THE UNIVERSITY 011' MICHLIGA"N DAILY. a { COATS for Spring-the roost convenient coat in a gentleman's out- it We are showiog a line that come nearer to "made-to-order"F TO P$12 to $20. GOODSP'EED'S 117 MRIlS STREET Sles al') s orev/ct er. ]]5 52 iiK eu, ig See nH t al MICHIGAN 0ENTRAL I'' - The NiagaraFalls Route." e bILe the IIVbotorai her. T:I BS A5SO UNrA-TNADTIME.I M u0 H ii Ta king Efect Novenmber9, 1 899. 't .. .sr .. ."1 r ,z r.;ta:rF ~ r rc a.... utr uONGEST etrsit Night Exppes' n US.. s 5tpl5I5h sA, Wslbat.s Atlatic Exsis .. ........... 7"r45 Such ,ttltas sh1oans att al tatl Grnd Rapidls Expreses.... . ... 150 -ad1.nn' ae-n-ae tIh Mail adExpress............. '3a9 s-r . Em N. Y. Boton Special ..........a4ss,"- H F _Eu Ibre~~o Fast Esasrn........... 9 51 - lce~ ui tr Mail and Excsis ... ......... 940A.. nsSd ats asatre Bostont, N. Y andlChicago..... it 81 Fast % extern Esasrs-ss....... .1 N5Y. at. SKal. Exsis- ... .5 45 Chicago NigtExpies-s...,....9 43 PacificExpresse.......... is...1 3is 11 Steamssip Tickets, all C'lasses, toeandl frsm Earspeas pilts atih sesi rates. Fall istar- mastioan oa application 0. 5W. RUGGILES. R. W. lASS, G.P. & T.Ag't, Chicago. Ag'tAnn Arise. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Suaudjay, j May 2 t, 1899. Trains leave An Arbar by Ceattral Stanl- and Tit~. *Na. .- 1:25 A.M9 No. 1.-s8:H A. at. Na. 2.-i1:3i A.,S.. 'No. 5.-12:30 P. M. Na. 4.- 5:305P.1tI. (Na. .- 4dsbs raP. 'Baa beteena AnnaAeborad Toledo oaly All traias daily except Sanday. E. S. GILMORE, Agest. W B. BENNETT. iG. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. gars leave far iDetroit anal Ypsilanti very ha our, begiening at 7:13 a. m. until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. mi, 1:45 p. mad 11:15 p. m. Waitiag roam, career Ann and Main abs.; Detroit,11(Gristwold at. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Grenwoods, 31. P. A., Chicargo HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 'rRAISoDAILY 4 BetsweenaTledoad Csolumbaas, using Uniott depot itn bothlcitits. 'truSaleeper satosh lintoniandstalt imoare. GREAT ROILR.OAD THE HOCKING VILLEY Wrie L. W. LANtiIMAN, ii15W. Part StiDetrait. T he FineTailoring "Trade of the City. Hiave You see ou POCEAINS? Flae.' i whre No : an t sla at BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET SPGIL RATES TO SNIORSTh Ba m n S ui Theiantariis aegtri. ill b is.-1iii silitass iiaitgeans of iTir>i li:'1f 517U1d1 Su l Satsai is \ isitasia lal~, N:. ),sil g : /~ai~il i(ii: 5 'i i atas 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 1,11 itsilia :eveinlg. .\ll tiatilieis of the one ofs ithea lodges -at iise.'iainaslOastor-s ). .1O. '. :aenintshisU ot_.ire lal Conitesi oft heasall higi scllool. cordiaillyivied. HOLIDAY MATINEE - h n ro ui o eA ew liie o at ha ttaan Shirts juast a nnAbr Mui u assos AthnsThetr t - das yn el.Sesmeidcmns t fe t-teSul th ale street. dents an table board; alan one suits of mooms.___ ___ THUR~SDAY, FEB. 22. MiNSita,..L SMEN, NOTICE! All caniaates for (lie Athletic As- IThessesiill Ibe:1 a oaig P l e'sl ll-.I ~s~ sdRi a socationAia i lstrels swill iplease and111Celsitn iezeiss Al sitaall 11:idais IRATW A N DI It ~I1 their names to bie asntager at once. r _____________2__t_:15o'_ock Personls lknowitng ansy ainehaving /A complete line of Adler 1Ires fne intaht l atest version:o talent or experiences in this litie at sails at bWasllais. iRyanl & Reals, 100"- BY THE SAD SEA WAVES warik sill kindly notify tie manage- 202 S. Main st. - 35 COMIEDY STORM- d5 ment inateadiately. TheSlanval s s lssasstfr ahe secondleiioin o RIEf1litn t 1.sdtatut 109 H. H. Pt'Ot ER. 607 States. hPRICES: Masslt ls hit li titee: 25,35, a7d50cdt taaacss, stid tsill le comptt ed in5a1-Ii -- Obserlin aslleg ags sjustsrsceissd a fewa say s bach ltudenaitlshl stata Granger's School of Dancing gilthi at $40,000.00 lsft by -EI.. Osborn his tails is gienotahs cais ssssrsos of Ptittsbursg.fTselmoney i istola sed s to sobtainai5stmtelC a lt fstil lass lthe endowmnt a ottfitthe lpresidesl de sas hpossible. chair. Su , e te GleCajsc adoi CusOt2n le anjo aaid ndoislini Clus iiYipsilaniiFrisdaysevenintg. YipsilattiFridtay evening. _NOTICE. Academy ontMaynardl St. Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan &. All canldidates tar qularter-back for READ THlE DA[LY. Rcule. Beat hat on the niarket at this years 'Varsity report for practice ____ $1.00. 200-202 S. Main at. at the gym an MNonday, Wedttesday, m I LOST-Between thandlIFriuday st 1:350 t). m. Alumfll MOW Phi lhouse anal the lass building, a5 Warranted for 1 Yeas smsall red memorandum book. Finder NOTICE. -will please return to C. B. Nichols at All entries for the prelinminary meet, $1*0O Saturdaay eveninig, mnust be nmade at W in. nold Leaa the Alpha D~elta Phi house alnd receive (lie gymnasiulm ofice before 0 o'clock, A" r o ,, Jeweler ressard. Thursday evening. No fee for enter- ing. Thr Maast Caaplete Liar at LOST-A pair of gold-biased glases 109 WALTERtGaRADLE, Matiager.I LOWNEY Oh case, stanmped Dr. Inats. Grand Rap- Glee Bajss atdial Alialub~is at 1CHOCOLATES ils. Lease same with 50. A. Soop, 320 A'GleiiSsstiy 10 5tvcini5gIasleCt saieIas S. State anal receive reward. __.__I____eCtycn__efoun 02 TRACK MEN. TUVTT L7 8 STUDs~ENT SHIOOTERtS ARE IN- All candiadates for '02 relay 0teaad 338 S. State St. II'Eta haltflaile pleasoe ri-post at gymlnasiuma tat thae Aim ArbiorCaun clublagroundls on Wedsa.sliFebruIsss~ay ! it: t.-0:3a 1. l- il. U MADTI Soauthi State street-A trapt shoot still MIANAGCER OTOCK'EAt.F NE A bs hlda Thursday, Febralary 22, coam- MNGR0 RC EM U E A meinsasg at 2 p. nm. sharp. Sttidesnts 2N1DACGtAtY.IR TO brig yur il~o aaltasas alat I a Washinlgton's birthaday dlancinig party' Emnbalming a apecialty. No. 2009 S. 4th bueh rock shoot. i aager's Ac-lademly '"iThursduay seen- Ave. Ambulance night sald day. Resa- H. Souls for (lieCain Club. ing-b:30 to -__:30 oclack. -Gii dense 302 Fifth .Ave. ~$3.5OPURITAN LEADS $.0 They Fit where Others Fail 110 LFAST 1HURON 8TREELT __ abahees an 613 EastWilliamSre Mrs.tiaoch iltalte, Lay Assittant of Directo K O L Every Kind IENOCH IETERLE, Fnal maler a ietnd U iversity jut Es atoe-hl afbok tetFn ~, S7.55 M5.~, s M e Esoll ielelaLadyAssatasoatlaw butlrdinag. y Alln.kintdsj j jj ie BohPhoaes Na e. .1 w.wahing- No. 110 E. LibetyipStreet. ResidentseH BahPhu 33s9 h e eeasigaal T o t tA ss r~r. Fsusth Ass,BohPne12. S h e Shop E. Lambert. Phto 'WE PATRONIZE GOODY EAR'S DRUG STORE