Wbe 'or 94 PaiLI VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1900. No. 118. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & o "1 ii eutlC t fatIv tf' swear. It includes everything in stap~le~s that arreositihab ttindit. sitable lfor the season.Itt. are atlso shioinig full rattges ini flir itirs, i qu titilndstvi t TO M ET PNN. be tight at wrong the American in by TO M ET PNN. atur e an expansiontint. Ever since -~ liiithe olonal timesite itasihail nteetchs- Pennstghuania Debate [earn Leases nil alt before him broad acen wait- T[his Afternoon.ig to li.betccnined..'The rapidity anti eonmiletenesnscit which the acrea lie idebating teant to tieet Pennsyl- nave been nettled, the great wset farm- ' ants at Philtadelpita Fidtay night ediintl anti eotnrtry exptandeid fronm leaves this afternoon at 4:t8 over the titeeinincolonies hanging on to the At- Michtigan C'entra. Tihis is in event of lantieceasot to ai powverful nation unutsutal importantce as it is the fist strentcinactross the conttinentt insltha tinte a debating~ team tram Michtigani sonder at history. Thin expainnion Ihas gitne rtst toi nent ani eastern rival its Itad its effeet on the nature of the an thim er wnstampnig ground.Ilie Amterictant puople. 'Tliy have lbecomte deliatie is ltole 'a seyittportatit n aicuistomietd to taking all the lail in ts it is Pt tisy's onltyrdebiate ittd sight asoiptreailing thenmnelvns overj stipitciaflatIssnaretteig nmadteree it.IThis spirit in more evident thn to retrieve lie dfetothe~irteInin at farther wrest itte goen, for it htasnont suit thit miistiexacting taste ritnsistingiTopI("ioaits, Stilt- iiiN T-IU-IC Ii tusei tts ItWe junvite iiiiiiito /1 PRESCRIPTIOSr FILLED - av AT i~tI ALL n HO0U RS I)ISi c P liii IN, tVAA, Y ALN MARS. ANGELL SICK. Dr. Aneel Called to Her Side to Care far Her. P'residenit Angell ban gone east in renponse to a telegramt annoancing the nerious illnens at Men Angell. She wsnstrieken sithi apoplexy while on the train going fraon heee to New York City. Whtent Dr. Angell reeeived the telegramn, her caniliitin ivan eonsid- erit very nerioits. hate lant night word wan reeeired here thtat nhe ws ntcimetitproved atid thtat site wsabl to spetak.iThe physicians in attend- antce ate tow titeihopetfiul toeriter The Coming Minstrol Shona. iadei.ftrtfite oliitel lshtotw.aildiregu- taro ticrials tu ittlltmtencewititn a shot titite eii'ainintof talent int i tttill t)B lt int heiii ii li it ice~ l ie, lrige rritnit Itt ipittlttttp- ps,11ititiis hoed fiiari Pitt ino itt 11 toi ttie atillticasail atioll, ii:lC t- ii iiBtiit_ ,iL 1 1is t i t i rtt Sble Llinie toithitsiillecure a Ioyall 11C sGCtti C l iti4i !t . \n l tsttiti" tril ittl itg,. tet 'isj id fotie Le lutd Stat i dSetureaFoittoa'Vi F. i. 1ost willcoah te foitbasll lit It of lttUMi t etfl. i Llt yi ar l-. itwIde ild tilt iiiasa dtty beoetht itcor~es ioWs St'2iiIl)ls t I is21. 1:'I'isiĀ± itearis wlti it lute It aitil b ttitss i i s~tt~lt.I \\,tilt itt1il"I Ithatisasn1 e mt it oi i-ig-e 'fidanpuupsdrt o11 'nd 's1*F lll 'itt, DulMetiset Sese. i a ['eplssoroi astBgtspa txtllrll ndiitushuh it.tit.a'2 Nt2 s I averiandtelsetylll.....a213ivernities-1< DEB I ilders Pharmacy THE OLD i-'c5a rrw ~ R. E. JOLLY & CO. A Medical Dictionary 75c CALK IN'S PHARMACY AttniAitbhutlist yeasie Ilore interest beein li5i~ il t')3 t 11t'1, over oIt tilt ti)e lti-getstihl lPll ttssituuI '2--t t'lt ietal tlt itutis Iill is ttet i i ,00ii Iisi atit1)(ll)'lst Ii ii titi iii atlifr lm toll ii att 011"St.AIt g ii yll erit tilt 1-ciy11011 Prep"s 0initu ill sc tuetL i h c ltitolIi~ I i tl e -r t i at hinttrol-tostll I tudlle tirlatiSt l uttel i tduatI ii ii aat Kitselt otiee attuv Presiti Iiiviti 11h tt1 ti i av;'tt11Lalentit t 211Me' still isn illotntliil. thu telan l 1.n.tteto, uhonit le i i illl tei orilerinamedIi The liii S ar lii' I i -of.111111 111101 l'h of noxtte uitandt Preiidet David itr '1hi g 1111 iteistern 11ser1. Pof1 n Trilb'od ad lntlie Gtrll liiIwill 1 a lirsensnsalvatnit DebhigUnton Pitil 1il g v b n u t till ri I te det e 15 Lii ili-Annt'irbollrititi it5t Istide lua btus arr11ieiatle it iYttgli ii l.' atIi 11ritt 'syit ilitec lil I s tit j) fg tie ntt-tihosstos th n tte. Everyt ody11 Nliii ol i e",ti 1i11 ict illithti eessl'ttrn es i t f arabytioeirsorita.Varsig ndoore eytontis ilrecaniitoriNvrittstae ed o ti intiePlppin ele. hIe ier iii titel ntigtgitoinitran- aiii'oeiSspatihnt i-sai )t in uu ftor1111 11111 sitqIn doortiti lc two ethuialilsts ic t e itliii- t in .ex tsothit of pihireos - -Pt "sl ts 1 i l 1' 1'Ik A IheAdrantaes o Perpeual Sum-" 'e tier. S Niovtthe teasterndi lit urtle nesternt I5 /' universt~itttiftuetoutry are'enr- strcd i ierahetccneto ioo ets aind itoekey' gatmesn .'\0 othuer parits ittthe ecountry it in very differnt. LelamndhStanford lholds -t atnunal 'varnity tield daly, Satsirday. \ , IS' Tine interecollegialte nerien f atselball ...GOING AT.... gannes with its rival tine University atf {31l ChILL - . CaLtronia is maw at fnet iteight Even in other insets of the eouintry, inniver- i O f sities arnnoying -nomee nports. Neat Saturnday, tinetUniversity at Aia- bama will witness the first of the cias Aff team senies and much the sa me is go- _____ h'h-ANN5C.VtIA 5 lltlABhhts tog on in the neighboring states. ' _ be brokein. ne competition the omen probably on May 5. The Yaie track Imperialism-A National Trait, have h-ad so far has benefited them teami wiii have an especiaiiy buay immenseiy, especially is this true of season this year. Besides this mee Recently Prof. A. C. McLaughlin in the new men. The old men, some of and also several minor ones, they are his class in the Contitutional History whom have not been seen in competi- slated for a dual meet witn Harvard, of the United States, made a few forci- tion so far, w... all be present and the regular titercoilegiate meet, and W A r M S ful remarks in regard to imperialism, from all appearances this meet will a possible Yale-Harvard vs. Oxford. He said that regardless of whether it be a record-fireaker in every way. Cambridge meet.