V THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pubih ed Doily (Sundays e 001500) duoing the Collegoe ea,0a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Oicoo The Inlaod Pres8, lHennlog Block. Both Phonesc 107. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARDo, '01 L. BUS-lINEISS MANAGER.. 0). II. HANse.'00 L. FI)100110. ATHLETICS, . . . 1). .oHUUT, '01 E T.R. WooDoo '110 L. A.OI hclloUGAcOIN A . G. B~ooNEc, '02. 1E. J. B. Woo, '00, Number of~ Studentsa in Americarn and Foreign Universities Thse following is a comparison, from the point of view of numbers, ot stuc- dents in attendance at some of the more important Universities, both11ill the United States and in foreign coun- tries. Unleso otherwise stated, the figulres are those for the academic year 1898-99. Universities wiihl are starred aod- msit women in sne or mosre depart- tmetnts. Special annexes fo~r wo5015 and slimmer schosols are omitted in every case. A Gentleman's Fee..*. dotnot hovelso beoed ontI unosor stable sholes itorder ltoIcompsly witohths laws sifoshion Fasionchas beomeItdoe.idedly looiet. Iechops no1 1000a0ettlly so, bt weewont worry aotheflit. urlte.Al $2.908oapoir ' we goarntc ooksuIsiotsbh0an1ultrafashicoale sod moos comfortable shooe lban coatho par chased elseowhertoat a aslopr1ce15 Aud sue gouorantes mea10s:-surmooeypbhokt. you waot i1 :.: GLASS'S SHOE STORE O rIIse8 p.sm 109 S. Main 0 llP" m { i L.J. MOs sOMERu'01, 1. U. RICcKEY, '00M, z It-- --U iversitsy. 0 so The subscriptiontprite ot theO1)tt.5i0 8.0 or5O Oltt ...so "44,,- l73ll 284 1 b 5 he collcge yea0rtlith0a regular eIlillry0h' fote l llih . . . .4 V 0} 1 2 L7 noneast daty. Nsticsscommuoitcatiocscocod ttttt 4s llt 102 47 otherinmat ttendedtor 1st blictionttltctst be iHarvard 40911 613 58 3 Ib63 mailecd to othetdtOooteftoretot1)ite o t hep 0 10lay to previoud to tlit ottt,,t the xec0s tetoty St Petrbuttgo3100 2Ob5 tol1l appeac.cAthen .....356 b..l83 Ocbtsorittous ot be, ett at t h1 e,.DAILY o ,,llot1s tlxtttt ti . 412 .. . .13)11 alt e s o t tt',- IsslwrttO o withoBsinstcecc tilt-it.It 101177 3 iA ccoage.S ubcibr il5ofe fvrbytttta .-"-7popt t t i~s ofitcttee 1iyfiuresof ttyj7t830t48tt lb0to Ale auoito stotit Ivtti sg mtter0011ut hettt i t acl t l..00 .. 46 1.5 tofceostbt 4 t -po.ti tttton t the tday prev os to tha C tal-i- ..292'. .. 1257 So sict., tt o t a te oto toy isot, so t Itt 'dittlttn t'1h ..8 4 .. . . 1 8 t:Columoio) .2788 349 727175 Thm , adbain ta desn l it, Rtusia.t25651020 1012I183t Turinitt7110.clot', 5051 .... 1412'1 a1010l 0tic tamsillt jst0 as1 tr00 ly e 'iitoSa1.23 1 1 1 resent's LbhIe1t lrslty. ie tims ' yo10315 .. l133s whil eaveoos orin Phtildelphia1 lhi tttto 1 ... ... 318 ... ...00 aftteroloniltrive a1 os fiercely o- tup11113 otr st (l. 96) 10 32) tt8G htod tobtnor andl prestige 01of tictt t llitgfots.. ->1 gar11 n111 tr01aol 1011010halInxt 1Fr51 Notstltst'n 3 .+; 34o 1. itay otonit.0t ddott football te o .oll 0 t ttls I t i ... ... 14 "Frattklitofiteltisoeft.'etcldaylastOfll. tl051 11 16 1. *Chtcagu 1942 10850 In thte0s101etmanner our11hopes shootuld uO lscttllnl...1973 102 ..,10491 itt-cwiththtieim. We sho0ult 01 cchem Toloiuises. 117 .. ..12313 re-altze'itis so foscibly thsat whlen they toeweeoto lg..180 .. . 12 stop toI t.eillatformutearlip athuoBatrcelonao....t88 .. 15 sand nt l ttit rom at t M1 ichttiiganiaudtttcle'e 0 oost i.. it.170 t05 1310 l.865 t1hey wilil Osel osre ihatO te t uden1110 ttitit....... t190 07 253 1810 body hero ts oaiting foi them t att ItiSt--t ..o71 22 G4 18 another lauorel tos Michiganllsti'I'lot, * lle .......173s10 9 2 l1aO50 latt;til h1- eloy sold tttri efretla n ''i - toloC Itotaen 1(100 .t. 400 ingsoldtibe'thte Mttchig'oct Ytl. -t o tltogna- ...t 90 3,6 48 1.00, diown it othsloe pit01tosend(111thett fts U sal ......1118 ..tI147 sith -aiheorty hiantd-shake and vigorous "t tto ttsr .14 6 .i4111 cheers.toCrto .. 1323 707 2'61364tt Brusel 156 ...I... 1003 tics s101001 agitatedbyit ho' reeze o f 11 0loettlllgcli ...: 1. 32 20 13 tile apprstoching"valetdoctorianl election.t -o leilete .1241 '4' 24 138 It is sai that"Chalo n" tonlon 10 oililngW0r.010.0.0 .147 579 422 1010 ilto e jlo1110n tsif istono-ttc i tt ferry 0-Frcibugi.to.t 28s..c0 1 over so11111eitoa l healtesto thiie.-promIisetd 1301 111 1 1226 1711 cid ti as de tattl is ii caltl to r'toe 1 g11 ..- 1178 - - - ... 156710 tioittoi tttimtt s tloben ottlum of30'10stt ilttI t.....1122 - - -... 1801 hos shipt 00ota111It no\, elcnntlitowt t olt suffcietirlotlo to s ill. 11t 11walkoig.NOTICE. beam. Communications" -re ite and Cheor the dohating loom off to sic- 0100 it' fewolays. iory 45 cokat Poonslysani aa. M. C. depot, 4350oslch tis flonoon. A1 welcometofcirng when soaking a colt is a box of Hangsterfer's "10000 ex- cllent chocoltes.co They aoethe bsfincot tta~de andtices are o otoreIast.3oalethslat youi canor101 cive aot. rcat oftot. toitto.tWsh Oto. 310 S. Slats. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTiI J. F. SCHU REMNANT FRAMES Ailt SizesCheap, at Stablers Art Store 217 South ( lgent for - Tribune, Stearos and Bosses Bicy- dces. Renting sind oepairing of ott y kinds. LEON SHIAW, 1171.0n O ~cl Ty1pewriter Copying 0111r PIc er 1019)) 'osrts. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND NG SUPPLIES, SHADES, RTABLE LAMPS, ETC., H, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. i i i ( The t"ten1101s"yltnia" toill 11e0ks oftothcom i1'1ing t sfl00ow11slot "Inc vite'wtof-t 1t'imotanct'oItoo'is event wews.t reitratethelt' '1act it 113 theo octdenttlotdo Otto t,too1to twiiectonc-tioeded-tot be sto-iltlt(le- bateclue probsably , stmch astoany- tig lotste to'eincttive givenlt bty iat'- toallplozst.o Decetlylleths questcon has. bceen 'ooclonsdredofottaoo- cepti"g1111k icn010ebate a a aotof It the seqiittes Iflsa31ct--sec.041Othese1 t~ottogo tiCot' at; Stimotoltsoto Stditbate at Michtgan, and the student totto Peos Otto - a - ust'ot'ithte1 10110einoil1 j- 0e0h' vetao' adoy ott--go-stoo thast Lbs stuoteitts bc-osted-ot 00 - as poitsbleo able aoOdOct.hott ot s-ot' ~ ricc EU THY MO L Euthym ol Tooth Paste TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH CAMPJo 5015705 10 00101Qr Ypsilanti Opera House' .HOLMES' LIVERY... FINE COACHES For Parties, Receptions Etc. AND COUPES Gonod and Prompt Service Guaranteed WATCH THIS SPACE FOR A. S. L4.® A. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Athletic A soeiitioo LDance. 3v u IS loas beenond cll l Iet5a5 tpt;11 Str pone o-sa few datys Sthe otOtctic 0000- Strayj, March 10 ciatiton dance wvhich wass aniotottos-ol for Marchi 16. Thecse111 of tisoits THE KELCEY SHANNON COMPANY the impos. to ot cutointhSle tUni- t,,,,icste3 111bu t~c~o~ o versity bat o ronol t ( kite. Ittwas 0001 t1.osllght advisable to. hays otchestral F1 An music 0 it would not be loud enosugh TheM oh The m tofl htelrehl.I ol ae 1been expensive to import a band from Detroit. The lance wsill be given on Fritday-, March 71, the nigoos preceod-0P-ries:012 ows $1.50, B9IRows $0.00) Ing the Notre Dame most. The music Baon:s-,lt 3 Nows 75e, 2nd 3 R o's 50c will be furnished by Lbs U. of M. Gallery; 25 Cens. bond. Seat Sale Mae. , att9 a. om. at C.W. Rogecs & Co. ['s roorI'Oi6~U APRIL.L'S SHOE STORE 'To Isalt until poul tre complled ito hop robbers. THlE WISE MAN bucys rubbers and has them ready for wear when occasion requires--and bus less to pny the doctor. a STORE. POCKET SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG