2 THE UNIVERSITY O01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pupils Recital at the School of Music a ke ' C m u Pa h r, . The svocal recital given yesterday af- C m U Publishied Daily (Sundays exceepted)t dining the ternosanint Frieze Memorial hail by the Collegeyer at pupil; in the School of Mtisic was quite C .t.++Fec oo nCag THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. largely attended, and, ott the whole, in- Oncs h nadPse enn lc.terestiug. The program wsas given as FURZNISI-fESnFlRST-CLASS BOARD. Btnt Phones i47. printed in Yesterday's Daily. Eacth REGULAR BOARD $2.75. MlEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short - -- --nuber seas weell received by te autdi- orders promptly filled. Fresh Home Made Candy nose on hand MANAGING EDITOR. ence, and shoosed the results of careful with the famous Sponge Carantel a specialty. Pop cortn halls F. 'sac In.ae 'St10 L. trainoinig. Hiss ll. RMeda Coykendall, Is and salted pannts now ready. Come in and try theta. B~usINE~SS nAN AGEB. lore skillful hanodlingc of a (difficull selec- oi H. Ba o. 'no L. htishowes rdicseif to lie a siigrofWSlPRE F[ItTORS. proiseis.(Tshesversatile,'ihiss M. Alice g W. nies.tyPAReu ATHLES . . . . INTennen'0t a Reynolss ion acdmiation bohlby_ T. .B woonnas '00 L. A.lH. Mcflsesn,'Ot E her acompnimeontrls 'and hes charmntlg A. G. BawsNE:12. E. J. B. WooD, '00, inlesrpretation of thrrrslcin rm+'d3+":i+++++''31+ L.Jd MONTonasERY,00 IV.W. MItecan '0000 leicsfrn M,+,++++++++4+ 3I~ E~A Y 3 __________ ______ ______ Chadwick.11cr favoritressf tlbsft K IV 'rAIN iciol iris 'ilscs a6 r ight. sshosecR/NA/ =w interpretationcof cl Lorelsei" qie /f caplst sectthe auicienre. Her pionci-i? atin ofthesermin ac-s especially gould.________ _FR M E The csescitliton co te ILcscnenis $2.5000o _____ ____ he notinge pear, ith a ceaidcelivery before nna nacb. day . Notics, ciamiinications, andWinroiFninPelmais oteat te s icendscaied tor ipubilsicimut b ines5 F n ig Prlmnais I handedinttcthcs ie IYoffice iesor e 8 . r Tsrttiti sssis ids ltll Stzes, Cheap, at maed tothie editorsefeoen3tp. m. oiltheldyay preouto sthat o chi iiesthsey ar ep ctd c to «illi be sdivisdest t w artis sls. Intithe \ l'r i cs -' a bneltoaiis i ~ s-tcDiysie on t:0 sill octcr the bosxing, J v27 ol cye', or Scoilt's iiewscd, cerewiti Businecis tiwiestlintg sitd frninsg nutlies ;ints hr 7 rillh A'' Managcc. Susis wi ll iconfle a isfavor tesog-ils'bys 'ut e lisul I Forting spcomptly att thisfic ~e iany isiiiisecofti; _ __ carries todelivreree. runioniff.bSsesitilir prrliituary O -f All chiacges iivtisiicgimatter must tbe in fenccings" 1usesCties tsere hnit lasit night. J5O~5 . h. sg a the office by 41'. ii. ociindieay pirevious to thaic 3 j 4R n o on which tey cre to accint'. 'shitsyiretsiiSi tens; Hosugshton ileieat- f ) z j fTribune, Stearns and Barnes (icy. _==----,__________ it. isrk iton ifooii Chaitry Daiy litO lut 5itslostli sroii iiiiisl wecom alerig wen nakng es. Renting and repairing of alt y There will he a Iteecillg of TeD'l('de ~frthekinds.ndENoSndA, y4 hoard, Frisday eeninug ci 7:30 it the ;tO iiiplactig tutuiminilli!tslii ina I iii call 15 a box of tHangsterfer's "most ex- i117 E. An5t.6 office. stinniiersof ttre iliciiy-lltsiigiitoiimItchitcellent" chocolates. They are the finest: __WW_ 2 2 ,z:WWr I hilme itn tile 5usei t-finls;' Da- umade and prices are so reasonable that -_-__- -- - Another Po en bij Professor Gatiley.i tl 5 sui tlcstisiiitcy still also isthe lcyou can afiord to give a treat often. yeanerC pyn CtrsMit aiyafoieri-sri-finalis;'Whery and toughton it ll 200 F. Washington. hre il aly omri-3If6 S.State. strcictor i thseUniversity oif Michigan, Mitet toniughst iid ther ermaining matrches 01ly1 iC p55 5 1 0 X iiards. hlas writtenl a iorm entitled, 'Tile Na- ts;legrssstuelr'iisisst++0+++l+l l -1+.'SHOOL O0 SHORTHAND tionc in illa Bic ihr opiposes te claiiss I _ . +i ii si+++sit l's ;.i.lit In tts waringof y t., tth 3 o; N. UNIVStITY 5AVE. made bty eachsitfte great sationts in ttn e tio. is ii lotet i s s ln > , T e that its civiizastio tshouldstdomoinate the atltsw r rne hn ]"I;nfo world. (hr fast is hroughts out that Iirill, the illtrak 0 ss ~l n uii, PASAND ELECTRIC LGTIGSUPPLIES,eSHAnE whl sidvdaswe may be Cheis- 1an ftASi bsLIGHTINGCrrlarr.l liens, atsitatins swe are as pagani as he-nSPCAT.. :N7R5 PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., iore (heist case intothe wworld. '('le ++b++++++++++++++++.l++++++ -OCItlLUMsBavst INGlllsr., Mac NcDais creslai ri.EAING5. autiss utslsuhed3 hs ii oiid iac:1 aitts (ol lit)J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. bullying attitudse assunmed by Englantd, CiUgareted -n' lkg -- _________ ____ Fraincr and(iermiainy and Russia towvard:+ - __lit -sirtsisr unw u u smnallerenatisons.*E+,EEU. The hrises of thy poeit are as follosws:+ Perfectioin Cigartetes, iostc'+ "Gist gin'eits grace,"thle nations cry, Riclhmiotndtl traistl+ ""000 LM S' LI000"" Andc turn afr esh to crucify H offmatiHouIealieItltlei + Ths vry StoniositGod. 1 +1 i gars, IOCs I C A HSTe netiegse ieI os S AEBLER& C N+ ADFor Parties, Receptions Etc. Except fur love divinet .; Thry sealthlessrsiifasntsiwiths the crass, iiiS.NtMina St., borI Chr.s%+ (C(OIPIE Thtrir trmlserItrihe sign; .5. 's God ad romt eavceGuaanee '1'hey float thes syissbol overheadOn n rmtSrieBaata cony-- uer'l iicisi - +i - -I----s---p---ay, 'They strewothr feld with slatightered dead, Aindl"Chits It Ibietisane,'.they' say. 'So shsalilsic conquinsc g still tissess Tlhe trilbss thsat Isnows Theaeiiot, Wet down ithse lsood thiil deerness, Aindtcoilecriale lie spot, So sitall wtieltihie irile for thse, 'Thie tu(wasubispstshsit iraise; '('heirSinatheisir letlliecll ThIes illsatenIofTthyl- tay-s. \VhN do thOtis nst r age, andst why. Imaginle ccsail thiing? '(hat, claiiming Chsrist,,ceach stlds there- bty '('le sigiiet of the Kit02; '(hat each is dearer than the sceat To H-isa swhio siest foareach; 'fhat He is stirchasesl with a text Tiameawas iwhen iieniisass noi tile Son Of iaan, nusr cared ho sect; Peace knew not Romei, asnilRahsylon Profesaed sot charity. The pisenat face of Christ stolks downu The cenutrics, sincee then; And laity a sait h ao worn I-ie crown Of sorroses amlonsg men. For you aiidioe He ((rca on high, For nlations He is naught; He lies wehere Pilate let Him lie, His teaching is forgot. A. Linocon Brick, of South Bend, (Itd., an alumntis of the University, represen- tative of thle 13th fIdiana in congress, was last week nominiatedi by acclamation. I ANN ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY'S MAM- S. L. A.MOTH MIDWINTER F. HOPKINSON SMITH C I1 C U 8 Thursday Evening, March15S MARCH 13-47 Inclusive. 1 00 New antsd Navel Acts Selected fromtit&e World's ADMISSION, S0c. Greatest Shosandcifotmingtin 10mighty stnison lbheGreat a nd fgrandest Amuisemnt Enterpise ever O E xhibited to thtsS'icinity. S o L o A * OE 25CENT TICKET ADMITS TO ALL S. I. ..4... Watch for the Big Parade, Tuesday, 2 pe m. Reserved Seats on Sole at Doavis & Seabolt's. JOHN F. HAS5KETT. OE.WITT ALLEN, 113 So. Ingalls St. 720 So. 12th 1, '/ ew Siaic Phosni'4030. Newi StatePhoee2003 - - - The fiEAD3QLfIRTBR8 O Campus P1,otojraPIoers Trun~ks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases Bave a tall ln of U. nof0M. and Ann Aebor lCveoryDecito.TUKA DVLS RE IIN atoesPre. Views. Make' a specialty of Studentso Rnomesecito.TUKADVLS EARN i oeiFts and Flashlight Work. at reaonaile prices. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. Viewo on antalAt USilkinolnhe d ostoe.Loiyc I Stret.ANTON TEUFIFL. Edwards Bros an Sehoiler's Btkioe 307 Sottls 0.. Stren t ~T'SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S' DRUG STORE. POCKE