THE UNIVERSITY~ OF MIC UI[GA N DAILY. 3 JUST HILDEBR AND A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICI THE NEW TAILOR .E. 120 WASHINGTON ST. LAZE: ° _ 1 .1 ;G- 3 Z IZA . m m m m m . /tea s m 4, ° I MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Novmber19, 189 Detroit Night Eopress. . .......55A1 Atlantic Express ............44" Grand Rapids Exprss........110" N. Y. Boto Sptciai...........45 Fast Easten . . 9 431 Mail andolExpresso.............9 0A. at Boasto, N. Y. ando Chicaoc.......81 0. R. aed i. tpol s ........:4 Chicaogot ight tixpress.... .. ....94: " PacificR'xpress...............23 .X Steaship Tckts, l lClatssesto oa fro Eurcopan aapoinat lc wotoestrates. Ftlinfor- maotiononotoapplicationt. 0. NW .RUIOILtS. ttII. .TBESt G.P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Ag' t AAror. TIME TABLE Taking Ittareta, Sun(Jay, a, 1,! 1, 1899. Trains leaecAnnoArbor by Cental Stand- ad 'ime. SOUTH NORtTHl *No. 0.-. 7:25 A. tM. No. t.- 0:06A. ot, No. 2-11:3) A. M. 'No. t.-IG30 a'. at. No. 4.- :0 0P. at. No. .- 4:56aP. at. tfi3u hcobetoenAnn rtbor toil Tole do only All trains daily excepatcuday. E. S. GIL3MO1tlh, Agent. W SI. BENNETT. ix. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti andi Ann Ar- bor railway. iarq leave for D)etroitatndtYptsilainti every holl our, begiatning at 7:15 a.. in. unti' 7:45 p. int; After tioat to IDetroit at 8:45 p. too, 9:45 p. m.aed 11:15 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main stto. Detroit. Ill (Grisawold st. BREAKFAST -ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH -FAST TRAINS FREE -CHAIR CARS R.S. Greenwooda, 31. P. A., Chcagoa ' ft'THIE BEST MAKIES OF 1Rentscher, tbheflbotocgaphet.M nwnsdi Guitdrs Sutch as JaoseI a Itsaaaa', Waatahaaa's anaalltcaaataa'aroansalat ~tla R i I LJ scaebcrlo MU~io store .oie tny2dooosofomo Ilt Ol cj The Fine Tailorinly have You bade f th City 'It city BURHIL,106 EAST HURON STREET I Dr. 01. 1 bOo e\\,of~or, a olrtofoit teliterary111 deiiartment f01ofie Ulit 01 00y s Iilci o9 01voi le dogtrce of lacelo orfarts In '93, and of ic medi- K D.01 Maryfoo Ida, ,Stoo ofd ;t the 1 ... too too I li to. o Cfooooo ogi frtom te ootofcaf t olv~tto f M\fofot to lef o hi i a jium i Studio of., tifh0 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Photo 119 (ICPLtO Ian1 wthutlo M- - --A.I - - HOLIDAY MAI ocof fet foo l000 10 tfi ofhe. oegree 'of dfoc- he ems O 14 ae lfiol It'e 11001-- - to0f1 udcie i '96,) as benottboy; of meicaiii il0ris ll i t 01 Stt Chita As lim for F lets lishlrrue 0 0.wh 0ws 11sti 'o itoo 0111 11 101 ~ 10~o.,ot otoofo11o fo f f 1111lot fofo THUJRSDAY, FL flit 0 0..tllll~t100l foo 1 fot oll0 te n ofootoa l d at i o f7. Iolotodtheoo1 at Al1ba011 inich floiD..Wa\kerfrece01 ivd oooet of irl. Kahnof 111n0 Sf01one ore MAT \1E 'WS AND F ofhe ignstoomarkingsoto. called 1ooNan oolilo hecapitlfof 1000gtSo 10100i11000 100prescoribeO for te n t htoo la lttl eroio AMEIU~CAN iiiSf'ORY fPRIZE. wifof oaihigh oificifli e itofeateft BY THE SAD SEA Contlestatso lorthle $5io prize soldt sofatifactryihat1 thiooffiiaicoon- see toeain soon.0011IfamtfitnItoom 8, 1ri11011100 ooforthelopipl.f IoaltoRn CfEDY T Iapa bapilltieve~ry daiy 0x00p1 Stur-Olaskedotat Chris1tian taclers 10111nt00o PRICES; Matine: 01,: 0111 at 4100. '1hlies0101070 s b e Iiil y NaniiChianig 01101pomisel sis,1 t ancefl11 if - 1ands1b15 he10eiglitoiiilli of M111001atiit111they welre. Granger's School of A1. C. >MoLauOoIotoo tHoward hats st Wadhas, Ryao & 2 d S m '03 RELAY N~lT~S Roole. Best last on the moarlket st S i Candidates for '03 tallf iile 0010y aiid$39.2-22S liat for relay teaetp010oil atte gymt. 01n '110preliminaltry conttools 0a1tl.theUi- 0ciyo ty Slottoay,lFehbtuary z6 01 4:45, as irialosooAcayofdemhyataledie 1 ilc on wviilten be roat oft. t101 of 1110 Northlertn Oratoricaol Leagueto IEAD THlE D1 Wi. K. BROMLoEY, M1tatger. aretinoegbold. Woednesday eveti- LOST' A large, old fashitontdoamthyst 1o 'lrlr'',oeirolii ito ini atO juior flop. Retuno to 6o8 1o0000110testit 9llrdl 10it~ioi ltff s~dst.o lo'ophioiore librY tarye class. tOtt I' u Ma111dison.0111, olr. r24-tl Warr'ants SatudayevenngFebuar124,theilti- 'fle Ann Arbor Music Co. have 001rltrarycoantest was etild, Mionday $ some inducements to offer stu- 0001111100 l'Oloar) 26, aond''Tesday ri l dents on table board; also one suite e'0ning1thifi rst vyear laixonteilst. The of coons. winners l inth11101 events, oill 110et1in ITtoc Mest Complete Lane cf A comlpleeline or Adler Broot.fOne Unive01rs1~ ityhll, Mir-co 23, to 0011110010 suits at \Vaditoaes, Rtyan & Reule, 209- foo thelooro of reprosentiog thoc Uto- LOWN EY 102 S. Slain st.1010101 inl theoNlorthe~rniOratoicaHGOCO Lost-A mbintllcollaorette lastInmghtit ILa 110 contest,0 to b ldo ooo at1 latlootI, Itohle City l'oaoilvlool . Wotoltfo oio 'ios..lo v4."jT I-PITTI EB. 22. BULGIER lWAVES amReS- 35 tO, 7o aord 1.00 Dancing ester nard St. iA MY. l1C1cks! ad for 1 Year 61.Q0 Leading OITES S. State St. HOCKING VALLEY BY. 4 'RINS 2~tDAILY 4 Beotweoan 'oledo oand Cotluomobus, osiong 'niont depot ia otcies ThrouoghtSlecrlooash ttiton ad ao ol tioreo GREAT RAILROAD THE HJOCKING V6ILLEY Write L. WV. LANDMAN, 11 W. FortiSt, Detroit. Lost,-.Xtt amethlysft11in1sot writh odia- amond-. Return and retotceive01'ewardotI 'oo flOE Y00C_ 'N'lll3k'f'lS. Candooidteso ,for theo' oo realarn wll,. 338 321 F. A1ot11 . Atgol I r2ep ort intoe gym.odaifly ftor practice 1110, M. MARTIN., Paresoidea ngel ereset- :l P IME. W. Co'loioo.FU.)NE RALI.. eod theo Unioversiiy' of Stligan iftithe DIRECTOR ododioaitoin of 1100nlwllatw buoildioli0001 Noellie.01. IliC', y.of (GrandolPap- REmhalang a specia lty. No. 21091 5. 4th hoeof 0711estly of fPelitts lotoia in itt111l'd, offlc., speott Stundaty)bion\ooi krlo CAve. Amhbulaane ofght andday.sRee- adolplioa last wveoe. isitiatg frienods. idenee 302 Fifth Ave. ~$3.5OPURITAN LEADS$35u 11They Fit where Others Fail l 6030East W HURaNaSTREET TeENOCH DIETERLE Embalmranad University163 a . .lim Fre ine' 11FuneralDiector jut o noe-hoalf bloockltwelt V~K t OPOR Mre. Enoeh Dieteale, Lady Assitat0eofela buldig.dllalld No. 116 E. Liberty Stret. Retidence oIt t Shoe Shop E. La mb e rt. Poo GUaiRfITEBS SPiFOGTIOI4. Ftuath Ave, Btl~toth 9 Phoneos29 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUJG.STO RE i i