4 THE UNIVER~SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST RECEIVED 10000o In Your Inside Pocket Is whayouacanasaveonaasaitoravercoatadelta youaardarbyaus. Wguaanteea perfect fit~or ao sale. Calladsee, nasobbigatiaa to bay. OGa immese assartmeat af aver 3,000 saplswll plesayoaa AllWoolSuaits and Overcats from$a%00up. Goodrich, ah r& Murphi, FotRo vrFrtNtoa D. fl TINKER & SON HATTERS ANDI FURNISHER Headquarters for HATSa,CPS, Mao's FURaSaSa aad Casaplete lisa af GYMNsASIUM Gaaaa aad SWEAsTaaa. AGENCY FGR LGNGLEY HATS 334 Sauth State Stree To Have ad DO YOU $E4OKL? _ Co.Eais and laso seet. and ...... ". ....... 11"pitlal, $50,00a. Surplus, $30,155. Trasasa Rtaee c I, K us'PasPrs. C. E. GnEEaEVice-Pr PIttSbmli. tksn , tot - 5c FRED.aHBESas. Cashier. ()Bl-1h~li 17 o a5So Ass Arbaa 4 Brunsoviek Cligla's for - 25c FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Oraized 86a TO Hold 1 aBl tlllby(iaa e Capital, dis 05.Surplsad Prosits, E40,000 Nllllutbs.r:Trasata general banking bsiss .Foreign t 44SCE. AIN ST., xange bouhts a nsd said. FPshleataers o WH Ao AN a ARBOR, MICH. CO. _______________________ ________________ E.___ ). 1KINNEPres. HARRISOIN SOULEP morro . hat ePr sa Is YDaigCard t the Athes To Calendar.' S. .LARKSON C~irro.TusaFb 2-rsmnItv"'}y n ibiSvnsM )eaane f hoe leerfal- biauis Elks, all.LapstalSock.$5055 SttlusX150Reore,015000 r 'iii ,i- a itti a l gert ii iat lit PF iidy, Feb. 32'-A Persian Garden," Rscss-la t1U t5 \ii - stOlrgit1100ltail(anized uderst thet GeneralttlBankingg Law _\tcrsdear ort ol~t1< acc;vI nC orlUioSi rit es.sfsaisaStats. lReceives depostits, bitys and sails AUT~snl 1 al i r ila oftheL i g vaisi ille viler- S l IsturayFe 4 -Inadiouittrack tsie SttsDasf biss caed o1 siprisdenbstifiton stisBsieSa ea v a- s i 1der 1n yilinaillnl(8p.111l.Safety depoitboxstias rent. iii s 10E isOI MHdaPEeO2y e i(Planc , Vseesa sa ;C ulsasS ksPrst,;W. D.r;lssi si h lrcln ~ lsr.Iu l lsad M na, e.2. 8 A iny an st iss-Prsreel Ciasa.E. Hissasia. Casbier; M. PRISO N[R E 'lOPE w i i indiouib tedy e hissed sswi't s tpiconle ctaiieaonGcttniburg inII .Psitz, Assistatas hie Iciltb- taht sma ll atmirersiiniti Unilty club aiaiirso Lnitarliana short)l. o. dJ. BSTs,Pasi I ai sIc cpi 111 i T l53 Vs ednesdsay, Thairsday, 3. ) l* A, E I t c-s Its hnakh upntheirsutpporttseybiintsg Friday, Peb. 27,08,March 1 and 2- Jr sCa Wassa A fit.C atiersR that theyI(1aloneis e i ts to icostiute bFarmers' Rond-sup111Institnte. WIN Coh n 00th wol et staet.iAongtyh atulrday, Marchi-Han. John Tem BhON moreitprointat forlti iihise asans corln-lpla Graves in S. L . A.courseTransacts a general aiMaaBtl~loaSasaa )10itsHismansBSssiseJChallnger, SnaMarcsh 4-Anti-San Sun- BankinaglBnsinesa H. abrMae Mrdt, v ele .Grant, speakers. - Makers of 320 S. STIFITE 381-t 1 Mario od, ar its Dcli titatills Lot- MiodayMarchs 5-David Starr Jar- - COLLEGIATE CAPS. ase Ettger, Neldalayburnl W. J. Dss dartllPrsident af LelatnslStanlford UGi- Z GOWNSad HOOS. A.NN ARBOR- - - - lU1CIIGAN ingl W. H.,scCart T olly Ht, ThttiVers1y,11in S. La A. conrsa. Rersblsa 5f A.___________________ KisranIIHarrya SinclaiarGeorge CAPS asd GOWNS. U. ofh MBarber VAPOR BATHS Lelier lid Halrace Tabar. Tihe salts Stadents asscrdially invited toin- fA SPECIASLTY. YThe Only Ones in ptyo lnumsbesthirty peole, i seen- pert our rstmpista lines af suits, avar- CLASS CANES, Shop and Bath the City. RHascryof1this granldest description, whutilLcoas meh's furnishings and hats. COLLECE FLAGS, soal ates. tiesms505 of tielt adies are s aid ts +aadhamo HRyan - teule, S. Main st. ! -CLAStS PIPES. Ro m , 32STATEa . .Trjnoskalitb c lat isevatationas, being cultld fraaas-CLASS STATIONERY. thc most faishioalatic Saly 2H110 (f0om1A Hnevline of ManohattaR Shirta COLLEGE PINS. PatThe ioyatbat t ,iai juast1in at Wadsanas. Hyan & ReleSPECIALTIES BABR teato aiipace at515 ex~ciluse beathsem. S.Main St w.KR O GUfRON TEES SfITISPI5GTION ausidicwoasdciaat ths s01itabihtsS DSIT- jasvsisd arrawpl. betwveen IlPloSeai I el 5RST CH O F ely r.Th lihas beit ent care-11 tlisa-MeithodistiChutrchl ad the Pi Beta c~titAGO, ILL, JVF.RSITY SCHOOL lly OF etedad inicldestaInumibci of i'Phtisaousc. Finsdsr please retulrnato_______________________ orgia cm ositionis andisthalsthe ai lisa stewar's aoffice. -105."Asiet D"A N C 11N G o a m st itresoiueschortias-wtit alt DANv-11,Cas INGeatyoatailia SAY BOYS? \HA ~~jpipeful" 0) ss at l a at M c a sta atassatlassfind i int'e l down toorsi call atlthe Nails adosbeginning lsO Is e., otop. n 1stt ta syour ordeis ntesarty-riaer ~r5'5 ___________________ gensastyleids MdOennesriisi Ps~ssrc~ALDnINGS Official LAUGHLIN MNFG LO.pnigof SpingWolns..- 529 Griswold St.. Detroi+, Mich. 1Woolens for tho issng aaeson base arriaedE A M REFEREC: a the nsost exteansive line ever produedihere: Jtici rvu - 3n inkor Expess Co, an i officallysadapted b te ai ngI' y Bass s spretad on oar tabias and non open faao1r Iol eyo1uai 131 to____________ smaike selectios. We have niade every Clusbofl teCaunIrp na spa a a as a fn a55r 5 a s 5 5 .. 'cota)"lssasas 1mp5 Tr yThe... SD 1 NORTHSIE1 LAUNDRY TWOS. MOWS, Propr. VC tO0T Broadwaty. r07 BellPhane THOSE NC)BBY GOLFS sadadrd of our tailoring indt to promaptlya suase IWIu Tennis aerve ouar oatrotsns. esiciltyour tnspee Feo astluu Athteis r F'tton at an early Sdite. Goltf Gymnasumss Spaldiug's Official League Ball o Ib th OfialB0llofi tes ais nal 0 WAGNER & CO., Tailors, Leagse adallhlading coltege 00 ue -- 123 South Main Street. Hgansme ato"dssA.G plio rs afsAkleis Sort NeeA. Saldia n g rs MILWA DNOBBY TAILOR MIL WARD TATS ST.