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October 09, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-09

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D MICHIGAN 26 ALBION 0. again nailing his man. Albioncauld
not gain and pasted far 20 yards. On
IL ~ Home Team Wins Second Game oif she hesl doan Keena returned far 40

No. 1

H Fine Fall and Winter
E Suitincgs, Golf~ Suits,
Fancy Testings.
A We Carry the Largest
L In the City.


the Season-Bad Fumblinq.
The game stllsbion last Saturday
showed monch improvement ina theso srk
at the varsity aver thai of the steelk he-
fore. It seas of rourse expected ihat
suchs sevauli he she ease, hut the crowdt
hardly leaked far thse nuncher of wril-
liant cans thai wereo made hetween
fumbles. Fumbling caused tse esum-
bar of Mieigan's touchdaowns to heata
ies at lao less lihanisit tsouldhaeeewn
lad lise men not fomnd the bail so hard

yards. Thse salf closed swith the bull in
Albion's possessions an heroesituS-yard
line. Timce at half, 20 isilues. Scare.
15 Ia 5.
In the seonsd half Albionsicked sf2
ta Mlieligans's lb-yardlihne. Snowredlu
Is bunt hut lisa hail serialout of
bouunds at Iis side and it weas Aions's
hall sit their oponents' id-yard lhue.l
Aiblin, uiiable to gain, fansblad, sodf
Michsigans secured the hailan liar ascii
.-yaed line. Snowt usdae 30 yardis


tc- sold on to. arosnd the enid is sehics lMcLeans and
Alion isseasthe toss anad clossa.lisaeWhite sadded 1b earls. Then Albionss o-
sctealgoal, lolling the lielsigais 'sian eared lsahe ailonassafumbhlessnd sigain

336 Soutb State Street.
THE OLD Fr eerlwek e iv
al fLA LEalOlinerof LITN( IN SCI-
e'1IFmmS A St'IriGIA 'nv'.
T owels
Websae slda lot5sf ties's ut5oas
a s iiteitis illiiust a s oee
as loas a h . rS oseas h s 7c.
MorsoiesSuppotrs-allsizes Flse
Calkins' Pharmacy
Jerseys and
Sweaters at

hsave liesanain itlbsir ee.I-22n
kicked off in theseir3-aidhine swhe
thesalwssdoswned. Oieatiervisiors
secde thir5iiaridase t a fusible laoss
assailhelbasll and Secklae5fellassit.
Steliade 8 yavrds lbsrough lasklet
Wilsoss addedl 5,isesteel 3amse a1sd
thenlie stas aoasisgien lhbaolswhich
hesarried oaer faaa tosuehsowniaftere a
circeoof she endodrtiS 5yarsidT'lee
2?. einusstes.Reeina lulled tolk gal
Robehrtsleae less bedofftier Albionsstoi
le 3-yaerelieanad Feiteraldiibroueht
it saris 10habefr bingis dowined.tart-
zel v aset aosusnd tier endsifoe .Syard5
thtnsterasghtstihrough lfii 6men.
Htfetse eKerna end haweelercarrsiedsIit
ss-massessg 2:1 yerds fior a touchdown.
Roesns kickedi sff to the to-laid
lieFtzge'rallhrisngienit hack Is the
. Keeiss puntedl for 45 yars eand
\b hirthidswsedcitheean see lisatrtees.
Alosure wnst thrsugie the hine far 20
yardls, Wilesn Setline hues teasm ehnsd.
Afieresnaking theis distanae oncesAl-
1onwsncompelldio iseeup tier iss1i
en dows. Serna pumntedl for 50 yards
oat if bous.daFeroethe teath back
Robhertesnspunstediouss30iyards irons the
25-yard sna k.The sacks, assisted by
Steckle, "arrieds the ball for 25 yards in
fiee dows after awhich Tetgel seczde
asnsstler run of 20 yards. Wilson earried
it seer but fumbled and isi Albion sman
fail on it for ansither tosuchback. ltoh-
erlssn pusterd_ out agaisn for 30 yard~s.
Fitzgerald returned tier punt and the
call rolled nerOSS this line far lice third
touchback. Again tRobertsn pusnied
out thsim e for 35 yards and Fitager-
aid fumebled, Albioen getting the hail in
tier seeiddle of the field. Mbihigan ins-
niediately regained poassessinan ass-
sther fumble. After Teetael bad ad-
ded 1i, Sateirey, 5, and Stekle lb yards
toi Ihe ground brhinsd theses Albions-
credc the bal tsr oa side and tried as
t ake kirk whirls sitled thems 30 yards,
Ilasesehaugh carrying the hail. Teetzel
stopesd him suite pr eipitately. A
double pass to Marshali advanced the
fbail 15ime into Mihigans territory,
but further gains were net forthcomn-
isng and Rosbertson was tarred is purit.
it'z gerald got the ball and carried it
the length af the field tar 85 yarda sad
a teucdown. Time, 12. miniiteas. Again
ass gnat.
Roebertsnkickad oa is the 2-yard
line andFitzgeraid brought it b alk 15.
K ena psnedt. fat 46 yards, White

cattemsptrdshe iaie kirkicbut55Mihigas
seas Nie andssslbett. al obeirtesenpaint-
ei lice 30 yas eand MclLeans hersight is
bck25.oAenothser fusible ass she fiste
doiwnesagainecaused the call asoecus,~
Itds ob-e'tsoe utd 5yrs
wiecehiMcLesansorlened to a negative
tier Snhwecariesod ittar 1t oea ndc
liareremsainhssg distance a ascoered by
a saries ociieaburies,'ilson assesg
seer fte liilia chedowsn.sTies10lin-
Roietsoen kickead silt'is the goal lssr
serseeirstin liiked the call sip
and lbroughst it hbhckiitlite 4-yard l"ne.
Wreksha eDoaed aidWiteeir d it
ups 15yarsdesashen a funeirased a
listlbssin0 heciSno e scueing tie
bacellcsswevar Mu cLi nimmscieediately
osesroase the lassaswibh5 o iassae
Tienas ierrs nteein wssnt asrsusnd lhstssd
foas43eysiesanasd a.touchdown.liesse
4 misnutes.faagoal.
'The kicksoff task the sailtisihi-
gue'si0-yued lierbuthN'ce ncari'ed
it bsac k isoithr48 beforeleaesng dasesod.
A fumbsile givethe bollisa Aliesn asel
Robertsonsiptn ted is Michigas 10l
Snowsi rseuring ait an theleerst classesto
te30adrud liss.Rohbtrtason tierdfties
droip kick asherb he mniesed by a sees
ross margin. On the punt out, Albiocn
sincutside, hiscisgaeeMichigante
bail for scrsismage sen her do35-yar
meask. 'The Mbacs then did a betitfrein-
slag. MeAffta made 10 yards, Mchons-
said added 5, MeiLean 40, thiAftee 2.0 ansi
McLeasn 8 asse. Twoshed fumbslensirl-
layed the play thouegh possessiosn of the
bull asas retauned. Wilsocurettlb.
yards remasining in halves but the sime
erassip used the egameansdrd stillstie
bull in Mdichigais's posserssion coi Al-
blase's 4-yaerd line. Tine at salt, 20
aieuaes. Final asiore, 28 tu 0.
The asen lined up ibis wrayc
Michsigan. Albion.
Wblhite .............. le.......,... Mareheell
Wdilson ..............It........... Exlb.y
huarkubus .......... lg..,....... Agnew
Diakie, Par sin ..............duacfltie
Seigmsusad. Ksmer.rg.......... Davis..
Sterkle, MrD'ld .....rt. su. ore,tBrail
Snow .. .. .... .. .....re.......... B~echtel
Fitzgerald, fGard-
ner, Mohr ...a ..........Frost
Seeley, Mri~easn...lh.Feu Rbertson
Teetasi, SHerra-
stein, McAffee.rh.... tlrooenbassgh
.Keesa, Weeks ........ Church, Danser
listree and umpibbi Ship and Daffy.

Crowded Conditions at Engineer-
ing Shops
:T1lrgue enuncaer at studens a h
engiering shops is crwding ii~
ronsiderably is eare tr thm. Es-icis
nlelb hs re itthe bakssith sh-p
A neiw scoss has been pt in d
sm whoasicswaouldi hsve irferrerctlo
take blcrkmicthisg this yor, .
obigesad to takie'oodweorkeinsed.
Feed IR MciDoncald of Crveland:ts
brass appoined maniist isa the mros
Hiniy a '11 asuma5s abIen esel ts c
his poasiin se arpo Ieneriandel cl-
Homeopathic Nurses Graduate.
On Feriduynisgsswas ahield liha Issetids
anca ernmnce'mrntoftheat bsi sis
shaol for nuses, i innaein .c hc
the aHmneaupathic hsepetlu
Thseairdn"'addrsscan aas iseibiy
MarthisJ.Canfehld A.'At,'ii.1D., of
Clvland. She spoue at the hisoyo
professiossal nursing ansitisa do,
mee s a sc1 ince.lAII'i
sseted hi e dpoms b-ialso preste
earlsgraduateiswih a eaoldclii h
ini bhalsfiofatthe faulty of thoalig.'
IV .U. HiisdlerA. M-, 'it D,smade
thecroisnsg addsres.
Aferthlis exerises, a rarelisas
heldsinesthe buildineg inashicsev rals of0
liiiclt v theus i sriersies
Thin 3c ii s ci is cnssof the o
lowtinga'younag' lds:
JeseF lmnAnAbr Lillian A. 'ill ing, ITacumseah
Xanthippe EF thsCiisago.
Carsy P Speehy Ann Arbor.
Dr('Cani d duessdt lnc
susesand vestn pyic-na ite'
hosptllhismoning.aS" hiss'gave ass u-
terstsing dsirption oathliiidiffernes
betaseein ihspials n ths csunat y and
thosmae i Egandi andee remany. OSe
gave lir prsoascl eprince in Gee-
A New Course.
D. J. N. ibins, prfesor of obselt-
rir.snd gynaecology, aa institutedia
ear deptuerin him lncsirusiaro
Wills the asitane at islff the r-
ainatseiosnof thr tlouid wil hi' snde in
the ase at everyptint awho nies.
iis depsrtentn.Threeaill be an e-
amnsaion whuen the pulent entreehe'
bospitul, aer operatin, and ust is-
tore the patient is disharged, also just
before and just after anuethetisarn
This inaun impsrtunt step end frsnc
these data sesuel that in pacetial casi
be ohbtined. Qing lte he age nun-
br at patient, sd operatins lee Dr.
Martin's clinics there i ample oplort-
nity tar iis a'srk. There is n db.
hut that this wo'rk will e highly sppe-
ciatedi by tier students at the nmedial
Ta-a atfMichigan's last year's chm-
plan playesr will e net t-day an t-
marrmw to strengthen the team un-
ningham, last ,year's center, is back in
college tea pursue spcal pst-graduae
work and aill agai appear n the feld
In a day on so, Street will esme st
and Sry tor his ad psitin at quarter,

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