She ( " ( A i,,.- / 4- VOL. X. W yILD T T NFine Fall and Winter H E Suitrings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T .+IA We Carry the Largest A Stock L In the City. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. Q R R WIL D BEFORE YOU BUY DISSECTING CASES sets nred.iss t td o po etc $ s200f oly wattd WLDE'g 336 Soutb State Street. THE OLD FrSevlwekt:s e,0;ntv RELIAB LE ( AZ ln fTAN(O EO.(it PI'Ptof-3 Ai- IALoPYl1. R. E. JOLLY &CO. .ee.cea+es+a*+*.4-tttel DISSECTING SETS. ec 4 ( niipleie sets, part of set T or siiigle istl Itiflit. \\'e * iT thtink oe have exacty wihtat s yo we iant ani we know ot the pices are righit. Or 4 ease0ls for ive oinstritenilt ent nal o v ee rottetlill) a-2 cordinotg to otgestions [toronti Dr. Ynzy.e SCATKINS. STATE STREET. T TEXT BOOKS For all De partments, Lawo and(1Medicali Itoiks Bting in yoiur old bees for ex chtatnge. College Statiotnery antd Blank Books, all price. Writinog by the pottd at 15, 20 and 25. Make our stores yur headqaters WAHR'S Two Stores, DOWN TOWN, UN V. BOOKSTORE, Opp.( ourt Houe S: Stat ht. Mao St. VNN fiBll , M121,FRIDAY, OCTIMEl6,(3,99. No. 11 S. L ACOURSE. Extra Numlb r Pobable-Seeral Disttnqaished Vsitors. nescr. ete c calic-o clo uolalst yer ihe board wosanc o carotontcne wit h mi otthe p troseofecringoCOtcseveiloof themoorootoohecorethitsyear 1rtstot temodidt sot retlyoty atll o taootedtat tiocy ver Otto I Ic tocooe t-'tItos 0000 oere tforhiotot01th ootped Idtecoe motto-up totoot 1,00t t. too ent hw co-r, lttersNc ere rkcico-ooom 0000fouritot teeen,0sttng that teyc toPt tc- o cept thte invotoitatott-toe1o-rot toole are otttonubil't 00000 tootjo t. tow-to 5 - ofem acm-r-0-sptcootllye promintttttbeoter the Arnnanpro,.To o totooo.too owhichtomaokesot0000100000000toth0100000too tonim ooe t~otAnAro s Ottthe ttto-c tot Chiclagootnet Wor--oteylitilootlotteit thot celebratto, 000001x%0ill solt ofhre,-- it not onthitcrwor-orotm-Newoor k ototo Chicago, ono te rtrtipo.10it is00000 extpe-tcttiot leatttst oeoftortnt t-oo o accrompnyttymnsGag c.mlttappearton 00 thesameoigt.o Tt h ttntmeso ot tctc me lnoott01b000 odivoltedtountilottot toot 0m00m00t. t10in suticttoto sa th: covry aitootostyan toottinothe ltUtnitedt Staotes 00outoi, h routoo to citorLoin towitOtbetotendorotd0ttemtotd onlytthoseo~ regentoo to tlts toot tot-toortort ftoth010-. 1.,Aorwillhadmtitte-d. Varatyt Scores One woithoutt ttentot yeserdy ate0 iotoo. lThi alt csoclvteoobahoto tno forthhbetoecooteto oorotyo inetofto the VaricyandColege teams, lot 000000 tii iasplye ote hallt i higho. tFinlly ocot e ol1Igth It-- tol legh otf o o oottheloti ~~ -) .atot- ton Tehll loten ;M 'oI h tooo1 g ootoloo.t 0000iIty .-adlnD ohey werc:OttotltictoorAi vr 'l tubigon the tpart o1'olltas The Wash eseot out t rr se Large t,'ntds .sot- totct~st Torat isto-- 01atcy ottitlsOtshte-- na ountyoo.Fattt oothetheetoocto- ooda stat;'00 100000l0wns,01 t t 0 - teud'anc th -0ev 00000e0 teterhoot fatrentht tow lose i loo otethe 000000to hi tr nothe Ibusi-o t l t - to---it tc-firt houttt hIto tooto too too etx stoto taninct vot ath toot cciarcitysuallytfoilltt soot1itott tee t n so me t veit 00000 go o vegthave dbepnysnhotlottTtootsmcaford ee tootocc 000troto c totents iave ienot cthe faro coper0 tay. ytst o ti hemorocoth not iteretron re stok ottryotro istorosoesciallyYteoaytwten lthae and thec :Ia tit A foota-ligme hetooentite ongot Scoaltand Categ teanms oct00as e afetore The Mass Meetinq Tonight. toetoossnmoeeting tonigotto-to misc - to tob ote o on ouoalteroest.0 Toe mai- tomet a expede co-eo- ettort to, motor i1 suc-essftul.rhco- hasvc trovtrot- cd musctantd otteohers on tort oson,0a-010 have mnoade ottltpossibty 000 otoeon 0015 fnt the acomoo datoionoofo the crtoowd Motofe the 500001itoes tove pomisnoed too ottoesotina odyoototdotm00y00ltdioucot- sidteot theo s oilhoetpresent. The msoototwi00ottbe pros-toed b he t o-.0 oof Itahnd, andtiht ot=leooCltbooitt sitg severtat numbs.b o The tolotttonbg losto loot ot thc opeahoerstorte occasitoonot PoftenoorsA. H. PatengoltAndocec Mcauglint Vice t-totLae, FFirolay Johon andoo Tto homasttC.0Trot-bloond. too Plo-tiog CIorrotc 0-lodtetot-ieis, tta0;iSeretaryc c awteots o the hica-l toooAlumni s -oitisnon Catain St10 ie PresidentAoo,oDayond00010 0100 Professor Wenlecy on Press Crfticaem. ParofesorocWeley intormsouto tocloe hato learnecd sevroal inte-resting tbitten tfro the polit ictusionofiothOis tSunt- cloy's addretoss. 01 tthe tiotrance of to- pot-no tomnchtatoe pofoontd thoaoo Ito htatd imtatgined.Fatncy a wocttr-cpre- to tootiot. too pass jodginottos on the Sutao .At 000000 sitnattion00000is so iltl-infotomcd as too suposoc Itat rtoOrtn n thc Tranoostol atet.toreign owersctoo eachto ttr o inte 0-toot-nse oroho ly as ('fea tlttinatodtR100000.0000n~ to tticaiontg agrot 0 000010000,.his tonit cousOins that the Sootch 10haodi-sloegot 00000 otO .hcot toe teoo0000 se 00- tttinptt- roetra 0 sohoc in 0000 wortld. lHt otO nn touo ttothat teunorotunteSots01000,0- otooc 0000000ty-tooc torenot hbcoot tore - 0-0000 td by otrosof 000Otlot 050 0.000ott amty, woive,0cchoott to ttee ct loosea aototooiotttor ofthtreaotenintg IL- to to-,lolo it-toa,- shitsco l l~t~ o 00000 1000goit pove00 islotstn0000000000's0tot o tot lo 000 100000 OttO UW i$ls0 0i01e0stima0ly01elpOtto po-'hscn 1 jo',1"iofocootso, efietti o TILLMAN IS COMING- Good Government Club Annowe, Its Lectres For the C.omng earY Thaot the studelntos ottthoetuntvs i tya Mihoigatn tre to bheospci alty 00010 Ores cot in the maotter t noof lc teture to yeare, seems nworaost-ttoccor-n etuiton. The exccotitoo-ccoontt,> thod 0000v(eretont Ctubtowhoc , boesn at 0Nvok0uponthe- annu-ot 0.-tuorc counrne tobeghen s tiooder the otaettpic fs- ofite cloth, gcvout10111itinototoottn-toor las anoight.Figtotmtot too-o Ott-ot so-er- sujcsalotworetoar- 00-1 tkown0Oi0,z- theto'0000i000 corces, someo co--to ir attai aional 001000Ianot toterntonalre ptttions.ITheseroes, togetheroo owits ltose-secured hy thoeStudets' L cItxt 000socration altt]those to o t willo orot < underothe ii,-0000-tofto v-ariotos0othe t citootto totie.- 0000pobably 1he -it deof ottteeicctt Fo-derationo' - bor;-oanoi Senttetioa otr o 11a i T 010an.of Soutth Catolitna. oThe-sothjects anoodttes haveot- 00a: enotireleytotd-rooo"-ie00100000 05 y ithoot o000 totfthe ae s tiled (oot monopolies1010 and iooi ttostro-ol 0;n - tooosooifor-sohe Totitooi tor .t ; 131ot~ oh too tto IotyotI 00000.0 p0 oftiSto N100000 om o C11z., r trooth-it ot-- t 't h t~~ fLl cool-tai i!ltrz n31i ~ro; . 10)S to 000 0010 000 Ito tttoInll too-coos - Ojo i!to)000?001 O ot 01iti 't ~~t2 ''l ls to 't I yo ii!\ ront-oi. vlot - - - rY Ott is o t lt footlo I ct- b ponhit 5 0000me o to o , ofoothot boor li SilOol t 'tttttt t is kl o b 'ie f. otasiotooo S 0cci o tlt irsitoohaoot bol 0 Oo Itoltointhe', uti. 000.00r tc'litog moos onbt dt totbtloToil 1'Otttlu hooattvo bo.-rsable to ttT tooI tis- to n - 00100 otoi.e, oad 10to ot i . oto It1- 0 to r alo t Ot it - ctLOs itoco1 tit o t 0 0: ot u etdcr osed theotoontor -inrotloclit ol sotoo