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February 28, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-28

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VJ-heU# of Pai1F
FARMRS' NSTTUTE i nl1.Afte t og by the Glee cloba and te nmechanic arts, ii order to
ring ~I rodeos t ell begani his address on I Pomote the liberal ad practical edu-
i ctiic i lie spver~y H 1obe I sbstance cation of the industrial casse in th
Anone et A Large and Etihusiastic Audience ilsiw seseral pusuisits and posssiooo of
is io Atteolda e'PRSIcENts r iS tr i sicesru e irw relatio did not annul
lii m osa cc LI i -Angell rlrocthle nssto he li neiher diii the isciriose for
li le ifth iii sa bsriser uiiisitite lie iity san clge hllsiitiiithiem ishich rihe second land grant act was
K ihgnSaeIaiers sti e be- yis tsic ecy iimade tirove in aiywatysythat the re-
-eli Hiii iiem;rondii s or III ilk bu(ingh .All sons for the isIst a hi'g ait act snre
' L .W L .H l.:btt Q l te advstors we0r e ssii leprscii hneslit not eter li va lidi 'ill'hat sas good
i4 asAver to 111-1%V11open to tem. ciib nsitit ii eniisi iiit iiiiili more has
I-IrI iii iinc n ihos ii praly: hai c r m v h i tast-io f icc n adii aii n d uhIss bohi o n tr eiti-
'Re las iieii C f cut.e ,s oa. cciesi iosctie nd a Iit uar catinal ciystem dossn to mieet the
2hasic Ijst rCeiecilur iiiiit alne l 1. ~e.,., ' s'it rmtycLcatS(ciifet epe itisget Oii-
to" s toclvms fisi mmcii siSiliTyet the prieset time
sit-oi irlitlt stttiiii aei li'tv is-t iicior tis -reisemi ti; a child
it iif hese sissl be ean( (cin'sc ii ~ i'lsicl intiiiit
sw'taalices ithta at iclu esiciti i~rlii cio,, lraitsovonietiisrussitici isir is
-'les-ts-ii!lit-'itiriteitoiine ci~lii sr pein .ic c i t \t eik sil -ctisin
the I c sil cilus ii is,. iIis of iit. irt5 lidiiIs csicy e lii rd tui h Ris l'sothere eii s-itaist se. I
assn shoing cfulol r a s, i t - so ii tis'acdsthe ir leL isism athi' - -c sit is.il iof rs-' s siurdi ts io'1 mlithcieseei
Guis ndalt n tlf o ro.tim.iri- m satuh _gis istisisil> "5 bill iio:uy. icrec yeissci 1"ii c e o: ~lrcllt tii
snarl f the soil fom th hi~e~eriol- i Ill thesic'1,iifidcatiayourish aniii tsuita itera sand lpacticlse to
irci ttcin gof 'tep invite, Sit- to is st ani's in ht t isetoliis dnicci miii" i'icliout(is,"nod iiioseueisceein
c tb is~eiest ii a f h Iisis- iiscnsc itiie 'i Ss cleiat sesitoi 1.emid Fomiietis t i eto slrly
n;, Facy Vets an G l ustho site tthe sis ati tl i s i t oisesms i ac r toSa. e cicarhscims~ csm nhmtasmc a s utsmiss t e noueavistoie
3rtseng. < ivtisut cag s i e 05 55n ba tria. Sliii en locus s t as, simmgsecan1 mttidpehe
tvY' i ii- himm icinigs h i ei ssls
of th e ttise o f e tmis t iritesna lii 'dii i lti t hed i nl imii uc si ii simies oa lnami s t oddtoosbemhe1rssee i ic eiecs.ro n
scalmmeus5aliidtiuminspectmeciile rosm mmmmiismcth aatesitimaictiysi tosnsyomn
adchoiaremi thoit tdd a yc toer sptniie s cly mlusilty ti ei iihit Itrmut.humen t m :omfcsitheainpsmmutsh tm it
but i a ciittremansicsbi e and hm ya "1sh ci,tmmii - csiha me ner as- ivemusoonil hani i eep s , nd l tht hiomet galivsth
10 E '~ as io r)ts ises.(eistrlim elos tm itto pryeest sfollss Im,"cmss m umnms mmt mhie osearf coth e onfistuad te
th rhoenttim n niv rstng a tie in D imm-ngellthesnii, a Iniato hiCnstsic fames a ste fsiamdo inadditosesto th
*declae at oitim dspay time smerhne me i .isis- hswereih heoishc icnute ch nfo giclst uraeo pbe s uiven auvery
U~~~E~nE~~I fit was nomtinows receivesi from land Iishaci s sv 5ticimmemm miscgsnratonssthoousghmcourse sothe nattral ad-
planter thaittsarsrecored for ty yeasn a c edss cimisn msho othsrwmsise ould ences and ther appicationi to the par-
Liehve aot m0 onds of plaster wsused hiy njoyed.low ites life. In addition to this
FILLED y t tea creO . e epound ton asm n lyody tatisu egresommiaricn3 iscdsillmacth ic s ivenm- w ooik tw i ie Expects h
Ainaugiuraida about 30 pounmds could be dissolved on luiesh ms ue 3 o idut ms iteature mathematics, shistory, an
ALL ngtevices anr acre in tie course of at year the been num asum enmdnce spmice tin opeinug economics He is itrodtced to the
inorrest remained. So if nme were added of mheis tision.cus st s15o0o0isere thotght and history of the past and,
moss and ar the marked effect produced when it the -ion s a dumgters ciftfarimers as fain as possible, is given that solid
H 1 CR peae oilin sas first iusedlwosul not appear as 1hisstussal eipeisse to teshi tsunof Minis- tsmo mmdaton m'which silleaehimbnsto
ICJpm piosssomml the and was areadly satirated. iganm mr ediucatig miis lare nmbemisiu tisnk cleansy amd express his thotghts
osor odugs Prof. 3.J . ''io r f ..f.A. C. ds ut clsm e hnno fmmmsis f tl omrcily A farlas possible, sttdents
qultote5atofmu miubtlea aloose eussoedh "Maintamiig Fertilityp sith s ipame taught to aphreeiate all that is
r icerms; adimres'' lHe udeae hmes tat frith it wh ~ i sioesomme sil goodi i oitnr -life so
fLfeulelsroil wsthiat rech in pliant food "mi thnP uscci1 diihhs" , that si-le'stie- leae otee te sill
rite s P armlacy aIdcoirgai nic matter, rie suppuly of li-sith uhnseccted mm ie'mmesium nter upionstheir life woin stilishenhu-
keeps___the__soil__open__to__t__________n__feeling timat te-are "broter to rie
TH OLD oox smaii lom os- wis hi- iifaeca aurml t tat nil fuhe irelndof b t asshiepecieaslsciii
THE u sFr avcs es i we havme0 ho0s moissodis ure. He objsetdtsh in soxis
umno iilaso e: sorlsthim urr a llaows beeause' ii eft andsl ite di e55cm crpiii lidc isusieitm ~rss'pireiares
miscABLEibop aedetntdiathus'adsiwi- vtir'toh aliii'es.5155555"i usd5 tifln en f srta tn time th iowork of
IfnELIeA SiJ iU tieSCi lime slso psumoth s it g ushe l his ms ts s s c ci mussyiof thin yun
IJLL li and TO1ACCO. sttintsTh, sissishins thhocandiby a M e oscammiitl ng'ieern-.Iii t is a
cI co rtce t (oeIfdue ssrog ucsr ela s cus ads dies-
3 time aieto-b IsieofhiL'};sIussssinul misihid te tltdh etgre tlistr atassit temsmo 1 'i itiprearili youhis t e nisesof
h i I u tu s lime sm e s didone be i ln i iiiiUii' taksl mi ime respnsibe o ti sfutuerthen
------s----rt iheiseois o sm c t i c so is n e ss . tatthepe music heslae mimitn;r g etinuounstrislminis d. We thstill r pid I
of in-sol-lue qu ston um tim sul bseh ind Iflush ic mh itlo s twuis hs usddbi li sl-inedsre.-iisim es
Theilys uesrc re es tbsut u etor s" u i hi utsh\sum dci velaommetsminblecrit andr secet
chinesmuostss e mm tie ,ot I siii s ti. , tin hic udh is uh us ris i nus sumse suwitis th asto urer of'- tilsc fn-
Dictndtevaiu pa ndbasotrnascmaagetreadyo e
Ilmte R s encesi of iii C iie ofas vents they ciiundedlfuiinnl ushuhe smir fsl' n dst bilses of these om es fth
Ausn o d-si lurofse]t nouem eoncs edby 5 ,folowe iby 1 tim duymn lwi orihk as. eium sbi ucsism itih
75cl d ysicl s.'I Th e incemis cs ann cmh o sn is ; usts thin tu. hechsrmtihl. mer f tgnuuretizenCo-
Pdca raud and h m osu uble -smasuremten oenti ng msushu s u n i ls h pn idii cl i rgnel usonsth ftor oth Iofers to
muntaisi-o endecssoelth05 e omacess t i otye veity ol icit stheusdsm hous m s cthyislosla our yar'cu se.
ofuiteiuluTu heaniqsuein fhe iun hde s ay s sniciusanisu torentin i Isir o sstflsofhig1r5 edcton an epi-
i~ eOuletiphs ii ibucommsthtinfureainngsain\gusfus the psil a Noml ofider as rur l a neitum tur erictmoos
D i ti n rythnouisytu th e s oil lunisnoi orit e um s Itcci mhiadu esasclsci s mihadan urcutr y C haonc torepn"antheud-
Mr Rlndheif osusal s hsfuesonsanam esun ccslier ohr-is- ou sh n d wsuisis adu tid istresu esr ofithemu semsrieesrten
u br l sd th soil cneec y a acti enacscf3o O te ,1 igetde spons10iblea s in1fisudhich
disbcus oli ilosasitill t i s ado v ses1bolime mis usts .iii i-si te oic'heiiteysh5505ilmlimoe A ius lt ssurlitogi-e
ng an er e wel o th ncesit iau. Th am oftheintittin i t Bust h eel aslftur'ill s' s ur uuse
Eorsts o oug n sc ine ntim tillngsy o i rf e iu n aaeicw hs u m sei es conus immsieralitrature
S W e Acmlteigta nie 5 ousto utcoSoulth issd : ussr-thouse wo re to aci h-iisil i ngoh sutin the nsttesl sieerusasndsoutsher
ti-ohaeunesstool inn oend$ 50or e sut e r li mit aiiltiiilna ai oniplpaticalisus i atus n o h usehioldfus
suitperly illd ad peae or 'mill ep pte coai a-dt. Cois' 15111 5 'n e w inart eeoftim
T e e a t stursa slue fa mrsae it shssfteri t ie i ae.'thei nsuionn smThis usrdsu flru u e s ce achrmi n - t
tAK NSP A M C isusesing u'sil'i to mych on d.si dsuus sumrmm lt e nsphakllf oh mthus c omus in sie paruof v esysa ein
GOIGeTy shoran ul d til e 11sus n -s i oit tho-es usdthspemarmrsutoesittime scole o t rhina wr's 1nithe oidthr mma"doithieso
poeshlysontimeofertisy 01ntieasolv e what otumug ofths e k misig t h ya t umg of these p rotsl ansdshe oan
adntaldtil zaltimn em stexcept i ass uru tc hol ee xte iimu i55 n ut o he ti t e e ulans cil olurse.i
i f atboe iaum rateaetoi h is lulem nd hefhulm bseetelmen ot offe
ymc erus u tme ieandi oas'stmshtioredsunmasntolassa se u'lmba goftislnl ie' strong oue
fatd ineya dnire ime.Amidthemei usinowf ms smi nstse Ib ujc iin m the tics g isum i eratns u reit
1 - 0pitablr e o fthoUnitertesnoPis fnceISay t derovemmeinmt to oes irusaspoisoy, hemtordo
A "I mnonslOutnm en o h ensascrost t was tu en deu onageharlfgmonbota undyisibateios' n s hbs
Fessling ter s m a erbutte m hunton mooheltyand cntiongeseebasutheythaoret o m le s h olarlun ,nt lue da
guoenmwmth i esmtquitonh a nsatansitby hapiessfr a npogs inhiswen hniomaembe andsocety to b
cp uesfetuthe feritwi ofte longemeeongathwaseio e conioseofstyablutime captainse pomo betofia n
ntildtherenwil o e n owsapo-tfvirshngct a ollege nhch sourg "l itnHuan ndustrye uese Presenteiteis

farms."- ont excloding other scientific and as nmuch a funsction of educationv to
TOHEtVNING SESSION. classical studies, and including miii- produce time msan efficient in directing
R The eceinng sessiom n 'I"ighmer eslo- nary science, teach such branches of industry as it is to prodnce one
Xw~v A H -9 rats iinbogimm at 7 p . usinUnivrsity learning a. are related to agriculture (CIontinued on paqo 2

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