2 THE UN Ii A-vi v-sK(.T Xi'W taANIDAILY U* Of L~ati CONTINUTED FROM FIRST P:IGIF. h Stand ard V 1 ' G r n t o a.6 , 0 4 5 A HhR . F . H o r t o n . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 o f mo e r i t in c lo th e s m a k in g is g a in e d bhlinked Daily (tundaysneas eptedi daring then p W. Mlothenaill .....0.... nlrty by Continunus Effort. Andi so it is in clothes dealing. It re- College year, nt Collection at door . $1.43 quires con tinoosffrt on oar poet to seleol that which is best fram THE UNiYERSI IY OF M CHIOAN.-- the stocks afthbetman y clothes msakers in tihis country. *.~n'ecE' TH nan ed Fressc, Banning Black, oa ... ..... ... .. ,.-'4 Bath Phones, i4,. t The bositesenon were not lens 'gen- STEIN BLOCI-I CO HN __-__.oosthan tine luacints anida a bocrtpiswihCLOTHING hefies po MAAIGEIO. lion paper circulated among them dur- dcdad aedi v r esetiot tesivnrhefiet-oren- MANAGIN EI)IT(5R ingthe day secured the fo11owigdott'oisltd seeyrpctflbaergmtet-ee F'.ENtAnRDat.101 L. ranarmtoents, at a aoitooe-hal the alce. It is that kind of clothing namNOSMNGE. Sesh: wCo. . .ch atnhhe test drsirsers are looting foe, and realizisg this foot we 0.B on ( .W. S. Patrker. . . 0 have this se'asotn purchased aOtunsutstoat Laegs Stack o Stern Bitch Suitn G.t.eIn a, 00 . Lthi&Spencer. . . .tO """ """ "100 end Oveecoats attttare intst ion totth all shtapes asnd forms from N. E. Calkimb& pner............e1oa00ou t ngtticent liste oltis Itighngrade make. S.BI'i E. '0.0, J. B. tWrrc, '00 hdHl rd . . 1 Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Au B. Bnrrt. LTO(32EY'hi .0.J B Wnnc, J . F.hRentschler. . . .lb000Always come to us for the prpertig tl70 EtteannOW ncactS. 'N7. Bureheld...........itt10 rprti - - - - ~Geo.I-I. Wilder ........... 10 0t-"" 'IV. 'A. Tuttle ..............10 00 D. A. Titoker & Sot.......... 13 0 1R.EH Jolly & Co ........100 00C. . 00-_ Lindenschm-itt & A pfel The nubscrption pence ofthnte DALTrse n2.50t ftr Goody ear Drag Co ..............,. 10 00 P a na each day. Notices, conntt nicatinsndetFtd Btesitcner ................, t 0I theeaollegyear,.withba regarnedeltvery befores1 PACA0PURCA F ,Otrier tuniter intentded ftnrpotblicntnamusnt be Fred Brownio............. ......... 10 00 banded in nt the tALofiete bettrer8 p m., or Geo. Wahr .............. ......... 10 0 mailted ta the editor before I3in. m. of the day AE;rvost hto hc hyaeepce o M c o............. 00 -ae.tGeo. Hildebracnd ............. ..... 10 00 Suheeriptiosn ay hetefti at Ike DAILY fames, W'atent, Ryan & tteule.......... 10 00 Lunch Counter in Connection 'Kepere. or te tetr's rte'tartd, or with tusrinest S'[, J. Fttlhemurs ..................it1 00 'Manager. atrbscribert mill rcnfea tavrsby5Holmes' Livery ..........1000 m aepotrrig prrorntly ani this oefice acy tailure at U'T1.TIC ES 0 O E RIPL I ,Shrsters tn delicor tater. J. E. Beal ....................1 00 LLAlcagsi adetin mter utben M. ep rC o H ue............ 10 00 a~ etefie hyattp. n.on the cla previousto that J. J. Quarry ........................ a 00 'Se whitev b art to aptne. Itosey's Billiard Hall ........... 5 00 c -_ -_ ---_-_ Frank Warren ............50 W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. Laborntortl Wort?, Stimpson & Son ................... a 00 709) Nonrth in taisersity Ave. George & IHarry, barber shop......5 00 TheItersrhtnntStandtat theAthlstic Field witt beunderrmytsuperiinagain tisyear. Dr, Warthint special laboratory H. J. Brown ........................ 51 Go alr.............500 Weofferouthe VERBESTSHOEever_____ tousinthe examnination o blond andCe.Salr............ 100 WofeyothVRYBsSnsevrmi.p inofW r illies.......oe....a00sZI.sL ell for $.3.00()antd $ 3.:50 in Russet or Bhactk.. eurrettinges'till atart today. Thin coatrso Ann Arbor Music Co ............... 5 00 Is gvenonl tocenornand -s he nlyW. . M~onad .............N. B. - Sole Agentt for te celebrated A. E Nettle- he ie nyt eiosadi h nyLindernchmidt & Apfei ......,..... '; 00 ftr an ton Shoe, "The Ultra,' "Terhctne," arid "Tire ceurse or the kind given in any meti- Martin Halie .............. 00 Gentlewomen and Coloni'al Dame. cat school. The week of the fient aenes- John Koch ............ .....500 WAH R & M ILL ER The John Gotetz & Son .........500 M nShed tee will he devoted to the diagsnostic Eberbachn & Son ...00.......... 00218 SOUTH MAIN STREET value of the examination of blood. Tine Allmenbinger ......... ....1 00 - secnd emeteris evoed o te sudyRandall's Stutdio ...........500L A 0 K S --".r nerndt~etrrisdevte t te tuy?'. F. Mills & Co .......... 00 L A O l of currettings as an old to telling Noble Star Clothing House.....a 00 To the (ld tudlents we need no intrtodtction; to the new ones we will nay pathological changes which have takcenI L A. Pratt ................5 00 WE tAllRV-iYIMk MOSTI CO MP LETE LINE IN ''li fE CITY and eta place. The section meets from 0 ha 10 Atnerican Hioune ....... 1... 00 supply any lnw bosh published. A few of our miscellaseous publications "n Saturday morning and runsthtrtoughr Wtn. C. Rhinehart 1........ 00 with S'tPECAL PRICcot tebaeya.Mann Bros ...............500 Von Holst Contitutional History, 8 volt Sandars' Jaatinian riewoeya.Intinson & Conkan ........0 00 Wisons Works, 2 vola Tacker on the Contitution, 2 vols J. L. Skinner ............. 2 00 State TrinalsMEcskine Speeches, 4 volt _ai i Rnni W. J. Aprill J............ 00 Curran Speeches Roacher Political Econnmv. 2 o ai tDe. Mosbee opened her pleasasitthonie Totai from business men.....o.o9.00 all for our Catalogne of Law Books. Pletased to qtuote you1 Pricec. nto teresitdent graduate students latst Grand tota.... .....1506.45 AIL AGLIAN & CO®. evening. About forty-fleewsere very- , - Ann Arbor Branch, Law Book Publishers. pleasantly entertained by flute and ye- t+444'4' 44*+*44+(434 SafeSeene-- La 4 4 tt Sre -Opposite LveBuilding. cal solton rendered by graduates. Dr.$+ Masher wan rolled upon to teli at her f:C O F FE E +GA AND ELL I R G LIGHIINO SVPPLIES, SHADES, 'nominetrip so Norway. She resposd. USO T BL A P ,"E C. edvery happily and the charisg 4. 'beauties she described teemed almosot f Itfyit are ipnrticulre try A SPECtALTY. SANITARY 'tLtMBIttt. rTEdA ass BOT waos"R BEATING. pet-est. lie descriptions included I sthholistt'tletaadva. or-t CHH 27_.WAHNTO "T Fiod, asmagient unset ad tin' DO.nildelictncy otetlavor tow'ring mountains. In connietioto35cSib.itth eold Shede wsith the club she suggested that it bef STAEBLER & CO. New ormed into a strong literary orgasniza-; 4 Iti St lain. car Limertp. 4'=til lP . tion in sehich the students nihould tak' 4f. Pttl patmr hni omryas n f _:x'' p'cdged bee hearty tupport to any foe--- Lecture nerd movement. Light refreshtments Reaetres toIfte IT or 1M. DAnILYwitl always r-B o nee erved and all enjoyed themselves.' rt sssier te O[ERtA tlttot't NEW'DEPot. ,eeBookpi a b etfrte %o h lu ilme hs eraotDt""adfrsuhoh edngdiisa h Knoe a =month, the fsrst meeting far or- Eve'tiltg Newesntt imes, New Yerkhatdtti lst, 'sont ilils sit;ct mbota'.u sn ris tine old stylestririnsimnote hooks ganizaalon being set foe next Mondayoftedcisenffe1Nrthainreat nalIal at d p. m. in room E, University Halt.-- Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. Tihere are sixty-fBye graduate studnts GR A NQIF1 - Q F. J. SC HLE E DE, 340 South State Street. in thte University thic year, and a ;strong rganizationin expeeted. phIi nf Ifl t 12 f flI fl 0 « r' r -z r 1 ' 3 - - The nophomore medieal elans held a meeting yesterday and deeided to place aL football team in the clasehampionr- chip series thin fall. As there are a number of aid athletes in thinstclts. the outcome wiii be watehed with interest. The class had a team inst spring which played In thin finals in baseball. Several membors of the TOOM clana team have offered their antistanee to help coacin the team thin fall. VbllUUI u1 UaUIlIII MR AsN RS. ROS5S GRANOGER. IrNTRCTR. officeantd academy 12 Maynnatd Strcet-one bloknektfScattnteStreet cineer. Belt PhnceN. 246 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DAN~CIN4G PINK BROS., Instructors. Office and AcademyNickeli Hall. 334-336 S. Stte W ri ILIp Buy an. ALARM CLOCK HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, MAIN 5tTKCEET. Coilege Ping of Fine Desin. HUEYLER'S CANDIES JUST R. CEIVED AT MUMMERY'S. _.r