be 4*o 40 ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1900. VOL. X. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD &CO.I Wehasve just received our thue of spig 'aooleus for men's wsear. It iclues everythingt in 1 stiples tha't ire suitablel anilde(It sirable for the seasn r ilsi shsow ing full raniges i0n OV- eltiesii' duaility and stylet to snit the loot exacting taste. eousistitog of T op(CoatsSuitt ings, ancy es ts inid Golf rousei iiis. WXe inivite yiou to alliiildispet ourlie it WILD'SI 108 E. W1.asbir)gtor) St. Atist soc fAits Matrils :<:ilfroi \ Wilers Pdharm acdy toi t" it is Fow oLLY et& C . VIOLINIST MI "Prolfessor Salemme F in a Concert at Neu The criceirtwichti ia "ixivenlistrveifig at was it''lared itttecat 'itpearrance ofi tiecaiv 'srtiiiiueiiwasato Im under tiiiaustees oC 1 Prifessorai'ieiaie. a 'hmiss C 'parof iAnii A 1ii auitcieiiiofiiabc~ asxei iiiitit in ii Neiit re tie eater'taililil . eih, ih a a e t(,ii~ iiiiiii fit is exafurie olzitadhliiani SI SIN. aiioit t his unicii.'Tle uniin lieing foriheCueriithieiaiice of acme great or tails to Appear greater conimiopiineiple. aberrq Hall. This uiiiiihtaring lieen iecmplish- ntthe machtine is coiiilete. Ad its is to tiave beeii Newbrryhall es r fiitsre is entiretyidepiendl- Nsieybattintiitiiiiiitsishiavingeole a soltioni iiio te or- t tie tititicatl iiuestis ini issue, eC iiee i nI majiorit i t tf tie iclaisxscirhiidy cCvoters, tie S. C. hi b : it iTioiiiii i s gitieaii i n l dectit sioni. vioiijst fioli 11Sifttie an 1 Iti s i iestiiiiatite 'i art tht it a ,rbrani xr tcineusy e igaizd dfr ailup ialeem t ofxitts emiibtexsttittisi see'ii to beiii toi iasli:. 5 iiess o heui fiiii irte t'eiiei ' xst eiietioityial 1)otitbitlftti1 i~eg rl o benll lifice ( ~rryn reate iiiietitiioi ilnv' ~ l;(1 poeli''r i'iiii w iriif.,ind tit ,iii'-lG i iii No. 120. An Interesting Lecture and Experi- ments on Liquid Air. The lectiire on liquiaitir wiiel Prof. Freer delivers in Uniivers-'y hail next Tuiesiday evening sill unidouhtedly dlrasv a large croivi. It is oiii a suihject w'hichnccieciiuit iif its newness, seemss iii le siirroiiledtby a suet 'of mysticisci. Most people have cc far- theerideai on the siitject that thost it is a sort ot ire seater. The inniimerahle iwiiiieirs wiiciihs aann Cciriieidby its agensit'reusnreaiiedu busthsens Evieiithe scertificrmeiriiiealize that thee do init lh'ise a conipletebiiow- tnto roft all 'Cs propserties. Ness uses tii it 'irebeinug tiiiniidaly. iiil.Ftrerr 'isxone ot ths'.firat icheiiistxi thixis ciiiiei a Cciiteiest himuselfin h ive ciaii iofitisssub- xiace iii res liiihes re ienex- the siibjei't.The et\Iwiiii t'wiicut fie iiitli" t is Ii tii iii C ii' hll seing;il relizaio olth po illi'5trodCust of iiili Te I tl''i('illi I ol atboll ili il l te(icuu silt )1ii tiasc in:; ii iti iiw inir )NIl,,h is el fo i ii s sub' 1( 111(, e ln i( vl~ tl f a ,:s ti i ii 'iitiior Olelc':'ti 5 l'1111side Il ai 11 itit \"ii tii t il c1:is n a (.i oci a1<;ehit Presehil e i pote frmticx 1 tk i; iii kelisloyien call 1/ tlbel rig tidiiom' oiltt lare I scae. I'1ealnii Id lilli'bi'i itil l owCs t cen ii ts.i I lii' ii'iiiit' Sts ililtiOe of t~w atliiitliiif iii eb snuar-Frdy Evening liAdLilt 11 wic 111 11111'iIt' 10 t iii 'lii a V(i I "'afils'eiioinlitoii student. I t' sto .btta e money 'l l(, li.iC.iA.Cill "ore ithig i tk the tnfbha iiitiit iif .il'i ('h nt' 11limi e it. 1 i ti i linsit itale'neit q'stiisii(prsenCis' ii i s: C 11111thI be Ian i'l'ctionx Ooarln thre cannot t iere'mteas ttimterd mor thai t wenl.ityils'ecaise itsella'iid itliel tii ue'stfabel aitae. Iltor needitis mcmer its bei'uswsie thatI i 7. 11 1 u6i4u1l s u' i i ' ' .x Ul L ii uhu tu'Isuc hu uifuh li5 ii i lli xi t iisi 'sieiiil '' ri u iuti hs''ull.x uii-+55 nrc alneis < sio sibc fr he ef ult. illsareipais'losiu isuchis ra it ionhss r( insuueispeito ssu'onus es Shu TIhe Machine Side oh the Quiestion.his's'xistedh auhalwsasswill exist.suDIsis:tCalifori a-flos. Cliiistianison; tiusisi only wai a "machte" us The' ilysitl'l'phu lshxls e usisisa Si s ssa u1). iitsse usa'u ."1: tti I I iii h lxu i ia C \t tionson qustios of nteret. I is ee bexi unlbeaie'sns issori"' tin'tuux anyvai -W T ely Aprbs' iauseid. h airst C"oxxuiiiicBthenuiui~ iah h't.hAu'ressJxRcsi hui sei - 1o hiEitruT e at u st ioniss atisstthe5 ixr 'Iu'deba t s'xRsoeitut lhiat iaunifrcmi THEX"Machie" Side ofthe5Question..nure of the o utcy ;airt h Ia- if dra ioelawu Isuld bti te aduopted. 'Dictionary ci(adb THi t mdFrt "raicIS esradC ) So e hil~rha Sidtat threIl( x s '.eai ee t csShitthses andiu ixsssuo quesxio uu st Isis two ssihex ssnd hi t cr i s ma'eus iu''thersi' holi e1 wlslhoi issitosi 7.5., cuu''the'xar si'e qusexsuionsfichikhe suesviouslyx hi'e no' sic' ces'ssu'ni ufiiesih Alphs Na-Saisirday Eeig a cubhavhe's''six siuhs,"thisxis true ocintslt un. 15pouliticalhcustSions tu sisxist hImp pesisht's dehtae - Sixaesy andu theu'"isacrinivi' a nti-mac hsinet quses- n hei ectisiin s orbe t hu me r sil IH enrsy. setsati, Resolveduf that Chic Si h>>t~lt i cii aonhu et su liies osa t eu's theu'ofi allI555posing imaiu'hineu sh'osuhivs'' li 'averae'younsg sieunuosittoayiuhiax s at- h'-oI): uonetfo s uxi s- usthusiueusin this' ore beenh defi a te . u e sn iofCtheir esises i sl l t han uislihre' isle us. xsr CA ARIVICY' i I thue uuwritrheu'u'uis iheireuts' h - i 5uisitie x'snticu'nt otthis cajorishe sittesatise - Clriiasonsix 'S ) ullivans C LIAIN huhA Y uy o ssenuCt lie qiuestionui 5roussthe iH1u0 u 5 itx s sl d hsscuy u that lsey adLns n aulr's liaumen'utasee hiill-30 ni_ ;tandpinu '.5a''muceisens ma',hisitgtusreon 1sthustthine maciue 'aihutxes .uLeat ers- heo sosn. andLw irc's tu someis econi titshWhatis ucxe liiseh i e situhe isteuths' uisuse thiis hg thstue uet u".i''.soeuh tu ---1I- 11 J huusixsush- mrui-or---e-ns-satug tishruseitAdel eesii hs'spxhusu ieSauCruEenig.e issatc s hin? nus ah n,,"irs C 'to tru is scon as nt i th lets.T c hsiuansswhecr 51c105 si Cutto lts. Al uuixe s iiiexeeisulhis sertveIs ss i usis ho 11555 d uslamushes.n oe.s heci his aibody ofia nmen orsaize hi is hu asshonbfrei h evrliohrs'mptustbeselcedb togzehthue eomepogtgetheroe.two cinehsaiaritydn h ettepeiet ea -sleta GOINGA TE R S How ssuch 5 auaclhueideuorgasnissdsande sltigetois bthe tyoh"its is weeinthreshulb____ tadbtwe Inolthinc uephion 'ruece Iorgi na htu ute' ssuh aiphnsaoi i-cer a oPndtiacrFoot-Ballc'learn nizedebysh icomin other uvof asts sthose'lso gve vo1e ho at ioAnofd'nlermcus ttssgh m heanlxes nuembryof acinhuu ....GOINaATici. en haorhobjiectdes onitsthe m'eluh it eThlberelssbenoreene politiseve icalucsi ubiginn.The nelo or avucihis y huisipe i trSgi ua ler(hiss ootitansfothis lPntis in unite witha them stilt others, who have, cussthusy see deerying. highs school, thus winnser of the inter- possblynotthesam idasbutsim- Whch achne illwinin he om-scholasticelsasp'iouishlA in football A posiby nt te sme dea, bt aml. hie ussehne illwinin he om-last fall. The gift eomes from the lar ideas in eommon. In this process ing contest is wholly dependant upon Athletie Associaution. The engraving of union the ideas possessed by the which party produces Clue sost eligibls icilueheecp ha as follows: 'The SUsI- original two may have undergone con- c'andidates snd otherwise offers the versity of Michigan Athletic Associa. suderable charge, it being necessary to must satisfactory conclusions to the thuswrstisthiu onthePon. seHighs School Football Team, ING eliminate, modify ansd compromise. qoestiona presented. winner of the intrscholastic cnam- mV~ 1 ~ ~ nany collateral ideas, in order to bring Pru.LOSOPHER. pionship of Michigan, season of 1899."