VOL. X. Spring Announcement C. H. WILD & Co.' \e haie oattiecivet iurlhoe of spring woolens for men's wear. It incluides everything in staples that are suitahle and de-s sirable for the season. We are also showing foil ranges in nov- elties, in iquility onil stilt to suit the iiost et'titig5 ast, consisting of Top(Cotts, Soit- Fo anc'yeisatsndtfolf Tr ooseii a a WC sinvite youto i call antinspector ine tat a WILD' 108 E. WasbiD9 toO St.. PESCRI PTIO NS AT s 1teca ALL 11<;it ic HOURS i ai Wilder's Pharmacy 'of 94 Pa u ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1900. No. 117. ATTACKS AR was ilreid at the tone sects enemies oft To Leave Soon for the Philippines. denmoeraey, vie: Slavery, Imperialism, The following to taken fronm Sun- - ~~~Arisoiiracy anit Militarism. The(trsDrotiesPo: President Jordon of Stanford in a da' eriIrePes Focbl dresPedcsFal have and strong at our people were Washington, Mareh 3.-(Special.)- dtestroyedin i the rehellion and nit one 'Pest. Dean C. Worcester ailS leave of Warring Nations. ( can tell asiw they wvouild have effeted far the Philippines with the civil gov SAttlioi AnitaArbiiuiwas vastied yeaher- Itis niation. Many with'Rooseavelf hall ernmnttcommission withlina amonth, ay litthe wortis torm'of.ath'ii'seisoiatlatso"aiseesoary to tV, iiationi's jthese to hegin the taskc at instituting yet ai "neatsizi'id'uitiecewelcoediisuweltfare"libu toat is ntutsio Ia100ovetivil soenment over the ishandst. h a viiiSarrordii an, Presidtent oatl1e-5Fthe siii nj oS this iideanoeailmitttd Pioat Waicsteirasitt he asesomp' lan Si ituifrdUtiverisilo iiitteS. .{i n upsdcsol5eaofScivil iiaiibe nied hy lDi.Sirantk S.iBiirnsofatMush. .cure lis t'eveiiig ii inUivr'ity'tweeo Neat 'uilekiadilinoiiis. STinigait,'agiaidiatesoathIehUiversity of iii't t lii'Idieia ' ut ihuhat iacitto eiiii te heicehigan.i He will go in a private j "The Bloioiitoit tiieNatioii." tein'eaker wca tihitaiiy inatioiniwhclicap acity, hat nmicshouthis tinte wilt be spakr egnysiat ating the well goes ' 2 intii war f or ticoimterc iraonitOdevaotedttio the cniimisstin. ttislong icnon 'rooitiiiiithaulteait fiisi a rlicif aii n._enitmedy {txpeiesuet iiithe PhiilippiinesbohatbaeS nautiontis niiiimiitdlii its lustorS lesiliOe histianiiiritiiis;taace ore ate itsitce ican i pi iosesona, hut tiieiciiiverisiis eiully Iiriii that 'hustitos oa),aiu'cu'ii' iia ti-ira nd ut iith- akaets his sricies iialatuale. ie il',S, isitiryiof'ia ii'tiSo isdterm'itti d neit iiii'ss I senapnei a ~a hiss byits bslutis Thet additess itis very_____________Bo"turisiofaDatroi ii. I seyilltcake up siioiooicinits n tr iic h>vt. Baseball Prospects thir ii i n li iti uocupying lies 1 beiiit' iit atr uaul cia etit w saiced'reuedt tte ty-i.ias i ii onl theis osi sioeni i cisth i iia ii0iii to po vo St utt u etain suati'~s h lit;be, i st liii ioftita'eiis' sit foiii ci'iiiiiIiseiiiii sa t.at i'roShe i ss a m cinc s ena i' iiSti Sbyii ngoitiu ofatli i r tic aidsiiii '1 s bsies o na''i uu's b Si o a on lsso , isiSa 'ia iiinus bo t and'tcii o ti indSiiduals. li i t i o~ iss: Si'in i tll tse a i i i 0f h% C ititiioi'u ii i ci itii oiiii. To'r fte a itiSim e ul~ sia l ki iiite 'ar t Siiimiortisti in t it liii 5is head osth liri'' i Isa c itlno sv rl fth brc-ll a t,,oi, b y''sien' Sis i tiey oitctsl iI i ti t(, ii'viiae'sitaof 'i1s o h so c1 tttn hs, arr' 'i xj rs'in eti 'ia i"i . ie vttol taiii iiitii ii: tiit ts a S' n c 'b:g yeunoti ir 1:10 oii. I w ud seemiii'r S '1iliintiita 51 iii assoi atioti n t on ;n O llo n c d t co m s ,Ii o cft e 32 0 s i e t en ol d o th U n vrity of Micisansitu d ih t Mor t ( o « y Ow ibclii t it I 'l Il' taliti ll -ei' ititi -i 5itc e sut l de' , f undt: n il co tli e Lat cii {it aSht Renterasa t c al it t. I t o i iith at i ly t titit it: -i t i lieimosht a ei to sa cInst s ste : i l i I B urns.t Ccii if tu att an lii itc i iii-0 w r etpraisa ts i th seth at'u it' he e o-101 h re f abitil 'iundier ii aicii'silS i th ltat a ii" ihat H se. l~itc thsillsct sla toiait -k ittn, ilettuai tspla se dn"'oiiiiat t Bi etare n L iquidCoAires a Staf itbor i i i a rios itti11101it1.i' t'i't'itel'nSobtttlaitylitoto t ttu ii ll ca titn .'ief al h uiii tts t ing f th irlst c e: Cy ar i':'ri'fla e nd Itais e ie a to iv it i nneass in ts"ofthis'rcetsr'swoe't ai stthiii eex Ylorlt a if n uti 1rr ' l it r ilat lc't' Prtiir' Wor ceserat p in0 t tr castis. i tt n nianit tis i s itt the'so n t ii~ t tll ite ttlit aof sioys ean na-w ith t e od Bot rnsalo e i o suite' satin feore'l0 ecP rd p i l astie a io i'' it '' w of ' i i i i 1111thi' a i 't r eaant diitheoinewisatis ipines.ttc ltac p~se -tcsii'si N i l e atots tititit itii liii c utpre Stlledoit'treatHstun it ~ ~ Iicothu of ieu- sia is srititste s itoiLeituarseten 'iidti'r.t' ~ ice aesr sitnsi t' ts ilbyoiitts son ea l isiS ihi on tihii pargti of 'itci tiy c'antIheisi a itrOnit's' ti'lictreoilLit i IAits outsdhate b tte''poitiii,- ndiect i ii om k ieletr ircr THE OLD Fo'ii s.. ii'iirck i: iev © o n e rera'wt E LIABLE Ua uline of 'K 1 iLS. CI-. R. E. JOLLY & CO. A Medical Dictionary 75c CALKI N'S PHARIMACY i k (I f f( f, i i de'o'sttion. Thaereissutno t aaowntisr 'iad expeiriecedpitctiersi aii tte liox. a -rtiltrotadsS ot iti niaItalitihat ha so nt It taillticl initie at coititotiii'a tresitmtdhite'Slithlbloodioftsomea sityIat ha'presentithais s ciii statditsusatItalk s Ioi' Iitwias iuitak at as iS itO utuample ts t ad tatirsta'ai s s a at'sigto andt DritSee'ktwns' quotci tis ayin eiso ea tutusiteisisetautet tbiere anst tata iii Ico iiid ittemainetli niih iLori uhtrs i ti t' Is beinulgesd' i. iop s dolt not necssaril mean w are t isasiu a 'e 'i'itittti't utSouthern Club Dined John 'temple rers' tSwstoiranSLinuSp c ' 4ile ranes. Sli'iyi iiw's Iti' itiiisiiu a iian tatcOp- Ale JhnilsiTcmple tGratvto'tecture sito Suit'genta ul ndwa attes th11ccSit aiii t clii sitthe Univecrsity,+ a miicStari'niseon ad suit ca was-liket athisthSius ucompsedo'ftatbaoist 45 otis tint' Sitelrsccaitis ofiwariihcvi idetst'wht tose homsare'u''south af the { I :successuliwevic'etedwarotishustaihce lc s~ lxn n xpiod fl sat"eO ecatus;ata rts' armce taut anountss rqitrtd.iCoetutica icly the'mteasl aokCt'y.i Si'psaritustaShatubese-o tctuStd ttuott'ereiesc'n tiltly os tisa le'ture. 5 SThat Prsuit Frier'a lertiurcsice pop- ula itt sh iownibyIto'etaoffect athicthahits list aonithad aupassou armi iesvistars. Stat huesitate a gireat list issotwn by a spectial Itaolution ftn aii . A1005 htosn itttisrs oluctions recitt' "Alter this grect SulizzaurdltitS tac hactetd air' I given usitocthfleslay'sessonts, sass cool mustSrcteoscg' hliuid air use ishlesd ius cit ai great expese hy' li. Fretr, las situae tot ccilila ci onsadce its tohas'- teat fheld" 4en havceslii Secu precerved. Shc han gifted crator asn elabornate hasnquet cct Seiors his Ct Prophees host onlhy thremicscctoactiann. the cok Hiousse. 'lhe sesnior clcassinst yesterday cuf- I isslasds kci epttliestuns utul Whets askedi if it was a 'avet or udry" terstooandesuleted acilcass prophetes' GOING AT . ecenttly Sty'never turnsing hoe hassle hanquth. tosuthuener eemarkedulthat to saucceed Miss 'lorence Mc-uigh, awho Ionassc little buy andu never facinug a everybuody went home as straighit 55 hcaolsft college. 'T'houghs there was Ilsuet ans. England kenoowsca Kipling hue came. "Yots see, there avers no saot smuch eompetition fur the office Officiohas aichsetteal times that its the basng Kentuckiean' on the refreshment com- ftsetas'sawas fourtunsate in seeting a suit wasrsmeas the loss of the best mittee," hue acdled. racing ladyyiwho i' very-'well qualified MWwhile the edllest are left behind. Cold- ta hald the positiaos. Shte has macheed 1 -4 win Smith has recently said flush there Addeisons Ely, Jr., has heens admitted ability an a literary line which she has iso no daubt that the disintegration of to the bar af New Jersey sod will peas-st wso aiu cain. Ms theHasishEmpre illtals pacetics law in this couinty. He S the VeraChmelioMoteeOi, within the next century.ChmelioMntlerOi, The same forces are working in this editor of the Bergen County Herald.- was the unanimous choice of the class. country and are greatly strengthened Evening iecord, Hackensack, N. J. It weas also decided by vote to hold the S a m by all those people awho ore alw'ays M. -,y is a member of the class of annual swing out on April 5. This will i A Hi~ crying for war. The shot at Lexing- 1901, law department of the University be the Thursusay preceeding Easter va- ton sass heard around the world and of Michigan. cation.