4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F Fled tw the slenten :a reeatthe. nrth' Te pui at amet if the Sprias peep: iforth. F, It is with a feeling H opk nsonOf pide which w think padonale that we inite ynr ealy ail: ig atheaaeautteaeeetnath e'eeserta stnry. Oe Ctit pttens LadngTaiors f thWrld Sitanad Overoat . S m ith' Tailor made to your measure at the pice of the Hadmedwa WorksL. C.GOODRICH. 'A or4 sAgetrteeset Talor oneareth. ot RotoeeestNtoa ir n4Cecn i q ~sClbWent, MNasee Driver. Sterling BiFe e T m G o a .M ST E RSThe O ther lleto , Short Storie . C Y C L E E MlP O RIU M W ash ing i A GentlemntVagabonad, atnd Some D O ( 'Y O U (I)Li $.A1.O K VI(I~ Other. F . A- Day at Lagnewe's, andt Other 4 Pttsbttt~ Stoges fl't - - Days. 6 Bill Antttotty (igas foe Cotonel Carter of Cartersvitte. 4 Btrutswick Ciogars for Whit Utbreta h Mexco. Old Number: A. hie mbela n V~~iO. 44 SO. MAIN ST., D ANN ARBOR, MCH. D A Well-W~orti Roads of Spain, Do- lan, nd tayT ravetedt by Mid-Lent Affair at the Athens The- Calendar. tit atiIttare M n\ ala r l l tec -\~ l H a paitnter ini Searcth ittthei t ,~c t ae telge pituresquae'turn out elcmasnot teU tharsetacevert ii II :tto i irt he tt t of: tig toattendt t tthe e ttaitmt:: to cbe I1tre ina:chol "-wal "XX n T aI gi cin t, 1the ,tn ltc lett:cfrha w et 7:0 p. In ittilt adgr tic: hae c omprescit tlt i r-- ttiat intntonof ttndng i iittly te Pupils ecitit, M arhi 29 cl: t cli at ic11well dpatnen h ii acd t t~itl t atll te ecgcg: d Fict,yMlach 23--Attiete Sheehantof&tCo ie:sityu.::liont:tate: iati ym PUBLISJIFRS, BOOKSELLER, { XX lois -h : X scet arelin-m STATIONERS ad ENRAVERS, : tilt leds tieIprgram-iT h1le et:st i- Iriday, 0 Iar 23 I - ANN ARBOR- - - - ICHIGAN cla]lc te ic 1rncsE lre.I. r ___________________________________ 1i t io n d ::t lit If.(Con let ilit', i act rh 3 tuitl'rtaclii U. ofl M Barber TVAO Baxs Ahat sCliff:: (Xoe Fak Mlt tltlaci.Mth2 ia Shop and Bath tha Cit. (a ii piiutt N ttciit \ tLnt te'lriatiGye RootiS, a22 STATE. J. R. Taanaaa it Le_ _1i lar hst -y :1 cleaig P UNIVFRSITY SCHOOL OFP Yeaiirieeof te:: lUt verse D10111Clubs, DG Sptitlet l[h ihIcs i- I t., XX: lt y ii(,ttil c i:u aad 'oinurc ams re.8 8topm ~ h u ical :::::ict t JeomintJ oC:: co:et:trte i:Nw ery hllft PINK{ BROS., Instructors le iltliidiect le eteaenta:. atfireading roam. Offie and Academy Nicke Hal, 334-336 . aale e~rec a tay ihe hd t .icriay, .ac 3.-Spl down_________town_:111: ::::1:: ltoec.;it l t tite:. _______________ Fr~iaytMaech 3d-Pea, ARECORD BREAKER f I- -XW.J:nksatfCreltUiv i i ~~~~~ceaite line ifl AdlereIi. ia: e-oo oermn tei tiiteiifoie.itan t ae.it, ie, iteane & ech ttCeenn2et0lt $3.L00l::e &B 1 ei~catt.cea aet teenak R htnttof Chi - Alrra 1la in 'Finc tos a'io eintent Clab CttIe LA e LN FOUNTAIN r at e 'tie thiletree Uric aven-ingiashotldti I lhio 'lte for--Sriing PEIS,)helarigely tattee. hltray & iTk $.00 tAC 1 orottl: le.iviwitotit cidl:::bt tin::f the Ftnitt A n w ln fMa h ta lc::i- :Icabout::cmte dins oni ict instge t- it: at hradaas tIRyate &Rit I!14 1ltiyendith leie funnytantic ao : tir tiinlthem Suth Sain steet iiit doenoat iu: it ole: Cilte, 3 aplerea::ce leaicntt yet beat: ftegltte: M SC t l BS50 sit u::; nd ttdffet $111) frIt.a:MtS__C_____CLUBS___NOT N 91MEET1CO NT]" S1 ANS N S 01CI ltie :will be a tmeetitg at YOU at1e:::::iialt iit-vtin6ye B1a1joi iand: XIadoinitc ltbsin i ant yaa lino a euitY n heact, I hal t tvhf eat t-i- e t al eIt Llice: itty tll utins tatenin a' a Anlitsy isutiue ittnOIlTce for Ith:irn .tyfe:1:n tattafeeSYBY ei yoraet o atet it F: INEX.-XTE RC E , ICE li: grA O S (lPENt te --nen:-an-ebenWhlen dwn tawnt:call at nttlyatie let: cent t ct aidresse Drl. Vitte C. V taryhlbut iet ittcth le Cigar Stre 1a6 Eat Hurons on luonsSientific alutb at ithisaome iin Snuthl a fine line of pipes tohaco ant tni ueu H' a i ft aeofti aeenpeapeat :tt e .- State mreee, Satureday- t aeing. W X. X. DAI today. State wethe lit'sat get'sastylaesdeired. Adress-*v --en --= ---}' LAUGHLIN MNFG ICO. Opening of Spring Woolens.... 12 tisaold S., etont, Mia x copan inWoolens for tte comn easomn hae arriedee AyBank hoaremi.Expesnsapay the nmost extenive line eve poduedi hens ____________________in spread on our tabtead now open fo yen to naitekseletion. We hiavemtde eey preparation to strictly retain the peati-tea E- ~ tandard of our tailoring and to promptly Ty The... $ serve our patrons We solicit your inpe- SIDE tion at ant early date NRHLAUNDRY WAGNER & CO., Tailors, THtOSF OWE, Peap. 123 South Main S i003 Boadway 7Iell Phae D. fR TINKER & 80N HIATTERS AND FURNISHES etiaa at Headquarters far ndt temt-iti teen the HATS, CAeS, MEN'a FUNISNIS asd Coenpletelitneof GYNSIUM GOSanad SWTESa. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Saath State Stree atk, As:: Arbori-- Fowler Can.Main andHoSret es, Capital, $t0,0oa. S5rplan, $30,000. Trasas geeeraltbanng btiss. R, KnuP, res. C.iE. 0 snE, Vie-.Pes II9 West FanD.NHBancSna. Cashier. toStetFIRST NATIONAL BANKi Oegneted 1557 Ciapital, S100,('00. Stieplue end Peafien, 840,00t Tretnactsiageeraltbaningbueinese. Fereign exchanget bought and cold. Furnish leitees ef ceedit. E. 0. EINE, Pesn. HARSOSOULE0, Vice-Pe. 5e S. W. CLARKISON Ceahie 25c Ihe AnHnfArbor Savings Bank 25' (ailt Steck. $5a,000. Surpluse,$1t0,0 . Reatirces, t61,0,00. OrDganized tieder tieeerlanei k ihg taws at Lc m fthin State. Reaceiesdepoasits, buiys and seile ec ason hepriecip:a itiesaaf the Uetted Sf t epoait bst or t 0i en InChita: oak, Pesa.:W. . Hari- neonVie-Petes.;Cliai.E. iniscaci:. Ceshier; M, at.e Fritz, OAsitantPe as ie seeANOL, let Viceiteey STATFE Pubit i- J.JV. SHEEseANsticetpe lpanhlJean.C. Wa.zAss.at hie SAVINGS BANK I :tc at: 'rainsacts a general t Ittaanc Bankinig Business ,cAseocta- a COLL EGtATE GAPS, ai, 8 pa. GOWNS and H-OODS, caitet I'! C APS apd GOWNS, cal cont[t, A PEGI{5LTY. GLASS CGSNES, (ti:a :tdc- m I COLEGc EsosAG, t 11, I CUSSPIPES, ,Xiet wih I CLASS STATIONERY, .MeetwithGOLLEGE PINS, ainatlutn, 8 COLLEGE SPECIALTIES ent hi. . W.C. KERN & CO. sity, antal 4aitE ifity-Seventh St. C(AGO,IL. puse Si e' 'A ' "' "A slice to w o zatt club ppeu fof bnefi ( lf w one reason tcmtehop CC why Old En. Jeremih A SICL 79ACat pipe ersity Ad- dishCuv - bacco is so K & o. oThe carved cute. See tin hex that fits any packet is another - reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever fthte Glee, n room:eC. .7 oclickc. the Newv streeL,for d cigars. S, Prep. treet. " made as many friends in so short a time. " It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave, New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jlbtic 60,04S Oiill tt1adopted by the teading Colieges, Scheats nid Atltict Cbiftihe Cti outry. ..EVFneRYoenuSITF Fas.., Bane .Sall Teannis Feat 1Hall AtihCetics Golf Gymnasiunm Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Of'cial Halt at ihe National League anid ati teading collegeaso ciatios. Spaidinge Bass Bali Guide loe 1900, 10c H adso r at A.uepG. Spaldiug & Bros. toan yaddress. NEW OK HCG EVR NOBBY TAILOR STATE' ST. THOSE NO BBY GOLFS 1 1 r MILWRD