She" UtI>of 94l PaI1k> VOL. X.. ANN ARBORMICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1 900. No 107. prin~g LARGE AUDIENCCE DE- LIGHTED. Announcement G, H. WILD & CO. Wte have just isesiived our line f spring woolens for men' svear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable andi de- sirable for the season. Wec are also showiing full ranges in nov- eities, in squality and tiayleeto stilt the moost exacting taste, consistun ; of Top Coats, Suit- Sousa's Famous Band in Unicersittg Halt Last Ecening. The largestvtudieiceitiatehitsgathlied iii Uniiersity It ill thi syeairavas pies- eniti ejo it heub l onciierit givein by Sousa's startsificeiiiand l vriii a was saienaiid siiaidiig rssms s-at a prmuiiidicasithiiai tihefamusr leaster ihas>losti noiivof thi oarity i with Aiemetirboraudiencs. ]his cincii t s i uiiittipiioitiii stit fshst s ar f heprgatwhust Ile itiiii osii ,l vii on t iii)ii iifiitii tires vini Danger s." '1hlivmuictfoloiw- sng tr ill tie li threIMacriot iieliibsarid ariiorganirielectsornhis Piofessoi Stasi- lev tilteriss h11 e clossd bitte singti'5 iing eia"inichtuithyesirdi- enetivailljitn.Thi Iteitrogirtutu-are sees ctaty itid wiitt aketat irsable sitites- ITie laisiwilIt ocepthite riddltvse- tiosiofiithyetiarqetrvieserviditselasses. vsifen nittiseoe.ii t-tieexvelcisses iii it vi ethe ls vill teet sclaissii formii niilinetso miiatch viierstosiiUiversitv Thetlt iilithe eatmetis ofitthe PUtivr siti, sid ltisitisleiofthe sC ity reini- BASEBALL SCHEDULE. Shouta 24 Reqular Gaies-The Chi- cago Football Game. Dtireetor Batirdliii reirnrred fromn Chieags arid hliis tbaseball scedlese all arratiged excepti atiopen dare onii May >;. That it is the best anidt hardsts base- ball sechediute 2sbetiigati lias ever tart is evidenit.Thy.eartienustr regurlar gaevithii iithleasingteiuniversities of the isesitiesides those w ihlotnell arid jPrlviaittaiss I'li-nuibttersdoesitot inld prctc itits I isis spitengi tp Niill be takeni thirtsittte spingtvsaca- The ist f houcgamisi vesesally goodit Lig-It st lasgaie re as- tngs, Fancy Vist atadI Golf saudiiencei a -e la ingofhitsimariesvaMasonic Banquet. sirest isrsAlists b-riesi es t5 a possibil- Trotiserings. We invite - ou ti isisenioe. ioroe ftietcoes thye t ttti11u ie i t pst sy iiii lv ls l e ralsrctisir si-ln Sa iiit di st P etgiis riteehltettins uilt ii si ft h Lsi I sti it ii ity t he ddstas cutth Coreltbe badplrusts s it hu uit s cairevisonilse tr. alrotes il 5tiii'it lit-itt- a iii sistuirtrus ty invvig gaises oir sltevietnsrussing it-esHurea tutitr's hl ThiNorth-prtniy o se thJiJj "TSelv vIct b oi lhis viiA slt isis uttlt t iv eIt ev eri yir i a s te e-ig aituvieuthome g sisitisfth stluner rnsteirriss in est i n e vveryvvpartiusarPasthisgetr etrCiao(2,Wsosn li onc cul h n lngr esraiedan olsco mites pit ed inissi eii os-ityrearitbavsitallieatied mretyhian rootbalt il . Q C ~ O)S . tes nr ity yl ras vi.'a-oslsttgusen I sltin itthei i arngements. Preceintis itftll rid theures ntvie er stvr inibase- far_____________prog___________ ris tn hi s Cztt urn lkdst'rasairIyaalsc t this ibaisnrvu ta scal time trillb byt ait hlt promiseiiiito 5rut ir a balanee irn PRECRPTINS Stusiu andsi terary-ixerissthaxvitt-beetn its tatvor ar tire end at Junev cee hc a rvidredtfor teoceesione. FollowringT hereiv illi 1be a gastir ithIlillinois FILLED Wexhartent-mfir e iidltr iteS Gnewi italsoh ihreibisquet toastsitill be reatianstedsto is l te 33rth orMlaybiutirhe placee is recisetnieo tr trr ia rd ~ il~tlyb atris tmimbirs at tireetlubbuies ti yetiici dvvdsI i twilt pr obsably-be Ainaurrgurted a meni of the city and promrientimeiers layesriat De riasin rsiipair. Tire inorteTire solisitristiers hitssBlanchi Un t alat sfsatlts dLenrodya lsotim orindit vtiasthetr all bren gamrevihangsgrs ALL strer and are Sfit, ii nut sis vet--ia -i UsrlsIri rsi i utvi r ~i ns at t rpt r rl i s un siteso H U RS prepraed t - 1illiI earnsitly dsiredii tshitll membrrertsitf chtncs- pre arit sirnd sirsclubbespresent.ra is tire aetirle : oi U S nrdersi foridru vs tretmonrut issr Dutied hsare vAlvrt t tupril 14-irishairisatiBBoomingitoni. at artltreats. inasrkablycleirtistreet soritrano n dtihtlist Varsittl Ctubg at Ypsilarti.ii-Iioisot, higisi repud _ ii e loivit. Studetvstwthtudiii nutit a r an itipir- i a tss Wilder's Pharmacy t evealle rllit Iiisr rslioirisressvUpoindsing i 55P tttvNisci t idi. With ec aus. Brlithlist lee, hyBis hireand 3lIa i) frti t ut _____________________________________________ litliiirBesutiit fl Fve rr re irat Srhsebrie ra t nI sinlls it (tint) beow doin ubs heretin tt i-it- itaig , Si lt shHEuOdi goetoiurpsilantut taridar listhlitIPt s irs liv li-lit i-ill -stlt'-i Nun Uuiiie -- boys. and owi reir readyitwithti}d - rsiy '? -B li t-ue 1 r RELIABLE atlleireUNCHS Ca- r-'rrvrS A tSl~iisGiATrY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. -strut truone Siiti-tsiirustn P-sriuiisuti Air. Arthurt Pryor. it Slavoic.iuutauuev. Nit?......tDorakl sm lgistgrate progastirs il hterei N1 its-I Pssie- lsits Inii ii -s-i slt- iHall. ()tote 'aisnail us-- so patrstiessuaeseers c9- 14- -Nsorthsssesuel -Chtiesagoasi -1tti1tols sit Ahror- tII ittt is Danceiir\ oy. 6P -... t[>rzllt55 I tti titUlt ct K it ti l c r tr -v-- ._at cal5 -i ISitprinoSsdto-- Villas ele .. e ly-. '-hit hivttbefo tre t ipretoru antt i eat siu es7vs ;. t 5-11n~ a -~g .ars fhsuret un t s -Petir terte I i a- o (ust l isuhususus (Irvfi nld . srt st tiiit5 1 -i P t i t Annhrbt h oe. Ptc li Stagg Signs Contract. 5 Gse =Ith acailt. A edical 3 u2st8 ht utt-isli suihsh srse e~Uun hu ivanoaa hdephian. I " tdo eU tCtint (nt v)...... ilst ito tsarwithuts iiasgot s ssigrrest 1 inntn (lc u dcie . Dictionary (;tlsn(ue-)- gJunreits tuth ee itsituh iiChrisug a:N t tus sn ithurtsor hive. 1=voln tl-uiaurn hun rus. lcl s h sirshe yerfus lis n g, t it hesu riss insAht ,--Co ru ell m th Alm P rin bh oe. ci IctaBtkInhrhuruntrunr Dtroitun ari sirediscretionr of (- i it it s iihnteh PtDra o \ il-r"ae usns tl rsrHamm lustrsu Thsahir e ticuassociationss sues_____ ton ptut e risesi,, ereipts evernly-,bPt Asutb l try.a intwit ,,urstsunesuern erCopeeOratorical Preliminaries. Ch-icag sti s to ibiutltnv-d $huu fradIn tnt r te iie r wstarraeefr.ruut i rjec- si I o-ar hisdpingtitouitseI i rsting uexpenvnses o uram ,a d tot-iIhurd ls si gn~ tesd up a-couractues ri Neen bei n andishorts i nue--teros glit s ameutitiensesfr h e irngamr t h y eavisits bi r chn Mtasruths Nus.eest rcuti h CALKI N S PHARMNRACY thiti wek dthersts easrprtnfnex nti ti olts v in Tr is n Iclatuss thoiigsane i nts ht:fbesom igeu wigt u ih urcednyedpumr of t reat girat ee-- ofI sure i t o' the05isir ting tago f russtrutditng a ryteamuto- usl itle- _______________________ (irs t o th 1 srrrr sh er Law cotesru u tte am.usurTh eoe vi n aoo met Is sitohvet- igit i m etirn-ect-ri rd- last-it s iti en el ntosctos e f thise maru nagem nti nilall dtindi 1 1s t tidse uslar shdeniticoldproaby tie aerangesd. tir iididtisntesstedni ay niht fur nih tire -r ournds. heidiss ay te rsir ects fo tr a dual indthise rmaininuelvierr usilcnrrst>1 This nt, n rs sri i rtusunyru nsu t eredi meitt \\tiny truths eien arev rnt trit. Ni-- thusatrno. Si fthre Isrety-o n it .ra r son rt r go ue tlthss elay wu s ur uttort- are' stnt hits eni n erogress tWA E S rustswilus hi o vsntotsun halrt itshuncsusend by Chris-sgi-utsing atrutaut-r--ho runt arun.Initving iesosowi that itvmay- regr un r trureim nr telbInuitr y . hu nis rted nithtin i i t utrn shulrrtl- '-tu eosible Itc irt-tiera- meel Ion ights ihs Jurnor Lawswsill hltstthere sir nuttric a sxcets(inun s h sslensti sei.T hlitdifictsynt itstcausediby -. ..GOING AT .. . . irii nary -us Cars- seuree RootmiG.( Citsgut ist li usrun ree. Pituiug n this mnyssruartnte s tidiffev rPeeteens sri 7 :30. usas nt lsiintou Iemisue sisy- such r an thistwoliii rsitittie>. ut tue ahe rngemernt. Tlis dotes notimsearn thtin t hr~iieus>Iavrn trpe fsltuccess. SWashington's Birthdah Celebrations MPuintsurwssilplay in Cicagosn annhse hilt hitsarranugemntrs finertse Wasshr- (linste" urn iiurns t s hrs~ ie wsouln ot01Sororittl Parties. 1L 1 F ururvM nons Butirtssay celebrautionr by the tlaw bnhrsenlunt toiciaso. Te hits Ph i SohrsrnI sity ilgive a vi casunsinaUrrniesity Hall tmorrow, sdancu iinprtisins atraner scdamny iaha e raencomplinetecd. Tire exerises willi Invitation. tuns evernrr hing.Abut o S ins iviiosluau-a eaommaenee prot~lty lat 2305P in e. Tir eI fIn cultniessarid stuntns of otribeen srutestfrtthuseverut. 'ITomorrow iprogramn wilt be opensed lay seleetionas by despartmntrssunarecrdially invsihedi no al- eveninneconleiasse Sorosrois-wilivgle a tine Glee asnad Banaja clubhs. Follaowinug tendn this PPashington Bierihday exercises- rieepthorn at thirtchater hrouse asn these ax. C.S. Senrator JoinslR. Battan A ~ S will delixer tine address of tire day on InUssvenruity rail, tomourrowe aftersnioo tn..uison stretin n cor afthtisu fresh- ___thresuject, "Tire Republic-Ins Grandc- Committunee of thse Law Classes, ruincssts