2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pobit bed Daiy (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ores c: The Inland Prss, Henning Block. Both Phonesc 117. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENO Ecoocnx, '01 L. BtUSIN~dES MANAGICI. EODITIORS. AIl le:IIos ..0.G.). 11uccooo, '01IE T. R. Wootow.'00 b. A. ii. McDouco st, '01 E A. G.BnaWEcsc'02. E. J. B. WcoOO,0 L.J. MoOTOC sE','00, W. 1),ICK'EY', '00cM, Birds in the Museum. AGet ma'Fe.. Th idcases in the mtuseum arceete a' ... rearronged, that io, thc old css do cot have to he crowdedi tearare ~ ingplaed s Fia blak ucomoiotabie shoes tnorodor to coo backg re"ouns cia eci 0put'iattngicuic s itthc. lawvoof fathion. harke undocoobe ptt toctIF'shions has hoc oct decitdedly l1 to stde andtieooucoented birds dispiayed f echo1psnot pemattenttlysoitbut we we tgainsit to \ViWetn the opecimncs in worry shoot tit futttre. At 52.98a1 the irtdiroom at e rearranged accoridcwe-guarantee to foreioh a01uitra-fasheona tng to this plan, tihey ii he f0 cccii cnd more comfortole sothanc ocacn it miore cttere'.icg to the visitsr t i t fchsed ewerot a eulc rce patO h rtsun h i' ht/orgaatemas ornybchave been giosiped and piaced in sltec y Ioucatt.I iali races Nto'Iittheir tnatciral i strc LA S'cHOci ne \ l cc~itt as at iresi GL SSSlIOL ST R new ctarrnc ;ent havinig to do ceilyG°- Voctth .lcec'ireno tisat. have'.o-,ic ccOpen Cooeclogs 00cci ..ecccciygrociped. t~i c .M lile totieimeciccon ticat hao oeenc dishlaye tocintethe icaii ontthe secoci floot O thte muiseuim for lice past thiee'RE NI N A NT++ ";°Z montito has beeii faotensedi inthe ewaii 00vert one ccf tice staircways0.cc'her ecit _ Iill ccmiotpierimacnently. '4.00 I cc! ,,i' F A t A1 . r% into nply paic Ai 'rhe sebccrpti c rce ocihe 1A i. et.5o or cc GeeT.p lanasboig '99 L,Appotnted _ __Rb heo ech cdayc.cl ocice.,co"'c ccclcatce hatndci Prttate Serretartl to Sen- f ______ other nte neddfrpulcto uitb cscteecetet} cr ccccoctcece ator IBurrows.c 6 hbcieclo tae ocbefoe 3cteUtt he i to - lcte msaiedtoto hc ecicco rloefoe tic )c thcl ' 11ccfclotow c i ntg ccisifomtOthce toiii Y K'Size appear.etctocc tcliI e. i rzo c ,Iegripcic ofyeoterclcday: ,,fiISzeCheap, at ct1eIcclttocc ccctcc OloriseyIaccppo int en oascoreite ee ' - 0L A t217 Saat Slce e cc or tic t ewstln, rlithc wc cBcsiessecc ectoeciitvicccetoc3lcxccxc n ' taboiers St C ore Ma eSucbs1001c.cri eswll 'cor aI 1avor Icy retlto Icsienactct tor .131cc o s10000 { eS ,,41h Ave. carrer o delit er pac er. 110,r1till 1tie. o n c a- ms c ct et l c anotct on whico1c0ch i ti re1to cc III liof t( bext lceco t'cn y'ouneg attornteyo itt10 thi iltI 010 lit recci'vted itlooelily 0schoolc Agen t for icy"hel ater raddcc g1 aw oin t e fie. ) 0/ is)It Tribune, Steacns and Barnes Airy. Ii Sui I Aler litrslHonrs, cciI. t. ttl~lc't ti 1010 il'cdOll(ci . Ies. Renting and repairint or all I he toilcooc ih 1i5 1frocmctteDti rt l dcltil( t . i n te 1c(110 of1'91 A ovel~coeofiering when tsaking id.LENSaW 11111' ccas ine pl't rac tice' lit't call s ail o tx of IT,,egolerfer's "Rotex- t7E n .1 Hlt 1. It othl whomcc the ttco ot rtoil 1111 it 1 5lKa lamaz Boo n.Cr -cl t ,citocoiates. licey ore the finest 1, '2q eZ+'la fn ;-W - ' z :q W 11 t leagerseo cc e'h11101a1cicho n ttthe-- c--- -- m do ancdpritces0ar100s00 rasosticie that "__.-- election Io dcc resdenicy o1 the Bicli 'rleC-, o 01 ofscurtintgythe 1pteet yout ra afiotrd to give0 a tret often.,nbia lb idFsso h rdae n ocir 0 , ahntn 1 .Sae'T p w ie o y n lean Federai n ofIteollccc -11dciet 6 ccl.ft1,University 'cfo-ttts 1 Stho 1pwitrCori1n Vernonti t1-1. cli 1S it t oia.eteci o. 11:c catCalltCogenowt'i10 repa- UHalctools hcs litcrar dcii .at ceortion hesideo tthecolegiate rcord tofic + .++ ++.+++++ +. .. ... SHOL.a HRT~ at ti t i tucctietic 000as a0acitve 1 e e ld d t t a~ t' l~ emetot heirc smenteetof ti lcpAthaoDltitl'1ie ~Ic e. (11t o(ct l'titti1i. _ ____ S AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, tcecnity tch10110acithic ocol, and 010serv________ ed a edtorccl college publiceatconsc. PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., Sicelevnc scoe, ieal mthha EhcgL 1 oclceeongge oiiucesfu, raMr. t f'ScoitlANt10' 'i: Icas1;1'lto the bcar and hoc shcownviinctecrext andSHH,27EWA INTN T activity in icolitic's that seemn to picsage Outc ol n iul 4a.h . .SHH 0 .WSIGO T the early appearance of aisother mem- I 5 _o__e her ini the fantoos Sncicccictaily ofhic hccldcr't'uiocn in Michigan. Daring Eutny rn 0 the 1896 camp'aign he made, under the Tot Pa e tee, addresses its his own andc in othcec I E Y . 'ounties c inte state and itis deeopl tt' iar ccc el iabIc le ert~cccicc e Z moot as a bright. icrccccle speakcer on5 lcciclce. politieal toicsas coIeen raitid cud TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH FINIF COACHES has 'cotstitmccottsireabile 'ecgnitioin ''~~~J~~IL. at iocme. ( I t~~V 5 AND For Parties, Receptions Etc. Mr. Smith is nows'precidecat oi the Q -A RRYEl S Gridley ReptibliccnUlubc of tonia, o. 01 P-cvs. sa'izm- mwozc( ganized in .1898, and named after Dew- odadPop evc urne ey's fleet 'aptain. Ile is also vice-__fodadPnptSrieGaate president cf the State fe. gae oift _______Re_________ tpucliccntcCilcbs,1a11 cdnittedcly ill tine ' i,/ . ., , .r " for prontotiots toctiletresiecy1 of111he1 organizieonc. I T ANN ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY'S MAM Universitt oif Chicago Students Mai Have Instruction in Journalism. Chicagoe 'rimeec Rerald, Acarch 9.'-"' It is possible that within the present year cat thce Univerrsity cofUticago a chairncif iournialismocteill to*' cstablishoed. A cotmtnitiec' caslccen ctppocintcec, swith Prof. C. hE. Miller ascc'hairmtati, to locn up the matter and report to the senior college facultty. 'rhe now departmentI will noot lee it eonncection with the Eng- lishi ceteartent of the schsools, 011ccI as at oter cuniversities whlere the chair of jocurncalismt is establiscoed, buti 'will come under the head of the college co commecrccecccidipolitiecs. Not more than fouir courses will be offered, and will deal particularly with the history of the newsa'per, the methods of news gathering, the Asso- ciated Press, printing antl printing machinery. thce tewsptaper ini politics and sucbjectson01 a simcilar line, which will ive use studeicntnicieciof the1 theory of ntewspapers. A member of the csmmittee scaid yesterday that the ifclty of the school whteni estaibliosed will noet ap- pear as attemopting to make newspaper r men, as the committee recognizes that such enda are only the result of tie acttual work of ins reporter and editor. The new department, he said, will n6t attempt to cover such things, hut will give only such fondsmental knowledge as may be gained by scientific and his- f torical study, which ate invaluable as a firm journalistic basis, POOKE + +J Lvrwwanw1,w1\1,.,Os. A MOTH MIDWINTER F. HOPKINSON SMITH 4C RCS Thrsa EeXnMacI1 ARH1317 nu se S T usa Evnn, arh1 M A C 13 7 I n .j .i i ADMISSION, 0c .I00 Neiw and1(1Nov el1 Acts S eleed fro t W rld's Grecatest Shosws, ancdforiontitgicnmightyucitoan the Great and C cantlost .\clicis nt Enterporise cevcr A Exhibitec initt his vicinicty. C ONE 25 CENT TICKET ADMITS TO ALL ___ _____ - Watch for the Big parade, Tuesday, 2 p. m. JOHN F. HASKETT, DEWIT ALLEN, Reserved Seats on Sole at Davis & Seabolts. 223 So. IngallosSt. 7201 In. 12th Now lSle Phoeec801. New StiterPhoe23r 50. TIhe s o waithuntill yoctarecoo uctpellecl Io Campus totCraplers o___ - b ThW y ubesE A Have a fall ine of U. of M, und Ann Arbor EWS A Views, Make a specialty of Students' Boescy ubrsadhsthmra o end Flcashlight OWork, atreascnabsle prices. hasr bes nd ast mrayfo Viewsono sate at Calkins', Snhleder a Los oti e wear when occ~eaion requirsa-and Edwards Bros. anodScholeens Bookstore. APRILL'S SHOE STORE has less to pay the doetor. T SCISSORS FOR 26C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.