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March 13, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-13

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Pahilehed Daily (Sundays excepted) deuring the
Collegoe eaat
sFirecac The Ilanad Pres, Henncing Block.
Both Phoes c147.
F. EO ~a sRc,'O1 L.
0.11.AId cc cL.
A~THLETICle, . Ii.G.D. II cacce '111E
T. R. W1oeotow,1)1 . 11 .tcDceeieALLe 011E
AG.BROWNE 021E. J B FDei00,
LJ.MONTcOM ace 00, W D.H ICKEY,'00M,
Ike csuceceipicenciprI ic fte VAeeacc $250 foir
he coilegoe ear wtih acreguae l civecry ibefore
noon each. decy.Noies'-comccmcniccationec, and
othce paeitendledicor cpublcicticec ccce c
hanaded iciatlicth ecIYcbeforccce p.Iace o
maialed tocfle cccilediorbfoe3 ,In.eeofctedcay
precvious itoliethat eoncw icey ar exccteld ito
sppe ar
ecckeec lclcccciicf e left xatlice DccAIL fie
Skc oce. Su-cccicc'cc wil ccccnfecafcvccr by
eec cicpiccromplltti fieayfiueo
All cco-c cceicscccgccatter mcctcbe inc
Ike ofc~le.bci4 p. m. on 11thecdayccpreccious itoitcat

Alod 0 etl oho hmaeexpert with the sword. Othetrtptom Parker's C am pus
ising men11arc; R. R. Kirk, 03;t. B.
Egr,'01; H. P. iohcrry, 03; A. . H ~ ff~f
Holcomb, '01; E. H. Choney, 02;H 'aM.
Hougtonc'00; F. S. Hconberger, 02, French Cook in Charge
and Win. Mel~villO, '01. FRI~EOIS-LISBAD
A competiticon in fenlcing is tic beFUNSESFRTGSSBAD
includted amolg thce evento of the 'Var- REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 11EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short
xits indoor meet of March 17, and the orders prompty filled. Fresh Holile Made Candy now o01 hand
above men have been oelected for a wih the famcous Spong aae pcat.Ppcr al
preliinarccy conteot, from whicht the wtog aactaseily o o~ at
bcest folur wilt conmpete it that meet arid sattedl peanults now reacts' Come in aod try them.
in0g. Dulrinthte week 11101edling the
Pcster recess, atoulrnamenticllt beileW S AK
tld, otter wchlclthceselctionil of a S A~l
team witt be nmadctotce met olutxide 709 N. University Avenue
ctiollengers. A fenglage~ of tthe--.__________________ _______________
wcestern uiveit'1 ie15s i 01along the
probabitities, ccd tso an illercolteg- 4++++++++ .. +++++++
Chicago Wtns the Triaanqalar. //c/
cac ci ut Wciiii-ci-il licci he.ilci cc i gli
,,eC ollcii , th uh he ulead is iii ccl
tances trade illstone of00Cc ChOOtitc ct
il.i~ c/ I /-/I > tablers Art Store ~Ae
PI-4i sta whe leld li ccclbc a-i i/il gent for

C'1 iic ,

? ' <t I cles. Rentind ind renairinss of a!i 3

Prof. oolotj Addre sos Detroit Aii,,)i') 11l l t1t fil c1n" l c pe( ' eceno offericg wetn enalking te $ n 5 arnof ean
,ocittd 1i D in hting. r ti1c aci t l. hc t ud cl sabox of tfcogxterfer'a "mcci cx- s 117E. AnS t. ,
1c ('11-c w, i cc lc I .1 tr . cv toli;. 1+17.let
Scical c . cc ci the tic-i ci I'cettent coolt.tea. They .rceIte finest ' ; ec
Piesciay.:l :r t)0 ) li'll)l 12-( th 1 'of tmae aindprices are co reasonablie that-
Arecc-YcOU"111'o i Itsfly ' i iiccii.i w i cIaskc p . 1)t [ <,t i ic ' . c' fee l, n jyc an - aff tordt to give a treat often. T 1
otto itwe iiarclioill-g rt fy I tteot ticc'r cclhic cc ttr.l i'c I ii 20i ; 'asi o .y 1 sc- I te.1 i niis
doubtclicand, ' i'tr lige litoa ,the m n rc ~'t"c v ns:d w o 11M sy 301tae
wthoihacsmatccieto oilegra stpo snt herug thcc;n t+ ,rig. M, cal: (, - . my CHO L OFpe 100io ri ds
era s112'. tic l e it or ofl ha ;5ri1 1()[.il, 11 5 C- .I.i t. lie" sidi i.T
1~~ {f hi 5110 tt-ctryicitc -i-ti
mccis111- l an wc ofor thicy t t wo L ihO1 af c t c'. cc.' c I --nwc n c . Q . "'cf
yecarsyhis livi n c t roit." bc/cl1 citttibc «cli cc i .c cccl AS ANDt[l[I),TIN UNPP I VESITA E
of theiUil s iity 01 Nlicithicn coc ai .;tatr 111 I C0 1 'f), cIni lal ~
tioio 1IIotatth M t laillci6h
lilt 'the Plerss ric. ill Ii i l. Inli PORTAB3LE LAMPS, ETC,
1High At'etlllil cthe 11.11ntiettiin. +(Ouch e)(Gold 11111jc+I. F. SOH UH, 207 E. WASHINCTON.ST,
(>d by' Pircf.t Cooley, is a Ph i an,1c11 cwio, .I gaietIlc, ct
tlii spiccaki-r -cid,1hcc gonteIcir becyond .1 b alh( artcs
allih liteiatreonoithteasubet offci -It + I 'hliliiI'cdci
ity inines.t is mtinistobasedi +,PerieIt lion u c/ic ii. 1 ((),AX[~ 141V E '
oiltw i areo-tlael ithtieory, and woct11 h ~ it~i cIl ri icy+c 0@@
icstel i-cl or ciii n1110"n tih. Poltomac lol criiv 1+"f
er er\tahn toil. 1-ie m i ne C I ~ t cci I cretlco. - II: (: +
ideigcc-ilis aboot 40 feet tilecitnit20u I I oe ciIyi-i+1il
ceci ton;,i and its inventor olcisitc that + Ci(ars
hie witl maethedistaceobetweenmlDe c plot FNECAC-IS For Parties, Receptions Etc.
pring s'tcuheme 15isiarotcting; car. SAE &CO N
Thccic-c 'Ici t rbci noccivto ibe coin-ECO
-sitecud ccs ilicit letsiartting and ctop-, 115 ~cicSI.05.lleiy
Miing. '11ccl 111n1-111orc1s 11011 illthe ++++++++++++++++ '1 + 4' fl ood aced Prompt Secicficcocooteod
tecoftuoley Ididtoot tcike the reopon-
si illto cayinigthcat the schleme
coi~ be 111 c i.- suc c i 11ccut h e sithc-cct 7j!A N N A R O R L IG H T IN FA N T R Y 'S M A M -
111111 -ii i ntond nc3 f:1 !MOTH MIDWINTER?
leadilc~ c ing iet c- iion - t ec ictupcic licc
li-cvteili-c l- c it yrtie gretecin11cthe -
cccirll' ic- hisy elongll ih-t lie.e ITle
cocdlig ceiio 11t1e -i ealli vesscel c-icc'.1
-cl i-c- ci11 ccc lis c lit litrsg et fii' l01itis
e,1 cccii-lii lcd iitcat ci l ot ice lollg' Thursday Evenin , March1
tlllrer'.lttI ltiter-oto IHotld a lT111-. cc oe c li cc I e l
illn . ii 1O , 0 . ne tetSh ws 2 1 omIll ill1111iii I liii is '. ic, rea
1'1ci iic tlii c'.lc 1a , 1 1ti1 ai lranescici l l ccc til, t l ciccIil ,~e
11011 at the cii i i ty by i heicli 1 0
wchcte cctltivis'tct ccill sTnbeA"1eONE 25 CENT TICKET ADMiTS To ALL
toc Iale ini s lici. cio11111101 . I/b
liew cccit c l read- has50 nln
bee, i a dlec reultoftheetel !Watch for the Big Parade, uesday, 2rpm
In gymnastcs 0 in tfb i verscioety
who is hlcc'ett it2ep11 xe t ttlt - - '-Reserced Seats on Satle at Davis & Seabolt's.
111( 1c0achli of tlii-liew crgiicc ic-ctciccc I0HN F. HASKET. DEWITTALLEN,
t'he ciibipromntises 11 ito ice a per, 223 So. Ingalls It.e720S. 12th
lianetloifIeatur oiVr sity N i fce111 d incc NIew Stier ftele -11. ClN e icci - Icice 19Po3l
otiudeo alithe ce hst encceris01o 1cche igs
instittion.T hIere lta 100e a lsy eThe i sI I DQUi's-T l -FORe
ginners,0 and these are rounding Icinto j
shp udrthmrinnpr r ei- srukValises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
liasCaapus yotOra pI~e rsi
Among flee best ftncero mav be Ilaceatoull lilnsof U. of A1. oand Ann Arhor C-c ocito.T~~ DVLIERP5I~ ilxa c
mntioned James D' Avilaof Mexico, Vcewe. Make a seteoalty of Stucenctc' R8oes EeyDsrpio.T IN N-ALS EARNatL~s rcs
of the 1900 class, who to looked upon and Flashliight workk.at1reosonaleprieer.5HORSE FURNISHING GOODS.
as the Univeroity chanmpion; Josetol- 5Viewc an sale. 'atakns', schledeecc tocell'
termety, 01, of PortoRiceo, and H. L EdwarseBoos. and Sclcxleee Bxokstoe. 307 S(outh Mlaiii Street. ANTON TELPRL.


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