THE UNIVERI4STY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 JUST RECEIVED 'STIUJBENTS To Havu retnleinber that we can supply youwitli a $1.00 Fountain Pell, the Laughlin or W~aterman, whichI we fully guarantee. What moore can you ask ? Try ors. MART IN S$11HA Lj-vIR Lme. STAEBL[R ~ Id Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washingqton St., Ann Arbor. Tv DOYOU $ OKIi i i i i I I j i I i i I i D. 11 TINKERf b& SOIL fHATTERANsD0000 ENISnEuS Headquarters for HTS., ', hMoo a FURNISHINGS and Comoplte linaeof GYMNASIUiM AGENC0Y FOR ISSNGInO SLATS 334 Sonuth State Stree ('Cor. Main andl So Sares. Capitul, $50,000. Surplas, $30,000. Troarsacts genr alrs cuint rVin aP' FIRTRNTIONAL.RIBANKlsof AArAbur OnCatal ,SOQ000. rotr oad Protr, 40,0I Trar'atoFrra rrata tral lll r 1C i s Foreign Iraa E. D5. KINr, Prs. SHARSlf N SOUoLE, Vice-Pres Caia S ,1 o si 5:60)0010. Surplus,15'0 00 Oraie idt he Geneor ral Tr hi o w o thsSae.R ci sdoi ts, 1a)113- rotand selr rStat o,' rar Ia' cas pon propr rat i ctrtr Wrta. . 1f7T1 rt r.o W.A RN I, iSt'a.or. V to1 Starr' STasME 1) SO IH N Vi O CCrar, 1tr Sh IlL BY PRISONER 0F HOPE ,110;let1 fke1 5' tr r.akoa'tI to., 'I 32 rS. iTFAtEOSo, AN\N ARBSOR- - .- - FIICOISAN U. oft M Biarber TVAOR~~ Shop and lBath the Cit, fa- Room1s, 30200ATE 1-Rt . S .Trojuaooski UNIVE.RSITY SCHOOL OF PINK BROS., Instructors Officr and Academy, Nicelaflaf,a33a--3a6 S. State A RECORD BREAKER ! 4 I'itts1)fS ltore' foi- l i ;tof \ IrS 1 ) 5 5\ l'l iti i, ( 1trll fr 5c 25c 25c Old Number. 44 S0. MAIN ST., ANN ARBORS. M? Poof. b-ralton ill oar11 1 "'licra r'ial ( hrist fron 0, ari iit~ l, '~n r ;l Ordes orta aps and000 ota000.15 ry atarno 00 00 I'baaarotC'. Ilatloar I t J hloa , . C o 'olditog atairs too rentt, caolc 00f00'o tar010)y0fiae 00 1,Irts~ a n Frt' 0 i day' flj Calenfdar. o r Il hO .r a tootaealo' toar.' tlC:totoot 000 te, f tl 1oorl{mcrl .. tol a rat tall to 11 4 t O 5 105 0. S. tf cirod0.o and Ott 00faa. 0. Marc01.) 1100 j tot 5 t 6ina00o0adriaoo'o.00. tOiotO 00000oo of ratoaorts 00genrt al Y. . . A. tood S. C. A.,ito N 00 01'r Bltaoo ig I ui00t05 baoll 10(3.111 .Eo I oto.'lao.N l o oht .-l1 0100' 000 Liq- Makeors of a? I aooor 'o rr tyCOGATEL CAPS, Oal 10011, i10000 oceeds'aitoo ho. draotedo Y G00W0N S d 100000, tar treIo 0000)000000.000. 0orOR Otos Fietod. ROrtnaof 50uisRctl,1ae It. 0Vocal 0000000ECoas, otoit oat ot 5,- 1io IrtoLASPCO OTT. Maoch oto .[o o .0kins OLLEGr FLAGS, 00010-cay 1-Chi 1 - 111I! Varoity ' s x '' LAS STeo O NE RYe , liicooi cct VI iiln Gto 00000 rsOSn, 8' I y COLLEECPINS0, 10i. 00COLLEGTE C tttt. W ,.KtRN &CO, totupls'ott oea itlof ,'ltarcio 2" . (Piaooo411 000 0 ift a-Sr astalSt. i eatrotmtooot 000.000)II , 5IL0. tooidtoy 0 Marioh 0.0 tiio.c ootfciat ti1 . op, , na 0 .00000,00 ~a siumo 000 8 1 to-"'A slice to 0-a raii l a. hi do 04 lutot 1ett wotho pipeful" toPO00000 ooora~oo c5, one reason Tobcc trt r rr o owhy Old En' or=e' irt o Ner a 1at 11oatS our biet roaco, 0 al 00 g 0000 5 lish Curve 101 t, .rc ,o-Sohlt too o Sp, tt 1i ltt jl, 1UC s et'aOtel' s 1t, ore o Ioirr tootla ttil 2a t S too 050 LAI.Gl'LIN FOUNTAIN ' ' lo t"I tal ataa'rioprt1a' at, ta 0orotara 0000 rt' o ua.. Vl, PENS fl 1Sit, a.oar , arroar ra taill 0i 0'alherl cur.vefotd S ofit r rnt, 000 00510oil aweek os t 'to t ,aal I'1lto'' h l es '1 ao. tor,iael, & Co.'s.0,Th cuve fo 0 '0 rao0000y01001 01 all .1 ~l] Il aplait :11,11har.\rloor tar,1-:;__(-tin box that fits any pocket is another $1O1a .1ia0 Vicaar.a110c00 1, at a ra; i theoiyI ' ew linea oa of t oNStSOloatotOl Shirto If it doorant10'slii, halo & Steiole.Ireason. No other pipe tohacco has ever 00 000 and oer youX1s. aroor a 0 '10 SC . r A made as many friends in so short a time. - - - -- . 1 or "ac -1'n sre t~ l aloe I' r If desui o tson AVE OTll'_ 'r~rar 0 10I10 Iaa ht a si !oot "tdisappoints 1no one.", 011i I onay' ,or ( ''oar e ,11 1 1 'r., 00 h ra s't roror a n0000.0 cent' . A trial box will be sent to any one Thsiste Fotpan aii serea iea s1100orrro ra000Cd 010 all~ roity 'isro o rhull Aroll -trill Ire anywhere on receipt of ten cents in 1 ilzY DAMN OrT OLD I loll.raltit i (to 0a~~o 11d 1thatra rotato- r eelrrr .r 00. 0of 0C oloaaalrio.'Istamips. Address Old English De- rotoeperet oridn:s hrhepeet.ielcaol 00hedac 0',)reeey oodl~. partnment, The American Tobacco r .A itonvr endoooi.,000use - _______________________________Co., ill fifth Ave New York City, wndr aof tfe gig era. All dealers sell it. Gtyour order inoearlyoat rader fodaoy. Statrwtarorfo atdysor , -- - LAGLI NFG. 0 r IU c 6~ilit's1SPALDINGS Official 129 Griswold St.. Detroit, MHch. 4 -5050DSS00.' SA . tItC 6 o t Ary Doeoou troiortm. kooyt! ' 155 , 5005BUT IN O)R, Sf5RIN0G 0)Offiily adopted by tha 0eadinog t10 (0000 OIa INfO 10'H ON 'llege, Schoatol o rd abS 0 0 ?c. \ 0tltt~ll~~lttd MaBasreSBatl Tennis Nr BEST Foost Sall Atleitirs SauTe.' Golf Gy nsoaslsssn . NOT\SD MADE &C. Saiin's Official League Ball IA AUNRY 4al 0 / a $300 WagerLeague and all ieadigtcollegeaso 4A Y' 1 HABERDASHERS. aiations. Spaldiegs Base BalitGuide for 1900, 10a THOS. SSOWE, t'repr. 'IHoneaaoec 1003 roadwy. WBellhoneof Athletic Spoarts re A. G. Spalding & Bros- 103Bedy- eS hn to anyaddress. NEW OCHAO DNER THOSE NOBBY NOBBY TAILOR GOLFS NY UUVVIF1-D STATE ST.