THE UNIV.RSi X;O.N',MICHIEIA N ,.DAtLY;a 3 THE JNIVERSIY Ok MIGIGANDAIIY.4 Styles in HATS arriving -daily---KNOX, ? J ~ STETSON and VARSITY'S---Cor rect 1(dressers wear our HATS.. No extra charge for style 119 South Main Streetf MICHIGAN CENTRAL "'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Noebere 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express .............5 5A. 8. Atlantic Express ........745" Grand Rapids Expres.........11 10" MaladEpressra ......... 347P. x. N. Y. Boton Special...........a4 18 Faet Eastern .................943 Mailt and Ex prers...........o9 40A. M. Boston, N.Y. and Chicago ........8180 Fast Western Express .......1 3 P. s. G.ER. and Kal. Express .......5 45 Chicago Night Express ............943 Pacific Express..............12 30 . 5M. Steamsahip Tickets, all Classes, to and f ross European point at lowest rates. Fallinmoc- mation on application. O. W.RUGGLES, H. W.iHATES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Agt Ann Arhor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Nay 21, la99. Trains leave Ann Arhor by Central Stand. ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. .- 7:25 A. a No. 1.- :50 A. M. No. 2-11:3) A. N. *No. 5.-l2:30sP. As No. 4.- 0:30 P. u. No. 3.-. d:5e r. u. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo cnly All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A- Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. C.ars leave for Detroit and Ypilnnti every half' our, beginning at 7:15 a. so. unti' 7:45 p. so.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. s., 9:45 p. so. and 11:15 p. mo. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sts.; Detroit. 111 (Grinwold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MSO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.E. Greenwood Dt. P. A.. Chicago HOCKING VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between:'Toledo aod Columsoo, using Union depot io bods cities. Throgh Sleeper tocWashingtoooand Boltimore. GREAT RAILROAD TH-E HOCKING V(ILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort SI, Detroit. F- l~enscberthe Pjhotographer. BURHEIELD The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET It4, +++*. 44-" Societty Programs. OtOOSTEc FRIDAY, STARCH 2, 1900. Music. Whsat is the political sittiationt in you~r state will be discilssed intshirecetminuctc speechses by twvelvcesembers frost as moansy differetit stoics. Reatding-H. D. Triekey. JEFFEONIAN-FRIDAY,STIARCHO 2. 1900. Cu:rrentc Topic'.-M . Thotmos. Music -Niieen; .Address--MicboellFlalhrty; Imtpromoptut Debate-Strinoger ansd D. McPlhersoon; Biograpy-Blradlen. Gecneral Debate, Resolved, thaot thte Uitied States shottdidptp a policy oif free trade towvards Porto Rico. Affirmtoive-Kepha::rt ansd Love ; Neg, ative-D. L. Jolhnsonttatnd Colwell. ALHA .NU-STARCH 2, 0000. Duet-Wilkttnsoi Bros. Oration- Diell; Essay-Morrill ; Vocali Solo- Miss Carsoin,: Im:promptu debate ; Duet -WVilkitnson: Bros; Readitng-Mr. Moore. ADELPS'I-FRIDA5Y, 4:30 P. 25. No moeetin~g its erenin:g becatuse of fresman-soph~omtore miet, bu~t int:hie afterntoon: a p~ropotontwtill be sttbmittl- eed to orgatnizea imodrel house of retire- sentat~ives for one:' couthtolt t tondutct te affairs of tlse society as it: te tnational lhouse. Platces wrill al- to be drasvn for tlhe sill debate wvhicha still be wrilathte Jeffersonian: society in April. ___________ The Ann Arbor Music Co. have osoe inducesoents to offer stu- dents on table board; also one ouite og roosos. As comtpleteclinc of Adler Hros. fine ouits at Wadhis, Ryan & Route, 2If-. 202 S. Main 0. Melba shoes at' Macb. & Co.'s. sf LOST-Tutesda- ott Th~otmpson:, be- twveens Williatms and Jefterson. Rotud pusrse contaitting som:e mosney attdlSipant- sit coiti of great v alite to loser only. Fitnder retu:rn to 432 Thomspsont st., ansd receive retward. 15 sjTICE. 'T'e :re.t:::ttary of thte relaty race will be held Friday evensing at the "Gytm.' All class m:anaagers mststcoter teir teamst befotre Friday mrnrtin~g. Enttries eats be left at the director's office inth le Gytmnastuso. Sororitl Colors. Is: connsection thil the relay races to be rn :at tottighot's itneet we give htere' thte colors, of tse different sororites, wiihlisill be swor:n by the cotntentding teamis, togethsertriltteteam:s tattweair them : igoo-Lightt an:d dark browvn for Gamts soa Phi Beta. tgootOlive, pink and ligistlume for Del- la Gasmttta. 1902-Yellow ast irt ie for Sorosis. t903-'tellow atod bilakfor Kappa Alpha Theta.' i900 Lawv-Ligh~t an:d lark bluse'for Kapipia Kaipta G.ammt~a. :goo Laws-Red ansd silver grey for Al- pita Phi. :902 Medic-Silver atnd yellowv for Del- ta Delta Dell::. 1903 Medic-WVitte and blute for Pi Beta t903 CANDIDATES. Candcidates for '03 sal:tmile team: or relay teatto till report at te gyso. for trials every aftertnoont of thtistweek at 4:45 o'clock. W. K. BROMLtEY,-Matnager. 13. 'oo RELAY CANDIDATES. Can~didates for thte 'to relay teats will report itt the gym,. daily for practice at 4:45 p. m. E. XV. CSEoMansager. _l elba shtoes at Mlackc & Co.'s. tf Howard hsats at Wadhasos, Ryan & Rcule. Best hat on the soarket at $3.00. 200-202 S. Main st. AXdvancedlachis it: tatncitng at Gran-: ger'ts.Acatdemty 'T'usday ightt. Begien- ters, Sa:turday mtornting titers:oott atto :-Monday nightt. Special rate to close of NOTICE. Th1't902 foo:tba:ll teatms till have teir pictre takest at Ratntall's ott Sat- urtdav at thtree o'clock. Hi. C. SsTH, Mastager. Melba shtoes at Mackc & Co.'s. If Prof. G. P. Color retutrnted fromt Kan- sas yesterday. He hsas beeni conducting bible insstituttes dutritng the Ipast mtotnth at Lawrretnce and Topeka. THIEBEST MARES OF Mandolins ad Guitars SOuch as JasephsBohmsan's, Washburn's and renno's arceon sale at the 1 uaetborIe MusG Store EW.Liberty,_only 2 doors from Mach's Corner Hiave You useeou PORCELAINS? Fine thinog ot-only placc in the city where you cnn grt them. S PEGIf1L ROTES TO SENIORS IThe B6ITrulan Studio 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phase 119 Athens Theatre MONDAY, MARCH 5. Miso Olga Netberoles' Verrsionofo SAPHO Adaptetd by Clyde Fitch. Mt's Alberta Gallatin aFanuy Legroand Prices. Gallery 50-75c Lowerfloorar ooa Seats ois Sale Friday. Granger's School of Dancing 2nd Semester Acadesoy on 'Maynard St. READ THE DAILY. Ala~rm locks! Warranted for 1 Year $1.00 Win. Arnold, Leading ,Jeweler The Root Complete Line ef LOWNEY CHOCOLATES It the City can be found TUTTLB'8 338 S. State St. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 2109 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. YO AEVRY TIMIE YOU BUY A 'PURITAN") 1 1EAST HURON STREET _________________ lENOC.. nETRLrn Embalmer and I 613 East William Street w IA .3 D L II Fl uneral Drectrs ie rs t just one-half bloch west lFin.e5 W ARREN1BliUI' ~ f Mrs. Enoch DEtl, Lady sistn.o flwrpii ulig eyAlle inds N.16E.LbryStet esdne - heShpPoo III IIIIILIS 8I FGI No.ltE ietySre.RsdncJ~ iO5 E.mepresnstlyds. IPhoto O~fI~fINTBS SPITISSGGTION. Fourth Ave, Both Phsne s1tS. S hp LLmel WE PATRONIZE GOODYErAR'S DRUG STORE