2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MI[CHIGAN DAILY Poblieled Daily (Snadys ecepted doing the College yeor, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Chiesc: The lnlad PreHening Block. Both Phoeo 147. NANACING EI)TO. F. Eoaot~oAn, '01 L. BUSINE SS 1ANAGI7B, 011. .1100C,0'0(1 L. ATI1(l'1 11., . . (.. 1). Tlolou,'01 1. T.5R.Wooono,'lofL.. A.I. M cooU000,'OtB A. 0. BOWNE'03 ~.. J. B. Woc, '00, L,J. MNM00000, 'I. 10Olitot', 00 0, R.l.Jro1tc.I0.101..w. A. KN-Ilo,O01 . ho college yar, oih a,o olo dley hefooe ooa eal.tiay Noice, o'oooo,00lttloO, and othe 1001100r 1 eiooi tor publitionooo 700eh handed in0at b' 11A0Y oi.'bo're s p. I.,,0or mailed to te tor efore1:8cp,11.o.01f11he cly appea0. sbcipiooay0f11 loft tIl oia ho-oficelco Senyeo'or t olllt'l'e oetaod, 'c,,1ithBuiooc000 LLage, soolooo be'. wll onfer aoe o lob y aeieree to elver0 pap1er. A1,htgee"."'""'"' oonaic~ oolo.Ohe in'01 theetolvey 4lp. .0on theoday prev1000to ta 00 whch the ro a ea- To tetume Athletic Relationsa With (Oberln. 1111 111100111y o . Oberlin tas 1e m10ove ' tleioI11.1110lIyottllagist lao Utiversty o'f 0 1 oigno t Alh11010101r( ofcn00111ol 010100 g 101110y a0 o0111111111- 11011 romOber).111 w0020r0e10, whilci statedl 11100 11010cxcIII tnttlicattll.01ac- 1101n 1ha01beenotrsctided ad 11100 they Wer 0000iousl to re001000ahletoic r1lti01ton 0-1111 1710 .111101 0tof 01 iig2I. '1110b102001 olcd to 010e11a21111071 negoialtiosth 1 ahem1111, 0a1d1 Manage Baird winstructeold 1o cure f oobll, baebll a1n(1t1001k dtes itjposibl.'110 foobl scedule 1is alradtty made010u0, atd to g(1111e10ill boplalyd wih Obrli neOx 0110, '0.101011k111001 witlth11101is0a probabilily, atnd111a7be a bsebll game wi111 b arranged TleBoard of Cottrol disiquailified 11ar0010 bcause of a condi 1101n. Tis encids a tree-yar athleico oug gle btweetOberlitn and Michrliga, a110 it is gratifylig to feel thatf Oberlin camii 1to Michligan'poit tof viwl'in11thi on(lt trorOsy. Faculttj Rule ol College Discipline. 1000 stts cllonoetoried in a dittrb- a010e0of1110e000111100of Febrtary 24, 11110 been laceti tttdr colgge tdisciliefor the remaainder100of the0 aca1llcO 70a. 1110 Fauty11i1tlorltitg to6icilite is0asfolo 0s: "A 'stdtundtttroocollege' disiplile shllnob e a l001 lo wed11001'to 1111101a scolr- slitumit. 1 f(1110priz0es100or000tier cl lege o rs,11to110 hold 1(1a1 1poitiol itt 0001 nerotio jit 111he college ioerioodial, o1 tae lart---titerwoth stetsor10witit 00 mnsi1 l perormn o rt a'rty pub11'1117 tili' atihlei cottest.0o0r1tioool 11010 ofcilt ptottitio t outol ow',ttih'tany'ofgtheo/ Arthls A. LOeI, 'OT, of Cicago, gae a birthday party to twenty friends at Eis' all ott Sattrday ight. A very eaorae ibaquet was served. Several of tie gess were00frontl the University of Chirago. Mrs. V. C. Vagha woill give her "Impressions loftfiioscos(1and St. Peters- burg" at te Ladies' Library 11110 eveing for the benefit of te library. Admission, 25 cents, Prof. Francis W. Kelsey yesterday af- ternoon addressed the city Y M C. A. on "The Meaning of Lent." ANTIS RULE (Contitnued ftompage 1) int the hittory of ottr counatry when107so0E tmanfy'11010 ustl~iostwere arising for thettto solve..lie closed his reimrlks 0011itt an(lootut t ributcto thelbar of the natiton. N 1 ty'et satisfliedltleatison1101011- 1tio01of 1(to. ''iotmtas, of Utah, dopriood 4Tr. ('111011011of thoe appo7intmen0t of 1110 1100s1entation1 commtteel fy votingtog 1 elec 1111111111'teeIf tree'o larran.ttgefoot the prstat111o1111of t110 tleiiaorial aitd to selectlsyeakesooro t he10occasion. There 001100 110e11111.1011110111disctussiona of thoc dto y.Pres.. Cono 11h0110h1110 alreadyt' 1ap- poitdi t comm1I'ittee .''of ti'll 011 1000101 orilled10111thiotiontout111of ordotr, but P11a11 Co 1 Il 11001011100o toliethangedl lis ru110ing11and.11110oedtto ttlionto 11be put. iThoooomot 1.11onpeal.11101diolssro. Kirby, oTaylo ad G'Ieto'wieretgelfct donothe stood that the110 two o mtittllst w00111ar- range be11t1w1'n01t11110011t11111t1100e will be '1 f it of 1100110' Resoititiortso ,1 U. oif M. Reapulblictan Club. W ici1ca.,oduing 1 he past four 11001 tha 1the p1l.11y1of0the 011 ofitt 111 1 party a wililecl n 1110pltoo 1f 18960 otd 0 o "C it0.( -d h ti > tl ttlttt 10111 i f l10111 11111 conduct101of the 110110111 11111101 i .at11 on eend1111orled,1101 licit urter eso\-e, tat hes reo-1 A Gentleman's Feet.. do not taco 1o be crowded i1n1o ttncomfotaboleoe000110oreroito comply with the lates of fashon.o Fashioonbhasloecotmtoecidoedly 10111001 P'erhaps toot pemaneltly s0, bollt0 wen't admorecmfoabl hetan an hopsr chsdoesweea n qa rc.And GLASS'S SHOE STORE Open Eveni0n9Sgai 109JL. ai P++++++++++++++++.ISTABLER'S _,- ART STORE ___ PICTURE SALE. _______FOR TEN DAYS I Mor)day, March 19. IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND MOD- ERN MASTERS ado ata pice ae s rasoolieoha :-ti-o 11 riceb'o 1. :0 duin1' l 'oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl cal$3od.0giea0ra 00let C.hXocolate.Tg he y a6r S t afi et Ill o o' toio11X 1Rt