2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pubishad Daily (Sundays exceped) dur.ng the Colege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Olcsca The Intand Pacts, Henning Block. Both Phones 147. MIANAGING EDITOR. FENGt toacac0lL. BUSINESS MANAGER. EDOITORIS. ATHLETICS, ,. t. D. IIlosau , '01E T. B. Woocxoc 00 L. A. HI. McDocc at,'01E A. 01. BotowNE, 't02. E. J. B. Wooc, '00, L. J. MceoNTG0 a '00, W. it. HICKEY-r'OM, The Sottcriptioc yriceof t atheIis $2,t0 too ho college yeactwitht a ceguttortettvcry beorec nonechiidty. Noticesco ctcoctotctantd othercmatctcteritteOtortpubctitont st ho hancdd itat t ithIoffi e ft ore 8 p.0itotor mailed to ctoe edttooceforetooin.ot te tay prevootusotoOt ttottattnohihtheytaretttpecttdto Subhscritp-.tiosmy be lft at the DAILYootlite, Moaaag orhSoto oooo oct1 ottaoth otusiocett shireman, born near Haworth, famousc as toe borne of thoc Brontes. From the metropolis of the Pacific .,e shoulld bring fresh thoughts and -resh life in- to toe Metropolis of the world. Lack Sucnday morning he delivered a mas- terly appreciation cf theue canu 'work of Dr. Martinteaui. i e prophet and saint of noodern Unitarianism, who was bor- led loot week in Highgate cemetery. "Mr. Sunderland has already inter- ected hiinself in the- University Exten- sion woork so suicessfully carriled on at Highgate Hill for thte post seven or eight veacs. Indeedi, he iohmchtoint- tecestedin1 thc whole sutiject of edo- catton, and one of his first visits after 0111v10g 10 Londoto was to tihe educa- tional exhtbttionc of the Inmperial In- stttte. ith the ides of making lhis m~iityftrttly eteduationatl, he 00 Silo day announocoed a series of Thursday ntghtthisoi cal acnd criticatl lectures, onte ilortotitn 1a11growth cifte bible, a sbt of wotoelo he is master, atnd on whti h hocswritten tt boskh iat is witely kntown on ihe other stue of the Atlantli. teselectures, althoughi Illimoatily jintededlfore Hilighgatce ill teachers, will be free an perfectly ottent to anyadtiit interested intthie suliject toi h itetoledprove both in- toierets llitingad dctiiiitoiotOf-eoste- oiltoto tt tate. Parker',s Campus C af~e+...... French Cook in Charge FURNIStjESOFIRST-CLAISS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. FlEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promptly filled. Fresh Homc Madc Candy now on hand with the famous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn balls and salted peanuots now ready. Come in and try them. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue ++++++++++++++++REMtNANT FRAMES \4 ( 61 (11 Siaes. Cheap, at / Stablers Art Store 4th SA rppootit o pt lyeo atl t i s o fc ayfilr-o carest eie ae.All chtootli ino advertiseng inatco te b1te i W inle apOtt rslai ainttOh0111 weeko i -E ohawhich toyto. ototto o lii ~e tttl0 i 11 th lte titltl Otlolei 111 lle -. ~ ~ ge o sot~ pagee byltos o o h i llerrfprsent4theTribune, Stearccs cod Barneas icy. - Geclubot ol n on011 of itsomttt scs s-tiissRe ticng cn repoaiiog ofal A Former Ano Arbor Pastor in Lon- fllt tors.tProfessor Patin-oll 1ist A weloe offering wvhen mat-iog a kinads. tEON SHAW, donto. oti it e oooeo ciaIt os lftitoa box. of tftongstrfcics "mtoll ex- lE Ic St fiild s-ol1ie ftiotsig eto to .0 d couritt n toeltoctonotanthe l io t-l ilest "choeolt, o. Theyare the fSmut ,s .o t - 200 frind ens te fllwin c i t etiry mattr is tortithintot pt vr 1000-1 ping tf00roaiontdootpapit, wtihte mayioo enter Ita g.tl't Ilt ttll m 0er is ot1' to tomadtiallotpiriesae sot ieasonabltle thto -. be ootiiteresot toatt of a outiieader t.o---ot I-tizit/ litit-e It cit.-; yotc con cffoi~lt 10 glie t i t otett toy i te r 1:01 i Inrg Wile toe writer mtioak - 00 00 Vtsootittt 31(017S StatieY.~i~ --ttto-t11r.Ste unlderl-andl to-toaotttalom- IFoct11 Club Reorganizted. )1i5 Vi. pIto T)ccl 10 ' ort' cl-. illts 01o ttolihtgaOtt llolvecsto -toie tong- 1110-h C oi t o lb hoas mill I'toto 0 :e o " ,se'...( , - SCHOOL C) HO 1J R THANDC151 itoto i~lltittC Ot tot tab tlstltttot nitlee-dland witl goive tithe ii( o ot iein g, o wioch ato pcanites thet tta .1'NI1 i.1 cr5A NA.: statemcett ts certainly Iflattering: seriesoto atot eto -tt Girangor'-o 1-idtay "Af to-i ailong Ilteirittl<,umof01elevesi n i ng tliof tts week. I it 0 tlb tist moth te ntaia curhat Hut- otr hs beenogizedtttupontt tttt 11100 AS AND EL 1R LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADESh gtote 1-11l1hasIfoutnd asuicessor t toh tctilt lies Itromthat1 of1lto t001 a0r00it)tohitt0 afte Ievi IfSitars, althcotogh ihey h-te one al-oti-toihe way to coot I-rancisits tis tot.lstitl atolo 11101 101010., andPORTABLE LAM~IVPSETC., cot tot littol hil.T hIio c rh t 0i sete1ms 111 olt tttt i Ol0010 ~fo tto-titooObloidetlooified owth tiototre- loiie-l-.loito 1. - ,S H H 0 . W S I G O T tonti jourlt itsm.oT he tltte l-astoti whoo o sot toolortgantizidtisti y eair __ founcdth e Freeo-tLibrtary,00hit i s- ___ itcoosetinllthIett-s-chol l a ios c oot yc pr iticaotly f ti l the iie occutpiied by acdjoinng ,thei ilttitit andi 0contains thtei-IForty-clu lttiy1001 c510. Ii 1101 oft *.IIO M[S LIVE R"Y... 'whilch, I-TheC risto~ tia ie,"is teor -~______ gan ofilt t tt.imore eangi calct -ttt iotio olb s os tt Otcii& Coo '. tfi otf E+:tgio ittotarianh. - - ____A(" . "Litoe htcstoedecsor, thi Rio. .l.+++++++++++++++++-+ T. SnelnA..,wottrrie-ttn 01100 +; AN Ior Parties, Receptions Etc. fir0sot ttlott ()tOt Ja.10 ot3,t ta.init 00 + tiga etties - - a- C edfI nal hie-als i- tt ereocto 1000',100 1 hbti o (l ol Cig ttito, tot: + I-.I. ,U U hoodoaod Prcompt Seavice Duorantead tot ot hoteItfool 000000 too .j, - amalgamactedcisitho "Te Cloit-oli htlta01ntgrits o Reitoster", tpublishedl -ttIBosthont. I?. S" Ioitottt Straolgilt- o ' v ' I ~ 'J "".' "' '" r" "' " a n 5Tindert tielt tetottitle is Itrllse tt" o tgrie'lorgaotno so o olooofAe nto .1' ~raf IS( ~ie + ANN A RBORPLGH IFatANtTRYbX'cS AA uminoustshor010,001tot hyof oer00001001 Cgars, - - - 'P + MOTH MIDWINTER lecturoes antd pampleth, oftowhioho50 man TAEB p & tt haoo toetn published, btlo oftoset TA LER LCo. 1oh btooks - I I ho 0s a1go--dto fe-o 'tt- l Ihl + I too Uoo eIslto ottolotetoolest otesit :o tx5t.,ct.o~b . 00, which ranks tiothoioovooti, Yale and NRN' the Aittet 00000i 0110 OlTBritish 0.1 eo It'i attlttottttostI s o oto ool lilt-e )tot toot to Iiaittoo Soolnajeslid' olarh 0 M RCi13-1 In tu breadtmo 1t ii- greatot;no- ovoe, atd th iectol moult'(W.it KI-IIY SHANNON COMPIAN Y' hetolot011-SIolt-oOtt or0010THE ,0'eean Nvl cs- Jtdfil 0et~l' hi1010 n clr{ ito ait,_ ill I- to--t