'tof 94 Pai~u VOL. X. ANN AR1B01, IiCH., TrUESDAY. MARCH 18,, 1900). Spring Announcement G. H.WILD &CO. WAe hasejlot reeed scur111ine of sprin' woolens forimin's wear. It includes ever ything inI sirale o h esn. Wecasic also xliowinc full.ranges in nov- elties, in dualityva d'01 l t sut the iiiost x cxtinl tasti.' consi~iising of Tp Co itio "ilt- 'Irouxociin;''5 W(ii te 01 calland insec I i n a WILD' 108 E. Wasbir)gton St. THE DEBATE As Viewedi btj Pennsilcania - De- baters Sate a 1'acorable Omen. 101ofesor i loas C. Trueblood, 111111 aecoiiipaiici-Micitiganl's vietor- iolis 111110 ine iase to Phiiladelphia, give The iDa) iilythe fiillowsing aeeoiint o1 theti;). ac till stationl by asa0101 ldeegatioln sf Oiidlitl 11111greetethemililiwxitis Ill iliellie 'Illyell.I lT'eteam11visitedi Nell Forki,-'1'lladelpila 1111d\Wasinlgtonl, a111d1s111e1tii llf alily 1t N11g111 talls. c' d i Ii ; . igfis antl'retl5 not rc ot s r- sial a l ~ it' t aongil'lthe audI151ience. bo ir 11111illiall o ftb e '~~i tatl, itilt . 1 le(sv ul~l(),Po 111' 111111t 11110'me tOll)ur iyse'lI' bls- i111 ln rpr is i qui d to i5 b oil 11 (1111111 C.1(r-ilo f a nve- frtiou ' 1 Iriseilt Iot l i's ta IIt I'0 11111 blyw Zro Fahr rerhe i nd , itI '111111 i ( l 0. f h - deuting eama nd theeyli ari r etit'cad rly llls11105111 15111 l .e only 21 pense o "I11,l\ t-rt ; H mn o Nnse i o l. evnn'otl ogsaniteieo -... armonized by C'13(ea.ndS t heofe Ochating teotes." A New eity ocllt1 ilG ir mna slou inm.pac Ai olclG(aiet .1 .ofM mati~aly oo _i(1;ngin he high is o nas n announcpe.nthe money of Pr ind'sr arinoiiized b A.A.S erly ri nc heipl o 'the .,)i.et l 101ueid ti et fte Al-! T1C _111al((12Dig o iliu s........ is. all bl'eol, an 110' pinIpaTl o eea-et comiies I-Sa aton 11from Dr. and rs.iit,3) Pymn alto Heiiot~fs...............ist demie dpartn'liit hf he PolyechnicWarnerif NewiYrkwand s to heusede........ Harmonzed by . A. S IthittledBrooln.ave amdtine t o efaythe expo ensestafithedecion TlA1 cnapan s-imen il Fr. Aug.ovar ithbe adebangtem t ishoam tii o ne me'sgymasum.Tht'bilbeD.ail~ t. rswt mur f disent 1t'r soe tie Prfessr Frer selDeath o ft o fLeshiaSparrwelva- Brooke ln nhursd tay eenga nds io- en ill eeommncd tin ce and Inalwok:1T ()le 3),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e Uni wen al te ayto hiadlpha o is omletonwil b]rpidyaused.-----------Mloy lylF WbK iatend tdte. The announcementeof thergift at------------.armoniae hiy A. A. S As heaeatig ea wee rosin capl bouhtforh geatbustof M -iaa Batiley.rotf i h thaeitBookln bridge datanin ocaockonhentusiasm.teRe olutonMwreadop't---------------------.Natro Thud y revenrithveyookted te,;eineal1ofthe Iidoors. ry '- Dr.c Wait.es