beU of9 VOL. . ANN ARBOR, )MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 21900. No. 114. Sprtn FRESH. VERSUS SOPH. ooooer-HI. B. Potter; Clerk of Course FARMER'S INSTITUTE. -J. F. McLean; Assistant Clerks of Corse-Teetzel, Sipp, aTalcott, Rich- Under Classes to Compete Indoor ardon; Track Jdges-Hayes Wood A Ver Interesting Address b Ex. A n o n e e tTonight. Brookfield; Field Jdges-Armstrong, Goernor Luce. Dvorak, Cook; Scorers-Lancashire, At yesterday tmorning's neeting of th cn o h ifhana freshmesn- Williams, Sid Millard,J.Pl;udeo Newberry hal, the titte was devoted to ,j! HIL_ iLD Q O sophotmore indoor meet whienthsie fresh WalkigC . nilas. a coference of te Beet Sugar man- ' H. WILD il ndavrtolo&rte olrso factrers led by Dr. H. W. Wiley. This nets whilleteaoioose so ihelacoloerof Medical Societ Meeting. was a very itporaticdiscssiottad ia Tha-t the tieet wil be a success i a Te postponed meting of tenmedical tfarteer and the tsanfacurer. eerhavijust.eceivedouralies a~r trnginsociety sas held last cevciing its the Itt the afternots Prof. L. 1. Bailey of spring woolens for men'sn cratiy sacsu 0luser etre room of he msedical biti aealaprotTstsstm da t wear. It includes everything in trddtintd iercu rosiet hg. Te society sas addressed by Dr.testis Growing. Dlr. Wiey also spoke stpls ha aesutalean d- brig aoutiv sely comipeition. A large Fredi Wagner, a graduate of te isedical nit ."seos of tir Year its Sugar Pro- stapes tat ae sutabl andde- attetndance is assuretd, miany of the soror- tdepartmenc~t of te class of'7. Dr. Wag. tnitctio. sirable for the season. We are itis iavitig paned o go fits force o Tier chose fo hisisupbect De Practice The first sneumber in te evenitg soigfl agsi o-o eiiei hn.Tesaladwas alosotg fl age nnv cheer sot their repesentingrelay santo eiue t hn.Tmesuh udi sssichy te LUitsersity bajo cub, fl- eltes, in qtality and stle tooc rsn hwdterapeito oe adtoien cd color o te usually sombe by paying teclosest atietiots possible Pt ptrciiartilea .n.Ktsnemofelid-el suit the mot exacting taste, crosd. The y ountg ladies axitg dis- tiis address asset all felt assp1y paid for lasnd r seit atit res ODNgasizaion s; Farm ClbTeconsisting of Top Coats, Suit- played such cccnintieest, success is their attetdance. tiers' l bs 4 ieisadoiss cl then fit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf assured asd only resaits foevery Dr. Wagnue openedi iis address witih isthled somesette. Prof. Staisley gave Troisserings. Weviteyinvite utyotto todooureitohegonhutudsmaodesciitsositethesnhabitntsiafChssaa ndosceipttiotng ofi sitet iiishnabif tessrssioflCdnsitheichtratorean lasoloeatid sDr. n Wiley i was agaigai call and inspect otur line at oastheidethfrtclasThngof the rtts tsiitgthi csrcerai ass a lltted upon iasd respotded iwistThe of it siide cases.I ieoportuiity ansimade te statemset that neary every Mauture S u sgr froms Beets. for a meitg wisitdteiied its football sectiots ias ifresit asse that people is- Itsatothessot of Newberry all its W I D S routhslitfatthatsuallhifresliuuueusteamss sas ing its adjoining parts of te couturysethestornitg as athoueresion wici not admttedscc to te class series. kswsnti hig of ruth ote. The first discussed te suject of Cattle ate Swune huane il e gvent to teswintning geicin ises ii their ateuspt to sarch off Dairy Cos"ly C C. Lithie. 108 ]E. Was 1 ~toI o the t ivasesaftdoite pyouadiosnetdemisc andepidetmi diseases General disssious of dairy topics, St* o hetocaue n hepeetain lesait that ithsie Cinesreetssde a study lTheImspotsace of Tye its Profitable *and aceptance speeches swill be made by sfthsie humtsant stds as they studieth ie Steer Feedutngwas discussed by Prof. ES CR PT 10 N S hevsue-r pesidentus of fileswinnting atd idustiali arts te Cisuese iouul be 1HVW. lusuford Agricuttura Cole PRES RIT NS loosing cissesrespeciey. tesesphysiciani intesworl.Tere Siae oe Fating Steers" by Joist Disc isne ould be rese to atempsut to pick is ass ancient air amuong thur pople of S. Cbest5 Haror Beach ; Feeding FILLED Wehae hle iwins before he last ot this evecu- Chia that a body msust ioto be mutsiated Steers Vs.itons Slage"ly'Vtmit Bait, Wehv nscontestesre rust off. lteptes- uter seath, asse this laws' is; aided very hmurag WVt scSylc of Hog do th Arecentlty enseeso oreclass sias the irfstso wilslusaerialy its thur reardig of thu r poPreeset Ma keseestsd?"suet trBacon ATisasgisesed as wilie still freshmuuensas thur histoy of genii of thur science of meudicie. He Hlo Intrluco 1JFsguosA sittscue sa ec o tit los hrsPhtogaue thur isitry of si case iwhere our cultural Colleer; Tsr aercs sChosce, L in ourn sores winnuuisg by good satgunsts Ithurysic-iuisnlboree tofesty- sears aefoe E. A. Cu osiuiutras eLae stores std asee first 'Vasrsity induoor tractsumet sis hlcd he wsaetiho see te diaphragm sintact. Sis mtonintse iosstn isas hlurd as HO URS peprd ofil is thinsiring f '9 assethsie ear folowutihoi ie ltaw iforcr essmatde it ipos-NeciibeetsyIsall o dsussi> Sheetsad v U~ pecrptos tudig the festttiaiu-sophiotittre mseec irax blasttoueetaithse parts sfter a surgical HorseQueston Bet. orders oe dus introduced. Shiet yeare '91tuturitchoff suiesation,. as slautaittinttortthu ren Lit-todate Laibs Feding," .'ia utsasittour, itetestrs assetq9) sandl 00 suchlikewa sseess I sit a tumor.s art- s 51(renusus-e'uXWec, outsa; Bscedrig Ise GY-iatush it inte tssitceeding listii mutiubhe immseiitey edesroyed. PeteriV orhes -otiac: tEarLs"t ,Jcent luio clsssueneeied hissevercifot lie masueethe satemuetithtstosst of L.W vat heeRassisgoutthur WildepsPharmacy ishent eyuticae sopseihomiosthesyte spracice of te Chiese pthysicians Desifedarm,"t A. B ooOw Dsco couldint suit iteth ue eplosis ofthecure basue uon s tadtion;uitansuhyto The PsiiiisasLsenttasot _________________________________ prtedecessosstund teprest scondttogitty tushditwas tiuit uusig oiher a lHstse- Beedishuts its hlanrs"Robr F ~ Foeiset ralwekst we hure year citisitw(sitylas tcoe. o5 3i 5o 27recital of thu e ny iesswhichs se held gt ou ~u es 'ttasI s fD TH OLD n U sen tayiuc n t sstuntsfortoe site ahefreshmsuensthough listse manssyguest lubblieslDetrseites"tl e u eTypetrlfletds" bor,std new aus eamdswith ittIatlu ittest 51sitS uea u test t Bued Stunitine oat)LUNCHES Cu it tc mgte em as ias shown i testis fisti ttus f te lxuos.hy ie 1. tP Is'isistl-'ugriot RELIABLE (Alt sd TOBACCO. -latt Sastchey s meet asnsuthesii uitte Chisese phiysicitniplaeces althIs depentuesW tsef 1ucr;'S sto a E'tt5DS A sPS-'~zALr'P wil h ell sissy essushae cr c. anteeupo ite caratctriof te pulse. Stock ixuueshuss Di. S ' eranit - i~~Te 'see l t lsote-cwith h e sts 55lmits Ini ll te 55t55ictri sty: the p ulse lustsA grcultutitlolee R E. J oLL Y &CO. isa icini the reasy restslieseshutwlenty seenchactutsceisistitchhueli tes --fials of is sets isill te rustsotessat hun V i diagnossis,ipregnsosicstudnd reatmsentue iDnitss itt I \ Ot i: ttOtrect sy seet tiio iees froststemorrow uon scste cluerct-e 5f i, asuisvery 4Thuse etathesitas by E.-Ge i ot nigl td the finalt usthe Ase a mscBsse accurteeinso ding1 tied o5fColdertisosllt'Friser su I mites.a seekla eter. liaihsof lthe ight S'th e itmeusnt he Asistd tseopteten eaCtizess IIe sole usithousnotses uitd tettmus enteeed seittl steele ue clors oeat hlusts a1.-t u u tycsudtdosi ad as-tuef e c teeld itetitg onsse of te setoitiles its colege shichs iliseothssitcttsrhintetealteenue teelsaddress iii emarsut a t s Itliis; A it~~~ill adutlu esta to these aswts 'iteest- the isns e;siostilarboro suetdcrue. Itsisiatests i ffcc tee bean Amueca tug contests. T lufist isi t tun e sit le tg uitsonly cuits/cu te r lcsna totn imploss such M~XedJicaI TeI et sudet t its are s ulreetsbya Aercn uasry r1) lgs nacitze.c ese utr ots: Foty' 'ithesit errss heIslten5us ustioess-ueiasetsyusho hisesue haveut sseectspioeritsite iDurrantu. GCitesr 'IiossdlnsussuHs ucc t itte ss it is utsu it ansu sully rya1 ly l. A d o I usatl to bat St Dito a yHornusein ,Sessddahrdt. trassurguus t ha.5 is erte sh-isseefromsustesltts essly- sian5.55tik ss.1xatithle farmsuito1o Iy. tihleigh, Bryants.Barettci 'Whitleefsf tesism tuistoiiis e tte lisahore- ight le should remuclemb is tht am a Dicion ry Bidel f03-MAfe, ocseBioyse, es;srcit lheiscoses osfe- rere;nta e of telrs. iecu 7 5CMiDur.,t'ien CineHeesiaic Pore tuet tit eiy gihoseioftheee kn "o et e be x see sonUhlinCrupaceYout, e- ndugsD.Wane cwuldent a ttbeoetoa. hefrtwsheaml DufDonigLyns ~nyr, os isuay suie tos geeto Flist forthe usrs- Issgov eret 'Icat inteis5set ta1 ti as tos. Wiliamss, Cess, Lyons. eofmeicnec foste ecuiary lese- soonas ihticshoudt huve enti dn'sst traits Vey os siese Forty yard hsurdes, 190-Fishlelgl, fit, blus foe thin goodi onue could do oe hisl childeen right. But it sas thur firt. UtoDace Uley, Hettretit, Sunoss, Strassburg, humanusiy is was at goodi lce olprsctice. Sice slest gosermssets lustse comse downu Whitie, aredsne Muiele, Barret. 903 B. 'Iagner shet test ess its Chsis ina i rpid successon. Soue rusers deny CAKNSPAM C -Young, ticcAfine, Robinson, Hasiasu, as a Medical Misioay. their uose frostsGost by- dvilue right. Standish. ___________ Military cieftains hue gone forth ade Y KN7 H RM 1 H al-stalin ialls, 902-Busey, Horn- Ppl'ixia ongt ouvictories o er their esusnesadre- ________________________ berger, Bidirell, Thurnetau. 903-Sauul Ppl'Rcta oih. tsuedhues e upgvruesst is, t Lowe, Lyrusest. Thur following rogramuwill hr gint glorify- thesi. Bit ourt fathers set up - Half-uile ru,92-R. B. Barrett, st thur Pulss' recital. Friday. March 2,cdifferecut governmuuent. ltsilsumyhIsrael Emsesn Bryant. 903-A\. E. Beret- us Frinze Mmsorial hatt: irih riewn It1hikieof thur srug- R stsiiu Knox Maclntuyre, Pinney. gis they- usdres-u to estabissttus. Relay race, 1902, represtiune sorosis Chromuatic Fantasy ad Fugue.....Every Amseicans iears a crosrns brigter S W E A T E R S ~~~~- Barrett arduer,Fislleigi, Utey.. .."" " "".. . ." J S. Bach thas that of slur Czar of alt thur Rusias. S W E A T Erepesent CingBoycpawAly. hta-s Vtraton asrtha Hs hl. Me Noisoh th ouernaionugapoweaoutdtthehigts a 1903repellsiugoKappaSwAlpeya Theta r artha Houl.. . en o No outetriower hisseahedctenheghs Hihjumup, 19o-Snow, Holister, Juna Todd. has thi nUited States. Noieas been Srassburg, White, R. B. Barrett, A. M. Gondoiera ...... ......Liszt quite so broad ot reied so muscuott thur Ba tt. o90-Mess, Frew, Robinson, Mrs. M~. R. Kitsey. patriotismu of its citizet. -GOING AT. . Hunmphrey. Fantasy ..................... Chopin What pecuiar duties hssthun fame Shot put, 192 -Avery, Durrant, ,- Blanche Cushman. as a citizeu? It wat does he discarge Snow, 'Trumbuhl. 1903- Herrnstein, Wdmung (Dedication) duties? iff Robinson, Sweeley, Yount, Suns... ............." "" "... "....Schumann-Lieu Two qualificaions of hun good citizet IPole vault, t92-Fishheigt, Udell. REmma Bach. are nmentioned in thur great ordinance of ! 1903 - Sharp, Herrnstent, Jacquth, Polonaise its E flat minor.....Chopitn 1787, religion ad muoralty, std educa- 1 - 4 Gusmae v. yo, rneetngGmaIeerdnt. rtio.Iitraith.ere irture. seta Relay races, too, representing Delta Balade in A flat tmaor ......Chopin quaifications of thin good citizet. Thin Phi Beta; t -o Law, representing Kap- Atndante spianato and Polonaise. Op. integrity. Thin next is ability. yThis abil- pa Kappa Gamma, vs. t ti Law, repre- 22" "... "..........." .......Chopin ity to, discharge one's duty, is obtalind senting Alpha Phi; 1903 -Medic, tepee- Edith MacNaughton. us various ways and conies frotm various stinting Pt- Beta Phi, vs. 19o2 Medic, sources. Another equtal to these is re- representing Delta Delta Delta. Fresh.-.Soph. Indoor Meet Tonight- ligion. Perhaps this should overshadown WR A HThe officials are as follows : Starter Waterman -Gym--S o'clock. Admis- them all but I place them equal. The W H ' and Referee-Keene Fitzpatrick; An- sion 25 cents. (Continued on pagan2)