4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. -° F" ISml ith's Works 'Caleb West, Master Driver. To Grogan. Le Other Fellow, Short Stories. A, e-ntleman Vagahond, and Some Other. _A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days olonel Carter of Cartersville. White Umhrella in Mexico. $.10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Is whalyousasaveon a suitorsovercoatsmadeto yourordterhbyus. Weeguaranteesaperfect fit or as sale. Call ad see, no obligation to bay. Oar immaense assortent oa f aver 3,00 samsples will please you. All Wool Suit.sod Overcsats from $12.00 op. Goodrich, Walker & Murphijq , FotRo vr istNational KOA EVERY KIND K GALM. STAEBLER Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. DO -YOU $1'OE4? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - .- . 5c 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for . . . 25c 4 Brunswick Cigars for - 25c Old Number: 44 NSO. MAIN ST., D A N C AN ARBOR. MICH. D A 0 D. R TINKBR & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, CArS, Mao'S FURSHINGSa asd Complete lineatf GyxxoAsxux GOsOSasd SWEATERS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South Stale Stree Car. Matsnad sHarosStreets. Capital, $50,00. Sarplus, $30,000. Trunsascts general bankintbusiness. R, KaerP, Free. C. N. GREENE, Vice-Free Foss. H -BLSR, Cashier. FISTNAIOALBA NK at AssAra FIRST NATIONA Oraied1863 Capital, $100,('00. Surplus sod Profits, 040,000 Transacts a genera1 bankise basinses. Foreign excansge bought and said. Fursish letters af credit. E.GD. KINNE, Fees. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier The Rijn Rrbor savings Bank Capital Stook.8555,00. Surplus, $150,0. Reources,81500,00.. Orgaoized ser the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deoeits, buys and sells echasger onthe prioeipal cities o1 the UiTted States. Oraftes oased apespeeper identifieation, etor Rod ofSan Ho-Go Earhjl Tonight and Get a Good Calendar. 0 ~iEss: ChrisianaMachk eel..Hri land andItal, Taveld Setmass,Vice-.Pres.; Chas. E. Hisock, Cashier; 3M. lan, ad Ialy Trveld b Set.Friday, Satueday, Sittday, M~archl 16, J. Frito, Assistant Cashier aPainter its Search of the "Itiust hot I511 rome early tomorrow 17, 18-Prof. Herbert L. Willett, of Chi- W J .GOOHESs. fT night," saitd a handsome young lady cago Untiversity. fire lcetres tinder alit- W. ARNeaOL, lot Vice-pras Picturesque, to a party of escorts last evening, as tices of S. C. A. J. V. SE aHAr, 2d Vice-porese f 1 sheo'was told that every bit of room in Friday, March 16, at 4:15 p. in., to JOHN C. WALTZsset.eCashier G VI ~the armory was taken. And abe will Mitsettm lecture room, Prof. New- WN be wise to cotoe early this evening, 1: combo sill give ati address on "Oppor- she likes a high class circus perform. totnities Inc iological Study in Paria." Transaets a general roeR SALE ti- ance. Every act went amoothly last Saudy Marcia 17.-Annul 'ast akn uies evening and the music was exeelent. SatryatVsiy anagutes Loulise Dentott and her cake waliking Itndoor Meet, Waterman Gymai,$ horsac 5ndbh" proved a pleasaing tea. p' 0m.Maeso 1tureelat eveninsg, and woo largely ap- Thulrsday, Marcht 22-'01 Law ban- .. COLLEGIATE CAPS, Sh e an & Co.g plauded. The barebacke riding canine suet. GOWNS ad1-OOS, funse uhamtusement. The boo Pupils' Recital, Mareh 23. ( Piano Reptleg at PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, atldcriobotic work 'ass highly aprc department.) 1/ CAP S apd GOWNS, STATIONERS aed ENGRAVERS, eloted. Foci Forepaughi received Frtday, March 23-Athlorsie Assoeia-o 5 SPECIALTY. ANN ARBOR.- -.-.-. IICIIIGAN mitch applailse also. Robert Sticirney, lion Hots is alertoan Gymntasiunm, 8 p. CLASS CAMES, in his riding act, was indeed a featuire. COLLEGE FLAGS, This gentleman introditced many noelCLASS PIPES, of oil, Barber VAPOR BATHS ideas in baresoci riding. Lou Mor, I rid ;ayM-arch 23-Oratorical contest, CLASS STATIONERY. The Gnly Onesain ith his "glass-eye" song, was onentf COLLEGE PINS, S hop and Bath She City. Rea- the comical things of thoe evenimg. iilris 23-Puipils' recital (piano de- COLLEGE 5sonabhlerates.. Harry CakaaIth ieok fiiihlarlmilciii. SPECIALTIES Rooms, 2STT. I.R. TroIaaoaski od nmiiChair. anmnitdemyfMrrrirks.-DoanMeet-wih W. KERN &CO. tn the cotmcert, for whtichsthte larger NotrL Datme,\Vatertman Gytmnasiom, 8aiSFti.eeh50 ,UNIVFERSITY SCHOOL OF past of the maudience remained, the As- p, n 1E i e -Sne1Aur, e hS.LL. 1ey'sknmfe-throwing aet and thLeiMtrs Suni~dayMacim25-Prcsidenit WV.t -. J/ C IN G tesetti'snere good. Harry Ctaand1suit I.imncof iBrownsniritScoiy, annmumli-° < Peanutts" mode a iiit in thecir organ addrssbeforc S. C. A.cet grindlei'a serenmide. The performance~iiii:Saci 5Dtc 1 omc risieiis iosinclass, MondaSifo10p.m. wastOstrictly high crasso. SndayiMacshya -DaGii Itous. -orpp~ Ladies' hegi oilsgclass, wed.,n lto 10 p.mi. D._D._inWeleyanGuildourse PINK BROS., Instructors StLTIME TO GET IN. fhssaGMrO 9-tzreb' eerao OWsndSadm.Nibl at 30365 lae ___mccirt in Newberry halt for honefit Pipe ___- ________________ Th itof i stig esei st rn eading ionm. Tbaccoe . why Old En. wre__________stlisn for tomiorrotw'osetrwill hrSo surehop 5 oao , m eld opn utisltfioclockc this evening -. r30p lOv s dihCuv AsEOD BEKR on that alimwo 500desire to compete muin L gmenSJ theseitemits o honhate siegloctedl .Fr ia,0Mmrcli 30-Pro iflost umost clxd Curvpie o oofthsetomilter may tin so upitto that time. iW.IJenksot Cotrnellierssm isty Ad- '- .Ctpp o 3.00_______ reses Good Governmtenit club al A stoi line of Manhiattau Shiirts tost Wednesdlay, April 4-Attoisry Con-( ' ac ss LAUGHILIN FOUNTAINE. in at WVvadhanis, Ryans & Route. See oral Franik R. Mtnnsett 01Dio in Good i popular., PENSi°teso. South Main street. Governmmtent Clumb Course. icraconisan isbon~d ~The curved far aOnly PDGGCA OITY tth testheatre for NWednesday tPEDALthtOfttan cXi SOanoht $100 4 ceveing, .arch 21st. "A Daughter of Hot to otake utost o1 public tibias ir o ha isay poktianhe asfsai os o st yon,$oA18EtBUY Gesrtan.The above nanta x pe 15i aancie, Monday it 7:30 p.namin Tappan reason. Noohrpipe tbcohsee smitat omicl se, tisdwillisoclotbt ailmade as many friends in so short a time. diaws a large atteindance. Iitdsisnal nail E IjiMebai vhoefor Sping-ao ll stirs- Anysswaysuliguresit PROFIT CAP AND GOWN ORDERS. $.0 MACK & CO. 'tdspoit ooe Ordets for raps asid -owvns will beAtrabowileSntoayoe ssi ' Ttiieisiithe stpensimade rhoe taken every afternoost front 4 to 5isan LS-tn -aturdaiy rueningin LccAte lboeilb en on-n flIs your chanoce to tet it-FINST Roonm C. tiir Rooms of 1h iral Building a anywhere on receipt of ten cents in oan e OassiPss C ____________-ladvls wath ronttai 0 ine i salirs..or b.Address Old F.-..sh De. {l i ~a Oly onecpensentto aneaaddres anthis oseer. A ft ofiaSniees ending useful- nss eadaonsssttpleisait re- sider of the gvr Gel yousr orde ini early-order toiday. Stole weterlady'yeor gents styleisdIsisred. Addre LAUGHLIN MNFG. GO. 129 Griswold St., Detrois, Mich. Detroil. " , i'olding chairs to rent, -euavered and Finde-r wilt reccciuc liberal retwani by ' i 550 Th meicn T'bac catled for at twenty-fivo rents a dozen. rets rnigtg o IDr. Trowrbricdgc, Camere-patenTeA rinToco MACK & CO. isc siredt. -127 Co., iII Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. I I i r E i Opening or Spring Woolens.... Woolens for thiseomns eason have arrived, the moot extensive line ever produceit here ia spread on our tables and now open for you to make seleetions. We have made every preparation to strietly retain the previosus standard of sue tailoring and to promptly serve our patrono. We solieit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. 6 Try The... A NORTH SIDE f LAUNDRY THOS.MO WN, Props. 1003Breoadwaey. 6,5Bell Phone SPALDINGS Official Ofioial1y adopted by te Ieadinig tolegea, SahoosoBud Athletic Ciusaofthue Contoy. ... EsERaREQISITEO... Hase Ball Tennis FroStHall Atletsta Golf Gymasiumoo Spalding's Official League Ball. Is lbs Offii1l0BallofthIe SNatosal League sad all leadimigcoliege asso- citilons. Spaldings Base Ball Guide fas 1900. 1 Ou ofAti O oretfs A.rG. Spalding & Bros. toanyaddrs. sEaeORK, CHICAGODEVR i ' THOSE NOBBY GOLFS MIL WARD NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.