bhe 't*of 94 PaiL~4 VOL. X. ANN ARzBOR, MICII., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1.00 No 109. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO A .z~s Wie have jst received or line of spring woolens for men's coar I includes evrything in stpies that ate suitals andI d- srablie for ths season We are also showing fol ranes in nov- elties in suality andI stle o suit thte most exacting tase, cotsisitng of 1Top Coas,Sit sut-Nacy ess soil Golf T einvite yostoit caii sail inslect otis line at WJILD'c 108 E. Wasbiogtor) St. PRESCRI PTION S FILLED wehv ATinuuaea ALL on H OURS Prepared ofl Wilder's Pharmacy THLE OLD Fo eea wesw a IGRELIABLE pe aigi asokfrt rP'PrESs A StYuiGLT~itY. R. E. JOLLY & CO A Medical Dictionary 75c ~CALKIN'S PHARMACY SWEATERS .... GOING AT.... 1-4Off WAHR'S DAVID ISPHAM. b Dsikiiiosie osslyitih thine ees. 0 O so iiiecc is sle.- ifluTheiretsy Creasr. Gioen an Oaion. Persian Garden ir iLsstsisss a Decided Success 55a =rah noh torties(lignolun). Last nisishit AnnAi b'is msusic loers bv 71hisseOlsts .... .... Bhmsi floceto Univer isitys sal ogreet :Mr. Mr. ossn Lisilisaitand issi liquatsee fssogsolo a 1sng ofiFoPr5551 so ot isis. Tlstuieniesitiroi siisiu sal a rgeI t i Seread ...isi ..sicarlSrslsl Mrsssndlunssssasllit ipiriiiet ive Ile sigers 5is osit sere %is tssed uwits itsias u t o ill asuit iiMaririoge ci lulas d isrisisnlste ssnthusiiasillFiao) ......lice.... sea t b 9o slitrtholers 'its istiteiss('tialin lie. Bisipha -ha s isieitrlost isis of it is sti) ...II.... su W g er sid ilgvls. ic on it. it is sli st i iLiidrd o~a rsui ii i Son C r e ) .. Isc icetasndiclitrly %siuisthe lishonorof te Ar.lsts~am cveniiig. is strong fiat: iiaits 1 l n- I555 li esin G rdr. jlelek ls eds the all , Hsit i estiedit etseete]fotThiibaito ito u s ithiat iiidded sssest hois1 t isi i s i otup iici s i Le ma n as cue ishoiiias iit powerstsrike everyitusProf. Gardner S Lmson einss. estilcoliisce.iBst thsiisscosisnceii sli m.nAHosland to Succeed Hint. 1 lriglisseti its a gessiai nturiaslismo- Thie flitngw l'isaopsilofuste lessr Sccis ulichs l 1 is Iitsralblt suit tlts 15of liiif. Garder 111am son cif tilt Io mgi. it us is leiw s Ieualy-itiome m te Cl dp ut 111 oi te Sissool f isso, sleep t i mensstttilltoeeeisstarfois nti cs s ign ig hills iiitionlanssiving s i s Tlsestisuse lothe- slng1 isong oitheresos:s ~stl l ii iots rct g. Trieadorss thelit and 11(11 n iulsts lad TOsi 111OAsrOF'551515 listOF ss riage of FigleosI irstwstg'reeteit by Giteuo-Ayar ugo I feltsst sy tl oaionisai tie loiss of ciraiors wninitreistsousld be lists fssstiltrlii by sosng asditspondtedtith"sDaissy Lia-retusssssssCto ue Iosit dresminsineli' ser'' is II lllschis w ischt ssat sy lg ass iv srsate teissssO wLsssg Cct e taksig. ilnsssofc is l thitosi tseShsool of He ssinedllishissutlc tss hogout \lMsusicws psirsaidedhbyyors Pres- Iii aiPesrs i iGar tiss bensseseiealy deissito lposposissiosillncisc arsaiii at o ns 1515nliy deitsion.sDuingssiss stie 1 goinilhsis last suulosiveisehacseOuieason fi rChlngngSly Air. (Lros ttssia di a deidedttuly faso- us rp1 osassdtI threfotiresnoiwoffisrisy sblse isisressiois sits iis firs perac.r sgaosss1101 1 C ofith ue Voca 1l De- parsismenttssieiit lseeffctut Ctie Hissvie is aopure diaritensuor ssitsussc1osethrentii ii slscholiti5 i a tosseisof aion1 .155 eiisillgs 5ioss I nsstersmisats ing te leasaIt ill aiosi s r"effort andiitstong essxpresssiscsiandsofsitthesphssixs ss lit I beg50toilprs s mily ience feelins. Somejse 51 sithiskCiii aill cit ion 111 f i1hle ssiosss k id- le loesu tssi i iI ills isI s s alicst iiiyu iv eeshowinu:ii i isdei cy sandissees ii -tir ifsltt ssiet issiiish iofoitetlfre ttdlllpi i il souriedsisssigts s u le Lssissi La s 'r,, o tesll lthe dishs s e l ssfuilsi 1111- i gsinsltsis sie a legsitiaste ie ullsof Loc LtoIisis il hi ch provedis very, ii psilt th e s crit hee i isis \sos siwisie uir. is ts ra yfris lt io il- ties. IFodsilbeItntileasrdsihsrsissfos llilunlitl andl si grse etied sh hiss ldii inissh Iss t wii itlllhiln, kill1isohespetfulyoustl lie sissi is'ging uste Sernadb fro St rau illst siso is o. L satso. sespijlaysit leirhits sistici 11atu1re lTh sssss adptdg o he clanfi t e-tltsIItsCCPTING R, i htt s r.s n- qiassty sit usrli oice.i Shii ris psit elissis Alist : ainlencoes i thiai s -i 'ists isbllad. "Iisaccepcting-I ue isi ati 11 l ofI I lr. Thesecond part ofithelocet ws Garesdnes SLisonsss ithitadiifiltills otal Theis compofsition is crtanlyitsusui-teve Ofse isi en iils. titis 5a11111 tilri.Temici tllsOf(melodyhis 5 and sswits im i5t iela, iuul sh maisisenedsthetlsusiilidealsIsItilla sirislitesds, eseehh sss uiisi iis osfsi t heil i ilsssiIinter s;Iofiiss _\s. Lis ats sisestisss arit onesslas paiitsisd 11artmentss assd of theuscthool. sit h~ls solti iso iiesiaccelps hosibiss inaion i this egretli sllhasttciii ldl beii lls l d hei i~ t ssre. 'Mssrd n an ema lst ssured11 that Ilistcaiiesis iessovedsis ioppioltiinit0u hssssansds olii s olhisissiwihhit hhwrmread o olliss sinecioss lists 1Crsisfoist consrltsio iiide- series im si1en1t 1 isiion i sut Ia tmll sit ruiss i i o N u stppsitetsiy tomil i rs l fesits Bss \1.r.ssi ma diiA 1oslsnd f Itor5- shse iid i i i soee ihfulshcontralhisof istc,-. , h ssel suegag sito cfill1 ecosierbl'esisngeSis5tseless 5 ar s iteaancty causedil by sMr. Luissut sissIw ithw r tu n aass ic i i n51 15 sigih.ITat i ll s loillMr-.sHtu lst t islbss l sei se was tappreciatesli eidiecede tih e hisiuss15o1teils sag insthissfsil Icu- numsserous sntimentsltof1regeettees- cc t sssndtlihe ordosh rcor r c itsihe sfic ti sh~e oid ot appear i t e cogus tedi onl iiscuingil so asble a ol. ha se esrvd sloan s iicosit ioluslitisicsian s 'hedi ii thsat thissaudiecesiessredst nesi can1115 besissist hi Iluts ish tcossnssectin Isold lie doubied, to lhlil testifyv to tel e siOif Ce Te aempnimentssssiioi f Miss ikil-tsrvist reidserediitoi thesSholssofh iMusics Prenutis xwere unisussi wel sh y ed. i biy M.Its meslionl iid ailsutre that I voc he felis dingo stecmsunsitiysswisi Manliy cimsentasiy Irsemaiks of iher pr-I sa ht theiIC5simprssion heli ha ssuade formsance ssee ieirdtuponl ciiimisicsilifs is biltis desp std 'lie prose-sit is gvein bloss. listing. rAusai3Re A SessNiso UlditEnklishi Bslld. iecrof teUisiisiy School of a The Bailiffs Lauighter of Iliigon '-iulic FIRST IN DOOR MEET. Seceral Records Will Probabe Be Broken Tonight The hisnduoriI esuchtInitisbeisg ue fosessusop011110ofithis tuatk seson, tof- fialltic u tolget ailie on s thtueecmof andiso toi j usie smorse itllhigestly siiuisslu ors ot Ic-sill ni s ous a flu Ish sitd sisi csssscicssicnssswussitthat hstufa endus s bsso this- uisi hils hs bee still 5istice o e tll st essls if the u hffi till ticlssccnire sdesl liii -aul s 111111ae 1mnysndstl os- iig( mitcs or nost whii ue hihjupan hi pt h feditore piioso h asmst Ilselltii his ccassoe thaitshesuultamoslucnlt of iu- teest isui atds onight's cntess Iti loe11niissls-thuat usew'records usill betsitaubtishlusin ushissoxo lp 1rce aisd sth tolet s ssstisItie uess sos-cdoue partiulary %%ll in thes. Bare it is expte isul istpr15)1e iupolih iefor- masssisfi:1055 115the rui unihchs he did ini thse arsily messt ssasti susandulere usil probabltysbe ohers s w it imssshe lie te pose-vaut Lvorak, forsmsely ci Lests Inistiusesuita ets mallat iclhiganis Isbiis dig I ft in.,I inidoosi agaist 'arthdy re- odto us- oui tdo'sisiceigit. tussflesell-insdcsials this ar as 50 ft. 611 Lnuisterensesthere -teeswhou i unudouubtedliy cscs e t o lthue olsi recsrds i huItles-do ot hbettei tisus Fortysyardsclsh-sLoydsIclu-ffee Issebah Fsuhosi ch I 'sulNtfer, layes is oeu, L uh til iA5lCaus, RahShpLilst/i nfanutss Lasne, 1111 ttus Johii Byr. cLeasu sonbun. Meril, 13ork Fileigh, 5511 sr. ane iotl l, lret 'bahit BC eet 11111 ill Oh lussus s t is l GshitLssi Campbellssu SrsssttuusSu kUSht Gard isid OpSeven. CalyisDateIs hussLius-t Houghtn, SemlincrAustin Icy Spl hiss Siss , VrhishLini- shfills Flmn Ilis ister, Mc~en, sessi, Shsot put--Sus seeYun, ores, lHssusstiuss bsoot Kele, ilerc BownssSprsus iiiIWhstltsr1)Di5/zchils, ial ilewak-uMe i ll, M- Fute i e11 n1trIiles wii ci vedotI I u Io su lists slocl is eerin i As outill 0behulen tillecubrof api rans us ilarit, verys largeuinufahts llndsi theure is usnunusualsl-slts- eI ills Ilillil f newscame,51st isesists a IoIllsfth fatta h nei-ng claislesare le andambtiouss'suromte Itsrsttial- red ieshtsussscitusischie ts predsit a usrchorlionuslyslaresaudience Iisad missticnspritesis olutstushdtheus tusustill unoutel beis crowded5 Isi the lim~ IIis. uSargec hndsrlitreeiKue1 itzptic; Mcnius, ildt iudes A CStekle, W. SanussShippt L J. C itstmesstNiel W. Siotwt SidhW. AItt i tuti C.1.sWi- lias ; jlt usiugse s o walingso C 11t. il- Ii huensiwh io shsve snieustdusaipcall us tse direcrsu ficeushiss afteirnoonuibe- tesit3oandI6 olscksandtthhilei 'eon- testant" rioshic uh sill admitithleiiar tio ihiuresictive evssnts