (Su day excepdd eting the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrricE: The Inland Preps,BHenning Block. Both Phones 14a. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O. H. HANe, '00L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . G. D. HoNUTT, '015E. T. R. WOODeOw, '00 L. A. H. McDOUGALL,'51 1E A. G. Banwx. '02. E. J. B. Wac, '00, L..RaoeaaaEaRY, '00, W. . HIlREo, 'cc2, .H. JERNEGAN,'00L. WA. KNIGHT, '01L. The subscription price of the AILT is $2.50 for ha college year, with aregular deliveryhefoe aeon each ay. Ntice, comuicatioa, ad other matter intended for publication must be handed in at the DAILY office before S p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p, i. of the day pWevioue to that on which they are expected to appear. SIahscriptions may be left at the DAILY itoce, yer's, or Stofiet's newtand, or with Business anrger. Souhcrier will cooner a falvor y mosrting promptly at thks offce ay failre at carriers to deliver paper. All changes in advertising 0catter must be in the aofoc by a p. i. onthe ay previo 1 to that on which tuev are to auucear. Contest for Presidenc of Demo- cratic Club. The Democrats of the University are becoming ttore ad more interested in the eletont of officers to e held tomor- row. This election will undoubtedly be the most interesting and largely at- tended one the Democrats have held for many years. This interest has been aroused 1" the strong canvass tat is being made -.y ine two tickets mi the field. As a result of several caucusses two tickets have been nominated. They are known as the Hughes ticket and Means ticket from te tso canisates for president. Te full lst of candida tes is given eloss. HUGHES TICKET. For President: J. R. Hughes, o L., of Fayette,M is- For first rice-president: Harry J. Sproat, 'ot E., of Grand Rapids. For second vice-president: Todd Ward, '03 M., of M tount Ver- non, 111. For secretary: R. B. Huston, 'os, of Ann Arbor. For treasurer: Dean W. Kelley, 'o2 L., of Evart, Mich MEANS' TICKET. For president: Lieut. Rice W. Means, ist Colo, 't L., of Denver, Colo. For first vice-president: C. B. Fulkerson, '02 M., of Three Rivers, Milch. For second vice-president: A. D. Rogers, '02 D., of Grass Lake, Mich. For secretary: L. E. Mills, '02, of Ann Arbor. For treasurer: G. . Diez, '2 L., of Gilmal, Il. Both factiots are making a thorough canvass which insures a large attend- ance. The contest will be a spirited one and probably pretty close. The election will be held at 2 p. tn. tomorrow in the auditorium of New- berry hall. Papers at the School-Masters Club. Among the papers to be presented at the meeting of the Michigan Schoooas- ters' Club to be held in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 29, 30 and 31, is one by Professor Henry C. A iaims of the department of political economy of the Uriversity on the sub- ject, The Relation of College E llcation to a Business Career. Another paper will be the Legal Status of th Teachers by Professsor Floyd R. Mechell of the law department of the UniversyS. Chicago Students Suspended. Suspension from the University of Chicago for six months was the penal- ty which President Harper and the fac- ulty decided on for C. A. McCarthy, leader of the Glee club, and Peerley Freeman, a soloist of the club, for vio- lating the rules of the club in regard to class standing. Leader McCarthy was suspened because as leader he per- mitted Freeman to appear in a concert at Ravenswood two weeks ago. Athletic Association Hop. There is every indication that the Ath- letic Association dance tonight in Water- man gymnasium will be as successful as the former one this year. The dancin will commence promptly at 8:15 o'clock and continue until midnight. The U. of M. band will furnish the music and alternate waltzes and two-steps will be played. It is hoped that twenty-five numbers can be given, but it may be im- possible to get these in the required time. Among the chaperons will be Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Knowl- ton, Mrs. Pattengill, Mrs. McLaughlin. Admission will be one dollar per couple. Inter-Societyj Cup Debate. The preliminaries leading up to the Inter-Society cup debate began last night in the Webster Society when her first thirty-six men debated ; the rest to fin- ish Saturday evening. The other three societies hold their first trials Saturday evening. On April 13, the Jeffersonian meets the Adelphi and Webster the Alpha Nu, the final being held May ii. The Jeffersonian holds the cup from last year and will vet up a stiff fight to retain it, The Phi Delta Theta fraternity will give its annual banquet at Detroit tonight at the Hotel Cadillac. IN THE Ist SET OF FOURS That's where we place our busi- ness and where we intend to keep it. Though we do not parade the fact at as great length as some do, we are just as strong and just as long in quality and efficiency as any in the state. QUARRY'S C~iSPa RGS.c 'tR D'Tt'I cORE~. The Guarantee on SHIRTS is not all that makes them good- it's the material in them-the way they fit-the amount of value you get for ONE DOLLAR At Your Furnisher or Clothier CLUETT. PEABODY & CO. (Sucesor to cluett, Cow Q Co.) Makers ATHENS THEATRE Friday March 23rd The Rays in "A Hot Old Time" The Funniest Yet Prices, - 25, 35, 50, 75. Seats now on Sale Comming-AI. 0. Fields Minstrals JOHN F. HASKETO T. DEWITT2ALLEN, 223 So. Ingall St. 720 S. 12th New State Phone 436. New State Phone 2903-r Tie Campus~ P1oto~raplers Baveafullline of U. of M. and Ann Arbor Views. Make a specialty of Students' Rooms and Flashlight Work, at reaonable prices. Views on sale at Calkins',Schedee', Loelles Edwards Bros. and Schaller's Bookstore. - - ' -A Gentleman's Feet... do not have to be crowded into uncomfortable shoes in order to comply with the laws of fashion. Fashion has become decidedly lenient. Perhaps not permanently so, but we won't worry about the future. At $2.98 a pair we guarantee to furnish an ultra-fashionable and more comfortable shoe than can be pur- chased elsewhere at an equal price. And our guarantee means: your money back if you want it. i9 GLASS'S SHOE STORE Open e. en s 109 S. Main 8iTfLIMLR &1U['RTBl E WISH we could tell you just what day we will open, but we don't know it our- selves-but it will be near April 1st. Whenever we're ready to do business bear in mind that we will have noth- ing but new goods and cash basis prices to offer............... . GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, POR TABL E L AMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. J. F. SCHUH., 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. ,,IIOLMES' LIVERY... FINE COACHES AND COUPES For Parties, Receptions Etc. Good and Prompt Service Guaranteed S. L. oA.COURSE TENTH ANNUAL ORATORICAL CONTEST FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23. Contestants F. L. CHURCH, C. C. SHOYER, A. J. HOLLAND, J. A. MONTGOMERY, G. W. MAXEY, W. J. ZIMMERS. FIRST HONOR: Chicago Alumni Medal and seventy-five dollars. SECOND HONOR: Fifty dollars. Contest to begin at at 8 o'clock, sharp. Admission, 50c PI' s o rP116O 0 F APRILL'S SHOE STORE To wait until you are conpelled to buy rubbers. THE WISE MAN buys rubbers and has them ready for wear when occasion requires-and has less to pay the doctor. POCKET SCISSORS FOR 250 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.