4 THE....QNIVERSITY;. OF. MICHIGAN DAILY HUIERIYOFMCHG..AL JUST RECEI HVED and TO Hold BY MARY JHSO AUTHOR OF PRISONER OF HOPE 6h66hdll & Go. Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, and Engravers, $1000; In Your Inside Pocket Is what yoa caa save on a sait or overoat made ta yoar order by as. We guaanatee a perfect fittor na sate. Call and see, no abligation to bay. Oar imses assortm-ot at aver 3,000 saamples witt ptrase yaa. All Woal Suits and Overroasa fraoma$12.00 sup. .Goodrich, Taslkr & Y, hqFronReam seer First National Bask, Ass Arbor. KO GALEM.Y KIND MSTA[BLER B~oth Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. DO YOU $1MOKI ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DA II( AN ARBOR. MICH. D A 0 Letttett service, its Harris tall. today at 5:so p. ttt. ittder thte attspices of tite Brotiheritood of St. Atidress: Litatty, switht 't addresv by Prof. Wetiley, sttb- ject: "Tite Earth attd the Womnt." SENIORS' NOTICE. The settior literary class wrill told a tmeetitg in Rootm- C, ott Monday, Marcci 5, at 4:1t5 P. c., for thte Iptrpose of electing a class prophetess. By order of thte Presidlent. 320 4S. j TITL T' , J. W. Brake, of Detroit, is spettdittg a day or tsso witht L. ..Mottgoitery. Calendar. Ttuseday, Wednesday, Thtursday, Friday, Feb. 27, 28, Marcch 1 and I- Farmers' Eound-ttp Ittstitute. Friday,-Marcit2-Freshmnt-sophto- mtore insdoor tteet at \Watertian gynm- nasiums, 8 p. Itl. Satturday, March 3-Hsn. John Tem- ple Graveo in S. L. A. course Sttnday, March 4-Anti-Saloon Sun- day. Howard H. Ruosell and Jttdge C. B. Grant, speakero. Stunday, Mlarcht 4.-Prof. A. C. Mc- Lautghtlitt at Newbherry tall at 4 p. tt. Mottday, Marci 5-David Starr Jor- dan, President of Lelatnd Stattford Utti- versity, itn S. L. A. course. Thiursday, AMarcht .-Facty cottcert itt Frieze Mentorial htall. Thuarsday, Mlarch t5.- F. Hopkins Sitith its S. L. A. coarse. Friday, Marcht 9.-.Micltigan-Pennsyl- vanita debsate. Friday, -.-sarcls 30.-Sopho-sore hop, at Grattgers. Stadents are cordially invited to in-- spect orc cmplcte littes af suita, aver- ANN ARBOR- - .- -. tIICHItAN U. ofi1.M Barber TVAPORIBATSai Shop and Bath the City.Reaa- Rooms, 122 STATE. 1. R. Trojaoski UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DAiNCIiNG bleotteioen's tscissis.gclass,5Mondoy, 8010 i. Ladies' beginiscasos, Wed., 8 to 10 p.siii. PINK BROS., Instructors Office sod Academy, Nickel Hall, 330"-336 Sl ate SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER ('K One oftthces $3.00 LAUGHILIN FOUNTAIN= . PENS \WANTED-Dictation (swit or wih- out insiruteion) frotm Grahtatitshtort- htatndwriter. Addres, Pattl Myers, fo, E. \Williatm. CAP AND GOWN ORDERS. Orders for caps attd -owvns trill hr taken every aftert-oon front 4 to 5 itt RoomtiC. Meilbalhaloes itStatc & Co.'s. tf D. 41 TINKER & 80N~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headqsarers for HAS, CAr, MN's FsNSNS, and Compete line of GymeNsux GOOS and SWcETERS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334ASoth Sate Stree Cor. Main and Hron Streets. Capital, 0,00. Srplus, $0,0. Trnsacts general banking bsiness. , KEsra, re. C. E GREENE, Vice-Fes FRED. H SwansR. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL DANK Orgnisd 1863 Capital, $100,00. Srpus and rofits, $40,00f Transacts a general banking bsiaess. Foreign exchangr bought and sold. Farnish letters of credit. E. . KINNE, Fees. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Prs S. W. CLARKSON Cshie DO finn flrbor Sainus Bank Capital Stock. $50,00. Srplus, $15,00. Resosce, $1,50000. Organized ander the General Boking LawS of ths State. Receives deposits, busy and sells exchsange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts caedc0upon proper identiication, Safety deposit oes to rent. OFFICERaS: Chritian MckPres.W. D. Harri- nan, Vice-re.: Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashiert5. . Frit, Assistant Cashier W. J. B OsT, PRES. W'. ARNOLD, tst Vice-pros . V. L 2danatOVice-I RVING fOHSa.C.. WALs, Ast.Cahier SIIO BRINK Transacts a general Banking IBuiness. ' COLLEGIATE CAPS, / GOWNSad tjOODS, I CAPS apd GOWNS, Al SPECIALTY. CLASS CNES, COLLECE FLAGS, CLASS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W. KERN & CO. 4t1 . ift.Seth St. CHtOAGO ILL c,>5VEQ,,e, z one reason Tbacco - why Old En. -C"' , glish Crve J Ct pipe to- bacco is so o The crved in box that fits any pocket is another eason. No other pipe tobacco has ever nade as many friends in so short a time. -It disappoints no one." ktrial box will be sent to any one nywhere on receipt of ten cents in ;tamps. Address Old English De artmsent, Tbe American Tobacco o., ill Fifth Ave., New York City. Il1 dealers sell it. PALDINGS Official JNtbletic 6oods Offcially adopted by the seadist Collegesa, Schonlsasd Ahleic Clush of the Contry. ...kEVERsnqISITaaEFRo.. Baser Ball Tealis Fot Ball Atheticsa Golf Gymsnasinum Spaldings Official League Ball) skse Ofcial Ball of lbs National ' League sad all leading collegeaso siaions. SpaldinsgBasBll Guide for 1900, l0s of A IdlricSporO a- errA. aing &Bros tony address.o EW OsRaK, C-ODl NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. !IIIl u I ,111' NN ,. li' j ' I I 4 I II 1 $1 .00 Iflitdoes notsuit yosso E- so BACotasndoffer you $0.00 for ic. If it Salts V HAVEoo Il t does sot naitl OUMAnn A Sop sap you figaro i PRsane Tiso is the bestpen iasic. Here is pose chance to teat it-FINEST QUALIYsDAODasonPOsse GOLn Only one pet cent to ore addres as tsis offer. dWdA gift of ncver ending useful- ness d aconesttplcanot re- smisader of thse giver. Getyourorerein early-order today. State whtrr sy's or gent's tyle isodesired. Ac'dress LAUGHLIN MNFG. GO. 125 Griswold St., Detroi+, Mink. Any Sank or Rapresss..lpasy in Detroit. ;, a a h., . i 1 II J i AUCTION!!! AUCTION!!! Wadhans Ryan - teole, S. Main st. Fiinal closing-out sale cifite ettire siockt of Booksca, ~llPaper, .Stationaory, iiProf.C. H. Ligettttncsttofite Utti- etc., ctc., recentily cowned byXV. XV. XWet- tersttyof lttdiaitts sill etre Ibefore more, Io6 Soutth MaiSi. Auction thte zotologitcal field cilb f the Uivitc- sales will he condutced each day (ex- t a . M I'Fritday, itt tte tMutseum cept M~otndays) at 4 o'clock and seveit lecttertom.Tat is lentire still he Ilti-- o'clockc 1.ino. IEverythiiig Mltstf atd t.cIs ~ .nettctiVcts tn W~ill Co.DM o tMAiss TisiaLadstietthplt lichh. Chlc.H. H. HEST, Trilstee, A ncw linte of Mtanhtattan Shirts 119 Io6 Soitth Main tiS. tist it at Waticsi, Ryans & Recite. ________________ She them. S. Plain at AMERICAN HISTORY PRIZE. SALTBOYS Coniestatnts for tie $50 prize shouldit7BU it see ste again sooti. I ala in Roomt8, Wheit doswn tossn call at the Neary 'Tappain hall every day except Satur- Cigir Store. u16 East Hutront sireet., for clay at 4:00. lila essays mtust he in m a ficce litie of piues. tohacco attd cigars. hanids by thce eigitteenits of Marcci at the iv. v. DAVIS, Prop. lest. A. C. lMckAoUGHItc, TsassOnFICE aF NOonES aSTAROorTING HlOUISI AT III E. tWSHIINGCON ST. ALL Melha shoes at Mack & Co.'s. if THtOSE HAVING ACCOUJN-S TO SETTLE 00 OTHERO BUSINESS WtITH TRIO FIRM fASS A nesv line of Manhattan Shtrto JustiRQSoossTEDT CALL AT THE ABOVE5 As- in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See DRcSS. them, South Main street. ________ M'iss Coca 0. Marlin, 1900, isas been Sonlg service at Bcetleem chutrchs deiain-ecd attccr roomi for a fews day's ott Scttday eveiitg, Macc-s4. 1accountt of illniess. t ~Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS.,RBOWE, Frapr. s 0003 Broadway. 57 Bell Phone Opening of Spring Woolens... . Woalens, for te comsing season hava arrived, the moat extensive lino aver produced here is apread on our tables and now open for you ta make selectios. We have made eve-cy preparation to strictly retain the previ 110 standard of our tailoring and to promaptly serve our patrone. We soaiicit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 Sooth Main Street. I!' THOSE NOBBY GOLFS MIL WARD