4 THRE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUSi - _®_-._.__I i [HRECEIVED $1000 In Your Inside Pocket Iswhat ocsaeono a sito ercoatos ma~ doeto re yuso. Weguaranteetaperfect fit'o s ale. Caltand senoobligatonoto buy. Ootimmese asstt otf ov 3000tt sam ploes le s ou All Wool Suits and Ovo atfroin $12.00 up. Have Goodrich, Wsllier & Murphy, FomRom oerst Ntina and ~ MU&. STA[BL[R BtPhns, No. S. 119 W. Washington .St., Ann Arbor. Ow - .......U. oth hon D. fX TINKER~ & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HASt,CAPS,ME'S FUNIooSHINGS and Completeline f GYMNAoSIUt Goos and SWE ATERS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree Zoo sasntond11uron Strets. Capitollt 50,0.Surplus, S30,000. Transacts FIRST NATIONAL B ANK Or0ieI 5 Cooital,01500,too.Surpls aootProfits, W000 exh nebiiltoatd'old.i Furnioot et erols of I . to KINNE, Ptoo.It tRtIOT NStttLE, ITeoJln 1)OP Savings Bank ttollree~os, o1.500000. 01gniedunert General Lootoog tLaso ohsO tote ot. Reteives dosbtits, tosansel 0000 te.o t rinipaol citis ofottoeUtooed Stootes. Drafotos csheduppo pe0100r00100ideifictionOO BY Xt.TI1OR 01' PRISONER OF HOPE 61I66Idan & Go. Pooblislherso, Bookoeller's, Statooners, aood Eograves, 320 S. ASTAT E ST., ANN ARBOR - - - - 1IICliIGAN U. oif Y Barber OAFOR BATHS Shop and Bath t5 he it.Rea- Roo s 3QIS 22 STATE. e R.Trojanowskio 'UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF tteootooooos'ots ginig-o..0oto otoy,St8ott.oo.m Laoies' toeginoningotooos,Wd ., stoo ttlp.11o. PINK BR4OS., Instructors Oftist and Aademy, NicklotHall, 334--336 S. Stats 1~SN CIAL HOLILAY OFFER! Oneoto hoese I LAUGHILINIFOUNTAIN PENS s t 0If tSt do fot suto u,*1wHt so 0 Ifitts HV ? Any way yaa figare i eePROI 1 O hsoisotoebst pen oott.Hetreso is ouroodhanceotootstoo ots- 0E Onlytsooepsnt to oty-saddros j' os th:is dff oter. os 129lgiftuofdSteveri Misefl nesadaoostpleav sooato-o T9zidr fthe. er NORy tae htherlasDE , LAULNDRYG O. J 12 Tis old St. roi+, Mich. 1003 BakExruesy CoLpon 4Pi ttsl Itl tOto( tsor tt tbill Atttlttotty C(~10011 o 4 Btruntswicki'.( 10121fo1 5c 25c 25c i 03.51lSNomber: 44 S0. MAIN ST., ANo ARBOR, MICH. l3E iV ev. CO. Whist Club Scores. E Calendar. . I l tok, MuS ,o',5 0 Itot man Vie-Pes. Chs. .BiscocK, Casbier;M. ott'.scores0. t of at night's tplay we0r 0: t' 5 01 0000 Wedtesdayv Thursday, J.Ftitz, Asttant C0ashitr N.&S rdy ebo7o8 Mrh n -w Bnn RCDvs So Barber......0937 - 8 OFatmers'Ohound-uplIOttooituote. W.AROLD, 1SOt Vi0Ottey10000 itaver Is Scot...... 2' Sattdy, March 3Hont JohnTitetnaJ. V. SoEtHAN, 2d ice-ps Miler tds '' L.. -t 6 tle Graves 111 So L.A. courlo se os . C. on'oAsst. (shtist S VI NGS lolrrel & Ruoset. .20- 1 1rida0yltt~t o Rt0O l Average-229. mtore 0 indtoorion00000at N too toots Boot E.& . Is V otottotoSp. n oooat agnea 0White Is Webster .....235 -'--9 hSundayMarch 4-Anti-Salss oon Prnsct gnea Marshall I Verdier 23 ....... 33+7dayHootard H. Rusoell and JudlgetC. IBankintg Buainess_ Brown Is Danforthli..... 229 - B. Giant, speakeis. Average-226. Sloodoy, -laooh 5Davtd Starr Jor-. Rakers of A hat which was left in exchangeda,oo sidntdof01LotltootSSttaford Unti- t . COLLEGIATE GAPS, fog iia ie a essidb aestt3i101S.oL.A.0011000. GOWNS and 110003. thfoe owne r smlrfrom zthe Secretaryurd y Thusdayo 0-lNaotch SI-tacuity conocert .Regttltaof n_________F_ t riezo N1imortal tall. CAPS aqd GOWNS, SENIORS' NOTICE. Thusday Mrc 30-F.Hopkins A SPECIALTY. Smith in100S.oL. A.000000e. CLASS CANES, IlThe sontorlitterary clatss wiltoii l a IFriotaoy , -aoh o .-30 Sopihomtore 10011, .COLLEGE FLAGS, mtingtinooRoost C, onit toidao , ahott GranerstotCLASS PIPES, It ot 4:1, .00tm t. for thoe 1000p1000 of GLASS STATIONERY, tottgt itsIrltlo.Studests otre coodiallyinvited to in-. COLLEGE PINS, 'peo csat Otetitle s of suits, over- COLLEGE By order of the Prestiet. tolsons sftoonshigs an.d hatso SPECIALTIES Wo\NTE)-Dtatioton (wiott or wiV- idhatostyoa -teult S. Stain st. WC, KERN & CO, ou ntuto) frotot trahamttttshtotr ~ 11 t Sailatn trot 41 z Fifty-SevethlSt. A0 newtineiftMnhatan Sir) CHI(OAGoO, ILL. had rter.Aotdre00 PaulotMy1rs0 6o uti at Wadhamns, Ryan & Reule. to. ~ott~itt. tot ~to~ to Mainat-A slice to C Ut iNDI)GOWVN ORDERtotS.0EN r j~)i ~~!JifI0 ietl Ordors for cos an --o wns 0 w5 00 oti o 00totdbte1 t o olvot\c'r 0 4 p eu taken every fterofo m 4to5lin81ig0114totet16 LEtst Huon totstreet.toot Room oC. _11000n t ttoeof 1010ip te0,toba o td . a. d &/, ' $ one reasoe A otanceowillttbhog01v011it LigtlGsord V N10.ISEtp Tobaco . why old En. tixt 100 111 (00 1 ttso o tort ot 1t r0000 0 0001.1 0 01 010 00OrTlItNG tA tAglish Curve AUtCIION !!lAGtIOt 010(?1HSE I100000000 Ooti T00O0S000 E 0001101pe 00 1ia cl I oinouto 11 tse of to othe en i ItOTER 010SIN 000S1501T 1 TtoI1SlF tob Cu pipAto stootk of Books, tal1 foperStationtary, 1.0 0)1 100111) 10 0CA00L 01A T TE 00B0001Al0- t bacco is so et. t. eetly oswnod by IV.NV.lWet atra mtore0 tot Souott510011St. Atotttio IttL' popular ... osaleswittbehonototteld reci day (ox- r1. , rcotoree tlylrd 0a,. The corved ooyt -onotd iy ) at4 ocok and seveto t ure1100 0,0h1110 1 oot ~n00 11at to 1 111001 o'cl otssokp n vrtlifoso 1 ttattntd 01o r1Ote- otin box that fits any pocket is another Ical G . D ntis T i La t itotot11111it 010 0010 H.11Ii BSosoru bs, cdnostot tot l~dreason. No other pipe tobacco has ever Ii9I06 tooth tlaiot St 110000 oo tre ttlcScolotf 1usic:omade as many friends in so short a timle. A 000000liote otfMahattan Shrts tous t o ot- . t WoNO K. Iltoetosotilltteoatcht iaponsnooe to 01a t ollaaotsRyan IsResoe. SeotIttitdssappoint101sotnit ttnteto Oloou houh Olirt srsst01 tIsli10to tke thiscoure0 wll0c0mt t o 110~ A trial box will be Sent to any one R- N-Llo oolt ____ anywhere on receipt of ten cents in ott candda tes do ely tani 1 hbooo ll tt uitt ot rectt tts 10 . il01 1 - 1 00 epot tttt, foo tr1ia0ls a t ca to tt'. 1 r 1001001at Stamps. Address Old English De- '1 4 :0ocok tootsdlOP NMarcho Itooin riezet Ntcoroitthall.TheIItopublittislo partment, The American Tobacco t3 H. B. BorEtoooxto 0I ivtod. Co., ill Fifth Ave , New York City. All dealers tell it. i' I ICI Ill I I I Opening of Spring Woolens.... Wooles for thte comin season hlave arriveid, thte motot extensive lines ever* produceolhore is spread on our tables and nowo open for you to oaks selections-. We have made every Toreparation to strictly retain the previouso standa rd of our taitoring and to promptly serve our patrons. We solicit your mospes-. ion at an early date. WYAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. _i SPALDINGS Official Jlbltic Goods Officiallytaopsted oy teleo.in110 toilegoo, Schoolas lnd Athleice Clubs of teCtr0001." Base Buall I'Tenit Soot Ball Athletc Goalf Gymsim . Spaldings Official League Ball tIo ttht OiilBall of tiheNationaol Leagueaond all leading college asos ci aiost.Spaditgs tate Ball tuidefor 190a, l0u H sooottCootoo04 A. G. Spalding & Bros. ofAthltc torfeTree NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. THOSE NOBBY GOLFS II IIV IL W AR D 11