4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST RECEIVED $10000 In Your Inside Pocket I lo Is hat youcan sveosa stoocoatmet o your order by s.W ratoc apefet f itrnoal.Cal and sec ool-atio to y ur ie sissottofover30)) j samles ill leaseyou. All oolw ts and Ov ecats fromec$12c00 op. Front RoooeurlFrt Ntional and K A M. STAEBLER d Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. TO4 Hot DO YU ,$1YOKE? D. R~ TINKER & SON' HATSA ND1 10053FURNISHlES jHeadquarters for HAS, C(ie, \Moos FURSRINGeSs ai omcsplte-tline Of GYMNAAMM (,OOO:-aISWEATERSOO. AGEN~C'Y FOR 1LO)NGLEY HATS 334 South State .Otree Cor, Main snd Huron Stresit. Caita~ll, 0,000. Surplus, $00000. Trascs RKes ~,Prs. SC. . REESVice-PrS FIRST NATIONAL BANK of{An 16 ('apital.,000(00.0Srpls and Pofits, W4,000 Trsactoios eneal aiisotibin-iS-. Foreigns exhag' nhsos'st and 'ol. Pssin is letersof E. 0D. 0155, 1Pr-s. HARROISON'SO ULS, THe tinn Arbor 8avings Bank (Capits. Stok. 80-0,000. 'cooplo-, X10,000l. ResO cs, 01.50(00. of thin Sat. (ses-ivs depsit,,55buys d cells exchnge n th pricipa ciieoftic Uoited Sloases. Drafs crrsied ponsproper ienifcation, Safet depsops-itso:st et O0c s-.i ts ris-hocan'isicc-Pr.:0W.Ic. Hoarri- coori, ssi-stn Cshierlcct~ohcc W. ~ . 13o005lI'llN s. T I I. Y,'cl 155550 Nd --ioe-pre BANK BY PRISONER OF IOP[ lb Clso s 1 Ositi~t ., 'lsisssss I 320 8. STFATLE81.,, 4 -Plitii'gStosiiioo for c>I illAiatl(mv 9(;itaic fii I- 111~icNO os.(o11 icfIsr Old Number: 44 SO, MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR,. MICH. Si ltll1C I1,0 S0(01OL Grau-;05is cls-ise0s it da15c01ng15Hied' a follows: Beginnrs -GectlemienssssSat, srd 1 isos csittgcss liiecsicatuslaysilos- 0505)55; Isadiecssndgcttittosno ndaytu 5.1ensics; advace sssr~ c tso'clais 1 S1irSsissy olns . 0 -55555 5- 55 m tet o5s j t5la5 1t CAil.9ANTIlCNNVN 01)1. Cc(1 1 s fors cal), an o is wills h e 1' I k r E . 5c 25c 25c :)EAN &CO. Calesndca r. a ' I ' 'c IE c c 1 i it } ':i , e7 i Ii I-i- 5. 1-r ilo, brie? [.ti its '9-iili gn-ensil ['h sic l L l . .Cetre om I} o C . itt1 4 105 ANN ARBIOR-~ flICtHlIAN U, of M, Barber SAPOR BATHS Shop n -sU bath tijeciPts Osea- H O ri2S, ,X3SNSAE.J.R.Trojcnoski INIVFI(SITY SCHOOL OF l~les e' sssssssssssss isclss, isssstss', 8toslOit p., t~ide so.ssssss sria-s, wed., 8 sts0 ~t5. PINK BROS., Instructors Officeaducdemyco, NicelOHal, 334-336 S. Statc ~.SPLCIAL HOL1bAY OFFER !! $3.00 =_ ILAUGHLINIFOUNTAINr= - PE~NS1 0 I*fr 1onl Any wayyou fiure i Pe T 1. ssslls i tSs c sbe s t c I s iso 1cr sISsyor nc o est it-FINASTos p 0,LAUGH I MNFO~G . F 120OesuldSI,'ceuiMih AsspOlyiisone pensetoe alsiispCS TOIOS. slofWtelgiver. 10o. teol whether lvSell Pors AUCTION . A -'0 ld lo-singout sal fte etirse :Moc L fb o sI'llP h oi 0S s.515535r, j-ic -., rctcsIaly tstsstIsby NW. WN Wt- soi , o6S ouh ai S .\ssuton slstxill ie conducted as cla ~y (ex- ceptit aN)il. s at4 o5cIs k ills ee en ocok p. 2its Ivss,hslut;g hMusts Isis0 !I iI 1o. Do no7:i- hics fLcst chate 11 1 1.lI m3 r see. SI stilt0 Sssithl MNiins Si- NI-lha.,h esa1 M id L o..;. t i Ill ll?.; 'llt.^si . I I k I- 1Gte .U1 IYU I, T ra ssac~ts 1 5 T( s rait 1 1 1 , cks t :I s ;l;'s I i\ I ei ng c-s of rl(1>aitn]C t. 1" I 1,' GAPS artd GOWNS, ' T1iuskly1- 11rl 1.- I . l oins t pSPECIO4L1Y I rtil5 \ lt -S)- _tti c S - C.: C OLLEGIS FLAGS, M. CLASS STATIONERY, NI it~ ssit.1 Visiz COLLEGE PINS, s lco; ic, 1aeiil 1it iims;1Un, 0COLEGLSPCA TE Pnslts Recittl, NI liii s. (Pa' I ! sW.C~. KERN & ICO. i ts ilrlts itt lrh2-. - t~l (tw t otr is I - - - sni n C 11i' Sititn, 8 - - 1i. 1 - _ r now ; A slice to at's slit r st t t I t1iss i~ ~ s~ess pipeful R ss s ~~ Ct. "s one reason tN tnts iieo 1, css Issli te 5. Mctl toino. L s -c s . ls uv Itsou sits U sttsssli t s ofsitis,oviir- Putpipet s-Toisbacco whylstis a ~ bco is so c3it en fh15s rS505 isf fosl and aso . .9 ss-ss sits Ryani NeleS .M~in sot a ~ popular.. S thus~5 '~ . dih Curve NNlt l a toss rt i s f the" reso. N oheCppe tobaco iasever- I til St sit notn e te ing a e t, isrO is s illollis ce spso etss ti n ttl 19ic md0a1an.rensin s hota/ ie 1 1 l i -I Itcha i s ilre t, .1NceIa (ies-fo1 atstety-five 5cents sasdozec. Ni Nitl &0 sCO. 1N.lss lite s ilsi55 5t ll Sh5irtIs oct lust s i ium . y & Iilo. ISeso oss1-). :o th NiMa i stret. list l le Jiv i t Y Nl.( . A.wil i Unt Pvt lI SC.A.at ii) rr hlltniii'Sundayssst oafternooniiforian evangeslistic serv3os-s Its to e sl5d IsP ro55,. -. Dlous is' i Iisss t N n o -ic~ l mic 5)ti 'to ooicllSeinaryuii Chiyca~igo. Aislissi;hslt M k& o'. tf VOU - '0A51. ~olstrissg swatc-hss-harmi inlisn~s libsrary. Owns's'aychaveIs-s amehil bys iden tifyinsgprope'rty -andl5piying; fors (Iis notiice. 120) 1,0O0' 9 5slad's gold wtthl. IHunciter cs~e lsheavily engirasvedl. Finder 1, tur irso( 711 S. Staite andclreiveoores-I Frassk H. IThosas, '01 mediic Iias bccompessslcledilt1give'5.ip) lis -cwort sin auscccnt of scknlsecss, conl has goneis Eto icshome in Valolsta,(Ga. Nlilclts l i so-s stO ss cI. & Co.'s- if It disappoints no one." ti'] its sits- sitNOBESS'cTRots isI isos A trial box will be sent to any one SI10Sl 1 s0 S AtI IoIWSIsIccrcc 0ST ALL, anywhere on receipt of ten cents in i ING ACOUN01 oSIIiciI OR 05Stamps. Address Old tEnglish De. SI) S. TD oCAL.AT5 OlS 35A1515 Ni- partment, The American Tobacco DRESS. Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. ___________________ All dealers sell it. ' I d Opening of Spring Woolens.... WVooilesf'ir thisocomsinseA 5.0,' have 15 arr0ile05d, theso st extesiveolinseevcr pi"odusesi here is cpra osiusisr tsablscanii now00op11n0for yous tos siakeo selectisos. NWe hove imiade evesy sirsspsrtisctst rictly retasin Else Isevi-aso cstadad o f 511ouStailoring sinid sic IrioilI servo our pars. AlO ~e solicit yocur inspec- ioin itL aisearly dasia. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 Sooth Main Street. i I SPALDINGS Ofticial Altbletic 6oes Offcially o ptesdsbci t he s Alaing Coslegeis, chos nd i heti ... 11so Or, RQST OcRccc... Feoot Bll S Atltics,- CSolf (Sy nonsas Spalding's Official League Ball r Is thie OfficialiBll ofsithe Natoalc Leagce and slllesdingcocliege eass- c.iains. upaldiogs Base Ball Guide for 1900, 10a o Athlei'cSprsiFree A. G. Spalding & Bros. to7 any' addreso. iNEWiYOcK, CHIsssCAGODENER NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. P THOSE NOBBY GOLFS e AI MIL WARD