THE UNIVERISITY Of MICHIGAN DAILY lootai~hd Daily (Sondye eceptd drig the Coaltegye aat. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ttepaco The Iad Pess, Henntitg Block. Bth Phonett. 17 MIANAGING EI~iT1OR. F. NEottotARD'OtL. BUISINESS OANAiEI. U. IH. Hoot '00 L. EIOR0L1S. ATHETCS,.S . t.. Otaoao, '01 B T.ft,.WOaoW, O L. A,tt1. MOUGtAtnL,'ttlE A. G. Bnoawa. '02. E. oJ. B. Wa, '00, L.J.tttaatGtoo Ea,'0O, WOi. t otY, 'OM, The subooepton piceof atth ltt S0S2.50 oe heollaetg ya, withtta a gla dliery bhotae noo eat'ty. tNotie, comnictonsao, atd othe matter tOntnddor pubaicton tt stbaeh handed tin at tho DIo iceeorttea8e0 m. l, 00 taltted to thaeitor bhotoe 3 p. totfatth ty pevios to thatalotnOhih t theyae epttto Saheaipttotroay tbe laft at tte DttY iti, 4ol yoo'o, oe totitato tootttatoo, o with Btitoiss I age. Sbtetoeotti oatttaoeattoro ty epottgoptlyott iat hio lcanfailurofoa caeriers to dtliveroapr Aiatchage i oadovortigtter007m0tttb eOtn Lhte ohoo tbyIp. ot to to . 0 . t at. one h 1 0 hea o tot uar. oitet torl na elgv \ci ttoitt rigto tot pat hesel o0 th0 had.00o ion year ag sli t ook herstand otto 0a sit cosier i t atoltict) onolt;sitoettoit Ottvttl On ttc toos.T1 he21 inct t ipeg ttttc ti thes: th- Ot oettic otf bitit glt>-Mii toato.ndiaiy ttgioh tllteoui tldr gbtllttoitttieCbtoit o I ) eotiual0. dtiiio tlboft g t lOrtceiti, logea) to it gabeoisgtotIe ptoyottonet gaitwht-ihigandemneo ado o t nBotCth-g ing m io.. totl to onewole ot tootti:m dogt whaooo tsluonthe maiter00000 cotioe thttitoouchoot dema10.0s01 oloiite lrotiotteond .\lioogttt n too t antye ittio ltodwih des0000 aogo.Sie witoloichilt taneshould accedetooit701100htio m oe ettodutalorfstoo 00p0 liiia rtrnel Thtis toltlootot ool Cntihe ogart o othecott letottpt AIcth tot to tete st010 tothot d tt t eooittootto' g.S e inducedli-t notitatdoWisonsttino itottakete sameoit 000taniaetetoed got otalompacotoowoe100h1 000es1e~ ictttothes tooleg titeno cotto legte tooatotidtot tolldtooo.itheoabgie h e tould ttbeotbultileftesut gtorosoulh atitn000001n00thatilt 'has000now been t-ttltt tore 0 t;tetototrac00 to ptoo-thirela toh itt 00000ermtilt oreolutte eaityto andotot hotey tocott 100bande onteophsel gtio oitud oe up.erit~orit it nec-ermstoe toth eftleei toeihodie lo has maitainedoto upgoto litaote. Aito gh bte o oencerfthe ofmclandt iemonto- logoatotodattergyof esc lee lotoiol Irotplacigohecttritog fortsrigie abouggtots reul todThe Daitou10001fir1te gradutetor inhorighetiretsultoldool 10100dentimaygsetwdhooighaveibe e o- lteOl tebodic of Ctacetos pdeortatoo nenilt ste lt Iofimanaoiteot. Nxt w fT-e oilily touloolpbis teooresotto otli- lottggrhasibeten toourosotollookvt thoe mootroonthe roghliht.oAofdoolag Pupils' Recital Todatl. 1100 folowitog trogroamooill hogotot tot tiht, oultils' reeitol intohoe Schtool of iblooictis a fteroonto 14:0: o opoait, Op. 2.......Senumann Emma Boch. 00 Thou Croat Sod0..... Deliiho Floreoce E. Stellwagehi. Coppricia ........... Hana oitt Katherine M. Lindenscolimitt. Polonaise, Op. 0 ,Na. i0...Chopin 'tiloorod M(. Bartolenew. loicOO Greotly fMoiaat... . Hansel too B. leriglit. Valsoe Capricea...Arthutr do Groat Alice Wleistein. o~avatintn rlon).......Blzet Annetta M. Lai0igne. oetylans., Op. hO... otnminaodo Lt yo Alice Reyols. Scone dle Ballot .....oeBertoot Rose French. he~ltrro Valseo.......Mosozktoosi MatloesoiHohty. Ye Greate Concerte of tge Olde Folhe. Ye Greate Coitoerte of Ye Olob Coolte at Newoborry 11001l0001Thutrsdaoy nightit, ye 2ndtooday of ye 2001 tonsth, 00ill etmtploy ye sorvice of fOfte or more 171000 singers5 ciwhoenoameostrt' totS gie eas mneaei tom t 000 0 l~i 0 odeost and10ye70 ideoons sihamefoooed. Bleoause of this, 70epyountg mennei 05o lot tetndeo 0000requettdo too torn Itoeil eyes froottoyetyw700114wimmen !i loto thelytoe confotoed in thtoir mincestr an oe00flter. N.ii.-After ye Greato Concerte be 0001, ye younig tmotnne maty ohoose ye noaiodens womn they. wish to 00e hiomoe. a-timarrietd tmennetOw~, goto hootto00itw titeir 0w1ve0. Whist Scores. "'It o footing 00 0000 10th etl itti ceores and chor y Gbd 0pen Es Uqpti 8 GiLEE, BANJO AND entleman's Fee. . . donotoihaeeto becrowedino toofootobto shoes in soder to tomply hthe totes of fashoion oshison has boecoome decidodly lenient. toaps aol permantently so, toot000 wsont rrp absut1the fututee. At !;2.9tS apair guarnteto furntish 00noultra-fashionoable t ore comofortaleosooe otoon 0000 tooppot sed elsewohereoot 000 0qualpoice. And guaateo e ans: OtOt y~0tot oey-baot of ASS'S SHOE STORE vnns 109 S. Main, MANDOLIN CLUBS .AT.. YPSILANTI, FRIDAY EVENING, February 23. AT YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE. Cars After Performance-On Motor Line. itlt too t ' to ib ayto of tiet 00001 0clob.V l D l N0 (71NI 111Tl : G AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTINGSUPISHD, lunotch andtot obo ...153 =3 1T. .XOT~I PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,. Fisher0 and 00MaTOChalAt ll...T..... I 11,5410=0I Avoeratgeo... . .......I2J F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. 11 togitec n aitt s ooi... 107 9 ~rq lTie aoototShawot.....I3- Aveo rage ..... . 5 ,,VL ES'~ 000t oclok lthis fterotootiatithlilt.Io010 of tto clob .0011l oshist plt yrt;toot ileto toot. ily atod Unoiv ersity ore ecordialoyutnitedt I E CO ~ E For Parties, Receptions Etc., too atltod. AND Manager Seabolt of list Athens COUPES Good and Prompt Service Guaranteed theatre states thoot the performances of Mathews and Bultger in "By the_________________________ Sad Sea voaves" in this city wvitibe . ,, f, identical with those given at the Heor--r aid Square theatre in New York iCty.( Students' Lecture Essociation Course It is reported that several theatre - - - -- -- parties have been formed to attend both performances and as holiday at O trootitons are something of a novelty iAnn Arbor the banner housoes of Listen to the Band! th eseson are expected. '1h et isseofT e oaly oti l o EUTHYMOL oU ~ 255ttottle. EuthmolSooge AmissonFEBRUARY 20. Tooth Past Sogsaeanhi6other toumbers,-- - - 1 50 TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH $ Soosa aondtd othero numberostieserved. - - - - 2.00 QUARRY % SI esee ea~X Ot hat costa64p010n F'b. 20. TICKETS towooaleat O~2.T~~h DTttO mo~~ XII R' H~lSItARMACY, STATS STREET.) i. I . JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. it's oo Polii~ APRILL'S SHOE STORE To waft tunti you are comopelled to buy robbers. THE WISE MAN bsys rutbhers and has (hoot ready for wear sohen occasion requires-and has less to pay the doctor. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.