2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY I Pubished Daily (Sundays excepted) do~ng th College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ojic: The Iland Pecss, Henning Block. Both Phones 10. MANAGING EDITORS~. F. ExaNGLoA, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. HANS '00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS,. . . G. D. Hicooes, '01 E T. R. WeononR, '5 L A. H. MCDOGALL, '01 B A.. G. BROoWNE. 'S2. . J. B. WOO, '00, LJ. MONTaOxnan%'I, W. 1). IIORE, '0M, The shscipion pice of the lAIe so $.50 for he cllegyouar, with a regla deiey efoe ano aegday. Notice, comunicatons, an thoer atterintended cor pbicatin nmut e handed in at the DAIYe office eoee Sp .or maled to the edioe efoe 3 p . sof the da previos to that on which they ae expected to appear. 9iaheciptions soy e left at the DAILY etfio, gype's, o Stoffieto newtand, o with Bsinen eavaer. Shcieso will cones a faosb tloting posptly a1 this office any failse o1 carrees to deive ppe. All changes in ad-eising aamatteest e in the office y 5 p. o. on the day pevioue to thai on which thy ass to acea. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. IeCotinoci fomo ae I) last oie 1n(d oie as importat as he rest 1s5industry 1I tilace -ra) sties5s o idutryl. Wor kis the slvatiliacoa the famiy, of tie locltiy and of the nation How cotild Prof.Smih hass nade tis insti tute sorts a sccess? inles ie wre a iigty iworkei.Woik colles 11n 1s 01e of lhheIseding qutlitiiis- of a mililionire. I ave awaysrgardedr WXester as te greatest siaii XAserca has eesipro- edtied What o)uoidrtDaiel \Weeter have.iamointied 1to sitot wxok At sixmtiothlts of age iseswas as iy otter man115of te saiii ags. Ie was ble In 1t)ke cireof timssel y siplyng h iim. set) withs the ncessarissf ife And tl i ledtis ocupiton w its sch pr sistey aid eergy tai ts i tiliiei girst sicess Aoother greaisiiisi AtrahsaiiiLinconis ddeitotstis tiIisliv were soothanisis)liiii glindstiry No citienshos tio zy is dischar) itginstj rtutv to te stie I hisetiewys eii a teirifisisorkr iiistit I can iiiake aniisi is to1 5idusti. T he tr li - et luls 1w01rk. orlstills I.Atl/7zy iiarier miayiroll aroiiisanis)yet itsone" Xiind is frietids wilttbuiy tsiiishenthei isiticsBBi dot1c-ittlisia-ifartmir.iPeoslitofteii haesc, amna a rprsentatloie of farmeis andti) imake fn fiii im.iii coots) scarcity cal itt tiiiiizen11/51 e\\are1scoi- petter) to iwoit byour srrousniidiig ir- (tlstcs. sTo be good cietisswe ists)wsorkHoiesty fdlity ass) a trethflt)dischsarge of ittl0111redtiestots' privats aiirtpbtiit reaslutereqisitles to good ciizenshlip tie Preisdent a si Ihd d sresses) iois fatrlmers -tin aiyoter 11111n15in lihigins I bsisve I hisveBtt Il tass also ddtessed olths I ae aftnt adre sssd rministers 5n15co11vettis. 1 thavs itways dised tsisito psisch shorter sertioits. And I 5eies-e 111111 thave tssd soise itfiensceesiese tey certaisty eta treachshstorter sertiostats they fortierty die. I have oftentspstoeet to1 lawyers 1oo I hisve artsisststi)n d d tttonistssd tetmtrstssatelty never to de- fetid oaitantheliy knewt o te ceity Bell I soetid not tsosveetrted aty itfiese there s tiey alit t yt. "Goo01antie hlotest ioisisg y0our it- legsrity Yaose it to yoett oenttry otsr tacitrtitosriy Itsraisis) etdrsetht Dr Wiey sod tis aften110011 Tse fortssr who sesars outehillsuit111is 5111n niet.-Ile comitsis a citme .agistinsi- sef, is countsryasitt i isil ys et un- hart. We are boutd to codtleillone foriss so as 1101 to wer tiis out. We sre gointg in etis rdreotintoi. Itscomals~ring the farmer as a citizet iithi others tIae 110 wishsto pluck laurels froms the brows of atyia. Btt ons tle swhoe te average farier is tsore iotest itan oiter tsets Tis is io par- tieular credit, however, as le does not save to fare ithe temp~taions ta eat- frontenosssin ities. He lives ieinto - muniots witsiateres law wih teahes hotsesty isegirty, and all oler Iih and nole ideals. We have some disad- vantages. We are in a way dragged down hy our surroundings, but an a rle matintain a hgher standard of Ioraltlh than the average. People itt towns dont live as close with their fanmilies as dues --F e the farmer. I was called on a coroner's A Gentleman's aet..C jury to investigate the suicide of a i9 do noti have to he crowded int year old girl. Her father said he got upunofralsheinrdrt m1 at six, took an early breakfast and went-wiotmtahlso sinode ooply to wrk-efoe te gils ot p, henFashion has hecome decidedly lenient. he returned he was tired, the family had Perhaps noti ermoocotly sohot we won't eaten, perhaps the girls were not at honse p- and lie did not see them hefore lie went worry ahoiit Ike future. At $2.95 a pass ho hed. He said, 'I'm very little ac- wedgmoraeounifotheshoean tc-asnaeu quainted with my fanmily.' That lesson .casdsoewhomfotbesoeaan eq pri r -n has grown wills ne constantly for four- chsdelehrea neqa /ie n ty years and I'll thank God t live on a -ouseeguaraniee means: your money haek if farti and spending hose with nmy wife yuwn t and children, and keep op that close coos- .,i' G A SSS O T R munion that leads to else highest life. ;.hG AS ' )IV T R Michigan has twenty stale institutions Open Evenings ""9 S. ain^ and t have visited all except thse last un)tit S pen onrs huilt. .-.- are educationnl, purely, and three hoth educationaly and char- I PROOFS printed itahle. Farmsers were always well rep- ++ + +++++44++++++++++++++..++4+++++ +++++,.+4++++++ ,..+++++..++4+++++ eetr xeta w.lls eer-ofaa iseo h torus schools. They never had over_ three per cent of farisers aid lisually onsly atone two. They are jost as had G b o hy nature hit don't have the opportuinity J for goinig wrotig. Our great hearted Phlantropists and large-souled staler - o ern the cities until this prohlem was over-- shadowed hy ouir war wits Spains and CTknfo h later wills the hody across the Pacific. Takiginom orBe 0 But did you ever syear of aniyhody wary- ing how to govern the people in the ,, O3 r 217 Souih country - hey govern tieisevles. We Stabler St e are at peace and harmiony with each 54th Ave. otlier. Perhaps this is partly due to the farmhers' cleths anld the granlge. Prof. Bailey made a miistake when he A gent for said the farmers never bsroughst absout any '/b;-er -nd Biy of else educational reformts except the TrCibonetansadBaresBic extenisioni Imovemleit. I wosi the legis- dces. Renting and repairing or all y lture its'55whtieeseAgriculturol Cal- A welcome offeritig wsen making a kinds. LEON SHIAW, y lege wos estaihted, ond the tanners call is a box of Hangsterfers'tost ex- lil17t. Ann S# svere biacks of the 1110.enit. The is it cethent - chocolates. They are else finest k'eeeeJ'eara1 'e2 :V ers also were mast influientialin iimiaking _________________________ this hisad of the ogriultural depaptrenttmiade anld prices sire so reasonahle that p a msemsber of this cahbiet We were back yoti caii afford ho give a treat oftent. T pe rie pyn of htand wonted an opiortuity to grow. 000 E. \Vashsingtont. 316i S. Statle. Weaeongo trswihte n-Ony13epr 10C opying letrsity otid Noiial.o h etiseisstitutesOay Icpr10Wrs ore Uniesity extension sootrses its agri- SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND "Thiscitizens thest lie pirparesetoli fight 707 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. foi hils countiry at ainy times No meinii- were ever better soldiers than the farm-_______ ers. thhis a ve always hail stirong arm Ils AS AND ELECTRIC IGHITING SUPPLDIES'SHADlES indirav It aits fortIhie defeiise. IfL UII IIIII .UIL~.1 IM~) yoii doutsit - to Lexintigoinschere lthr PORTABLE LAMVPS, ETC., sht s sifire) that is stilt) hisisardaound A SPiEIAL.TY. SANITARY PLUMING~c, STEAM AND HOT WATER iHEATING. g this iwstlhi If you stilldt ehldioth le few Isthsiiidslurdy- firmeirs inifSietihi J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. -Afric-iai shi telit BsyIthe Brie'is-n Aire.'- Anuothser divsiotatso hla i tsetin sit Yps5ilti thlis miosriiig. Prof. Pi C. Freer withll gie ian is- * * LM S'LIVERY... tratd eshIciure isns I iqtuil Air"in itt - verstyha lll 01n 1hiurisedil.\tMarcli13111 Thle lectureswillhbetiveniciuiiderthisFINE COACHiESPateEc auispiics o a t lietic, ls'ssosia hiin itsdFor PrieReceptions Ec ihic proceerds xi)wcilsiedeoted hi thises- AND pensses of i11)rOVl11-- iaidlrsti ill tiff RC- E gcnts' fiel. This adisissionirseeGhasciie COUPE Good and Prompt Service Goaranteed plared ait 2,5 cr111si rrrdhiIllevesry- otie maisy atend. NOTICE SOI'HOM'ORES! / " /' /", . / .// , 0 Y 't r e f t 1 F I RoomsuC it 7:15 andsiitpri)otrceed ini a tioiy to thes gymnsuasiuism,ivhsere sI re- serve sesctionssvll he saivedl for the '02 rooters. All soiphoutmores sire reqestedt toi roteorult itid suippotrt thieteami. 2 SKATIING CARNIVAL. Ihr wsisill he a skaitig cirnivsal ait che ic k ts)5 hotst foir itsebieiefit of Y. P. S. C.L E. Agoisitbandldwiltlibe is at- terael anid 11the grainid masrch lt ri)oami- mienice at 8:30. EUTHYMOL Antiseptic Tooth an1st h ii Isl 25otle.ii Euthymol Tooth Paste Aps1uI e and rel iibtstii 25ss Package. TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH QUARRY'9S Cit.Is'Tt, =M-170- S'TO 25 JOEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOIION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Students' Lecture Alssociaition Course lION. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES Saturday Evening, March 3. Subject: "The Reign of the Demagogue." DAVID STARR JORDON President of Leland Stanford University Monday Evening, March 5. Subject: ,The Blood of the Nation." it's Poor P01160 APRILL'S SHOE STORE To wait until yenusine compelled to buy rubhero. THE WISE MAN buys rubbers and hao them ready for wear when occasion requires-and has less to pay the doctor. POCKET SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.