JUST RECEIVED T..llvI fr $In Your Inside Pocket D. fA TINKER~ & SON~ HATTERS 1AND)FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, OCr,', MEs'S FURootSRIsos aod Comopletteeof GYMSIUMot Goooooand SWETEa~RS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree IVu [klt Iooewhat you can save onasit or orcoatomade ooyoor orderbyou. We guaranteeaoperfect 000 0rote. Calt and -te, no obigation to boy. Our omoense assortmenot of ovro3,000 ooampewlltplease yoo. All WootSuits asndOveorcoatsfronto$.00 np. Goodrich, WT alker & Murphij, Front Room over~[ First Natiooal _____________________Ban__,_Ann__Arbor. TO HoI~Both Phones, No. 8. DO YU BY tot '~l~tO 00 4Pittsl toto. togolis for (1) ilAntony Ci(ars1(o1 4 Brtunsw0icIk ('Waros for l0d Nuomber: 44 SO. MTAIN ST., INN 0.ARBOF. MICH. Sustaintes1100Will in Favr of iUni PRISON[R OF HOPE; verity i 1St otItoot1 320 S. STBITFP81-, ANN AIOOOOR- . - - tICHiItiAN U. of YM Barber VTOR tATtSOO lut Th ni~e nShop and Bathth City. TRea. soaobte rotor. R Q(lUS, 322 STATE. J. R.Trot.a00001i UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF i 44entletnen's begin --n , l ondato, stoopii tLaties'00(00000 ot-cls, Wedt., t8 toO0pns PINK BR4OS., Instructors Offter and Academy. Niockel Halt, 334-"336 S. State IA RECORD BREAKER! $3.00 ' LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN A rn PENS i~ I t o f000ot o11103, 0 0, oo o il 00011.W If 11(or ds t( ffr l 0 If t sisHVEI does not sui o )I or r (Any ray you figure it PR I ' S iri lto tt11": o it ,To on this ffe A 'to 1296 ro o St pDoat r e-1Moth A ndr of OtO giv OO NORtiStt H ScIDEot e LAULd NDRYI;G 12 TGis old St. erHoWi.Mich. 1003 BaiorExresy s Coll phosoi Cat' O0 0rhcl 1 . 1 0 00 1.. ottc~ae o lt Uri Mo- t. Th 1ticĀ°te CAI' AND GOWAN ORDIE}RS. Ordeto tour catooantt-,towtnosot11itob li0 00-to.iy aftteroon000fromt 4 to 5 itn oI C. Mlb shlooei s at A t &.Cot.'. tf .ottdioto ohairs to reoot, ottoertdoti oti Otct fot t Ot tot105 itt 0centO a tozen0.0 Nil clo lt s f o tll nlt rAl 00 wil tot.w linoftalnhtotaShrsut I,'M. ioutoMaoostrets. o M Ioioataho tSa ck& Coo'. tf loo,01"T lO OBLE'S STARoLO-,oo-o o'Io 00S A~T I 000I7 000 1 NT O T. 000000 OS -ototoloACC00000 O ETT-E00R III00R1BUS1I0Eto 0IToHtiTIStO 000 000AR iooTE 100TOt.L TTE AOEAl EiVER~Y KIND) ~ im . _ NI~ A R F )Cot Mai n uonSres 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arhor. H',Kcre, Pres. C. E. bRoomY, Vire-Pres FRD ~~m.Csir FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Actor 0Oeranied 1861 O Captarl. 0100.00. tSurplus andotProtfito, E40,000 'transaocsogeottoobankingotusiesscr. Foreign exchangoe bougtt an Soldt' . Furishoerttt tersooof credit. j . tD. KINNFO, Proeo. HARItS0ON OSOULE, - 0 0 5c Vote-PF s S.000 1- . Al OtN Cs0 e 25o IThe nn fnror Savings Bank Cp tal Stook.S50,000. Surpluo , ,10,~0(X). Rt -e:o te. 0 000 _______ ___ ___ ____ Statoes Draftoooao-t onot p00000000000 000.0000000, 00,01tt eoit o x to rant0000 1Calendar. O ble :Cr is00 tian haoo to. to .00 . 1Harri-eo 1F e~y Oto Mto. aorclo t, 13. Lctronr atLiq- .0. Frig 0,Assi tart00 0'hi0 tool Air 1ooy ito.of. t1'. C. i-,eroo,ULioversity . .0. ttoozit , 00 W. t t.00000000 o 0~tt 0 itt o Vief1Ves-I 3 t' ll S ;.Il, lI ce ds o e lotit I . 00 ~i ,N ltO, i00 f00 )toz o I'ly-i~a I~il~it .0 made as many friends in so short a time, 00. tootchcntiedI1 m ll 1000000 it disappoints no onte.', ott rwllrcev lb r o-orord by 1 001111-to 1)1-. ool ooooric. (Gother A trial hoxs wilt he sent to any one On tree0t0. -027 anywhere on receipt of ten cent~s in Clr1 c Lata. 02,frot.eniostamps. Address Old English De- ,11M. Ita benOo i 10 t lav0tll oni topartment, The American Tohacco act-u oftto 0ss Co., Ill Fifth Ave , New York City. All dealers sell it. ,}~_ Opening of Spring Woolens... Wo ttit oolesfrthe iito g01OOseas~o~ o aveoaoroived, te mt O oteoooootlitneoe000r101odu.otcedlloere to is praon o ur 000taobles ant owto 00 openO for ouo lt ottoke selections.AWe iooove amoode ete-ty ptoreartion to st rictly retaointhe topreTiotus stanidalord of outsl totloring 01001to IpromtlyI 0000r00e ouparons. We soliitour in0 s llpec- tioottation early 01ate. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 Souuh Main Street. --.%N SPALDINGS Official Jltic 6OOds Ofil~olyoadooptedl by toe leadinog / Colleges, oloSch ool dAtlticl ClubofothleC ontry, 0 Baser IallI Tennis otot IHatl Athletics Golf (Oyossoixsn 0 Spalding's Official League Ball ~ Is the Official Ball of tloe National t teague aod all leading collegerssto- ctato. Spaldings Base Ball tuide los 1900, 10a oodtlei SrsreA.G. Spalding &Bros. to asy adres00 NEW 00RK,CHAGDEVR NOBBY TAILOR STATEC ST. lcfflilOI0lSSl8SNSlhl21o1lltO1lil4~il I THOSE NOBBY -GOLFS MIL WARD