94 Pai1~4
VOL. X. :ANN ARBOR, MICHi., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2(3, 1900. No 110.
1Gi. H. WILD &Co.
ITREE RECORDS G(30 conscientiously finished inperc on -
______ diton iid appairently without
First Indoor Meet Pronounced a Leiblee woO the forty-yarddasinii'
Great Sucess theielcor(1 timue of 4 3 -seconds 01ih
1as so f 1111be 1 4quald 1but over
The first indoor meet of the season, ( ealcis IThe hurdies dot not callt foriih
held Saturday evening, ws in every ivay much eti s iuiet tion. _l'cL-ai iihof them
...... . 1141111 e i res ie e-li er
Mantl Faeultij Members Will Address
the Farmers.
Severali membehos of thc faculttywill
aiddress le es rouind-upf111101
wil bei icheld i51 in n Aorltisi ieek.
iAonite o dssecicoto he g1 iiven ill
beoeb rsdeini Angetl uptonl the
subtsict, ft oties Iuatonatth Ui-
versty. hisaddrss \illbe gvenat
the first evn1 g s111110 t te aime
all1 weco sntestedi aiidlthe ilarge ausl-
nice tipfrerit Isi. fliesweICreunliiff1
li ith ti eissisitis O sissittls sclrli as
easy 1in 5 I-j
The shot-prs
wciniiie fry ci Fisliio
it tiesdcredt anyting taut
1-ks-i-si stris laid tse
ti100hae futotreceiv-ediour tn- ce-n th itiissiintith bails . et1> nh:
of osprint woolens for 111en's iiI hei snotiiose cisiss mit and a 1.altt i oitt" ils151
wear. It iniclsides everyfting 1n (slita(cressh(irishesrties)5UlOtsuit ii1 tptic ioci
stafales that tire sititabieatle iandasiy erire-si andi 1 soms~ e allots aice b. asita-a
siralale fosr the seasous. if c are - , - ahsar it cc
sritt ine icorlisis iuhuoiorrecrdIiy i--c isis V1scto coo igii T i d ress
also shoingua Stll Crange0 inta h nileti SLi ii iiiii li h t hcocc -,s -.
fties, in quality astic le ofunsedIc h olts iii ) h(
iltit ificf Keen. Ftzp1stck J"I11sseslon. Dr. leccsic Ill imliir tica -
- woas islthi ji sic ailt uia iisci uste a rss l lcsa tcn ii(n, T I -
rousistinus of ITopi rotsStilt- r'( vets ee ii oiadii fasfCo )aeic(tssin Edcuication.
ftstiro o V i ii t tasi lr edatofittoi inroo cihs ,iiait- Inlicc 0 iLittsianeis ousiis1
ailovetlfirefpcer ito>>io l's lid ll i BtisOlit 0 i sc icsos rI act ilsisiCitrer w 1C ie n u-
ticciss ii sseicvitescsitoIii slt-i Isr 4 3 5 aric nbyisssl i cssoci c c0ig
suith co d e the thle c i va- y -ira clcc -s isoilL i ic el 1a011t -
caladispc u iectU)as c ifeasslo f en tnccdrd M. rcisc 01 ecn, etzl o01 <ct tsitol sof tias.Drsitstrenttnes n ,tid '11t- - sanl.t
ateicrn 10vnii (isishas Ii. i c, litr is lectureeselucic s c evfifng.
limo Lcii o fliutlilicyif ii115cc 10t , 11111111eseilices wlaleueey en-
iss a ull rfeed erif 1 wultheaclssac f I ce1 La 01ce to ift isis.;D veso- 00- secnfciladcusscie an l suet
f iniL iiwisIsittei Chf iicigo w ee i dstnetof.0si. cchli tid sol
1 0 8u i Eo c a o 1 1 1 . l i t i s ia viu u ta -o ic i t hJ e m s e l e s o f1 1 1 0 h e fo p p r -
. c cl1 r lllo ~ 1 W a s. s(10111o ft
b1 (t S ew sasuefici eeers oiitcooi lei ust oc i it o htiearlithffae. isuf P n
hulmsm lls s-hi gd uirsl e t - -0 Fslcoh
AListy i i cii a i II aifsi u seci cI t sue ' ' torureidltose0 fiC relViie h
ni-snil se frtdsa, utunerh itzanle ioh ri o el 101tpfcinuss fo urw 1nfs- c og sui liiidl
delnIn raoieli f rl:b1111 otilails oi e ci d ciss liPfcriiiieIsidt .eno-l -ol of C-o
FI Li Li-I fEi Di i s t. iiiii ]iii oh Iacn iciili ai lishc sci oi laisitonisc
Wuer have aI1 y hals h isLin cthe(nf shrticthceialreIacdysoiLnLi hfll ilt slty wcsc ristere a tsc heec
recenctlii11111y1on 'ii1eMiie itisel f01r1 seciuso la((le 1i-i iiius tl:db ti lel e
tra____ _________ 111ii cg. sCdoictosie Saturday. Sonceihis return
T A f A sii111 i ins ld 0((h o utd lior orkis beun nnui it ds- ta srs1.9M amchhhrrmr iasta sit-frnstePilpie sansPesdn
iLL) uuuthuu n o lu i idynihsil rbbybest heShranhbSom kn n xedd
s tor1( (le saea fact thato twolotherI, 5Fi shl h icandllecture tu Hes k e i
DaEI B Eva (i a t~ioo C sisifb 111111th ciiri o csioor utrcc suithictgolFriidayievanliutisato fuspped
(A escipi onandlace34fet1 -2inh slush Uto 03
ofi xcieet 1 inchs ant ht( theilaottherh efo a lgt etbfre ongt
ti al i . 1.~ hors btutered ohe Sic o uusi o tutu c iiD tott ila ezzgiei. Ieas
gtee ff stet ni ruhr hasi u r i fmi u n. First110 1) wof byiadiaot~ii h objet lss il i iew hto isit-
4situn ch ii i 1s liiaks 1( (vo lumes f r the I u t o r02, Lcis, 112,11eto n0d; 1r I -uusr isullsecssiiirl
ali yuofdcciiasitFitzipatrick.1111
1111 ing theiLliveiliclilHeivsited every to
In use igh ii Olilso hr c m it ereoi L., ___________ 03,________tme__ flased ihl hc ourtil usy- tract meuntre-
M e n igic a Mc 1o h caseri-he oits - fdl hi us r -it Mr s <tt t yciiPliii- ti tluuc
bos an e r ed itcu a, fic osi tlti- 5 p int, o f rst i i uco ds u ioi lheusi o
EL A LcASadT B C O enad 1ra tush I oru s ecodclae cad i ar eco id pi ce iii cou-in ue iiscedi- - sol(i iiii sil
YI rAs Z' GIist stuio . n therto enofth1 cacin t o eis dof thehus fit eI-1 11f aso ct - 0 tieran uet
ofKe ne F Izp t ick rnto g t e ar t a eo: 1 0 - 3 ons 9 3--
icti JOnarLY& o h rnitteilt-teaoi
10lerof he n t reord i u o e -l liii 19 hoI-(ccii2 xii ci s c cc2-lpof 1 On s-sss1 uuss-n
Si-ic oisuu ustec(ec((((cisd(Iccoocoeiiefuclfroflihe i artitiiulo be uhel d ud is eingsi h1u e lfa
7 5 c I ii ii uuuicti il ci I~~ ho ~ il hhc uicifpit.o jpitfchly f s.uuf iih o slscihu iif-s-L. h -e-e
.... GOING AT....
1-w4 Off
Emeiurscniho tcsfiniod unpfaIcd oiltheiuc h o pass aresouuionhbeauring dihecte-
shedllissalte sd f:cta tiltIaCife hilyfuponi thceuplatter.hAny stuuifntuoundusc
fecu ti-huuuil i iiich~os ouutcs- if nele tingithincaets assiguied
tic saulie chisur wymae ecoast ri to h111imiatlte.bHofspitlshall he refi-
isy thin haroe numbeuircuof enties.(co t isuo ad usen adss as to pfliutt
Bllaice((lull lertid Iult 11(011 ail1 iiifrm rauaigfutl hre onh
up- as distace en ((eiii ofirace aftc is lss Te tenualy for
iris ':124-7 buui10is urohsbuhf that Sice oueconud offcuuse shaullbe expuul-
eithers-f hueuuuencanculbecter tius tiume obonfotIi11(1hec dpa1(rtmenuc.oie ruleo is
huy sste fill.seods il a thc coniincsuii rcup-shring enul andciio cdsubtus iill he ri g
cii Suetune sierec slushas gsuid ocn si cousci
Theusniorsi tic floh1ic iont cceocBrrettIhoa-aredwonuderinug wchatciii-
el-er,1haviung imadc thelcobsliim ont heis 0155 eatile uegleeiui ocf 11 case.
Tereasoluuii ti--hwasusseciblianmunsasul-
cvesul aas1(0fiunit couulcd becrun.uIltish
hi sopfhomoiir; fuavinguoeteredc olleen 10 olsusuotoolif tfa cult y.
tun fill of '98 fur011 North iuvisonss uglu
aelooh Chleuco Li ha tts tt sc Newo Philippine Commission.
ltack teamosuf thc Chiou10Atlic As- The snic Phipinfuue comilissuion wa
sasseunhir anud lust your ho was a muein noncdltuatra ftronb
see of M~ichigan's track team.reiudettMcKinuley-. Thuneumsutisioto
Dow inlte talf tuilie wisuuift up 10 iscomuposeud of Ps-iv euembers antsranige
spledidrac agins Stndih wo ls ospytosofswhicht are gradusates of
apltulic ruc ag~nt hasclsl ovtofot hucUtuicers-hy. Tile comm1isont ass-
ou11 flyntocbeitog isocondioisn.Thyoroouncedolis euscomosedl of the followinig
latter huas exeellent form and is a piretty ment Dean Worcester of Miechigant,
and faot walker but lack of trainig judsge Taft of Ohio, Berinard Moans of
told on loiuolbefore thfinifusho undlile was. California. Lnke E._ Wrighlt of Tenoins-
cariedfrm te tac whp ha.mor we, and H. C. tde of Vermont. The
carie fontlin run wil lus i055Michigan nien being ilean Worcestnr
succesoful opponent who ali avo ltrails atnd Bnrnard Moses.
joval hits an ud iiiocdoubt on((10 iill Lie
Suppehh vill t ice s-vedifurishg thue ci--
ingi. l smles- cc1,rsug thue caterertho
price of dinner cbitnig inuduedfiso thue
genraladmssion. eryiisg pitc bltse
fir the cold ssuiouuc of thnelmasons115and
(lisfSiesciuhsobueuenudoncsanodlit is
arsly hopelldall ssudentc 3asos and as
thir usrids will lads present.
Hospital Crowoded.
Theihoia l t pet iiouislo in overy
Cowsldedconudioto n urs entuthdrcare
euit-as sienogustcelced at thectL suer-
sip- hoooftatl. f ltucocthirt-ofursiarc
inl the surgicaul, eglulee in(I (the iulac-
calosgical, fourteenu it thucsuune iurlenitn
fte meicacl, aix int hospiuuf uhuouio-.
disonot uincu agealt pnyout Ia-
ticusts iswhsostcmedaiyho thec hospital
to bc ttcutcd. ht presenotevery sensuor
uss treattnlfomftwo5osthr 11 eecaseos wuicho
urn undierfuis supfervsions. Besiodes treut-
lute his oses cases access to ftse wards is
hash, anl11-cait watchothte daily sorog-
ress of each cuse. The clinical tmaterial
is auntdanstantd is us good us can be