THE U.NIVERiSITY O- MAICHIGAN DAILY. in TYLJSH And Up to Date SHOE MICHIGAN CENTRAL SCC our FiuC DisLIU 01 o1 etm -ANAN SHOE S Etc.. OODSPEED'S J3 ~19 South Main Street. fdarm Clocks SI, L S H IRTS LT.eof 11.ies 50c to s i) o . Fine Watc Reairig aSpecialty. KSWEAR and , L. CH IPMANJ EWLL .R, VESOUR PHOTOS OF (JNDE-RWEARIN THE CIT'. . A R E ---- PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH & - ~g RIYSTBearrman Studio t , . -,.i.- J.. . GThe Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME. Taking Effet June 23, 1899. D~etroit Night Express......555A. X Atlantic Esp'eco............7 48" }randIRapid- Expres.._......11 10" Mal and Pxpresa............. 3 7 P.te. Ro lstIo Special....... 58 Fat Fa tern............. 943" Mall andtExpress..... ....... 940 A. lt. lo-tn Y.sand Chicao ...... 748" Fat Wir"te n Expres...l.... 1 8. 0.1 R. ad Kal. Expr:es........5045" ChicaoNg-htExpresst......... 943" ftlfic5 Enipress.............. 12 30 A.,M 0. W RUGGLES, It. W HAYES, . P. & T Agt, Chicago. AgI' AnArbor. &OITD STEMoS111T Z.117mss, TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- durd Time. SOUTH NORTH *WNo. -.- ,.25A n No. 1.- 9.0 A. No. 2.-li: 7 A. M. 'No. 5 -1lz:30 P. M1 No. 4.- 8.430 P. M. No. 3.- 45 P. n. x' 0.-)9.09 P.M. t"101.--9:05A 5M. -tRun Sunday only. *11?5, btween Ann Arbor and Toledo only All other trains dally except utnday. E. S. GILMO~lR, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. p. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, begitnning at 6:45 1. Dl until 8:15 p. a last car for Dertroit 11:10 tt. m, Waiting room, co:rnor Ann And MalD oto.;l Detroit, bib Giriswold st. F AL1 NEC GLO THE BEST LINE WA'IN 5TRE-lETfv IVK Albiotln ati WorItlResumed. Michilgan:%-. \lhion ol:day at 3 p. mx. Worek boo again b~een comtnced on Tiekets to t 1w six rema~inin:g Dome the campus w~ell. The boulder which gamen to Atletic Aosociotion m:embherscauex h ea asscesul e for $1.50. cse ~ eo cssc~o:lyr ______movd by the menets of dynamtile. Al Arthur H. Covecct,'94,S t6, has opened pirsent the well is nin~ety-two feet deep. a lawoff1ice::, she C s:naber oftCoi- 7Thut far no veins of watler of any men- mecee buildingc in Ditroit. tion hove beenstsruck. If you wanat to put a piaosIn your The top of "iso well is one foot in di- room and think you cant do it, don t ameter, which decreases 00 the dlepth depend ots your owen judgment wholly. of the well increases. The smalest di- Ask Ann Arbo:r Music Co., Washington aseehssvr ilb ih nse st., about it. --. - --- _--- The drill th~at is being used is about Careful people keep their goodo in- eight inehes wide at the bit and is about lured against fire. Studento should do likoewise. L. D. Casrr gives good rates four and one-hlsf feet log, and fasten- in: good complatnies. -s1 ed to the dtrill io an icon bar thirty-sev- Wna1ted.=Yo~usngtoan to do a fesv es feef long and four incrhes in diarne- liours' work ecol day. Inquirce 730d . ter, and to this a two and one-half inos Tswelfth st. -. i a 1 12 Weat Huron St State Phone a1a. BICYCLES STORED FOR TIE WINTER At the low role of3 25 censts per months LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. AT STAMLtB'S ARI SMO.E NOVELTY Framesan New "Alobaster Statuary" Beautifulin Finishand very Ari stic. PROMPT ATTENTION IVEN TO OUR WORK S ABLER'S ART STORE, New State IPsone 173,. 3117 Soutthhn bAve. MONEY LOANED O1 Wiochets, D0 s sod, WSioelo or usher Per- s:: llPtopety. WATC DES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED 111icr at re-idtenee, c3:310. Libserty S:., tinAr- There will be a prsorans party at the University School of Dasncinsg tonighst. Music by Mozart Orchestra. howard hats at Wadhamno, Ryan & Rteule. hosetisal oss the tmarkhot at 9.00. 260-202 S. Main st. Lst-A red cruoh hat, in tise rsh Fridlay evetning. Finderreetorts to Richard F:runiti711 Callseriest., andl receive reward. about three fee t ansd then allowed to fall, th~e blows bieing ma~de in qick 1uc- session. Thle purplose of the nell io 10 furnish pucre soft woter fur the estire canmpso atd in atllerbability the swell will hsave to: be sunk to a depth of near- ly threee thousaosd feet. For Renst-Two large rooms sustable for house keoeping, 21d S. Ingalls st. I All tnen deoiring to play on the 1901 Studetsuare cordially invited to in- bore,Mich. Al:lsssins-econfid:entiasl. 'lHouso,8 claso teatm be otn the campus by the tetsecmlt ite csis vr oll1:3O ao. at o 3:30 and os1:p . in. AT E S H AT E gymnansium daily for practice. ;costs, nmen's furnishings and hats. EarginitnStecond-hantivatclhe st i Ohmnda. The otipasie dveloimet ofifDEAD THE DAILY. Thecomosie dvelpmet o 10h Shortly after half-post eleven 1last claso is 22 14-23 per cent. T'he comnposite night as J. E,. Ferris, 'OOPh., was leov- of the average Amheest stusdensttfo: the ing Tuttle'o he ssapproa~ched by a ~ h [W E OMECN at20yasi 0 e et o ti v-small gro~up of students. As they near- hine MODY EWEK OCT. 2. dnth~sa ve u fehmen passthe sd him he esenclein npyia eeo-grouped his hat and said illuvu -- meet. "~~Any bodsy w55: I t is toget my hot seWarnedfr1Per Issent, _______________ get a rock,' Thsereupon sne of theis:,Wranefo1Ya. JONAltM LI' eoidence property in Asnn Arbor is a M. 1G. Spaoding, GeOL, mnade a motion is.5 $1 .C 0 goo investnment. Itosuiy specialty, L if to seisoc hisuhot, and Feesris hit hissi m Arno d edn IMPERIAL STOCK CO. D. Carr, Saving's Honk Block, with one of the istone ecridibs Yitt O/ _ n ld Jweley pociket, cuttingtgishetad open. DrBur 'rho rumor that the Forest Inn has tosok three stitches in the wo1015. 'T U 1 i L E' S moved or chansgedi hands io entirely er- Asde fromsntlho rut in the 0leshSpuai TONIGHT tuneous. Under the soase matnagemlenit isg didl sot ouffer serious injury, Dem- Sand at the some adidress, 6t0 Forest seve. onsrt tono against Ferris were storted o R Vu uu it is piepared to maintain its standing by th~o seor by, but betterc ounsc Y unu a~~s one of the leading boarding houses prevailed and he was left is go homeLn- B O PPLRPIE,1,2,AO3CET. of Ann Arbor. unmsolested. Is at 338 S. State Street. % O I d Ns LIM-0 V Is / .~ / CL . /e ! .. ,[sl._ l ' J /G PURITAN SHOES ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, $35 110 EAST HURON ST. TJ ALDEvery Kind aENOCH ILILIL E , Eualer andlre aloW'aohln- , lVentscblcr, tbe Ph~otographer. I Mrs. Enonh Dleterle, Lady Assitant. BohPoe o8 14WWsig IonnSt., Ann Arbor. t No. 116 E. LIberty street. Renidence 583 0 -- ~ Fourth Ave, Both Phone s1lO. f WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE. _