THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a A SPRING TOP COAT-AND WANT THE, SYLE-FIT AND FINISH OF ONE MADE. IAIA NO ORDER--WE HAVE THEM-LET US SHWYOUJ-$$12.00 TO $20.00 A A it~ iAlways Safe Here on Stles and Quality. G00DSPEED'S I MICHIGAN CENTRAL. ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takinog Effect Novemaber 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ...........5 55 A. X Atlantic Express .........7 45" Grand Rspids Exprrss .........11 10 Mailansd Express .........347P. x. B. Y. Boston Special ............4 58" Foot Eastern ...........9 43 Moilt adExpress. .........59 d0 A. i Boston, N. Y. sod Chicago.........818 Fast WesernoExpress..........1 38P. G.ER. aod Bal .Exprers......545" ChsicaoaNight Express.........09 03 Pacific Express..............10 30 A. M. Steamship Tichets, all Classes, to and from Eurepen points at lowest rates. Fall lnoe. 1100 ..n UPa aicaico. 0. W. RUJGGLES, IH. W. HAYES, G.P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Asn Arhor. 13.N17 STEMS =ii Z=N E3S; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Mtay 21, 1899. Trains leaee Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Time. SOUTH NORTH ENo. .- 7:25 A. M, No. 1.- 0:56 A. M. No. 2-11:30 A. N. *No. 5-11:301. m, No. .- 0:30 P. Ai. No. 3.- 4:50 Po. *Run hetwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains dally except Sunday. N. S. GILMORtE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. H. P. A. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti every half or, beginning at 7:15 a. so. untiO 7:45 p. 50.1; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. so and 11:15 p. so. Waiticg room, corner Ann and Main ate.:Detroit, 111 G(siwold t. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO0. WABASH - FAST TRAINS , FREE - CHAIR CARS R.tS. Greenawood,15M. P. A., Chiceagos HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 rTRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo sod Columebus,udn Union depot is both cctie. Tbrough Sieeper to Woehiatoc and Baliore. GREAT RAILROAD THE HJOCKING V(1LLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11W. Fort St, Detroit. l~entscterTth BEET MAKES OF Mandolins afl Guitars I-I I DEuc as Joseph Ilohatos's, Washbsen's W~dlaerw e MusIG Storo W. Liberty, only 2 doors frsom Macbas Coeus The Fine Tailoring H-ave You Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET For Fair Virginia Tonight. A play that has soot with an unin- terrupted career of oucceos is Mr. Ross Whiytal's drasoa, 'For Fair Virginia," in which the aulthor will ho neon at tho Athens theatro tonight. This play has Leeonovorywhero pro. pounced oce of the very boot opeci- soens of Amlerican authorohip, and its tender hoart interest, ita stirring inci- dents and its strikcing characteriza- tisons4 both eootional and comic, can. not fail to appeal to all classes of the- atre goero. Mr. Rosas Whytal appears to a tight comedy part, and the cosopany is iseaded by such able people as Miss Mabel Knowless, Miss Angeline S. Pullis, Mr. C. H. Uelda rt, Mtr. Charles Haiton, Mr. dos. Dingeon, M~r. Jas. Melville, Mr. Alex Stewart, Mr. Geon. W. Walters, Mr. Claude i. Cooper, Mr. Myadart Starin and that exceptionally clever child, Little Isabelle Harriscall, who has a very iuportant character, and helps soake the play especially at- Changes oif Good Government Club Dates. The lecture which Hon. Don M. Dien:- inoon, of Detroit, was advertised to -ire 3 efore the Good Usvornrne.:t cia tonight has been postponed until next sonuth. Prof J eresoiah UW. Jensik will address the clsibsin March 30th, At. torney General Monnett on April 4tht, and Senator Henjasoin Tillsoan on April 28th. Students are cordialily invited to in- erect our evlmisonil i,:esofo suits, over- coals, men's furnishings and hats. Wadh a, Ryan - Menlo, S. Main at. ORA'TORICAL CONTEST. The following soen will represent their classes in the oratorical contest to be .eid next Friday evening, March 23: C.urch, '00, Hoicand, '00, Maxey, '02, M~ontgoniery, '00 law, Shoyer, '01, and~ Zimmoers, '00 lawe. coea our PORCELAINS? Floe thing ot-sonly place is the etrs where you con get them. SF'[GItIL 1RUES 10 SENIOR~S, Il1) B6PurudIIStudiou 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 ATHENS THEATRE FRIDAY, MARCH 16, Mr. Rus sWhytal presenta For Fair Virgini PRICES, - 25, 35, 50,. 75, $1.00 Satas cc sale Wadnesday, GRANGER'S SCHOOLOFD A NCING Privatecoseclasslesscnsgivn.SOp ias tractive to iladies andceilidren. SAY soys I omj i luc elsevs cc n scy si va A now line of Manhattan Shirts When down town call at the New IACADEMY an MAYN ARD STS just in at Wadhasos, Ryan & Route. Cigar Store, 116 East Huron street., for_________________ See theml, S. Main ot a fine line of pipes, tobacco and cigars. ______W. W. DAVIS, Prop. READ THE DAILY. Spcatae oadht a ahmRa M egining April z, Ills Daily will ho Rcule. Host hat on the market at 6 1d delivered thc rcimaisdcr of the year for $3.00. 200-202 5. Stain t anoolesLo $1. Thlis cpccial offer is imade in view Sl.Cs o of tile heavy baseball schedule whicih The junior laws are making quiite ex- Old CclJ uzd Stlichigatl will carry, and to whlich the tensive plans for their banquet to be S ler. Daily wiii give particular attention. Any- held Thsursday evening, Starch 22. r ol use wcho is 1101talready a subscriber to W in.,Ar ol j the paper atnd wishes in beep a lioc us The Ann Arbor Music Co. have _ eee the team, its prospects aitd work, will do some inducements to offer atu- The MostCmleLieo well tn lake tip tis exceptionally lute dents on table board; alan one aulte .1CmltLino offer. Names smay be sent in nose; de- of rooms. LOWNEY livery swill start April I. -127 C O O A E ' ''tRar o ~p5ncat iir m. t-I, HCL trof. J. H-. Brestoer, of Baldwviii ave., sill deliver the address at tile service in Harris hail this after- 110011at1 5 c'cloclc, issuscbject being "crut::aidlHonlesty." These addresser ace tttder ite auspices of thle Brother- hood of St. Aiscrewe. At the meetinge of the Hoard of Re- gents held Wednesda y, March 14, -Eu- gene S. Gilmore was appointed suiper- intendent of the _. -iveraity hospital to fill the vacoancy caused by the resigna- tion of Marry W. Clark. in., tis week let the contract for fur- Is the City cans 13ecosn nishine five hundred and fifty opr. chaiis fos the Saran Casweell Angell T E I ~ sail in thse women's gymnoasiuml. 338 S. StatSt.$ Mlelbi ,Sllle for Spring~-a1tles oivics 'N Q $3.00. MACKR&CO . M A TN. Knlv n andlcIt tc Tcsvbtrs IofIPennsyl- FUNERAL va,1. Jc: sis of Princetoit, an111litffy of R . Gcorgcetown, fo~ur of thle swsiftest Ittieri- D R C O s-ut colege sprint~ers, swill run1 illthioo-Embalming a specialty. No. 2- 8}0,H. Illds splecil,1tolbe helcd at Philadelphlia, Ave. Ambulance night and day. ae- A.pril 28. dence 302 Fifth Ave. Wear the PURZITAN $5 10 And You Will Always be in Style 110 EAST HURON STREFT u~uruu~ EIVflPU DIETEDIE Embalmer and Unve 613 East Willism Street UAJ4 W -I 11 L( U LL1 F uneral Director nier it njst one-half blocb west Fn VVIIIIIII't BIIB[R Na.Mrs. Enoch Dieterle, Lady Assistant, S oftyo law building. All bands an a m Stret. Rsideoefcrepairing neatly done.j QUf1RfiITEBS SSSTIOsFSGTIQN. J os E ertyret.Phasine S . Sho p r E. Lambert.j P hotos, WE PATRONIZE G00DYEAR'S DRUG STORE