4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUSTRECEVEDD. PR TINKER & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS .STU EMTS_ y Headquarters for remember that we can supply yost with a $1.00 HeTS, CAPS,MN s'S FtReNISHIbGS Fountatin Pen, the Laughlin otrXWaterman, whlich) and Comepetelineof GYMNsASIUM J e fully gouarantee. What miote can you tsk ?Try us Goons und SWEATERS. VG T Hatn _ llJ O AGENCY FOu LONGLEY HATS Jo' Hag M R I $ H IIER 34St _ae te L.VLRY KIND) and K 0 AM. STAEBLER 1 9Both Phones, No, 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. .5. DO ' . +.5++ .5'+t i . BY 4 P l l ' _>I . t" 1 t> Iifl IAlithoiii (C it s for 'Brunisswitck C(gste fist Ix u i xi 4 5 orMAN T. ARN ARBOR. 5tbGH 5c 25c 25c .m) EA['%l & 0O. O SIENORS' NOTtCE. Calendiar.n PRKISO..JNER I lesinor itearyclap w lildalTusedasy, Wednsday, Thusioday, mee sti isom oniiMionsday, Mirchi riday Fb. 27, 21, Marchs 1 andi 2- 6'iai4: ins mfo tse purpose istorers' ounosdi-upIntstitute. J elcig ls's prhtesis's.Sastay, March 3-Hon. Julio Tern.d Byore o hePesiet. tic Graves to S. L. A. course 6 h0o van & GoTD-oDeain(its rwt- audy arh3-rsha-5lo siot instisructisosn)frostsGraitsisisshotrt-mriniiidioor seet aattsserman gymcvi- tant wsiteti.sAddrsc'sPasit -siers, 6o nsiun8n. m Psthioleroliok~elcrS Sttisttes XX itsSiuday, March 4-Anti-Saloon Sun- asid Engravers,TheCreceipt's at tsC door at tse isndoor stay.tHoward H. Ruosett and Judge C. stiedt lastSaitsudy visnsssg wserc $57.50. H.Csrant, npeakers. 320 3. STIATL Thls mis 505 therCeticseC230 pait aittis Itoid sy,'sMarcit5-David Starr Jor- 'sitisitnssitanPresitent ot Litanid StanfioritUssi- ANN ARBOR - -. iIClI~IAN IThe Uiti teitPss'ri i isityins S. L.A.cosrsi. ___________________________________fitrrestte sisnoraisy stigsrccof Doitos of IhlisaytisMartch is.-Facuitticoncecri U. of Y Barber VAOR BATHS lnes sttipuic of itexio 1lssstp I s i.F okn Shp ad B th e Ctyrates. CAPIFAND) GO0\N'sORDLRS. Smthlsits S.L. A.course. Rom, 3121 CTATE. J. R. Tretaneuski Osdeii fotricats stid -sits its ltbe Iiridayis_. aiiio30Sophloimoire hot, UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF R otiUm_______ Th ;e lbis down f srtwo rum- Stutdentssre cialy it nvsilted t n Ior sc onitePrnr nsiipora otmnssfurnsisingss asndthats. OGentemsist'beginssing cities. Ittotday to 10 ii s.____________I.sW di s t Rtyass - i iel S. Msainit s. Laieis' beginingsiiclasss, Wes., 0 to 1tit)iIs. AUCTION!ll! AUCTION! A I ineC of MntstansShrts PINK BROS., Instructors Finali closinig-oiut sale of the entire s t ~dint ss&tese Oise and Aademt, NictWe Hatt, 334--336 S. State stitchkiii Books, Wail Paper, Staiionarsylice theist S. Atain at c., etc., recenstly owisedthyIW. NV.IWet- m1sone, sob South MuainiSi. Aucioss SAIYBOYS?5 SPICIAL HOLIL'Y OFFER 1 salis will he consducededacti day (ex- VsWhitsdiowststotsniscil1aste Nesw I cep1st MonIsys) at 4 oclock. anit sevensU i'lock: ini. Licvelthisg Mustiandassif Stresi6 Uasit blissottstreet., foe on o ta c i liiGo. Do nstt lfss lTis Lit a finesilite oflilies, lobascio anditugasris. $3.0 jx Chance. W. WV 0AIiS, Propi. LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN 11it H. HiERSTs, Trusslee - PENS st1 o6iSouth Mlains St. hiSTI-Asminksl ioas bestwess Statie senit, ostpasid, sit we's ii trisitl 1.Fre 1 aid. ()gite achse of Grseiii . L avet iicc -ii Thompisotn.ot eti- !Ii Id ts ii - g a la ito, iC. MantenssintoslseSteets. Capital, $',0,s. Stipiss, $80,000. Taesacs L e-l ningisbussiness. R, KEMF res . C F.Gs,n, Vice-treys FitED. H nEcE. s herts FIRST NATIONAL iAK snegstiiecd161 Capitl tot 15500 IiSursplu sidPsif~te 40000 sisssssss..'sontiasisldsi.ssiuirnishilettesof t.. . INNt, isis. GAnItStN SistTE, S.W. 5 LAISItN Cotsss IThe tin arbor Savings Bank CaptalSock. S50,00. Srpliius $50,00. tricoissitistisLs.setuse Gsal Banksitig CLaw, ofthistatc. i ocv,,,e huts- andi sells cilaw nthe isis isss.isiti ehof itte United iSttes. Dtsecashesiupspo idittticaitin, Saety epcosit isses sosre.. tircsssChr tistinac, Pes.;i. D. tti. mo, Vice-Pres.; Cs. H. Hiscc asCiertie . J. Fritz, Aistanot Casie FON .WLZ Asses.i-iashe isc BRINK Transacts a general Banking Bustines. Makers of {e. COLLEGtATE CAPS, - GOWNS and FOODS, Retina of CAPS apdGOWNS, A SPECIALTY. 'i CLASS CNES, COLLEE FLAGS, f CLSS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PNS COLLEGE SPECIALTIES WOG. KERN & CO. assS it.-coSti CHCG.Ot, ILL OAVE C nlone reason Tobaceo why Old En. lish Curve Ct pipe to baco is so r popular. .. j 6 The curved in box that fits any pocket is another 'ason. No other pipe tobacco has ever ade as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." ktrial box will be sent to any one nywhere on receipt of ten cents in Ramps. Address Old English De ~artmsent, The Amerian Tobaco .o., InI Fifth Ave. New York Ciy. kIi dealers sell it. iPALDINGS Official Jltbketic (ioodsf. ifficitlle asopted iby t eaing is Cubs othsie Country. ..tisSs tUS['csssFoil ase ShutS Tennis Noastallutt Atlteics Spaldigs Official League Ball ~ ths Oiialtoall f aiste Natina t pige asd alileadisgcolee ao iatons. Spatdings Base Bl uttiad fr 1900, 1SR atfltc Spots Fr taA GSpaldig & Bros NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. If t stsHAV Itit doest nt sait eatADEa ( sAy waytaofgure it PROFITs I -sisty hnto test it-AudNES tQULITGYLDIAMNFOIGOD ne ssy tanta contntpstesCo t -it mide o hegier NORy tae htherSIDE'o LAUINDRYG.G0 tool BanktoaExessate it thesen THOEHOBBYWF ror GOLFS i ' F. C r r wa iio ttUnivsityssvIlast-eelk. A. ises'slite sf Manliattan Shisrts just its al t .'sstlisnRyan & tReule. Scc them.SotutliMain sueect. Osr.Nel'sontF.I'Mctinstoni'98 was ro v isitingien cd's 5o1 theCmedic-l dettart- meni ~ ~~iit ilttrdy.D 'sM~intitont is to- cae a1C i tsma such.citiesretue isenjoy-- ig-aite prctce ITE slit-ICE O us BE Sitti5S STCLI NGvis HOSIsScT I IsE. WASHINTsON . Att site siok iiiltDeir'iti ol seessic I. f Spring Effects IN NECKWEIAR Tise EnldishitSquattteCImpris tat isu ELIS KA especeialy attnewsisitpetitlisth Potitesd Endt W IXirg.L ItseS asv~wthis.oWe sttvste you nto tshe Wagner & Co., t Headquarters for 121 S. Main A All Articles of Furnishings ti ri n P a Is A S 13 MIL WARD