2 THE UNIVELSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY ?iobiisttnd Daily (Sundays excepted)i dccc~g the Colle'ge year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OmaTPhe Iland Precss, Henning Block. Both Phones 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHtttAR, 101L. BUSINESS MIANAGER. 0. It. HANS. '00 L. VDITORS. ATHLETICS,. ..G. D. IttolN'o , '01 B T. R. Woo coo, '00 L. A. HI. MoDoccAc , '10B ,h.GBROWEtt2 . t.B.Woott't0, L. J.MONTGa oXEY00,5W. 1). HItKEY, '0711, The subscripto ptricetofthe ALYtitso2501fo heo college year,00w1th a regtlar helivery hefore noonteac. cloy.Noticostcotttctoooeolotccand ottaottot atritendediortopuoliction mstbeh handed inctthelt LYotcoltt~lc eore8oto n.or0 maled to thec tdito Ieota O pt.ott tht. cly a 'slous o tt o whichateyttoetehxpectdtoo Subacttioocoomay bott bat toheC0011ItLoot 00 cartiers toodoeliver aper.l~ All coct' t chage lodeo 000000'mottercmtt be at te otl yp.1m.0 000ntedyp~iu ota on ohbttolt ooteto ttooo. Assoeta 17tH of Amertican Uniceroi- ties Formed. Rojtreot'ltltiv000of t ea101111100Aittol- ct11tuniversities 11100a hefneat builditng in Chicago l1sttWeo~dntesday17a110 affetdl eol1 0rm1110111oganizat110.0 1110> is te first lattmpt too bring oinIto closoeos rlaOltios w'tit tacit othert the. t itt01 Unclaimed Letters. r er Campus Th ho folloos 111 is'a revtsed lst of u-amdltesgvnotb ttter Cafe++.+.. P o d : r n1o l et R ev . tF ra st ; a d ys is st'a eL u - e ~+ +F re n c h C o o k in C h a rg e tnt Coxt Mtiss (eorgie; Cooy, Robert; FURNISHES FIRST-CLtgSS BOARD. Connabtt cWic E.; Conger, \tc o Amoy REGULAR BOARD $2.75. flIEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short F. Cost. Dtstrl C.;DtrltitgBej; orders promptly filled. Fresh Home Made Candy not ono' hand GauFMooI J.ltLtonger; Men en- ith the famous Spotnge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn halls Eza; t ootMo'tt~t o and salted peanults now ready. Come in and try thenm. ucol I soo tawrence ;Ktrtri ckto Mrs.M ag. gie LeisLyn ; aliir, . E ; ~atW S. PARKER thewts, J. ,-.; Oborn,11Dottald P . O - toert 'It 5 1F01111; RouteccMsts Elza;____og 09N. University Avenue Sciherdt, .1 o Moll~ ry; Smcit ~, W . G;- Sais ott.- ott Strew, Aik. .;Stiltsoon I ROOFS-printed WNalter A. Stooodaidc A=1Nfg. Co.;IToom- on"Japan Tissue of the soM s.F n i ., I yler, NlssO blat 00000e 010 etm10000e, Mrs 0101 E dad.f MIdt lloobirtl hiss fatttumy wiiGibson kis lda;lor it. o - or.; tHarveyttisstO ayor.CalsPFott. 5. --am1bel0111).;It Ic okt t. Drawings \aTaken loop Ite Hc Pakaes- _11- ____W.A. 4 eOriginal. FooSalo at Football (aptains. " a 1 ot tololci t 11111too let Stablers Art Store 4 oth e od0 lt I(Ittttt (/ 5. tjt Aornel 1 att en - Ia a: ions, tlo Columia; }t 00/gentCfor. ti ol tll 00 01070 1011 Tribune, Stearus and Barnes Bocy. Baln boA iiith ksli}.Jz itydes. Rentintg and repaliing at all y Kllisp lBostlonl Collcg; ut. c~oc IIbcit ,ll w e1 bc o Oll~g w0511010 oga kids. LEON SHIAW, ~ lit l < an ;ih.cliiic;olag.lc'Ilot-. 1 17 E. Ann St. call isal o x o f Ic tsterf01s.mot e' oooo 'n d ea d i l''ri7' t o ' lDa.lito 0011 ocilll'',tt t 000'~,ii b too Utoa100iit~l ct tt, ti itou 00010 1 i I 1( tt et ~ei yspwr 9 i~ 00011 taiaDithrctolu1107a,.he oo l;.t)aslintn ,io il 1CUl I cl1)rt" 1c' LinC'_ SCHOOL O1F SHORTHAND Amecricanccoctciesitiis r.iesidlettHarpero tornitto r vicithtRv.5005 I" .1to said tis wsathliemtost imtportatmove-0McCollesico, of Dtot; ol pec. I occtttthcat load takoen ce 100nthighter odor- is swe lll ownllit1 hscl.alths11 caton tfor lice las osi 5 a00000.friendsois lbe ;lict11e1rIiiitooar lic ew1000organiozationc is to be called Dr. MoCotil scr Is ecntyctcl to thcc Associationo of Atmerican Uciseosi- cltooli 10000000the lit et ~clici 0s in o tics. I1t i toforttheOpurpose o onsider-te11oo~llO 1 ngWttrofcmoineetrltn--to gr'taduatoe' study. The tot aI inemcobero ro tlamlit 1o11ft.e Un01100t ship conisotts. ofthte followisnt : Uto 00il .100eak t it0>1100 -.00e 10ice 1ino Os's vesec y >017 01 lifoi a,110 C0 thioli' c oot' toor ery h ll i lal's lftrn0111n0 att 4 sity o oo t c cc I Uiversio f Ch0 1icacgo, -l . Ii ilo'; ' c otil be -Social Re- Clar l iest olumbcio ni versicoty, >10001 loilte. Sl's t ic,110 t01 e1 C c g o oi Corntell vrity, Ha1rvard tolUnctosilytorchsiotoa, oilayi on 001e01vcoointt Johnts I ooincs 10117v01sityUniesoty sf llcoiga10to oriconoUnivoersityLint it 'anager lHarry B.t Potteranonces' 7'o'0000' boo oct11sylvanil, Lelant t an- ol hlt ic loc otl i nsl-tel as 110 forl-i ri, University I so' s 100 11arcog sat11hetlthnome0000000tocloofthoc Chot Iot o 1 11ai yr fieprss 00 00c lrinc at 00010 the1100 sot f Caio n ; octooo rctOy. Nb'co. I)C-of'' o caoo st: a e toooco loco'Oo'lol in t hett ine lag r o h l Univesic t y 00 o f- 11,0.10' 0110010 001stl0'g0'l'o, c'o' .'aooi '0ca .001a 1 of thoc o lttcll arc,0 Prsi den0~i'0t . , , 1loot. S. IG. l solo tot ittiotto, c tol. 1,7\. i'N'I NtI ,,T'0A7 N ,Oi. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, HADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. ..1OLM[S' LIVERY... FINE COACHES For Parties, Receptions Etc. AND COUPES Gooand Promtopevi .. Gluarantees( (Filio 1la o t oiof on. o opkill antilo. Nitll Expert Testfmottj. . tttlie.l, 111(, P 001111 toooot l, .oo O f 1 ioSS0 to l l (t' , too 1000011t t1.0 0100001 ici othrirh u St 'LS~oOcOaltol. 'oooo~i NIrs. .\ioosoooo. at 1ss''01 II too ' t'10_'ooo ' 1 ~~ 11C c t t Eirthollo 110 are0. 0 1 ' ' ' ' to thiro oft otoctootooll toolh cootheotbak,>1000 be 'ac , h urm o r. Otlc- "00' t there has10.0e1 001 ruary an0) o t too ti ny otfO l t he 01 t ti 0010 s1 of I e1001017' O t ato. ' nts'o m'- Uni t;t 'ritt l~ f,1 t ce=r-::mmo ~oyttt tn fsooi oiysohoooo Iciut on anual !o becosof'00h1 olog0ica0 lchem'is~o'cthy, andOt .Mtt 0 ctrltOatttli ]r ttoc t 10 s,010 ti t tyI itae - metsofmaufctres.JOSEPH GILLOTT'Sf Arroogetotents arelbeitng mcadle lot a ST O E L aE u lecture lby Do. Angelo 10cndilomonatic - j" 5 traininog, and tite cotnsular 001rv1c0 before GOLD MEDAL, ARS EXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. the Webster tociey next Ftiday even-TEMS EFETO ES ing. TEMS EFC ES Students' Lecture cIssociation Course HON. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES Saturday CEvening, March 3, Subject: The Reign5 of the Demtagogute." tDAVID SARJORDON President of Leland Stanford University of the- Nation.' Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases 00 topery Descriptiton. T'cKAmN 1)ossALcoaEuto t'AIORt~tt 01tILowest Pricea. j HORS iE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 South Masin Street. ANTON TEUFEL. POCKET SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.