THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F STUB] Hopkinfson emember that weca K Fountain Pen, the Lau Si ni h s we fully guaraantee. WI 14ARTrIN ENTS] D. fl TINKER & 801N HATTERS AND BURNISHERS Caleb West, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. The Other Fellow. Short Stories. Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPORIUM Bic Headquarters for t1 suplly youl with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MEN s FURNISHINGS ghlin or Waterman, which and Compete lineouf GYMNSIUM fat mosle cast you ask?: Try us.GODanSWAE. $CHAL11I11I~RAGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS HR - - - 334 South State Stree Orient s K___ i atI a -r --esFowler O s.Mol, ndHuonStees / ~general banking buonsos. R, KEMPF, Pres. C.E. GREENS, Vice-Pree I ig West FRED. H BELSER. Cashier. Washington Street FIRST fNATIONAL B ANK OfrAss Asbos6 S AMAL 0 1 Captat, 5100,00. Surplus usd Prooits, 840,000. ~1~1i(i)I11if ~ TrCanosts ageneraolbanking businsForeigna exchan oughott aod told. Foonsh letter of -. + R. 0. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vie-Pos. 5c- S. W'. CLARKSON Cashier or . 25c Tf h Hiin rbor Savious Bank -- 25c Capital S o 5,0. Suplus, $1,50,. Or0ganizd dethelosOsenoralBaking taws of this Slots.Reisdeolposits, lboys ood sells . e sehoog oon the principal citis ofhesUnited D E A 0 fStateo.IDroftoscashed u00po prop0ridentification, Safey d post bo Hiss t rn . Coio SOFFIS:ypoo ribstian 10 krst . ;W D.Hri man.VicsPs.o Chsioas Hok. st her;l. AGentleman Vagabond, and Some D11)0 YOU Other. A Doy at Lagnewse's,- and Oter D~ays. Coltttel Carter of Cartersville. AWhite Utmbrella in Mexico. Weli-Worn Rtsads of Spain, H~ol- 4 Pittsburg Sitogies for t Bill Antliony Cigarsf 4 IBrinnswick Cigars for Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. antI, andsIttaly, Traveled by InteraehelaSlie Meet. Calendar. a Painter in Searchlosf the o Toheroa for tihe tirdi ttnnuaol in- Fr~idlay, Satourday. Sunoday, Marcto t6, v lictooresotoe. tersciootostic metoedelr otseotusices of 17, tS8lorof. Herbert 1., Willett, of Cioi- J ths Athletic Assotciationt, to its heldsiniocago tUniversity ive fitc tuores utttt slcr ttJ AnttnsoArtor,'Michttorittay tool Sotootday, ,ices of S. C. A. 'S oay 20otnd26,tohas towt toot orrooged. aud ay.,Marcho 17.-Anuaol 'Varsity Fo~~l ~~. 5 Fidaoy aftero100ontll be151iv00 oer 10toodooor'seel, WsatermuanoGymonlasiuml, 8 totsr tosoinal evetsot, t Regentt s' il.Is n oo p.1.0 tosoevoning0a0reeption00001honttor ofthoe 'Tootr-daty, -Masrcht 2z--'oi 1.awbtano- vi-i1orstowit bslhel.Soatorday00(0motlengquet. Sh eh fl Co cnt oc wllbelte'ldo Ann tstooototd Pupils' Recital, Marcho23. (Piano PUBLISHFRS, BOOKSELLERS, ANorotwitltb lodtoit the lpuntingtscontlest Friday, Marsh 23-Atl~leocAssouia- STATIONERS ad ENGRAVERS, lt0f o stilertuptootedlsbylos000alumoooooon 000Hop, 00 aterman oGymnuasuo, 8 p. ANN ARBOR - - - MlCHIGAN otftos Coori. to th ts totlne000 _____________________________________ otoosoicylo roces tilltetel t the 0 fair ri0ay.starctt2---Orattorical coolest, U. oil Y Barber VAOR oaBATHS 5grounds 00 io stloan tos-hercgultarfisel-S. .A ThOnlOes inooo a1)p10000n000100 lish tOoil sll crStra 005 N >so2-~lt eia psoosc Shop and Bath teity. Rea-ot 10010g000.a00 00s bootot osto scrtecitot-.t{pianot5 0 0 J.Fig, ssistnCoo ie W. ARNOLDtoosi Tots psoo T J. V. AToodo Ast looboso 1INUG BRNK 'toransacts a general BlankliogIBusonesa Maesof COLLEGIATE CAPS0 GOWNS and OODS, Regttoo of CPS otod GOWNS, CA SPECtI5LTY. CLASS CGINES, I COLLEGE FLAGS, CLtISS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES sOOMs, 1322 STATE. J. R. Trojanloski UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DAN~CING idsotleoooooo boeginnootg closs. Monoday, 810101o.000. Laoies' beginooongo claso, Wsd.,5 00 10 p.m0. PINK BROS., Instructors Offie and Aademy, Niockel Nall, 334-336 S. State, A LUIVle of these LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS l e t ot paid,0 on"00a0. c o r ial foronotly $1.00 If oenototfmooI tAfo A Any wayayou0fgureltf PeeOI Thiso is-he tobesoot ns.Here is yourhaetotesst i-FITc00 li Oslyopetsen to los aessc ontfoers. A giftof never edingcoouseful- nes andoa ostntlooleaatsoret- minder of theogi00r0 00t500000odso ito eal-order today. Sltt whladOoy'soro gesstyle sdsired. Asolooto LAUGHLIN IMNFG. UO, 0 129 Grsoald SI., Delsal+, Mich. y REFERENCE: a Any Bank orExperes opaoy ino Try The... NORTH SIDE A LAUNDRY I THOS. ROWE, Peeps. 1003 Broadway. 47 Sell Phone Th t sfollowos: oslttl O te hundred Satordy'starch 24.-Dual ileet with (.KR O yard itdotash, tttoo t oold ndtwetyyardtotrrstolo ame) WsatermantGymnasium, 8 WC.KR&COI ol~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~~~~i E Ot0010 ool tolbFi oo l t 100 1 0Pfty-Seveonth St.j tol mil e runts 000000le cooruon oi lk, one ooooiooi r, toch25-Presodent Ws'. HC11.O, LL toundretodst nooot 0005 00o ogottrle 01'. F tranceof Blit n10000 L 00 00 nua'A slice to tooy r ig udls ldesb fooro . S C. N oA.ta otwo houndrodoaoi toowoenoty yatdolbowhoord- Siondoyo',oth >>-Dasooid1H. Moore, IEfu les, runnttingo adtot ooostt runn00000it higho 101). 000 n ' s sievaoo t ttlolcosorse. r e tJump, p solvalto1000g3sitee oun Thrda ar1 2-oooar lu on tcert 1in Newberry vhill lor benefit C SPi-n rao qut~t-tmiles bocycleoneoocmiotleo biclioll oradin oom01obacco -' why Old En. kickiong ofooiotbaoltolfoileoolo y O at0 s.0 Fri day, ar o.30 Soioioo ho 1101 , Ot,,,)TA gbs Curv NOT ICIEl IFrooday, Marchl30-Proo, Jeremiaho S~c W. Jenkls oft Cornell U~nivesity Ad- ~ Cut pipe to- lose 5oct00e0nOtrteeil losslobturoed tosses GsodtGoveoromens clubl. too oil cottet o so ni00gtiaoter tlls 00(00 MoWeneoodayApioll 4-Attorney Geno- oral Frank R. Monnett uf Ohio itn Good pplr. A1 eoooooeoiin~ oe ottAders-ros.ofnehovserumetsCu1b1Cou0rse. '2 S. oain 01st00 b - I--L--IET -,,- 4 The curved How to mkmosof putlticliborar- bxta isa okti nte Second Senior Class Social Before ias onshool worot: by Librariaos Sever- tin bxta isany rpockaio.ette isdy anotherm.inTapa b all. reason. N other pipe tobacco has ever Ice irtooso cialwhicthislss gave at Barorso si wasooo0 5suoch ton000 'oMclba Shlo oisor ptriog--all styles made as many friends in so short a time. ooualifiedltoccosstoha ttotn tothe ilbc $3.005 MACK & CO. "t, iapoit n "oe giv0e00int o feow otooss Futol oarrage- I (ST I (otSatouroday eototog ito Lec- toothot vetot too otbesot ooade btot hc loture ooomoc rI b Bitoo lidiotg, a A trial box wsill be sent to any one ohaIc ogreedluoisxAptril1 6. Tiswioo dseth atohto ntaie nsmoalltotrse. anywhere on receipt of ten cents in ieto hs lasotoritty0blorhe, scpring o asa- inotocotowiltoeceiveoibsr-ol reoward lOy stamps. Address Old English De. 00io0 ando eeh ho ulbootihe hoc ge o tnd-toounigs tcol oo t000 otDr. Irowobroodge, Coter- .000Cc 000 sree -127 partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Aye , New York City. WV 1All dealers sell it. B~eautjvW DuraiitA " s, A R E T W O V E R Y 0 1 ( 1 0 5 3 5 N 5 Q U A L - ITIES, 1101 IN 001R SPRING BLOCKS YOU FIND BOTH IN THIEIR IGIHEST IOEVELOPMENT. $3.00 Wagner & Co, HABERDASHERIS. SPALDINGS Official Itbketic G1oods 05icisalyadopted Op lhe leading Clsles, Sohoolosod Athleoic Clubs of the Counirp. .. VRsetR.UISITE Fas... Mass Mall Tennois Feet Bait Atleitiss GolE Gymnoasluin Spalding's Official League Bull 0 Is eOffiial Roll of the National League ad l leading college sso- ciatonso. Spaldings Base Bail Guide fur 1900. l0t HanodsomeCataoiue0 of AthlticSorts re A. G. Splding & Bros. to any address. E ORK CHICGOs DE NVEn, NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. THOSE NOyBBYMIW R GOLFS ML A