THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHI[GAN DAILY. . jS RING GSH EflL FINDSE l M L NEW .STYLES, VNEW PICE~ G1:#ODSfPI MinESDeet E . Ari9-- oTTu! AATMain Street. I JjHIUAN (tAN IIsAL -~The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRHALt, TA4ItDARD TIME.' Taking lEffect Nemenhe 19, 1899. aOING EASo. aDetroit Night Epapret ........ so55 . Alealic Empseese. .1,,.. .... 7 45 . { rand Rsiads ..11 10 Mlli and Expreca.........3 47 P. a. .l'Y. Bodta.Slseciaol. . . 458 FApt. acteec,. . .. . 93 Mall, ladExpo~s. ......q540 A. a. Boston, N.Y. and Chicago ...... 818 Faux Western Expro esc. .. .1 38 P. m 4.5.R. and Kat. Express ..........545" Chicago Night E9cce. . 343" PacificExres. ;........11 30iA. a. 51 m8If j Tickets, salt ssato acnd fSoc Riropean points ati li4 trates. 'Fuil lo mao on aoppliotiia J- 0 W.RUGOIOLES. 11 . W.IIAYF . , & T. At, Chicago, A-o't Ann Ardor. i mr- I s°s v _ eC+fi'9 " '" / f / ° _. __. ... NG. ..o. >Y"1 f r. a/ 1entsch1 , Abe q~btograpber.,~ r Cok 1 L . elf jM. Pills 50c to $10.40.: .Fine ANew Line of Fine Negiigee Shirts \ttRpiigaSeily J L CHAPMAN, JEWELER, f . . - ' Peifect fit, warritttntedcolors,,iaid gutaanteedto i be the bestat d siot bt perfect Sifirn Ilthe city. M1ade its Coat Style, of importced stateris ti. Prtice, Bb TA-M INIAL-CI &CO. 206(inhSeuth. Hfave You "senou OatCJ:L.S Y Fine thingolt-only place to the cily whrtou can et them. SPEGIt1L RATES TO SENIORS Thai d.npputiimsn C+iia The Social Life of ,Japan. Prof. Willett Commenced Lecturesll)Di[W dl U IJ i Ts . tile subject of a lecture to bhe Laot Night. 112 W. Haron St. N. S. Phone 119 SA r 3 r81W1A.5eTN - r 1 deliveried ill TrtyLothserass clurcish t to- , '~teii s lteg TIME TABLE morwev~esisrty at 7:30, by Saton Ksato, . o stir crut. eotsssstCed hisi. o 1,' ttltte Tak~g ilret, Scadt. lay31, ase. s ytiis 51.15 f tsii isbjo Jastss. Ie rsti e r l tl tt lottices aof tteS. C. gent for Trsaint'sleaveoAnn rbArtsy r 1 stnsil . 5055 55355 edutetto I it ts iss ~tny satte foC sv stt Nesriervy till list t vs slug [lits t~rdTim. 3 1k Tribune, Stearns and Barnes Bley. the i.ast t o e ars leais teeut raivelittg, Ilsissis ittHok ofJobi. I't'he tot- st 4 soutih ' 'lit stilili iis al o ndi1tiv si tios t nStAmitcan 1 0 -. irii tsi e sr li s s Ies. Renting and repairing at all N---ciets.i ll l ectuir es hatlte atitractetd vol-it s letures: kiads. LEON SHIAW, No. !,I.- :-, is . .a No . 1 s8:H)s. l. sI tole abis etssiton. Thie .oletdos Cost St ur.visday, Marcit17, 1 hI u io117 E.Ann St. Nc.2,-11:.3,1. Is. N*V-ol os5t' str.vtsb sr tel e slsstt .ttte 5 1N1131ts.i sti tO ~ ~ ~ j fu No.0.-..3() ~1 . os. 3.-l i9t s4 t.. itu s receni tle d 5ievo tidra cc0luznn t 'ohof1'ain--theterw yh 51c etor asl iisr aelli st hll stisother thins s iir. tKato isia ii Cut 30p. i.- tis sse rspitatissn ifthetis-o Alt tata~c. hutS ice1 ~55 iilll3 .rif sstt sssst ts sit tug loswlrslge of fr l mnits11 try."tCtr iet Cl Typewrpyien g E. iIIl~aIIIIIII ,enit. lrcn a'. W II tEslst '. 5iA 'sisesiWshtSssndayi lMssrch, 18>4 .i. 55 2s p.ja 13 heres lace 1st Pa tiC111 s tia istory., 01y ti'I:I1{0I trl. DetrOit, Ypsilanti 6and Ann Ar'- A newtins' of M~aattan.l Sitsh 7:45 1t. i.- rograstsof1Jesis.a iSCHOOL OF HOTH ND bor' railway. Justinat XWidi n, R ysass& Itoist.. sics.wiltlie tilefeaturie ofteSn oi ' lamesve for lDetrost anod Ypsilani Seei' ttssm. StMallsn st ley meetinigs .sos07is aNa'N( . UNalER~SITYS r; 'every lall 51155' 6ogis~ai t 7:15 a. is1st.0 I st svshhallivGRANGER'S unti N41p s ftrts1t Stt 111 Imiltate thes J. Iop. i i ssstvtse si 8:43- p. us, ,9:A3fp. a1 ii011115 p. m. A disatch.frosmsAdrian, Mlich., sys3i)C.F AN Nl WVai~stintt tvn , orner Atn ndsi Masins lii justiosr elesas of te Adrsianshighs 1101.Staoing Ind~ia.C O L FD N IN eta. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fue le'oisi Iioi salsats si esir t iscallin be d aethie rate of $2.s8 Pivsale or ehtss tro~iis ovil. iSpceiia ____________ -leigh schltentertainmients a PttertsI erar els i ll cai r sivloasd lots, transpiorta- sateo s t e or sblanse, o so15 ii i o stng sites tise bigd1130 hip at Annu Ar tnfe ess cv' risct.Ilit esniou inivhe e'1scs1atanlime hot. e'sasteti30, a hots will be ivent a 51 illios oif tivople ire ssow onth ie tergeACAl)E'3]IY usavi AVNAItSTS. ight Gutard artuory that lpromsiesto!sit ostrsat ion,isideatshoesiefor tssicropi -r BREAKFAST- ANN ARBOR be5 tse swell sociaslevent cf the sea firfr lonssg monthslt. It t iselicivoldthat REAl) TI.l1Xjy son. Ithese to eonaiderable talk abotennitrorsitaned sasteisssi oeuty iI)I~' s pP[ ILUSM it amoths ie conservative eeetilit sl<)id tibutlste ito thitreivef.IFoin S fPR S.LUSMO Adisnet besthet i l sssiCn ofstethrlisipuro ssdeiisdiedtatevery 'sitI(~i It ll tborsu il ite sxtcssote stite iets C i ,oi .snstti /U I U J WABASH FAST TRAINS !s it ,Foilding chase to rent, I svervd. and coslils 1cr usll titNvork, ni sd retpsr t tile-- sualdeCsfar calslIest los at twventy-live cents a dozen. IssaieeaItoncee ts L. ID. Carr, 'onstr'oron,0eb/idSate.dCandlo FREE C HAI ASMACK & CO. !Saitsn1g. ssslalik lock. ,a Silver. . .edn Spcl tRate. tio.esrlaIstana i n Al.n III>.AChlae einingri , h alywllb tiest. Best leosnton te iret t, i ~ A nol Jeweler ' 1C detie svrd ise remaoider oftheso ear for $3.001. 201112112 S. Maln St.- ------ 10 , fis. lissptecialoleffer is stadte itsview'roSlt isetocLn et ofthe teltavy basseball schseduewsvhich 'tle Ann Arbor Music Co. have.; LOW NE Y 5 ltIs g e owill canny, ansrtoItswvhichtsteI501110indsucements to offer ati- Dalywllgve partietular attetion. Any- dents on table board; alao one suite COOAE , CKIN G VALLEY 'Y n h slot aleadey .tsbsscriber so iof rooma. lieilse City Caite ni e th p, i nts opect sidwosrlk, will ito I 11eliii isl1e for Stsnsg --all tytes 4 tI UXI NS 1)DAILY 4 elt ake up sthis excepstiontallylov ! stir 8.11. MACK & CO. 38S tt i BetwnT oto an 5 5 ,usngU ioa ofe. N e's msty tee sells ini now si;_de- depol in both itie.iter wlstrtApril i. 127 CAP ANt) GOWN ORDERS. 1TheeagtOrderstorrcans and ho n,, willsIMP':n 1AtAAi1iien1 '1 GREAT RAILROAD THE HOCKING VE1LLEY Writs, .. W. LANDMWAN, 11 WFort St, Detroit.iJ 1N._ 1t. Jacsonses, '177X1,cwas itsntsn IArbo siyesterdeay. Dr. Jacksson stowell lvicatedi st ljicksville, Ohio. IA new ltine of Manehattan Shirtn mast' in at W~adhamos, Ryan & Route. See theim. South Main street. taklent every fterntson fromtot 5tu ill . I I. V l 1l litootec. _ __ _FUNERAL I nProfessor Floyd R. Meecis cter DRE TO Islnet ~t isresirt st eePii ~eta1011Embalittng a spacialty. No. 2111 S. 4tib fraternnitylast vyeninte his lshomise siteAve. Ambuilance night intd say. Ren. t ill street. dance 302 Fifth Ave. For SPRING Arriving Daily. DO UBILE SOLE OXFORDS 110 East Yo o il W n a ar L o ilWn ar Huron Street hENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer and U iest Tttl IFuneral Directar U vr s it 6Jusat eWll-alfiablacktrneat ,pMrs. Enochl Dieterle, Lady Assistant. f atIw kailaig . All kinds iFn VVARRIELN BIIRtBLR nSo So frepaing neatly dono.fa No. 116 E.Liberty Street. Reidence 'sS o Sh p E La er.P ts O~fIRF'tNTE~sv sAT~vF~iGTION" Foueth Ave, Bth Phoneuls12.Labr R n a l Phts WE PATRONIZE G00DYEAR'3 DRUG 5TORE