THE UNIVERSI'TY 01"MJCHfGAN DAILY. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 " -. a- r-_ -_a- -_r- - - ®- - o'' - o aaTiTiT T T .T T T T 4PINc 4L T Aoetac4qy o t/c TT TT . ° Iti l 4 444% Styles in HATS arriving daily ---KNOX, ++ STETSON and VARSITY'S---Correct T" dressers wear our HATS.... 119 South Main Street 4' , . L-t-0-- -t-IP--,P--,P--,P--*--9--Il--*--#--W--9-- .4,, -~ '~0~ ~ +++++++++++++++++++ MICHIGAN CENTR~ALi - ty } THE 1BEST MAKES OF 'Thle NiagaraFalls Route."Relitzchfertthe lPhotographct AAflhfMin n l CNRLSTASNDARD =SIIL 119IOIIEl0I Taking Efc oeb r1,19, 4t -.z-ca LOFFC N:s xEzFF 19r zart z 0599rx r. . r,,,x sa r Detroit Mighot 1 .110"'5 ... .............. i'.,i s rn' Moil a ElI 15110 . .........1.3r,1 u GIGNE Ml and b lprt , 940 A0 AVt Libett onl 2or2 sfom Mck or ner~'s Bot~sto, N. Y.a dC iao.......818'. 5''. ....,..,.,. .,, ......,.E Gil. an Illo. L pt s ..........5 Chiago Nighit L~sprs... ... 94 Pacific Express... ... .. 1.;00 A. M Steamship Tioket..,ll 1t tt O o,11(0rcn Europeanpoints 01 l I0 ,A1rae. Foil i00111or-, 0. IW. Ill ULES, HoW. AYLoz, 0. P. &E T. AYI', Criago. AWt Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Takintg Effect, Sunday, tMay 21, 18909. Trains l1io.teAnn Arbor 'by Utootra] Standt- p The Fire Talkorifi>. jide of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STRE~r haeYou whre%- il cng t othet SPGIAL RAIES TO SENIORS Th Bc irumau lStudio 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 1 19 c OAthens Theatre Foot~all at Yale. decied o Cal ot cadidt fortrig af'terteiFatero00010ton.fThe workf 00il last 1 .ft o r toulor tok, aoo ll i Higher Education in the East. flhr Universityoyf C('naoot to lof It 000 oo I thaor'ofi 11ot o 000. , S0-(-ro t tooltfor theto ntt o1 1r.0. \. Mar'ton. Ther oIf t SOIUTHI NORLTHL 000'Il M~lON] andplays.ottof e or Im ttention ~ftti0ban plooph, toO ouh odr *No.06.- 7:25A. Di Ntt. 1.-8,t6h.%. ii,. g001g t te ttooviu l o tic o' ls o I ag ih to d ue ch o f 1ldc11 n ls t-tt No. 2 -.3)iltA. 91., 'No. 5. lI. 0 ,. O. t ttttgflt tobe m re tofato il t- ci(Iso oiil a n t ft oo an 1 - No.a4.-l 8:3 e. i N .'3. 4:5(itI. h. terlooroftoollot ff1ll. A otltotgotto to to fir foof ___________are___tooffoolflow. rhef utyot *Run bettwetenAtnrol rtat'n110Toledo onfs 'oalefototofall 000rac t oo f11bfor aoft d torint00e a i t o t o. fhe bui toi oft All trainlsdailfy ex'epothSunday. tOff oer. r o 111yoee l h atdyo WE.BNET . S AGOL IOOE, Agent. 1t35t Aodoptetdtoy Cl, AMRIA HISTORY"NPRTZE. 0.--'-A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- O1IE'C\NIlSf'f5 IRZE __ Contetntfoi fr the $5o fprizeosoldff /ILBL.PricesGallo bor Railway. otte 1118againon1001. fIOLam inRoomIO8,. 100.1 CANDIoDTESf.. Sets .ars leave for IDetroit antI Ypsilanti 'Tapptan fBall 0vrry daoy'0.000thSatur- Cotodida tes fosy'53hfmtilesteam10100 - eey half oLF, uegoining tat To15 a. 00 fAtont. 00)0Ll~fb I11 rio'101 tf o~so.1to unti' 7:45 p. m1; After tllat to D~etroit dya :o h ssy utbfliyrea emwl eor ttegm o range at 8:45 p. OIL , 9045 p. m and 11.13 p. m.,11and1s0by the eightfeenfL th ofMarrhit ofhIeotriaolseverrv ofternoontoof tn towerb of Waiting roooo, corner Ann and Main latfest.4:045 tocock1. sts.; Detroit. I11 Griswold st. A. C. MolLAtUot rLLLo. L. 5' .fotoo0 110 13.__2nd r V~~~vy M~~~IfELB3A. too RELAY CANDIDAILS.'3RLYCNIAE. Cniaefoth orlytamwl cd BREAKFAST -. ANN ARBOR Candidatesio '03 110ff 1i110eentry and reLort ite gymo. daoily for fpracticie at for relay Leamo repot at thoe gym. 0114045 P0. In. REA SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MSO. osnday, February 26 at 4:45, as trials 15. W. CASrlManager, WAAH -FS RIS wolf lten be runL off. Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan 3z& WABAH -FAS TRANS . K Bi-NILY, anaer.Rcule. Rest hatE on the markoet at Bootoox Ia~agr. $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. ttpI f FE - CHICAS The Ann Arbor Music Co. have. ________ some inducements Es offer stau- ifodwarod P. CummL~intgs,'93.,1w115 s1110 dents on table board; also one suiLes 0lean Anti Arbor hoas bellnrttgaged inWM R.S. Greenw'oodl,lM. P. A., Chtlicaot of rosms. Ietola orf, wtas recrottly eleoted X~j~. ______________________ suplerintendeole iflohe fpublic o. lof _ A compl e tine of Adlecos.00Lie GrLaod HavenI. A : A solos at Watdhamo, Ryan & Reule, 100- he Most os 202 S. Ala ts. _" T lICE. T'heo'10100.01111are of thf loe t o teIler o f HOCKNG ALLE RY ItLA. tohld Friday Otvenling 100 fle "(ft to.' HOCKIN VALLY R~. 1 ELIll 5fl01000matnagers mtnt coer foet' 4The last farty of the .Assemobly 50100r0es team bforelotIle bornr~ i riesol IRAJS 1)ALY ~ will be given "ot Granger's Lnx 1 toolv 1111ynlnaitu. Betwee Tol seooand Cwombuse, uosng ',ou ntigkIt fItsriillfoeaeoilliontattd otiftl_____b_____ depot ito 0o10 cittie.roofd fly Dr. NV. .A. Sitzlefy tool Raflh 1ELB.. Through Sleepeo Wash01ingon and11Baltimr. fPage.;0.M M GREAT RIAILROAD LS-foeoo't lTherett f fokytijL CLUBS NOTIC. ~ M 17lj E l-1~ o~I 1/~j ....E're10 001ST-oil tto.stol J on 00 l i boree-tWilkfoe IIa 00i 15 t i to f i fs'vr-F TH01E0000CKtING0f05 00000 ltYtlO'o ooolSW1010k00arilo'sffatfdo00101fersoooio.ftt f 1101111 Writeishloft i001of groat vso/eto e se oly. 01 ig tooof7 to' ok.. ino Rooto C,('LUtio or- Emrbalming L. xv. LANDMAN, IFittoeo rtrtttl0543f2 Tionoi sto ., andtoo 00haltll. Are. Amht 11 W. Fool 51, PD1t0101. 1000110 reotarod. 15 'T. 15. Vooiooot , Pros. idence 302 IF [DAY, MARCH 5. APHO lye Fitch. Ott sAlbetaIs a0. a101 00s Fanny Leaasd ery 50--75c Lowerficor $i.oa . ono Sale Friday. or's School of Dancing Semester tiny on Maynard St. kD THlE DAILY. A~llOod~s Warranted for 1 Year $1.00 ArnoldLedin oele SLneof LOWNEY CHOCOLATES In the tCity can bh ouond 'UTTL B'8 338 S. State St ARTIN... =UNERAL DIRECTOR a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ulanee night and day=. Met. FifthL Ave. _ ___ __ -T 1 T-TT T-I-=1[--1T=LT- -11-5 TS- TsT _TLT ( - -T=7 v -.i_ ._ YOU SAVE 51.50 tEVLERY TIMEZ YOU BUY A "PURITAN" ill 110 EAST HURON STREE ThET DIE E mbalnter and Ui ri ty 63 East William Street ENOH6ILIIIL Funeral Directo, vr s at oeholt blocLkwestoin BRIR leEohIeteeEoyAot S hoe Shop at repairing nealy done.l ' a GUf1RfANTEE.5SfS1TISFfCOTION. No. 1Fou irth A re ot. Rehdne 6o 3 S.ELambet i R a n a ll hot ForhAe ohPoes2.WE PATRONIZE GOO Y A ' R J T R