2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Wihed Daily (Sndays eceeted) dring the Cllege yea, at THE UNIERSIIY OF MICHIGAN. 0 FamtE Inand Pecs,Henning Blct. Bth thaane, 17. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENEaanAeA, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. I. BAS,.'0 L. EDITORS. ATILETICS, . . . G. D.B ilasec, '01 E T. A. Weaan,'tL. A.B. MCDUALL,'l . G. Beatea. '02. E. S. B. Waa, 'h, J, MONaaeOatstt,'lW, W. 11. Ilteet, 'UaM, Theehcttatec.lte~t~ t.ta t he cliefs ya, titha egla dn1 very he0f noneach day. Ntice, cnanutat eeata, atd Rathetattereiateaded fouepaicatianc uttteh Leaded ia at th AILutts'iceiaehftre tIpea., o enailed aa the edioa efohe3p . atfatthe day ]ieiato tataten which they ae epected to appe. sahciptiaotesemay be left at the DAILY offaice, Xceye's, at Stailctetnowttand, te with ttttiace Maneage. Ialteeiteee will cfacletttae i y reparting pomp~tly at thi aticany atyitlitteead ataieeeiaodelivepaie. All ctages letadertiingt ttttte matteitle the oafiea y ap. i. ttthe tiay peaiaceItotat mna which tec te tateaa Tihe Statday Time-fHeald cntan,; a caluttet cut af "Dutch" Ferie, aatng vth cut afther wceaten cache. ['a.-Peident tlevettddist e ah ee- tv""r'ht Princeton thiattyelr.'Ie ha w1~rcecit eems, ha dlier thaelec'ue's liuted fat by the S1tatriLittle ftnd at 1,000cwhich etabihesalctrsi onthecmea cattatcedcciti ltiheIlife. Thre iautnewnctarto potcataPi- ctate lyendotadac wicitt'$10tilt cy a taunknown dontraT histchi hc%- canta" ct tat acitofal'anit ait tc ti Junior Latws Hold Exciting Eection Tileuitt r ttlO aii ciaiccmetchont 1iihttt dac altroiocnfothtiltit.nital 0ecriolcof offt'crs iiFank immelttt, eatL t at the fnci. c astult intlltliicii eaf"tt'ti 'thlceticaagc. F. c. Poter antiF. V. PartitIdt' ccrl itvtctttattci fotprsietic 'Mr.Pit-ci trroseto ecitt ott hiltgrcctntd tiat ah a caucusheditethe itgtleit t- fre Mr1Partrliehiadcieitt i citt c~ a a noineetlctoserhitiiatdcIlit 'ii- c o eihobeibouttdciby ietactin. fUc. ~cici.extteptions osottttrec at ks inic i aolttin ta1hutcaill icaiofh hi caucuctsattiithis cicn iatsei sttchita sotmt as ias been cci a."' 'I sttltotiatcyars itt a cias meetinge' Itt'eopdithiat somec tt'nachoice spirts stppost'diiytrepr- sctiiticg a certaincsctii atathat te rootta oofftO'theticn oteci' wichi of the twso sioulidibthit Itohilee of thiat sciot. It appears tlet ciairtmatn of te cactts ook tc- cson to store ot'acof tetcaniicats fotr'attenptngto acik titcau1uhI Iieflte aitik otthim.Thtt '1ieget- Vem~an cc o acteci as cairmccai prot'ly tiarose atdadmniteditite satemtitcs attitecitohimtia an catusteia setsationc iay ittouingtt a alt wt"crittenc by' lie catdidaecin qetstion'a trginag'thitcparycati dr'aed to see to itthliat itt itd entough'i friends at tict cacus. Tic die'csson puitttt he ioit cass cut edge andthte scene was very liveiy fuo a siort tine efore tie nomi-t Itatols wcere cosedI 1etc I.ITit of Macontc'was ioninateti on ftesulr oftitetmoment He lprovedi a ei talie "ark iorse"xxwienteIbaunot ing began. _No candiicate received a nmajorityonthlie first baliot, and W oukezie E S-J W auIkezie Tait rather a smaii vote. But the0 E , w oter candciadaescoutic not hcod. ticeir stretcgth antI Tait kept gain- Box Calf, Storm Calf, Russia Calf, and Vici, all Leather Lined ing untllite received a majority on tice focirtitiaaiiot, tbe oth'er two FORMEN H EQIFOR MEN iv after this the ciass acijoturtnecI witihottt eiectitcgte remcainitng offi- $2.00, $2.25, $2,50, $2.98, $3.25 and $3.50 cers, as it chas six o'ciock. Beat theto rd tar xvear, style, fit andcinItisha. Our enamel ealf, Iheavy sale. E- hension ELhat,11usd Setseci $3.10 Speial. Choral Union Concerts. GLA S S SHOE T I9OUHM N The teliawinz is the list at thorat l AS ' H E ST RS0 O TRMAIN U~nion cocetsftarthisayeartccith thce dae.Thinstrill be the first appeatr / The ant o mVcto" Herert und it trhea- Ira ta Ann Athoe. The ChoralUno itt "itawatha's 5We'dding Feast," un-Single tertuira a aewe tine atfsworkafeast tha-t talloe clt he pah rasted Whicht we offer are Na 6t551Pihthur Oeecetta. igh class mnufactured 5 ichtIHeret. coenduetor. Noas 20, l89-Clarence Eddy, Organ SaesI garmaents, are cut from Rhecital;tClunchian organa.j heavy weighit Serges, Dec. 18, ch9-Choral tUnion and Chi- S* u itis fatney Worsteds, Clie- cgo SympnatcyOrehestra. "HIa-I ltTed n hbt tha'a Wedintg Feast," saloists, ..iosTwes ndTiibt Hamniteno;helt lcinrich aMeyn, hati tte; thagna L nat, sopranto. I Tie fashionable broad shouldered, ilSon- Recit ael . nsym JeiyI tatrtow wsasted cut is represeicted Febh 23 1899-David ittham. r. -as wcell as the straight back coat- Sethur FantHarguerihe Hall atai the only txvo styles ins vogne Dows' MaezieaGoatdott, "Itt a Persiatcar Vests are sitcgle and double breasted. tenan 'a. eslectedlprograma. $10.00 to $20.000. Sccretanj hGage Has Started West. ecretairy at the Treasury Lyrnan J. NooI6' S Gg rrvdidCiaoyetra mocrnitng team a visit in lice car west. P OSNcrJ'~oNs Late Ic e luday lite asisted in rece'iv- HOMOnmr~ c Iceg Pie sident Mctautley5usd the p ____________________________________ iirtial lparty'. The secret ary paoem yr ptes in liha layin~g ut tihe care tcnSie I A O af the newr tederal huildimng aiday hy To ticsolid chudencts we need no itroducltion; to the ne ons we trill nay actig as the icre sidintg oahcer. He crit WVE CARIRY TIlE MOStl' COMPLETE LINE IN 'THE CITY and ea remintn hic~ago iccthth le preaiiden- nuppiaaly ny lw book pubiishaed. it few If our miscellaneous publications 1t iartly'dutrineg thefestival exercises, with SP'EsCL:PRICES: and cfter that cittcaoe directly to Von Holst Constitutional History, S volet Sandaret' Jastinian An ee.hchra'ioCiaateWileton's Works, 2 Vols Tacker on the Ceoestitutieo, 2 vetls An ro.Ysedyi hcg eStale Trialet Erskine Speechest, 4 valet cxprossedi himocelt en the ecenocmical Curran SpeechesetRancher Political Economy, 2 vola condition oathlie contry an ohserved by Cull for oar Catalogne of Law Books. Pleased to quote yomu Prices. ei n hius ecent timpy (-'AI4LAGIIAN & (O, Ann Arbor Branch, ~t,. Law Book Publishers. HISTOLOGY. 340 State Streetl -- Opposite Law Buildingq. IOlLOGY, GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, BACTERIOLOGY ' A PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC, A SECILTY SAITAYILMINGs, STEAM AND) HOTcWATeaROHEATING. Supplies 11114 Dissectioig J.. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Illstrtmlltets. ___________ ad~e~' t C T 3 t 3 Wear'ntele thrgoods. J. J. QUIRRY, Retaders ofthe IT. me N. DAILYrwilt always re- mmic te OPmRAdItA imUs',bNliVS iDPTI, weesbcit can be leftfcithIce icc. ofc Al. Dm.asid far alnciaothier lm'icimcg daiies the Dletroit FIt> rests, Dtroiat'TiibcuneIcetrait scutimig raesanid d'hicagoc. NcwcYolk mitt 'Tlertlcdo pr. terolltilyl'tiited toaim l paIrt" aftic city amllec.1 lNerth.'Maicstreet. Atherns Theatre ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, OCT. 9 W.' It' Camibel'sLtattainmedy Scces Thad Greatett of all Need Ecgland1Ptluce Hasn alot IsNwlETI efaiened A STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION Introducinug Hhight t'ass'Speciamltes, 0radSencic EffctseOreat Shipwe ck ccene. P~RICES, . . I5, 35, SC, antiIS. Patent Lecture B~ook Beoecatyitutyour noecoosir leure coecseecalintansetourc ne ailtere.'Te paper docnticteroe i-laclid aseinthh oldtmylesiinguntucehbooka. Parker anod Waterman Pepst from $1.25 up. Wholesale odd Retail Paper from 10 cents o Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South Stale Street. GET YOUR J9' fAT THE INLAIND PRESS8 NEW SHOES FOR FALL. Hate youm peeled ieto oure ehow windotws yetThere thecyanec, styles withoumt eetd. Despitie all tcetutll.youavelhearddsweawillellthtesaemsesjut a oasweesold equl tttlttitiet last p ara A PR3IL' S SHOD. STOR3E. 119 E. Waaigteui St. TiHE POPULAR STORIE HUYLE'i'S CANDIES JUST RECEIVEDB AT MUMMERY'S.