THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDERAND THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ,ST. MICHIGANQNT LI AESO ',The NiagaraFalls Roate" l entscbler)t bte liotogrwber. AAMnrINS dn U TakingG:Etars Atlantic E press .54 A t uc s. .p Blials 'albr Grand Raopidsit no.- . . .......It1 and I nn~ o'sa on s"at stiRs Mail canc Express,.....34 ,M N .Boston pc. ...tt4i('h8c'".... L ; Fast Easten .. ..... .94: 80aspVt cnn s or Chiton, Nigi hi ago .......-1' ' W % Ciaii.~pr..... 9od41 ~The Fine Tailorin jiv o S1,08oniloooip cic s, cltl'Classes, to and frteot Europeanopoints at Ilowest. rtets. Dullinice- antio con ppliotion cG ( t onour 'it ' LINS I".' ll . de of'in'tche Cityit, tn, o~-n }lc h-ct G, P t' At ('ticaloi Atgc X,Attboi wheradeoiofc)thec City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET SK5CIAL PRATIL TO SNIORS W. H. Hess t95 Diheouml~s a New A 1 ,TI112 AIiiiJ O -1 ul (1 Bciuttei '5Tesitii. 1 112 W. HuonoSt. N. S. Phone 119 I - V L=' + . terloae ittr(.se li TIME TABLE olitc isc:storiceo.ii icc dil1o sciii 5o iFnoa Takn h :1i t, St 'S ayt 5, 1459. ti l iii lcai'tcc on1ti. ' I is con ~ {i C 1 8 i i a trs epoch floin.. h u inleveAnt Acrbor iy Cetrcal ciStnd iT( c]);liltT 11,1ccicitsiton acthsozed by Miss ott' 1 5 t' ~ ~ ~ ~ "'P1cc jutiichccmisi t ttcii Titit tc 0ci ci se SoI'i ii accIi i 'Alit iiig~it bureat, XV. lii.Hoe, iat tuiI1,c bloticsiiMXiOND)AY, M R H 5 'Ni) ]lt beforels cc Nl-t.NOWc( i.. Tile. ' iciT i ti of ('niooicsoer iGro0steorl isi i itistT 0T d '~c iF ~ c ~ c *c . iTS . . X (i.--7:258:c i .I '11 ic cc i i c c.ticc cci. lIio 'itsoi vci ion is ieyd and I t heii Macti tle-i-'\:r.i~ Nit ,0Nc 'is 0' ci '5'Th. sc.nerc an. it a~l Jet ii i i t hoicobi co icc t ioo s.iM. Nc 1 (c TTT (ii.5 ito et Alltra cins dimy hect ii 'Sunday. cii tiH'ebstOic'thislcaster's icc roc iny LX tooscioioiclc sst ioit ndj1~ Au ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h iotoiiit'act di. iiccccius ootcodgi5iO00liiiitcicdetalnoocsic itas beenocoin E. . ti i0i c ,1, t ets . ! '000 'it tiii'tT. oi l'i. oil l asot year, WC 11. litNNici'P. t. P. A poised by Paid Siitder Tie cast i hitciii C i i bch i - AllHI(tlit --cpeiii'Tiog Ili clieitriy cindst'Proi. cii! ii)cci cii i iccs cc Tsi Detroit, Ypsilanati and Ann Ar- t. lisco i. Ilescocwo t cdgrec' iy iiTs u 'c ico ctisi.I o aeo. ttn5070 osotit itn bar Railwoay. .a 'izi et;ci'tci i cov-orit 0 t ilii'firt!t ~ ~ sngioziii.Sa o M s ~ ha tess ute ns lntrot ni ilbiccioicii cc cci'criilTltcshToccini coioicii iog (on _______t_ ev r aery o r Degtrioit n pil.a tiiti i i 0000'lII c':od coiii i 0 00 01' in tie vr il uOgn il 1 :5a i.a on filillui nio r . 1 Ni. ciii iii .5 s tMaci0 &Co.'s. ii (GRAN(GER'S hi' i :i5 p. mt; Aiter that too Detroit iii's- csbtior cciil tioc' iccoblic~ oi c at 8:41'i1p. co., 9:45 P. iiinand l iii1p. oct. H w r it tW ih m Waitingttiroomcc'oner Anti ind :M ioa oiniu i ushe(cit coniident cnocoig fs iosr ot t dac Y & ats. clitrsoit. Ii1,i swolccidcciit. Ilis (cltes ircorosiic if iits ief thitihii l ie iootlha t oib nth atiketatSCH OOLOF DA IN UC IIN b ______ - t i ccillci~ ci ic'cci'$ic;,oi().i'ciii'' tt . Sic o t. w11________tpovt___(_____ IeC, ~t 1iii ite ots-nn len teen~ cco.. 51050ccz 'cccaieii' "cii' it tc's cciii (ii'hesi 'XO'PIC . ccc' ciii t c tcoec cis t icc lti st ciiicion ofl jutiii-. ' le os is ifoballi teamc ciii t s ave: rX 51 MA N A I s' BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR i lI, Tit t'i itlsswnt o ioi i ri s ol thirtictretke toco.01inccillcciS oil at_'_ prcpio, Prf li ccliii 01 w i r ti i 'lockt. REAl) '1i1I1E, DAILY SUPPERH _- S t O I O't I ! Ii: T" It iticl ;11 TIse itcess fctheiii:ii. C. Scico cc, Nctocigoc'. WABASH a FAST TRAINS 11 ! atictioi ii ctcciiit'\ iti ec c' :ccNi TI . ' i t 5ifrum f l oc1106 1 FRE - CHAIR CARS he'i intii cii t c o uT. 'ipre stto it _______ ur1 Sa iii0tiiii1 cc i i P tct'c i I 'll(, Anto Arbor Muosic Coo.ioavae ''X 05t li t ot inIleiidemiconstccc ratins i c tc i cou't cticaol oit s is"Oleriet - $100 11. 5. 100'todayc. Di. 1I'i.aW'. "1\'yl:1ii iccaco idents on tablei bobrd' als oecuite ('ni A rn d, Leading -t c[itii 5' St it i lticlti ciiio a-roc'si tss c i ~iculcii 2tiaol2ii c i iiiiii . itoini st. iCHOCOLATES IVALLEY .11. 'it m 'i'.iccl e inlilt i cci ii iisc NO.:t e~ 1 >l .'S t I Ile iy a CI e st 4 ccIii cc' DAccI I ict-, 4t ion h lv eilei,'li o i N T depin othcci c siii- .- GREAT RtIIL.ROAD XAiiiess22b,.c"art Daily. tI ThE t31OCIBC 'Gvf.1L LEY 1r11 tiM1 s 11FAIN'Ti NCAI i4- tiii' ccWri c~te .Icites, ed titun of Ii N cccii' ticme- it fit'.Fortit 5, DItcoic J-1 7. ciI 'Dii c 'dos' c soialOlc o O flii (Jlcioi hlltaturd'icuci ingo h'i thec' c ocsoiss Oly>' icici' cot iio iii c cIay \,)tc'cc' hld iciii'-.22, 1c i cI cIC( >t{ ,_' c' 1 X, " Tc 4 VERY 5 TIE Y OBY A I'1IJITAN' ________ _110 EAST HURON STREET j ENCH OITELE Embalmner and U ieriy612 Cant Walila Street The .L1Funeral alDireeteto--lfbloctto ttine BAR E NoCH1Mrs.E TEtDitSrlrtLayResdneUsit n iversity ot tnt building. AllindFin Me".linoto ~oItSteLadpAsoStoto t oftepairing;tnoatly dons. tia d a ll Po s V~nruuri '~'~' En. II. Lihosy Cteeot Befadae a ~ eS p L a GUfIRfITEBWS ifiT1SF"GTIOM Foarth AveBoth Phones29. E Lamber WE PATRO0NIZE GOODYEAR'S DU TR