THE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICH IAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILOR10WAHNTNS MICHIGAN CENTRAL. ,,The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Novenaber 19, 1899. D~etroit Night Express ...........5 55A. M. Atlantic. Express............ 745 4 Grand Rapids Express .........11 10 1 Mall acd Exprecss........3 47P. a. N. Y. Boston Spcciai ............4 58 Fast Easterna.............. 943" Mall and Expres........... 940A. M. Boson, N. Yad Chicg........8 18 1 Fast Wstern Exprcss .......1 38P. ot. G.ER. and Kal. Express .......5 45 Chicago Night Express ...........9 43 Paciflc Expres.............12 30 A. M. Steaamship Tlichets, all Claaaes, to and grome European point at lowest rates. Full infor- mation oa application. OW.NUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T.Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains icave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mx. No. 1.- 8:55 A. MX. No. 2.-i1:30 A. M. *No. 5.-12:30 r. M. Nc. 4.- 8:30 P. M. No. 3.- 4:50 r. ox. *Rua betwecen Ann Arbor and Toledo oaly All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. ,are leave for Dtroit and Ypsilanti every half' our, beginning at 7:15 a. in. until 7:45 p. m. After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. i1., 9:45 p. mn. aod 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Aon and Main nts. Detroit. lit Griswold t. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Greenwoocd, M. P. A., Chaicagco HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Betweeo Toledo aod Coluso, usiog Colon depot in both citieo. Throogh Sleeper to Washington andBaltimoe. GREAT RAIILROAD THE HOCK(ING VEILLEY Writo L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W.Fort St, Detroit. p lRentschter, the Plhotographer. t t c A GOOD BYE PRICE ON NECKWEAR 75c Ties reduced to 50c 75 and 50c Ties reduced to 39c. Pajamas, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $3.00. Night Robes, 50c to $'1.50. SEE OUR LARGE WINDOW DISPLAY, WEDNESDAY. Main St., and Liberty. MfiGK & GO. Notro Dame has sent seven men to the A. A. U. indoor meet at Milwau- kee. Prof. G. P. Coler returned from Kan. sax yrsterday. He has born conductiing bible institutes during the past nionth at Lawrensce ansd Topeka. AMERICAN HISTORY PRIZE. Contestants for the $50 prize should see me again sooti. I am in Room 8, Tappan hall every day except Satur- day at 4:no. The essays must be in my hands by the eighteenth of March at the latest. A. C. MCLAUGHLIN. MtELBA. '03 RELAY CANDIDATES. Candidates for '03 half mile entry and for relay leans report at the gym. on Monday, Pebru~ary 26 at 4:45, as trials wiii then be run off. W. K. BsROsLEY, Matiager. The Ann Arbor Music Co. have, some inducements to offer stu- dents on table board; also one suite of rooms. A eomplete line sf Adler Hess. Oine suits at Wadtams, Ryan & Reule, 20-. 252 0. Main st. MELBA. The last party of the Asscmbly series will be given at Grangers next Fridlay night. It wilt be a cotillion andl will be load by Dr. WV. A. Spitzey antd Ralph Page. LOST-Tuesdav on Thompsoii, be- twreenXWiliamts asduetJfferson:. Roundic tpurse con:tain:ing some mioney iaid Span~- sit coiti of groat vatlue to uoser only. Finider rettirn to 432 Thtonipson: sl., anid receive reward. 1 -, \uTlICE. The proiuniary of the relay race scillt lie told Friday evening at the "Gym." All class mian:agers must onter their teamis before Friday morninlg. Enitries can be loft at the director's office ins the Gymunasium. At The Theatre. Sapho" as beintgtpruduced at W~al- lacks Theatre, Noe York by Olga Neth- oriole xwiil be brought tore at the Athens theatre 0o3 Moniday evonino, March 5. Interest h~as been aroused in the presen- tation, first becautse the book has at all times 1b001 the nieans of arounsitng discus- sioni, atid secondly because of the curi- osity as to how Mr. Clyde Pitch has treated the work and again since its first production there has been every sort o controversy. It seas some three or four years ago Iliact Miss Nethersole came to the cottclusiun that "Sapho' was a good boo01 to make into a play. The produc- tion to be given here will in every detail be equal to that as niow being presentedl itt Noe Yorkianslids~ls Albert Gallatin and Mr. Pratik Lander wilt play the two leadin:g ch~aracters that of Patioy Leg- :::c::i and Jeani Gatussiti. MIELBA. 1903 CANDIuiATES. Canididates for '03 half nule teami or relay tean illit report at the gytti. fur trials every aftertnoon of this seeks at 4:45 o'clock. WV. K. BROMLEY, Mantager. 13. AlIarmOok U. of M. Pills 50c to $19b.00: Fisa. Watch Repairilig a Specialty.. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER.. 206 Main South.. Hiave You seesnor PORCELAINS ' 7ize thingot-only ploe in. te eit" where you eas get them. 1116 BorruwdllStudio 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Pilo-m915~ Athens Theatre MONDAY, MARL.HCK_ Mises Olga Neth~eroles' Versison ' AatdSAPHO Aatdby Clyde Pitch. Miss Alberta 4aatfliai as Fayegrand Pricea, Gallery 50-75c Lnwerllcor oi- Seats on Sale Friiy.. Giranger's School of Dan 2nd SemesterX. Academy on TMaynaro .5t. READ THE1DAILY. 00 RELAY CANDIDATES. I,,,qk Alnum Ca~b Candidates for the 'uu relay tamswill : ,- .b report it: the gymu. daily for practice hoatarntdfr Ya E. XV. CAsE U inager. $1.00O TeMichigan branch of the Amuericaut V i;.A r o d, I Chem::ists alssociatlionlwill hold a special W m.________________ mieetitig at the office of sJr.Prescott a1t he hotst Comptote Lise sf 4 P. iii. tocday. This mieeting is held itat the MXichigan chiemists tmigt haivieLO NE the pleasure of rmeetitig Dr. Wilev. of: CHOCOLATES " XXash:ington~, wxho is here fur the farmi, ers' itnstitute. tI the City cati e fo-anos MELBA.__TUTTW U& Howard halo at Wadhams, Ryain& 338 S. State 3!. Ecule. Best hat on the market at $3.00. 200-202 S. Main 01.0.M MA TN. The Salemm~ie concert to be gixet iI FUNERAL Neweberry tall St1arch Sib prottises to ( ( be largely attettded. Salenitie, as a vio- D R C O miist, has lotig sitice "-layed htis wvay Embalming a spcilty.. No. -0 -4tN: into the hearts of thtose ishIo hiaie hieard Ave. Ambulance night ad d _ en-- hito. idenee 302 Fifth Aye- ~Y0 SAE $1.50 l ZEVERY TIMEZ YOU BUY A " PURITAN"" _______110 EAST HURON STREET TeEOH D E balme r and U ieri 13 EastONilliam Srveet T118~ (IFnerlNne n i vct r sity jhstoce-halt h lsck wet W R E ff ER Mre. Esoeh Dieterle, Lady Assistont. J f law huildung. All ktndosg 3~3 ie NoCH11 TE R LE uea Drno So h of repairing noathy done R an d a '" G~i~fATEB SRTIPROI. LbryStreet. Residenee 33R 0UIdSTE. FII ouorth Avoe BothPhone s129. S o op E. Lambert.Pht WEE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUGSTR