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March 12, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-12

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94 Pai~s



I). No. 122.



G. H. WILD & Co. k
AVie havse jusot received u lnI tut
of spring woolens for mnen's -
wear. It incliiies everything in ands
staples that are suitable and de(Ic ~t
siralile for the season. %Ve are j
also showing full ranges in nov !teJelisin(aiyadsyle- t ?i
sit the most exacting taste. t ;f
CoO'ai llii of1Top Cotl,, n Ait-
logs, Panic- Vests antiGol Ciii
TFrotsiros. Wecinviieivoiiti ii ,(
call inI ispeit ourlinic it
108 E. Wasbir~gtor) St.
i ev gtotArt stckf risiQ, xt
Matrils e tialsfrom et
WilerasaPdhaermacy to
and otheJOLLY t&rCo Ot

A TRIP EAST. (jstaiticsandl gave hits of personal ex- Telegraphing Without Wires.
per ienieto prove and illustrate his Thai tse siihjeet 'Wireless Tile-
higan Engineering Students twill points.lHesa idt that tse segregation of grapihy" is a piopuilar- cue at present was
ahe One During Spring Vacation lie posiriiasai great iviong, priiductivseceerly deiioiistrateil Saturiday evening
has bieeii tie eistomaiein eslpiast Iiiiiceieil. Shoes, lie said, are a so- ihntii Dr. AuigiistusTrswidige ad-
Juioa Mleianieal Eiigiiieers isill ciiilidisease, sichel maist tie eradcated idressed the Eiigiiieeriiig Society at an
catourofIiistpectiiiiiof the large lbefor e iaiy iiruetrogscan bliceliade. iopeii meeting. The Physical ilaboratory
)siaticpoweriiiplans of thiesitdue-Iiih i trustiiid the strike are hoth sat- LecturetRtoiiiwsiccrawacd ccvii beyoind
tic sprisin aeatin.Theitii p cis-oraitfociestshe one aii effort iii Irct-in the liiianId the iiuiieiiee of faclty and
)rte tis yaris oe xeddtoowertue oilier to giit. The tenid-asiidents Ifrom all depiartmaents were
anypreiouis liies liavei teeniiiid ecy ifthe timuec s is toconentrate all iigtily-ciitertin~ed liythe iddress and
coerItwieuage ofincudus~tries, the soiirea at evil ini lie downiitown orSIexperiiienitss iiiiiculiniated iin sac-
i trove isti e at gireat tpcactical stllm disticts of the large cities, ile ec hilly telegiraphuing with out sir
c ttllitaiig Iii _ cues anidlsimilar inisitiiutioiiseonfinue tIroiiia saitioniM aifari eii ciof the
J lii) R, AlleIi W 1Ii ieib h rge O h'lle4e o the sceli-to-deta oii n : i ' i i Ii icIs iaid waiii iii itni
)AtI. lale glClSC l iii atn' I i 1ICite r cast iecilcilc vi" ttin 11 he e Itir rool.
1m th tripand wo hav notl 111)11dIc -~K rctta of the
I Iiiiiii iuiciliai ii I republicans Elect Offlicers.- Deer ;iltilili
tiloe o,1 140(1t , 1:11 t Attend the lfeetling. 1tbrao 1 cp 1 ii i an mthiii-
() te iiiiit l,. " rai-d. Th nnlcli 'iiof the 4Ocer fIvs aim 1 , s 0ISo,.Cll-, Cato

il ( i~tJ

t) i I c }a I't
_111 li )l a


iiNv,s hlcd Ii Nei
1111111 ~li t tilstan
last vci -4'lir itai
11 111,11--l


-1, --l-

t y wil 1,1 I i t\a hiIL) 1 - ) -o ihC1 t s'--i- eon ed
cit °rS ca dMna y will S 1, c ii iu l tasiltlcentto pay a fesw
p(ii er he. ilcicitie-itin tlii 01 ) it ctill-t coltedc, c i <
l sigrai tg, the Patent Dfie the ba lnc in lie ticastiry ofii$9.o6.
ite Sthii soiiianIi titute cvii (1"1- a 1 ii> erethen Iad- ir pri-ica
- ie( hee th - lilue & 1t.Ii -r 50 1\ . l, iii, andcl ii
1ait t1 sho 11111 ilbeinspctied. Wetiseti.
cithe - 111111il iiiii iiiliiworks votsiltite 1,W btr15 Vl -l
()i li.1) ii tho lalaCo is th(iuu po II , ii iS, iiiiii l ao fS o
T sttio rid te C aln slp-yad I1> tt n1 ec~ee(IioO 1 ivIte and wast d
illije ime l s shortii t r leiosu\- I li e eu:Chs. itJ.iDviiii , . IT. iLvonsiiani
e liii Stle il is mc liccis ii.j S . wile s ccviealit.s ellacted i-
'e 100.000 lisi c hupo r ace e r-(ii ise z0 'ts )liiOf .40 5i lila CIari c
lcec I aheeleir IElectii ci he1 1Ier I.Itliiisieii is teol a

en~il ~ l a l's ii c: ,I1 ity tile air
11bigtloiilyt2'1111111 i l agency, lhas
t(1 lcc >ail}S~ilit* tOSu~ eI itwere
it tlC.:ie nt}i.\ e~c~ Inthepriictillecof
() lla netc aid ie ii--.;ali: a tilii could
N i lal~ posiblethe ccvlii a elilcof
hecillic LI- coice posasle sis ed b
\ ib sing elctric currens. ilici er h
e ws oie f hef-stto c-esigate the
Suijid, ,and c so ald1t111111tloaho-
S iii- ho\\s the iactual thingii tindler coiisider-
1, aatlshi ck-nisely t ty 1madeiDr.
ii - i ii i 1111xpaind1teliIctil a d.
magntic, ctinswic1ak lce about
lite-el f.a a sag hg ,lidiis-
Lacecofi iii ilca udred feet
e iwith bi ckiiallsand iii ii lea ee inig.
d a iiiucti largercI ial,h. vi r 1cc tiliciiig
ci ii 1 cs i ;eis". inga0 -a in -Ii ciiosi4c
-l feet-Ill-I----w i T - ctilt' -l?;i haveitwI l 1 th c i cit

w- S raeIi i l e ci tiic Cos., thice xir slii- Ilcti l-t n a- . a11 l-7 1 tai i
Pro', ,ienals hpesto btiltper isi lrt 1 1it, ,ilib atultedil .1 cci ofl tie so csiet ahlatt iiicti Ibesides
iiOsill ci i-ic 115 Ii itihe policyfthI oes- rca iiiitlc u~s c an elcilons of officera
L GiiIN fori I ill(cpr otlclca De l-'I e anPnhr oiinEdreu cilcail -a a
sonlicitithtuici ti 111111 et ulucuil. cit t iiisian 1tltiaui. 1cc-a cirthe c- cfpicai-er Vs el. h
biOC IJS ofx it lili'g cci ccitt lc io ciplace;, t)belileg aec-os o p
ii Til hliue Sat or -eat.1,15 1phi urtei
F O C S Iiinl. Vltcll\61 bein oti hre isI-il ll-i
ciili ait- 5111- ~ u Scrui e nt i cal I c;& ltadlecrif n- sc-
ilx lc iie 1 e B tlhlD a o h ' Pi tronIEii cc, l I , iC akr
1iIta.,%hr5,tth e orii u iis I iuihe iethleliitate iBo iidto f H iel h iss eaiii, cas alt ailr f cso -dforIhue
gilIil slceli cR ci 111 i111 -u t eai ea. ceuenlscer ctuet siso
lc t ro tec IC fietic Cii.ai I e Sula i ac iu uliiuitii 1111
lih-e- i- lll i Ii he fol t V g h~pa cha paliu lc in w : uhieieu~fe,'o ,of T le o
elf <lrnlctr plate, canIcns techast and itiii 1101 sB ae ~ee A '. Pla s Ae tedt bit
S t c lieu t ioiillh tils ilili ifericun ay lii ls i ii ic l la ic I -eca r 111 I ai x o iin
5:ALK inS' PHR MACYw. pat ill i goiu totagr-. ls shr teillihiotiuclu il oi f hi f, c f liil ret iarylith-n
________________________________ ii ii Iii 1111elIII 1111 il (l(: iil Yeii thu i celiumicioi ii from-, e anI
tie SIcl euu Ii heili f1111 c ~lat erl ft heitic - i s at tic cap-
t I5pe' en .ot ist w c l ns oft e\ a c bal vC ioh r of t e v n l~a ' le1573, n 1 i i i Iilii 111 lice ofltciii l
U cund tilelyd ailiElIectrich o vgcu 11,15 1 .11,i shiiiia I c hnlt r iti vh ol i s tiso tii cuu icierig m r
beI isiteld c i. 11om ther iihelay illte 11c i u u,,i slalug.i 11 ac cin gad ta inhuegardiiito ita-si
lii he t~tuiuouc t ~u ei it la , ee hivo cing ld unt t ohtere at h 'iuaaict riuid.hf
vv U4S PA RM C ~ ccglheuut~e-aa isaihcpibeiiiccate bi-ca d a oeli nt nliicidauuidstti i
than ethis ocoageeiauicrii nse ctlo luau le atipecaui~tition. r .is osha feiasre rIlris E xacpotd .Al tetis
Dr . f h __c hop a_ th_ .1ic- g 1 Itfestoit e lic e 5 eath ro cn l ie w ais lilc eeiiu g . osi dtg helter.
-- ---- "111 is cuswas eM nicpsh o cialvery allx ich ocur (as retio ng th tnthe win tali l aiiiedoofan engineer ho
A (.) rt I teprobleo ftems ili dluits at cthe 'iersile inasa 73,xai sh ayailcitilrand egh tisu a ltil securedor.
j ~luentsGeorged,.and tyeofaChi ago e oe stiis befr in g Dtetrndnoi t i vta hei Afergaduaiipoy e iwcednttoParcii-
Saturday es-ttieng. toitRiaisis C. its the hois of gthe t sio n bilding.wMrk
S w A E s;hi-ispect ito.tnge iity le.gray'vleCueoie Kesthtsefaon h a fmkn
beenitatede il on wth atimoe"FarOardo TSeretawyillbe ii tuse ling ,ofutheyGi- toledplansoandthe expositiong oad.nol
hoetueswlt"us Chicgo ienanesptintto-anereyoGlenCds tiht ansetit 7 'coisonlyaccpe hesamnpreeenc tobo
pteakmths i ori tyeca o ds cfrmthecbeto ssarpinRoniCUnvesiy all. alltheoth ritoinae btespeited
W .. HOING S socalcondtionoint thciye rkngofd ei. h.drenPeacna, ad u ftecnlho fthe building.

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