~Dual Track Meet Wtlith California Pos-
0 ~ ?~I-L~1f aittle.-Cornell and the Indiana
Want Football Game.
Pebiisiied Daly (Suday-exepted) during the ~e atro eltakoetwt
College yaa hemte f ultak etwt
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, California is in a rather onsettled con-!
tition. Somce titoe ago Director Bairti
Grpitt Tae Inlatnd Press, Htoning Block,. rt o aionaeko o ie
--_-_--_ - tradcktteet at Attn Arbor. Shortly at-j
MANAGING EDITORO. tetewarti he receivetd a telegram frone
F. EGEAc, 101 L. ate ttficial tte San BFtancesoasktngi
sustSINJSSS MIANAGER. he costld holtd open a tdate unoti atter
et. 0 ot, 05 L. the Western Intetrcollegtatmet. He
rvlrclllS. rple, eici a ottdtgiesa late
AITil.-icS,. . (G. It. iitescee. Nt'01 as late as lotte i. No sretply to tisa
T. It. Swosee. 00 t. A. ti. MCoettAstLt01 halss beetn receivetd.tBtt an Assetciatedi
A. 0. Boos , . .5. J. 0. Nose, 0O, Press aditchrfsrttmBekeley save
L. J MozCOrax'o _ w.u. __- Y. . , -schtaaineet stilt be.fiealt.Ifiisteheldti
i t ititt obahit ito its trelatter least
ofellat andiStwil be tsatennArbot.
1 Ore(ortBIairdl lestroereive two
- -otbers fr alot ostball gamtetfotrQOttober
The settioptrtite toft DAILYtS 25 tot
heollg yieartwthaSitregultod-tivery tbefoe3. Criel ak t ot a game bttditt
noo00eci'otdat. 0ocsor ait tttsattos, andt not sate wheore to ie ttioeto itpleay.
other toattoettntretdd o r publicttastiotnt tststbie
hande~d i to ie theAL tl eeore-tts p.5Ilt.,oeCarlylelItdiatnvst tist to ptlat Mtcii
mailed toe t edaito e forttte 3 , i. oftste stat
prevoustto tht wich ttttthey rt xectcOtedts es t nthttet1tt1loDetot Nethert
appear otittrtttll Ile tic(epe s-st t twell bet
Suscripsss tttion ma St tole tee Oeel~rtssstofe
tii' ott es stn atdttteBit t -tesse('ti'ltettittl sttsttttose-fotslss-igasto
Tana ter. stsr so tetll ottt-t aotbytztij, oielttt a0 Sleast a e.
rortn prooe t tttotly t ti;ofc n ueo
A Gentleman's Feet...
dolestleave to se crowed ito
uncssomssfortable sossessnessdsstoecomsply
w7sithethe lawt of fision.
'- Pterhape ote mnentattl so, bueton'S
jj'.sors osyust ths ettue. eAl t2.9$Sapair
we guate o fershanelt tstta-faesooble
tn ooscrecoeemfortablelsothtiantcan be pet-
chsted eltswhereat ans equal ie. Ands
orguaranstee mes: yoursssmnety backS .if
ytouscant it.
Open Eenin 109 S. Main
:t , / . i
/ F
l f
' '
r~i- t ~(1111 Sizoo, Chseapa
Stabi rs Art Store
217 Sooth
4th Ace.
ASS h wc n -hr. 'slm eriwse :in M titteti Plilippetie Xtimois e(1 /b4" " - u1q.iK v w-
t ofieb 4 tt t 7. ISo a n tito ay Seill ta
S I tohich etttt v are to0 e See h- ooteeeestt
Ag51 oen t for
frol lleteee - i iatola s ovo- teen o 5Si A Trihone, Staeasatid Ba rnes icyp
1'll .Il'pnilicns wll old il legy (aritin ed i ttcaseto b kn wn a e, let.Retint sod repairing iio l
tion ioslofies o tihe' Std':tle b l hiC elsie se e ongAtehet~ esoeottt - towlcoe fe etretng tewlen tessitlg a inds. -LsON SHIAW,
liacs leb in to e dtit iun testv }o \ i ete sieee-iet ntie tase eollotetSn acill is a boxofot II sgttarter's mstexce- ,A 1 170. AOSt.
booty hi t urdaya-sIatese ae 5iisin t , A- oh ait tilee s Sttttttrttts s lote ir s let 01O scellentt calcoate. TIyac toefinest FA n ' t:11nn2v j-3,'1i 0 ti o ,
a-ill heol ae 0000 ra~ie i rt f the l " eltiea ot canteafioree o l e t e at fte n Ss.
e-estss st ter ee-t le slis tetsse e~sto--stete ti - t- Sts pew rite r Copy ing
-ants oislttefiast fasortth l e tm rs asrttesot Sethe szse- f test l:. t ls- or liii)31(tState
efficerts otheoItebi can see doset ss i iilte r e hapee.el he s ae secl. eeies st- d . + - -; 0SCH (O1 1) 4) rI4O
lectaed fotohse Slot os lstclassadTee totstcinosn of 15gota der, ttlotgiS lilN. V N I VI t 10 y AV 1
tisrae tpopusaro ceendidattetse-cr e t torO nstle--aiottSees setsles ighanetdeaseot -
tier licsvttonSt thea eriteeg-it losI " s a ce oila ssessseseo lt t NDELEClTRI tI1I~ IP
strong-ly -s itftOydes 1. \VWester, t0 etoosetedrs i ltjsee s sees tes testlr-s I ett , fep.
Ioa, 0setcms tso hatvathe loadswetleits-esieslot.eigteslaen ittIts heghalstnd -P R A L A I
\ValteroI_ SoltttttS. ofthte - sm5 class- t esto5501 lust i itt tldi iboar is sitlacl 5AtSPEvsALTe. S it Stirrl ~ ittlO, vSTtM ND HTitei t e "tS i ist i Ste -
citeviseeltheeknonttuatity.isre stebsometsittic isa. a IJ. F. SCHUH, 207 E.WASHINGTON ST.
cas~iloa e lecseeiee'I'lates le e e so i etas sm
Frs reay he race is a ti ltevtrtasiie Io OtOtetet
pretty one eteen.E . SII. rimlics, si; sjobscimtoof sttie-flyinig ienir, so anI LMSdLI ER ..
Late ndS,. . i , '02. Griffi i -sfe- oft ini zistell seimsesi es-to the
asodestos thec qtslitieos osapeossular fl- isans."""LI E Y .
losw teatooltieat leasashio legsa tivea
commettoee clrrk t sotho lost sassion,
snd lees qoie ersjional aaqutantanaa EU T H YM 0 L FINE COACHES Pris
wtili(, ead tstat oliticansi, v ~ ~For PrieReceptions Etc.
sehish ift povt ahadythngfoi2c tle.tbbfoe t lita ign l ose.0 t t 0 5
Inte 'wo ateof s1ctroinseakslotcjtt uthynimol .Jr ~Good ansd Prosopt Service GuarBnee
'1ltsits appaetis hseit 0 51 staeep. T1ooth Paste -
ii. 1et. sli io s'1)1 IIee Hs o ae nl A so top clirle)ri il
tililOerti otlftreali sueris. t t iANN ARBOR LIH INA T YSM -
\Y isV ottess seesmot list) MOTH MIDWINTER
Stat ounstsIat ot esities eiiort itiu
Hetbaess-it, bill is plsseooibiy tlie stoes S -C C .. s o O
legislature.a Ihis ill esates it asobis
to saor1 lit aits sr -steeotitiltorI 0jcilantc50 Opea H OU8c
cttseso I t srtuei-s-,ass , onrus s Vmf- o C V mHos
citioss siroiio r al-itrry lroditi o ttei oi axr 50 0 0________________________________________________
oon tiso he rtilffeise ihe pestalst___y { ~ iA C 3-1 n lu i e
propostoOs Ii -inenot less hnETHFKFICEY SHANNONI COMPANY
dollars, ealsols sir lie',s i (- tel sstiioofs SOfet-nsescisl o-jIo-
it isN II iitykiden [nrehuT h ad essitlcst zi I teisoseerlt Ieirlsisas aV r
dollas, 1e dr o!i vpblivn Xie/i rc irts Iifs tie/isits.
thast Ste or ttlilo S _ioLacolleg
otan. -srely 1th-es-a 50 Sci~netitha $rcs:IcTo s .>t} sstess-- $lssss ( ONE 25 CENT TICKET ADIS TS TO ALL
ceoctiet salil , tel i eceosj i losti t 5a s i c s-cs +Y.3i-s 5 t si s greet 3St co Slts0 /
eidtlesalot OttvesrtGteOslond Latinest Sl a.G" t'.)rtl ntetC. > es&Vo atch for te igParade, Tedy tm
teats. It 5 isipossibleathitn sehis Ss i 5s e sitst555ts~s o h i usa,~p n
apartsesest otnts is ctotferredi tvith - - - - ________________________________________________
nsaturor itat se ght divevii to him JOHN F HASKE~T, EWITOLLEN, (Resecoed Secats ctn5Saleat Daivis & Seabolts.
the subjectifbr -sthemooosr a sprcng 123 So. Ingalls St. 720 So. 1ths
poem. If ise hail gone throusgh sutchle w- ste hoe8.\ei 55 0 itto 5Ssetate i- ton 3t3-r
an oxpo-erenc e -iro e cnideisnt Sisal
he could not hoae theboast tlbs to ToDe
uhorse'"sll oil thtostuadents seethe 0h' P fTPfh o swait until pets sre escmpelledl to
groat commonwealth of Ohio. amPus 1otoqrapIhers IDt PI oUI IU1 U J boy res.
In another colomn will be foucnd a H roIc o s .st5.see sc sscTtlE WISE MAN
aeaflliooU.oA.anArdAorcommunication by te philosopher of vtews. Mtkh a siecialty of Stdents'Reams
the century law class machine which and ilashtllighi titorh, isreasonatsse prices. buys riubbero and hao them ready for
we resectfully refer to aspirants for views oct sle at Celkinos% Stiedoc'sLevecl's;isear when occaeion requiree-andl
political honors. Edlwards Bros. and ScalliersoBooksor. APRILOL'S SHOE STORE hae lees to pay the doctor.