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February 27, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-27

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Ulf> of

lb molowilk,
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No 111.

0. H. WILD&
'51 ~e have just re evesd o
of sprin woolens for
wear. ft inclurdes everj tI
staples that ate stat his a
sirable for the season 1
also shoswiogftllraes i
cties, lonsqualit and st
stit the most eatng
consistitng of 1 ojt Coats
in, Fianley Vests tori
TIrooserseinm stvte
rall aod insipet osr 1ioe
108 E. Wasipg tol
AT nuaguac
ALL streand a
H O UR2S preparedt
51 pesxitott
Wilder's Pharnr
THE OLD Fttrats,;is tst
RELIABLE (;A ll ad (13
...GOING AT .. .

LECTURE ON GUTENBERG. tterce nitnttrcomttmtuticatiotn by smea- HUNDREDS OF FARMERS.
i f l's tinstest sae aIt edsed todsetoy
Inventor of Printing Subet of In- i sjnisilsantd tsromoteetiae sant oil State RoundUp Institute Promises
ent teresting Paper Last Evening wll to be a Success
Mr.tByronsA Fitney lithe lusr-tssn, isi it ts s ite e wok of E cindsiltis otat tilswit itg is ta
st sitrar de i tt an intensetly int ti-tintig. It. is. rouits iiit- tilts ks, the1 itywil sefilled itithsfairsers for
u~sibcitrch nnsshe sitsect itsuteri-ithisaiits staytsoilsslitocitrrofsour
Co iiwiic: at -iebeasy tatsthistaf
bO rgs ani d he iAitr lt of sr i n G isih lnhrsi iand its s- ii Nrsitistst i a we akstill nt saf
J110. e 11an all Ila cttniirnedectth
iuln ntl wet s istructis well s inic h ° °sit psips I tltsciiis u dlyt cIhtialiom tus ityistssil rom
mesilte itiiI st a llte i isris anduess sit P.eP-
Ac te sies ii 1 ,b o igtheti lictluresri i.i is li raisi s tslr's 5sicirriendisi ht-ill vsc ritte d t ae
hin in I w.lel oidsfisatascnsit ~ion po~rs-T v uldb he . A -c ilea
tastde-, its stildlsc1uslts"i isritstsis itstlit - I issay c is ofsi F, Es.
l mst ioi priuningi\1111ts tu lte
v-olf I'uhi iet ush i l t r is s i tlibtioliet rowthund s iresirtiofr peerts i ts Plits hillisendi -litrgeideliegra.
sit irae s its h ush i irs.hiiti i sbon itias ~ o ittvlt e f its t anyst
3yl Ot1 sis isstsi sitiee rtttlltiiny"e sli eetse ibr sirf she lriic- vvhu l i thesmis. is is silornto nirrare
tast, n st te it ta il th hero noo md w to epeut lieaIis sisl 11011 tillsil ifroint tote Is d r Sti sisitA sitw
oft- 5i-elw at (ttc l iliittand ite ha111 alrad5 i Kslss slt ede
cod eclb tit ite lli t itisti rrssi1 sAmeticar n P oteJl i ts fisuateProf,
yo5t1nr115te1irhofJonLutner, dd to aitad it t oo sareasof ofJ thatos aken.
yS us neno fprnir, hity of ConcernIing thirstdilts .1511 stheispeakr1st gchsewl ielssto p tetteiae
t51 sithti fissisf i tss ttttiitg itt erlistat NsStsassasr-odruaintingethe iii
rcnio Stof whs uie t st ~iC ils ie '~s-iItic asrito lire n d ssieus t sPof. NI S nydeBs ross fo
comhutseeof hea ib is sue aeilsad bu : sits its be" ususuuoussise hior siTbf t l sts le Cs-oe, ALicte r ld
thisluiieli sits- Piies stil b Fsi r sthsat hforimtof p it Iwssciui tt iboa sues .btbernsbAdis ;B eetsi FJi-
dutsofth rt, ro tsbeinig o ogti 0 ushis 5sisytihats srditreupiiiIhambus;Hon Saud d sis G.Lce,5Cl-
usilsilcetse t da y studrsits e uedish
luhiiuusViu ag it w5iaes; it ad 'is. A SPakard sf
cessessshownss s in cuasiopiratitotn ftomCsi sitenPehiessydcpageslits;ieNr.
teeriest hansd ress iii usc cylusuc satsi uu p st itisdeb Htinss Hanoiecc
gasnts of today.tsehsssmssnsgeneralInotito fimost Quite a god itasiy isaseswrititen ts
va This leeturer slestsssspoeo he vario spttu "si-cai i o lse toughtitseCsoklists forquartrers -Nssong
tct celebratiosis osfii printinge usshatv eheistBfitste movabtile typetsuee iit in tismssare: isFranklissWellsCnstsitine;
issi sisec s dseuses d5 liethue Sesussssi t inH ldus anditu es t riessi C3J. sMonre souihtHaci C. . sA-
ire eld sine is dicovry. He henlessNYpsilantis F. iH Ni sbisAPlegan;
ol tocedi uuonstslurvalise andimportastee astsrrit Chisnasasnsityposgraphiy was no105 . PF MirstsiniBy Cts;L NNhisuy
isanss of s itn utisng ismte fshoynl ang u1 tag'e: lsuss d NVWathisis MN ielteir
tederii'giessssirus'thctei cl pi ntes Ai sus e Juty a y lii i alss wit tentes o te Aring
ois iof the ipast tile uiscove riles of uq'e i lputls ist usts.S ais si es i t is o
t scine, tse imaginatisn of gsn i ste suind su ars-sit sref1this busy of -e 5 This isanjsoi tndilmandoslinush aviee
n acy gests' housght of te greatiest-smnust ipe. Thisesussui rcta et erssosbeensetei sf orulslei tsn T urfiay
no tig cotiner smoreu lroersily clim1111 u1111 woivary1illsfaia h ci ll sie5of ete n esu prli- oiugaim foriitoday11 is
iuii~r coiil eoniuandu usstr respusct. TuiesaFebruary 2, Newberry
setk forlthe Liiitristnhaissslls'e 1moresthanti sitheslii lulne, i s to teoe ilisudtie fh all.-I Topii I ic: e -IteSii. 1:30 From
readty wait
eHES ,5 h es ibieingtug pleuset itt1 uouf husa l e ilin [i f, yte Chesists'Stanidpoit" OsDr ..C.
tho0iugs'hisandutuihuecrestof1humansatliin, hise, se'shuc lh ui d iltr cofs Riesist, Agrsate iiitural estle";e -2Po. 'As
'r itu has bs-ni i s trtsu aneasuss 5ityp s as to makehue r it: 'iup+. tiu PH. 'Mrsaii Agiculturali oiege;
C 0, ifthe hit iitonirate. itmitposs lissuise. Thii ceu an ac urac 2:0 'Mitas iig PFetiity with
-Vhils i isseminae wegi or i sursie co ul ot lie irse u -tenis'sofsGheens M-asuses IProt. IJ B. owa,
midn t:)e nom, crhev -acfilyAgsictralicolee 3 ie Stok
iiiie andit siose rapilthiinusthis Iainduhwtnn Reiations o boi Fetiity"'C C. Lii-
sit theu ci tws olso tsore elale h his le vtree eiiut- tius si t o!-u ur -le-ul ieCoopesisle; 3:30 Tilage usnaThe-
sitaur~suuate, fisr iitutilid ci esplishueiu-edisi iii" g thisn) i a uouisi situ oy and Patieee Rolandf iM eril,
wilihic 1155eue iehly likse, ian udil lus thsis its tilt u itsbetg liiictue Ihe Diesston Hasbo; ,4geesaidisussion
stile iout eu~uses tusl~s ~i tostll fuss Isi it i ssh hituusse"' v i 'uesay svening Unive stirhal
ti, lt h eli esisouts too ilunros n erfsul miguih e iissis sdist ithe ittlls opis tHigher Eduation 7music
lithe mnuipte u its s I tuturhow on (i i he uteil in _a iisshe-^inll 149 teeU.B at M1Glee club; 730 At te u -ite hre pcsofhsaj tbl ty v stD .J m sB An lA n -
-stttti uul is tanld is deitvsit'tedtisthst5h1e tt5sctltsiibei mightuoiy r ase B Anel A n r
be. ba; 3,"At the State Nosmal Schools,"
idh a o lasoe co-nnldand the istil iwithit-aniuihe Os.Albet E7Lenardi Ypsilanti; :20,
iMoito s isadhle'iiigitohiss tuxt.uitrunsofsi iieitili ofitie itspe-moul. ioniwicuhi At the Agicultisral College" r. J.
i tsoraninuusertedsinhe sutmigt leulu te lhasetterlit~hutle improvemeni tiL. 1Snyder, Agiculntural college; mu-
his dcd i-se or uteory.sie istiethhs tuuime, w s thus ivelto i ,ste osf M.iGlee cnub As it apeass
'Themuliplcatin o prntedcopes f prntig,"to te basf1oenrol h:40 Of the
the utiiitiiisiioitof nuse essue li li luh PtUsivessity"Col H SDeanAnt Ar-
gavie uopp~or tniuty isoscompare tets sitls - - bus; 9 01 the Normal Shools" Prof.
dieseaitd widelysertessd its iu Dall Extends Congratulations EHF.Johnson Anu Aibor'9:9~, 'O
scrits. t retrited he fauduentthe Agiscustral Gulege" CapC. Ed
serlsu Is s 5h sed ~is fi ssuiuls AtPuthis reusidencue ofi le moitier, 920 waid P Allen Ypsilanti; nistisse
chusingesuad iadditiostsof nisedsulcopyis5s F I1\ shiusi"nhut .1 utu euuu.rdav cuenuig'-
Wy andisetors wi lilshavie esntoolutfte I lte il-siVu24th, -us7 'cu lits1 Ni'c BancheusSelected Miss Clark for Chicago
tuueuils iimposedlsiupon he satee itnuRIsJacous iantud3tia1mes strneeKoch, Comions
55111etinui queii1 copses 55 of15 itth i sl Idit '9 utwsewtitiediii s tarill"e iy IRev. thisfctyi omsittiee haitngii
E ,Io W elsssies iti t 15Y utist' Oulyth i tite' te sftieid sifthe sitasge ehe ippontsentof thisscnissi-
"Tliii 011101 usitiyasuit iii iissiiiabuse 5fimili listselpresnt NIMis senjamtilldslts fits thur Chsisg Co m n coa-hacr de d m ny fou iprt tIm w s arnof oor nd\ s p. av slctd Aiuss,-issi s e i
Rircors uiirst-r I iiustheVey ai atnddIegro.Clrkti 'prsesntthe Univecsity of
hactso5 prynIinttaffectedltlietrthf'muslih i min ite Ctimoinsuft in -'crr.s
iffeehul di 1 isiuftu n ssl N. . ohelef Pt iunitiiiltel so" tesis, uhit tiill esonsist sof ric
eas ofo t 11irimanuscriptliuesr tue, iuind 15terthisceemonssuiy ftutu ontutpeier, Ind., iiusths tudysuly istus Caks appo inu t-
was nary a e t a ll inury to te w tis y itlresite 115: 0hs 5rea illsun15151 l pprujh
irisvnbeoe lssn. hn Ypsilanti Alumni ouse ieUCivtiesity, asd is usrosslari,
hoeeltpae~eBbcad thebo:As rjctshnfoimogteaumiClee icebeisg a musiemeof the
f imeiatisn ansdidevotisninisorc ceasep- ftheYpissanti ight euui1t'uress si Bta n t sosriy. Alis s isesls
y inth ie houes ofsehispopleuit cut i - 5 al isue ifo r ca
tihenplcec issomse xtent aofueii5P etithe titussii ino arsstuents iiheViii ssunaly Ihoed foesitdexeced at a re-
audte cnfssinasl-it. ecaetsseoveinilvesity Thesicealwasuqsuite a suti-Sostlo f lesta5 y ustte Cicago Con-
ispipirereandsisosforer-es luawaii. Ieof sthese andsia house suh sthtm liiiurigthe sex fie msosths. Te
eedcncecbeatofeel theus ii ugseluri eau-r ra specalssbet assigsned is AlisClarke
citedstdcwouldbecasvey gregtcoi-tosJuesiefdeliqeicy," forthe in-
cracitis of its freeduosmsand tlurdemio vesieneetosthec. Te idea is rapisly vestgations of wrhich Chicago has excej-
rcsy of thsought imade readuy los the assuinig astsate of reality amd te tisn1alraanages just noot in lie recen
3 S Refornmation. estabhliseit of lh ie enile court with
'The woik of the Reformsations list house w;Iiudoubtedly e hnuilt before is proaion officers, he ending effort
tess carried along out the wings of con- next fall. for parestal sciools.etc.

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