4 THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST RECEIVED $1000 In Your Inside Pocket IIIsonwhat you con save on a suitorovercoat code to your oede by os. We guaancteecaaperect I-I'~~r~fit or coccil. Call and aec ouobliceio to boy. HOerimmeorte nteeo of ovee 3,000 fl samples willleace you. All Woel Suits and Overcoats frno $12.00 up. T o H aV6Gorc, akr&M rh Front Room over Flest National D. fA -TINKER~ & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATa, CAPe, MaNns FUNISNGS ood Compollete line of GcccNo~olex GOOSandSWEATERaS. AGENCY FOE LONGLEY GATE 334 South State Stree and T fold BY AOUTHtOtROF PRISONER OF HOPE 6hI16(hdll& Go. PLlbliailec, Bootksellrs, Statiei-s, aIli EitgravcroS, 320 8,. STftTL oST., ANN ARSBOR -- -- IIICIIIGAN U. of M Barber VTO AH Shop and Bath The h Oity.0 Rea- Roo s 32IS, 52 STATE. J. R. Trojanoaski UNIVFERSITY SCHOOL OF DA1ACING Goctlicocco beginig clas.cMonday, 8t 10cp. Ladiesc' heginningcelass, Wed., to 10 p.oc. PINK BROS., Instructors Office and Acadeny, Nickel Sail, 334--336 S. State SPACIAL HOLItAY OFFER 11ne of thes' $3.00 ILAUGHLIN FOUNTAINS PENS -_ $1I.00 ITBCKcandacoffer y00 $1.10tforit. SIf inus V HAV nE ifit dones nat sadt YO ani ADA St(I Ay nay youafigurendt PROFIT Thisacis hebest penoadecl. Her is yocance c totes t-FINEST onaly onepen.sent to oreaddessn cc thin affer. -cAgifot oe e cdingta fl- cos ad caa csant loacact cc- mintdee afthlie giavec. Getiyour oedee inc eaely-order toay~. Stole whethlc Icit'a cc gocntsstleoiscceireod. Ac'drescc LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 Griswold St., Detrol+, Mich. Detroit. 1 STry The... NORTH SIDE A LAUNDRY THLOS. ROWE, Propr. n 100t3 Broadwenay. 0;57 Roll Phone rV R IDM. STAL BLER Cr anadHrnSres Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. R, Keece, Pres. C. N. GREENE, Vic-Pre- FREDcc. H BEcSco. Cahie. lot. MCS' ATION L BASK of Ace Arbor .. ®Capital, 0100,00. Sccplucsaccd Peofits,4, 00l(' Tr'anactscageccneraccaningbinessi.ccForeiga ' ...g.......... ecohaic cc Icccict accld . Pcccnishlcet0cc of 4 Pttsui'r Sogis . al.IINNIe. c lHIIRISiiN hiT>LE, 4)jtctic tielcfoctr -5c Vice-Pres 6) 1Bill Alitllc)oliy ('C.ItIl'ocir 25 .Wcv cAiON Cas~hiec 4I3l'llli nick (igl I t fll - - . 25c lThetinntIrbOP Savings lBank CcpitciliStock.i, 000ocoa rpcccic $1c 0,000. Ol 'il Li yn ber1 Reoccces, 1 1)000 SO0. INST, i Oratcrccccccclucccercice&G ccccraccanincg Lace. 44 MA S .,iochiccstat. Receivc eo s i tsi', cci'sccnl sells AN vARBORHICH D A , ecccccon cccc riccplalctes ccthclUccced Scccesc. Dcatctahiconicccpcopercietifccatcoc. NCLANlIDLi. c tiRS. Calendar. OSFccttc docist io.Mckot. :W )la "fil foloingleter, re tn~aledtoac,Vice-Pesc.;Chcas.E. Hiscoaa. Cashie; M Moda- cFea.li26i.-B.tiA. iFiniicicoi. FrPitz, AcsistactCashier (N ilcci Ni ccli it cci ii J. tereititicao letcic atur tcnbccg iccW. J. Iocccc, loan>. cc Sf S. lcowl ,oicUVinie al to, ',Unity clucoucre, Unitariacnccu'cc..J .SEEA.2l ice-pcres flVIN Giffn 1ii1cNi Jeccc Ioasn, cssMnite Friiday, tebh27, 28, Macci and oil2- (N llle is . ii icKciiiman, Luistt Ftacrmcais' itaccac-upIct nsititt. B N Chaiuticaey 1 igNaciitca ieLh],Dr.Ecrnat eea C. Iya Sarch0Masocif haturdycMarcia 3-Hon. Johan Tonaery. 'PriJn. -c~nlI~eGavsi . .A cusankngctsigneras Nic. J. ieCcaxM Nar1111,iRudciphliSunodcay, Marcha 4-Anti-SalaonRota- Rose . L. Nft r. liac (NVast, day. HawartdH. Ruosscll cailJudge C. 77, Makers nf Ni NI cMaNirccWiheaton.pelcca COLLEGIATE CAPS. Dcccli> Nit>GLac H. Ccc B. raicaci CLAcSS PIPES, N'Nlc\Tiii) icai i ci(cccilc] oawth- Epeet oar ccccccicccaeicces ~ oits, over- CLASS STATIONERY, occ intct ciccn) frcciiiGLihii icc t ccacctsneeccefurniahicngs ancdhats. COLLEGE PINS, chianwicte.ac aciiiacIactcc 6? Wadhcants, Ryan - Oteole, S. Main sn. COLLEGE E._________SPECIALTIES NelieaRica, 'c()a, actCr~ad Rapids,wasc W.C, KERN & CO, Fourt cicew ccird 'goupsc hac> ])CeI incccAcii 'hiitr, icast weeci, iihc0 gucct ccl4it Iit h--Seiv.enocticSt. placccici in caie c accacun Iofthi i versiy Hisccranes Frr. ClilAicIL L. oc Ni caiigant. Thyi ea7 c i ub cci c ciiccetchckn, of riccicai oclirouseof .,haspictaticed iirou ccitt cc l ciic. icl rtccISccctuaccutcd iii i>ity atucclircii oCP ANi)BON NORIDLRS. ONider>sIcor cctcap titd arias atvilico fal ccevr}- atconcccicmt4 toc tio iRoocii C. AUCT'ION !h!R!AUCTION R!h A 1new >lilac at ManhanttaRShirts jiuat inl caNcciala, Rycan & Rccoic. Soc tieni. S. Mciais SAY BOYS? W ln downcaultitan ccaciiat thc Ncec ClarSitoei n6 1.st iiutocicstrceet., Iccr Iiac lice of cpistabaiccoandccicc ccr>. NV. NV. DNVIS, Prcip. FL~~"~~1 I "A slice to %, ~' one reason tabacno - why told En- , _ lish Carve 1 Fici inalcing-ugit saletofctlie entirea L12ST'A ciloaccbecitwee t SicieCut pipe to. atockooitcls, tWatlPapcecr, SNilonarcy, c and i ititi ot caverccoiccbily oncamcii ctc.u eca., roceitly ocvnadby WNV. VW(Vt- Pus > i-aiiit 55 hpo n iiciicc. hacco 5iso moccrc, icot SouthAcl caint St. Acticic. saaies cilibc coccdtucted eacha day (ex- i tihe officaers ofl tIe' ummeirit ci i-poua cepi Miocndays) at 4 0'clocik ataceet sg atracoearmnto teThe curved caclaiC cp. tcc. Lteryilciccg IlMut a cc i Nty f ichiani acie no lii lcc. I cIaisT~sL ci tt tiiit iticiiiiitiCctin hox that fits any pockeet is another H.lcicc . H. H RBSTTructee, tiictar. ifrtoftic' copitha' l read 119 ieG Stout Aaain St. bengvnt 1]inteir-.ci. liatit ie reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever ofintctoriicc liciat will tive cur'ss lthi made as mn finsi o hr i e A ncccw'linac 01 Manhattan Shtsis ceaaccciccacgc.ltcttiicat ayfredinsshtatm. icam SiXouthaintree&teuto.eS e ic catlcimth ii l('ccverii >ic- ci 'It disappoints no one.~ TILL OFFCEl rOFiOBLE0S001ARiLOTIIINOcci at tiecoccnciicg ssoni. Iithilias iit A trial box will be Sent to any one HlcOSEI5 hT III i. tiAScHcINGTOc ci. ALL i >th c cci t ot hsben cunderoacicheinamacanywhere on receipt of ten cents in OTHcoRc ciSINESSa avicTicilia 0F0RMAR tcE ci ca iccci i'icltctastamps. Address Old English De- OERRQUESilTEDToihALL AT THllE.iAiOVE tD-wil be1 lcownascthe iluciliiicsisi ionl ciipartennt, The American Tobacco DRESScthlitercacycitdeaartcmant. Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. ___________________________All dealers sell it. JAm *k i- ;t % '{wg-are:s L2;i _ _S* ' . : zn "a:&, ...nd +...:,.- V ' ^ ^s'F'4 N'..} .. Openin~g of Spring Woolens.... Wooensc focrtic comnig season have arrivecd, tteaostude tie ine evoero cduced hero is spread an ccc tables and now open fcc ynn to makesseecetons. We have mode every preparatton to strictly rotate the previcua standard nf nur tailoring and to protmptly cerve our patrons. (Yesoclicit yonr inspec- ion nt an early dale. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. i SPALDINGS Official JAtbletic Goods aOciallyoddopted by lice leadcng (Clleges, OSchlccrdAthcleic Clcubs cithce Cotccry. c ,...EVoER RcquIITEcFO... Baae lanaI Tenanin Fao ae lla Atlaloecs Golf (Gymnasiuma °l Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Oicial Doll of lice National League accd ail leadinlg college aso-' ciations. Spaldings Dase DalilIGaide far 1500, 10c of thetc Sots Fre A. G. Spalding & Bros. toaney address. NEW Yane, CHICAO ENERc,. NOBBY TAILOR STATL ST. THOSE NC)BBY GOLFS itS:t I 11 MI ARD