4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST RECEIVED To Havu $10000 In Your Inside Pocket [,,what u as n t orocot madeto you5orde by3u. W aaan aprfc 50~ s alte. Clland tsee oobligatiot u by. Or3 imeseassotmnt otf over3,000 samle wllplas yu. AllWoolStsand Overcots frsom1.00up. Goodrch, - & MT FrotRo vrFrtNtoa Godih Muph , Bank, Ann Arbor D. fl TINKER~ & SON~ HlATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for RATS, CAPS, MN 'Is FURNISHINGS and Csoplete line of GYMNSIUHM GODSoandoSWEATES. AGENCY FORt LONGLEY IIATFS I -- - 334 South State Stree and KOAL M. STAE[I TI I~ Both Phones, No.S. 119 W. Washington St., PRISONER OF hOPE I obi hlo.74Bookseiles , ii t ionsl. 320 SLTL TEST'., ANdN A 505 OR- CS15ilAN U. Of M t~lrber 000Ot0BTH SJhop uand lBath the Cila. Ra- Room , 322 STATE. J. R. Tojuss ski UNIV.RSI IY SCHOOL OF Gesolososs's 1s."is o ch.- loss , 3 S to Ol0O~r) oLdis'' boos isioo ks, Woot..Soto . PINK BROS., Instructors Office and Academy. Nickel Hall, 334-336 S. State I I r i i t 4 Pitts1)loorg Stogies for (> Bill Antho ny Cigrars for 4 B-'ottswick ( igooi tfor Old Number: L 44 SO. MAIN ST., H D N ANN ARBOR. MICH DEAf V.) Af4LT l n d Heron.Street Caittal,1$5,00. Surplus, $30,000. Teunsacts genoral bankingobsiess. AnnAror.RK~xrPrees. C. E.OGREN,Vie-PFee Ann Abor.S erFReD. BELSER. elCashier. FIRST NATIONAL RAK II O Tnsed01863 Capitalt SICot. Srplu5 ssndProfits, W4,500 } Transacts ageneral hinglbusiness.Foreeign exhng ouht andlssodoldt. Furnish lettersenf I o, .KINNE, 1rss HARRISO5N SOULE, 5C Vice-Fee S. W. CLARKSONCaloier 25c TH f~ fan ArdoIrSavilnGS Bank Caspill 'tocl. 503000. Surpls, 1:i000 R sucs$1,500,000. (seossosol osslr~ttunerthe GenrlosisBansking.Laws of t1statss. t .Rivs deoposits, btys.asd sells ists'ngeonlteprincipal citesto thesnted Stt eosfts csesd u5peopetidentficatono osatyept ssto rent OFFIERS.Chrstia Mak. Pres.;. . Harri- maViees.; Chs.s I. Ilissorts. Cashite;M. tar311 Jot _______i___A____tat____________ 4aifrdUr s-W.J.10011PRP, t .oAN'osoos ice-rey l K Wireless Tceeraphy. 011t itssttt' 0' o os'ttt'of Ihis>weetko Dr. LLNo.500 tOOwlr{I vi speakt beore, to 0 1a11101 tstn Stocity- tilt "'Wireless ;rphv" i stattt, Ois ttlk witht 11umer os expeimet.I '(Tesotitots' ttt'rt tS are'or 001'1114ts Calendar. 10a11, Orsidentoof0Ltland O Orsitll 0011. itA.'loutit 'I 1t every t 110"Ot;al itestetd ittl Oothi ess' t.'11o It tot'. I'ralsattt s otgeneral dOOptrttrtOttii eletrcty'OA'is otortdtalsll hi 1111 Otto lits itit -'1(1 ne.es'tO- iatki ty' 111001100 steol tt t0att dtI t "te oltto 0~. cyip , ito It'. Att1ttottto 'Ctts ___________________ Tr t' 1) t " 's l)' ofrtapaa' .)i"-"Plvi.lIal.tetir ~on OLEGIATE CAPS, !(100R S rd fONS, i11111111 5 i tn7.-1Proceeidsttot 111001 5 41 A OPEC1(pOTY. - 0LA5S CANES, sI.os 111(1 1 clc.iili'. it foth 51 ll ii ccIi of Iet'sOO tylato CpsPOPS 1(Af 1ter 1" tt it t11 d le.th i tOO Ott 'lt l M r] . 1, H ilns i i } C A SPP S t'01tttl tOitittts stl to t' ot I111 0111 IS0111CtOLttLEGEtttt itpSPECIALTIES wil ie pc li'S(d t stel' to t oltd S~tti11110 ~~ tt lIV iirii. -n l' ast 1 0?ito-Soostttlo 5t. oflI t iitte Ito 1.t i' 11 w i Ot 1w 0,1 051 tti tt lo 111ttttl oIIAGO).ILL. ___-11110 tO It tlilo . 11101 0110 i ooMetit111 " " "A slice to oN lO1zSo NO i 01.' No 001111'Dame, t 1.1 tter 1110 Gy Insi11133 S I I 05Ppipeful" 111011110 1in 011111C, on Itltio s' etitrch lo i day .1acho.t-1 ophomore1111 11 01, 1 I t l, one reason 1 11i Icls jj1 tt110 0111110 10(1 0R 11000,o cco ' why Old Ens IN.00 ('OloNrc 00l aottoI110ii t.sof01stitts,00er- 'Nisn Cuirv St101 hen'1tO t 101s fLnsinshtsoaod hats. a'rCot pipe to. O11d11110ort1ar1s1a1d011 11 1 111h .t is ,ISa -ie lS. Alain St. 0 101111111n U lneofMahata Sirsh acco is so l 4 ! IN I l tiC't'Oin0101111 0 Natlt tttto Ryan & Relie. i \ popular. Fitnai l osng-ot l e ofic tteei t ire.11 '''--- p.,,, .The curved sitok of iootrs l ttll 11a0Cr,0 OtttioUff SA10 IONS S.. et. l. eettisowned0(lby W.VWXV OVot- Nl ldĀ«"Iwlclla h e 1300, io Soth R i1001011tion( otsts to t it6Ea at ro tret . ortinbox that fits any pocket is another s011111 ttllt Ae conductesitsayo(xt I's 1iteri0111011ipsstreet.,an Storrs sols wilbe otdl~te calo ay (ne 0 00 tt tt 01110 linotoo ttt oi~ts. reason. No other pp tobacco has ever cept!Montd'ays) st 4 tt'clocklans even00W3 N . N I10 VOS, Prboi. pp o'ct c p.sit in. E yto i/gdlstt Itld _ made as many friends in so short a time. ilitGo. Do n t ota1s 1T0s 1at MeNi0b 00110>ets tt O h& Co.'s. tf 00httancr rt.iseo- It disappoints no one." 10i6 Sotht Mtatn St. I -ill,1101100 01Oi 111111LE'S 5STAR1CLOTHI1NG IISIS orTttIIti WASHINGTON Sr. 'AL1L A trial box will be sent to any one Melbta0101o5es1at Maci&C.'s. tTOSE IHAVIIG .00011 010 TO 00E01.0 OR anywhere on5receipt of ten rents in A ne loos noe of MnattanflShirtstojtst 11311 0 115slot 5 001T11111S0 011001ARE Stamps. Address Old English De. 110 atN tIhaShloos ovott& Route.SeeIRQUESTtED TOo 51AA l,11ABO100E0All-'partment, The American Tobacco 010110 Sotuth plattn stteet. I1DRESS55 Co., Ill Fifth Ave , New York City. SPECIAL HOLILAY OFFER! l's $3.00 LAUIGHI-iN FOUNTAINr PENS i oJ j -ntt.t~l t tepo tpi, oot c stra IfOtuts' Yoe Oslil HAtV-lEot If it doe 1 s n tluit coO. ADEo A Drtroit i i i aL"r . .}e,3 .. .i..'t ,. ..' . , _ ... .kc.t.:_tity. K._ .: . .ak.- .a... ,. . :: '- . ..a., !' I Opening of Spring Woolens.... W~oolestorth1eItomintog seasonilha1111 1rrived, the most exttensive litne ever produce]ihere astpretadi00 00u10tabltostad nowop01n5for 50o5 to tsnake selections. We loave coatde eve.y preparations to strietly retain the torevi- lOS Otstdad of our10tatiloring tand to promptly noose our patrons. We solicit your inspec- tions at ano early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. Tr~y The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY 1003 Brendwuy. Y4tt Bell Phoe i i I All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Ofca Cloffictally adopted010b tleadinog / C'ollegebs.Schools ..nsOAtlStie Clutbsaio t outrey. h.nes lv2r:?is r O R o... Blase 1Ball Tennsis Floot Plli Atlilretisn - Spaldings Official League Bal ' Is the OSfinSai al of bhe Rational Leagaue d altOledingfinollegeaso ciatisos. Spaldings Bass Ball Gaide Inr 1900, l0s Hfandsome S/atalgs A. G. Spaldiso & Bros. toa ,tadress. SsNYOKCHAGDNER NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.II THOSE NOBBY ,-1GOLFS : MIL WARD II