2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. by subscristions sufficient to insure all *reasonable expens enour teams eon ploy at bore ne d wethseir supporters, can Si ed ail I~adas reled d os515 Havethoestistaction of seeing some of Colleg e aat Wciukezie THE NIERSIfY OF MCHIGAN 0orx:.Tax Ilad Pess, HesnnIng Blsck. Both Phones, 144. MIANAGING EDI)TOR. F. Easoxo, '1 L ISUSINESS MANAGER 0. I. BAssoSL. C. D. osre,'01 , Atheics. EDICTORS. T.1R. Weosas, '00 L. A. H. MDnessAL, '011E A.GBaswsE,'0. E. . B. WOO, '00, 1..J.MNT as 00I. DWOIoRs. a100 M, The subcriptosprielthe DALY sog2.,0 foe tellege iyeawth asregula deliseyefoe nonec a.Notces, communisxcatisantd theeeatte tintendd foe pblatin tasteh handd inastts. DAL Osieeitfsra S p. in., ar sailetd ta the edtosrefore 3 p i. of the day pesvtos to that os whth they aeexopeted to appar. Sbseriptionosay bo left at the DAa'Y office, Mepe, as Stotlet s ewtad, as withBusies ManageSbcibes wilt oes a fao by reporing psompty at this sffie ay faile of elries tadeiver pae. Alt chage is adetisittg oaters wattbe i the ostices y 4. t. ox thoaypevioseto that Ia whih the are to asucA". Tonight te attnsal toess meetintts lisp interest of atheic is to be held in the gymsnasuim. It is te hope of tbc oanagementsial thsiawill be well at- tensded. Is the easterns uniersitis te osoet- igis one of te important and state occsions of te ear. Prominent alum- oi from the large cities its professional~ aooo commercial life come and speak antoo aid the eoent loptoeir prestnce. Ttte association here is sot ablo to haeo cowlh an area a lumtnsi nor to tosake it. such0a5n ocasion. tiBttste olpurpoe is Ole sent5o arose itesrt its ai- Icisand tooaseemoesoc oPrthoc sp p0000t of out teanms fle indebtedness of te Athletc As osoailn s onowsomewhcs'at over fivo hunoded dolars,5asdrie olots'aollole soeanso of rasissgthe Oamont i ispy a popsoar subscrlitoon. Tbecamountofc indebtedneso sot year ws soaboot si- teen hundred dollars. It to lesa tan a thiroi of that amisoount nows imploy be- asse of thesstsngn fisaneils mea- eres tokonstViolring010Th'1basebsl tearnwas omplled to10gotOalotg 05 sotfonssl;,,o'. sas h rc teamPlo'e bseblls cheduslohd to be oarransgedtasoit0wosl,,lorgois for financoial reasos. CeI rtain00of0 (isogamoes-i re plyoedoutof ioto" 1boous ts'N%ssusst profial ostso pa- r hr. Toisis s .sodtrtutt tooth 10tsis ' .y' 550 lstotsaw ayfProotoAnn Atbor o roatine 0000.5eV to covertho' doit Athloetcs cannosot be epoteolto e sel-spporting. It has been demns- sted aodbgi anodogoiotsooat they' c.a0- not boonadoe sot coleog ssd uiersi- iesness thss'' sre rono oith tatso le sd iso vie. And as soos as spost is run on stat basis it loses all the charios ossd ualities that belong to amsaooso spot. It ceases to draw'to it thoe woo love it foe its on sake. While the moanagenment mut consider the finan- cilo side, it should not boo compelled to look solely to that. It requires a round sum of money to seet the expenso of putting a team to the Baeld and the gate receipt in a mal town will not meet it. Thu It becomes necesary to play larger citee becauo of the greater value of their gate. But if the student body corea to the rescue the larger gasses. Box Calf, Storm 'Phe association simsply asks that all tgive what they eel they can spae to FOR AM EN snake athtetics at the Unvestyl be FO what Ohey should be. $2.00, $2 Adertised Letters. Best the worldl or weve Owig to the act that a lorge num10- tesei ber ooPuncslaimed letters attin.posoP- tire are Pr students, the Pfoloing lot (GLA SS'S oP letters advertised Oct 4 sohe.I GLI a A given: Atwaoter Chos..Irosoos hs to so r OBrennan . W., lMnir lherrl.Catieovor Theoore, Cooorsey H . It., 0Connr, R. Cook Jamses, trige Mhargerite,Clr F. C., Cooley E. A., Daveis, J. Bt- sweler O. J., Psras TOhsoolsas, Raineroo. W., I-ale A. A., Hiubert A. As., Jonsc Thomas, King Professor, KroooeB. Kingetty A., Kisss 15 , Krauth Jno Gt. Lewis Joe, Lawrence tD, Mahoney Joerome, Mason F. It,, Mo'sMos. O1liet E,, Morton RoscoecI., Murrill Os. Nichooto . H., Noble Alex., hPiney J. V., Spaulding T. Mt., leadro an .~k, Seward Mes., Vernon Mrs. CareceocB, Van Riper Menry, Warreno Mrs. W.in., + White Grace A., Wight Inoo,eZrtoc J. Irwin. Foreig.-Canfield XW. Package-Wilcoxt W,. Geo. H. Pond, P'. M. Communication 1'clitor U. of M. Daily: The roaches con.stantly compliofoil the croding of the spectators out ot . lte hield, orhich .seriousy inteferossoith the coaohinog of the team. The manaoge- mlent lossmadeo efforts to keoo the crowdolbck,,souls indefiniteosuc50s ' '0 pae R lDoring thoe next Pe days thesoffillers =&0~5~It o1 the Atlootic Asoctation switt request_ thse speroators to keep off the toel.IP this is tot cospied with, on next t os ,ns- jX B loop thoegate of thtleti Isd ,i, othseoli-tudets be shut oand practicemaode secet Al0 VI I RPIiotXIEI tersons tot iso footbatl uniform mist sppil ty low boo keep back of the wire and at no tinoc thiPKIL RC attenopt to cross the hield. The sceSs Von Hot Constittion Wilsons Work, 2 vl of the Varsity footboalt teamn demandos State Trials that lhiss be ooe. Curran Speeches pCose. Baoiri. Call folos Cotta HISTOL(OGY, Ann Arbor Brana BIOLOGY, 340 S BACTERs ILOG tiY GAS AND ELLC Lao. tinaset. Organe tergoods. WOe garosoosots he psoles' J. J. QU IRY, Redeseofthte ITor li as'swillwsO re whor, nb rrrptosCan be lft fortes tiso'r se 1 DustY. stoolforosuecshsotes r lingdsilileas th' D erit FteoPess, Dtreloit T'beios, iDetroi ge.x,0. . , ., lvening Newes and C'ticago Now Yootkosnd aproent Toedo pap5es. Pesoss olydooieeeasi to allprts N 50005 000 ofethe ety Ole.1i North Moistree, Pakerand Waer Pt GRANExFR'S F. J. SCHLEE School ofDancing GET- YOUR~ MR AD MRS. ROSS GRANE, IsseuoT~Stt. 4IT T' Offiee and Aademty 31 Mayard tret-o1 v block wet o Statstrtastos.e Bell Phoe No 40 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCI1N GNEW SO HaeyupekdIt all the tust al yu h ae h PINK BROS., Instructors. yeAF Offie and Academy, Nickel Hall, 334336 S. Sate 119 E. Wahagtex 5. HUTYLER'S CANDIES JUST RCEIVED AT MUMM SHOES Waukezie Calf, Russia Calf, Rod Vici, all Leather Lined SHOESFOR MEN .2,$2,50, $2.98, $3.25 and $3.50 ole, style, It and finish, Our enamel calf', heavy sole, Ea- ton Edlge, Baud Sewed, 3.1~f0 Specal. SHOE STORE 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET. The i Single Breasted Suits The fashionab' narrow waistes as well as the the only twos Vests are single Which we offer are high class manufactured garments, are cot from heavy weight Serges, fancy Worsteds, Chev- iots, Tweeds and Thibets )le broad shouldered. .d cot is represented 3straight back coat- styles in vogue now. e and double hreasted. )00. i i43* $10.00 to $20.0( Noble's Stagr GIldhinu fiOUs6 s sos need no satroducton; to the ness'osese o'will say MOt~h Ct)XPLaEtbo0 LINE IN TIlE CI'TY and cotea k loublishoed. A fewe up our miscellaineoua puhlicatioap al Hiatory, 8 vols Sandara' Juatinian Is Tucker on the Constitution, 2 volec Erakine Speechea, 4 vole Roaches Political Econanmy, 2 vOIe alogoor of Law Books. Pleased to quote yost Pricea. ch. Law Book Publishers. Ltate Street..- Opposite Lawa Building. JRMC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC. MARY' I'I eri-MINNr. :05 050 ANDO10T0WATE1 R iecTING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Schleede'8 Li Patent Lecture Book 0010 r e s.'t"coesrs lst l i. Usee our new 'terntrscoer.The ter o e t mcs isplace sr i n tlhe eolsyle'ost'ing note bookiso. nan Peels from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retail iper from 10 tents a Pound up. EDE. 340 South State Street. ILGANIX3LAX fIT Tfi- IJNLfIND PRESSB ES FOR FALL. oas ahaw windaws yel? These they aee, styles withouted. Dbeoctx eaed wewillieel hese shoeejsalow asweaoldequal qat~ie 'MI-JI'S SHiOE" STORIL, THE POPULAR ST01M ETS.