THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 _ _ ... JUST RECEIVED Jo Havv. Hld BY MARY JOHNSTON AUTHOR OF PRISONER OF HOPE 0hldll & Go.6 Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, and Engravers, 320 S. ST4AT E ST., STUDENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountaiu Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What more cau you ask? Try us. IARTjJN $CHAILI(IR KOA EVERY KIND K GALM. STAEBLER Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. DO YOU $iL'OKE ? 4 Pittsbur~ Stogies for TrBill Anthony Cigatrs for 4 IHrunswick Cigars foir 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 O. MAIN ST.,' NIN ARBOR. MICH. Ati 'uesday night'scession of the smc- chsanical drain g class in 1. NL C. A. tight school, a draiwing for a die stoeck svas tornecd its hy one of the pupils, swhich Instrutctor Goulditg prontounced equsal to the plates node by thte engint- eeritig studlents in thte Uietversity. TEle class is htavng somte very practical wnorka. All the drassings are mtade from models, not copied fros thsler drawnsgs. The boiys ace salready hecomorng quite pro- ficiesst andc can stake a workisngcdrawing of any ordnssary puslley, shafting or couip- ling . ANN ARBOR - - . - 1flICHIGAN SENIORS' NOTICE. ____________________Th____ le sesnisir literary class swill sold a U. of 1* Barber VAPOR BATHS smcetinag isERosts C, ona-Mondlay, ?March ThseOnly Ones i 6, at 4:15 p. nm. for the purcpose of Sho an Bth he it. Ra-snabtaeates. electing ut class prophsetess. Room, S2n RTATE. J. R. Tojanwski By order of te President. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF WANTEDI-Dictastiosn (with or wills- ouit instrutctiont) frostsGralianistshort- D I N lhnsitessIr. Adilces, Pautlflvers, 602 Ladies' begininisgoclss,Wod.,O to 10tp.m. CAP AND GOWN ORDERS. PINK BROS., Instructors Orders for caps asid -ownts will be Office and Academy, Nicel Halt, 334--336 S. Slate takecn every afterincon friims 4 to 5 it IRooins C. DEAN &.O.N -Calendar. Tusseday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Feb. 27, 28, Mareh 1 and 2- Farmers' Round-np Institute. I Friday, Matrch 2-Frestttan-soplto- stmore isndoor sires ast'Watermoan gymt- snasium, S p. us. Satuirday, Mareh 3-Ron. John Tem. pie Graves in S. L. A. course Sunday, Mareh 4-Anti-Saloon Sun- day. H-oward H. Russell and Jutdge C. _B. Grant, speakers. Montday, Morris 5-David Starr Jor- doss, Presidet of Lelasnd Stasnforcd Uni- versity, in S. L. A. course. Thutrsdlay, 'Marcht 8.-Facstlty cosecert iss Frieze Memsorial Itol. 'biThursday, Marrch 15.- F. Hoiskins SSmsith its S. L. A. course. fFriday, _,essrclt jo.-Sopsosore hop, at Grangers. Students are eordially isnvited to in- speet our ea/mpi te linses uf suits, over- coas, men's furnishings and hats. Waslhans, Ryan - Reule, S. Main at. 'fTe sophlomsore-frshan t isndoor trck meect, oiginally schlelild for Sat- uirdlayevcenig hats becchacnges~d to F,'- claycveniing._Marrcs 2. SA nosy tine of M-asnhattan Shirts just in at Wodttonss, Ryan & Reuse. See thsem. S. M1ain st SAY BOY S? Whecnsdoswss omitcall at sthe Newm Cigar Store, si6 East Misuesnstreet., for Sa fielieee of pisses, tobacco andi cigasrs. NY. 'W. DAVIS, Prop. D. Al TINKEBR & SON HATTERS AND FURNISBERS Headqaartera for urA, CAPSe,MsN'aFUNISHIaN-G and Complteeliseao MArSaIUM GOSnsdSWEATaEaS. AGRNCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree Can. Mass and HurenStrnes. Capital, 550,000. Sueplus, Sun,000. Transest geneeal banking biessa. R Ear raeen. CS . GsEass, Vice-Pre FREs. H BELSER. Cashiee. FIRTIATIONIAL BA NK a Ass Arisor Cspitalt,000. rSursoplus and Peefits, 540,000 'rasactes a gener aakig buietness. Foreign echan,,e bosaghtadsld. Furshtehtesofa cedit. S. D. KINNE, Fees. HARISON SOULS. Vice-Pren. S.W. CLARKSON Cashie T~o flinn flrbor Savings Bank C.apital Stock. $50,000. Surpluas, $150,000. Resurces. $1,500,000. Organized undee ehe GeeealBankint Laws aftehis Seats. Receives deposits, bes anad sels5 exchange en the pincipateitieseofstie United Staese.DHastes enshed eupprpee identifceatos, Satety depositebasxess e. OFFICERS: Chrisa Mak, Prees.; W. D5. Harri- mass, Vice-Preas.; Chas. S. Hisaoek. Cashiter; M. J.Frtz, AssistanteCashier W. j. BOOTH, PRESs.CT 5W. Assess, tat Viee-pren JOHN.C.WasAsse.Cashi e81Iu BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. ' COLLEGIATE CAPS. - ~ GOWNS and HO0005, CAPS ad GOWNS, (4 SPECIIlLTV. CLASSSC(tIES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE S PECIA0LTI ES W. C. KERN & CO, 4ss g PifSeveanth 55. CHICAGO, ILL. "A slice to yG aVE C aS, one reason PipeOlEn Tobacco 41, whyOlEn asnsuoc~e - glish Curve Cut pipe to. Sbacco is so