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October 06, 1899 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-06

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Price the Lowest Quality Considered
117 South Main Street

"The Niagara Falls Route."C H1 L
GON59AS . The Fine Tailoring
jiAotNgtExpress... _._.............___5___i__A._I_.
QQ}adRpd xrs ... ...... 7 1 Trade of the City.
all and Espres.........3 47 p.
N otnSpca .......... 8Vst Fa-tern............... 9 43
onan Y.odnExpre cg.......74A'o !° BURCH FIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET
Parst %etetrnExpres ......... 1038 r.0. _____ --__________________
O R adgal.Eprees........ 545"
'tres oNght Expre....... 943 it The way S. 1L. A. tickets have gone on Debating Societies9 Adjourned for
H. W. HAYES, 5s ale this year is unprecedented in the This Week.
1 O..WW. lGsses,
4L. P. b TAg't, Chicao. Ag't Ass Arbor. history of the association. After four The two debating societies in the law
- hours of sctive business, Treasurer department, the Webster and Jefferson-
'oo has placed out nearly two thou- ion, have postponed their programs for
sand tckets, ttnd by Saturday night it tonight on account of the athletic mass
- _ = is expected tihat the full number will be meeting. Those in the literary depart-j
ons sale iThe sale of reserved seats, sent, the Alpha Nu and Adelphi, have
wshch witll begin Monday morning at postponed their programsbecause of the
Z STEAM S =11 -'=NHS; Milder's tdruig store on State St., will expectation thot Moody would be here.
TIME TABLE poal also be unusually large, as the The Alpha Nu ha s a short business1,89.ranlevAnAbobyCtallSnd
TrlslaeAsAbrb ets ts-increase Tkn v udy a y2in sale of general admission meeting of the members posted. Thel
ar 'ine, tickets will make it more difficult to oh- Jeffersonian has announced its drawing
SOUTH NORTH tamn good seats at several of the more for the debating preliminaries for Sat-
*No. .- t2 A. H. No. 1.- 9:(i" A. E. popular numbers. Tickets hove also urday nighst.
No 10,1:iltA. X. 'No. 6-12:30P. M
No.4.-8:0 P.usN. No. .-4. P. us"a been plaoced on sole at Ypsilanti. For the benefit of thtose desiriisg to
"<.02.- 8:05 . M. t "101.- 905 A M. "' enter the debates, weho are not yet so
_. If you scant to put a piano in your
roomandthik yu ca't o i, dn'titformed, we state thsat till contestants
*Rasnlbetween Ann Arbor and Toledo only deptend oni your oswl, judgmsent weholly. must be nmembers of one of the obove
All sther trains daily exeept 8usday.
E.S GLORAgn Ask Anno Arbior Mulsic Co~, Washingtons societies. If ano sich do not nsosw e
w1A A. HBENNETT, . (.P. Aotauti, __ long they will have to join at7 once, as
Robertson's Valley Laundry, of Sergi- the drtawings for places will be closed
naw, wchich has for neveral1yeamrsnmain- ini a few dtays and the first preliminary
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- tamned a student agency to the gen-eral will take place Oct. 20. Mr. Chas. Si-
satisfactions of its patrons, is this year
bo ala.represeitted by Max Walther, d2d 5, oos thosprepared a bibliogrophy of
Cars leave for Detroit soil Ypsilanti Main St. Pronipt attention to all mail the subject for debate, copies of which
every half hour, beginning at 6:45o a. m oi'ders is assured. "10 may be secured by those swishing theis.
until 8:15 p. me; inst car for Detroit doo'avd hats at ___________Ryan_&
an1:10 n .inM. s ,Dtot o11Giwl ,ciwl AnRue ts a on the market at $.08. Moody telegraps: "Catight a hard
sa ans Dtot fi rsodSt' 202 5Stain nt. cold, nettled in my thioat; voice goite.
_______ Will have to give up coming." it is
____________________________ P.F. Trowvbridge, intructor in organ- boped that he wvill come la ter in thy_
T E is chemistry, has returned to his post season, however.
AT E S THEATR after a ye~ai of work in Germany, Oar- -_______
A H N ELtig his absence ho has been engaged in For Rent-Two large rooms suitable:
the teacinig of chemistry at Broun- for house keeping, 214 5. Ingalls St.
- ~~schweig and in chemistry of Alkaloids -' __
at Mtarburg. "Aunt Jerusha" is coming to tht
ONE WEE K s QMENsaNC Athens Theater for one night only,
MOND AY. OCT. 2. All men desirintg to pltay oii the 1901 Monday. Oct. 9. The company is com-
class te'am be on the camnpus by the 110.ed of fifteen capable Nesw York
--gymnasium daily for practice. draniatic arid vaudeville players. Cloy-
JNA.-14 W. W. Talcott, Capt. er singing and dancing npecialties;
HiS grand scenic effects and the celebratet
IMPERIAL STOCK CO. Dr. Rugene C. Sullivan, B. S., in Bitter Root Farm Rube Quartette, ai
Chemistry '94, is one of the newv teach- coinduce to an enjoyable evening's per-
ers in analytical chemistry.tHe n-os for formance, and otte that will be appre
some time engoged in chemical work in vialed by local playgoers.
TONIGHT Chicago, then studied chemistry in th' -
University of Gettingen and at Leipsic Students are cordially invited to in
lDR1VE FRO ON1E B e has nose received the degree of Yh, rpect Oir compiete lins of suits, over
D. under Prof. Ostwald, the great a u- coals, mten's furnishings and hate
POPULAR PRICES, 10 s0eAN 30 CENTS. thority in physical chemistry. Wadhamn, Ryan -- Reule, S. Main stL

1Pianros to RenY
Schaberle Music Store
11 .Liberty St.' Roil Phase n2
Berryman Studio
1 12 West Huron St.
State Phnea 119.
THE-jit ILOe u .. .,.
now has tile cotitre of thse stage,
but the enltre of attraction still
remains at [Iangstemfer's where the
contfections are tile choicest, the
variety the greatest anti the prices
Nothoing purer thlan their quality
can be made; noting choicer can
he found.
200 E. Washlrgtor) Street and
316 South Stole Street.


-lm clocks!
kXVWarranted for 1 Year.
Win. Arnold, Leading
Is at 338 S. State Street.

vp~.,Every Kind F EOCI
lb sns E S? i9WRlisg Ren tse , the Ph~otogr apher . J MEs, Echas Dioterlo, Lady Assistant.
tonaS., Ass Arbor. N.1106 R.Lihety Street. Residence 5
Y $ Fonrtb Ave.,lioth Phone s11.

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